John Day Fossil Beds
Floating in a Stream of Time
An Administrative History of John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
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Appendix D:

Employee NamePosition Dates of Service
at John Day Fossil Beds

(as of May 22, 1996)
Albin, AltonMaintenance Worker1978 to 1984
Behrens, GregMaintenance Worker (Mechanic)1984 to 1985
Berry, RonaldAdminstrative Officer1987 to 1988
Bohanen, W.C.Chief of Maintenance1978 to 1980
Bruce, Thomas M.Maintenance Worker04/88 to Present
Cahill, Kelly E.Museum Technician (General)12/94 to Present
Administrative Officer10/94 to 12/94
Administrative Support Assitant7/89 to 10/94
DeRoos, Donald L.Maintenance Worker06/85 to Present
Dopiriak, RobertPark Ranger1982 to 1987
Evans, CamilleMuseum Technician6/90 to 12/94
Fiedor, John F.Chief of Interpretation10/92 to Present
Fremd, Theodore J.Museum Curator (Paleontology)07/84 to Present
Frisinger, Gerald P.Chief of Maintenance08/94 to Present
Greenfield, AndrewForestry Technician09/91 to Present
Hammett, James F.Park Manager07/94 to Present
Hampton, DonaldMaintenance Worker1986 to 1988
Holm, Wayne L.Park Ranger09/91 to Present
Kelsay, DorisAdministrative Services Assistant1977 to 1984
Knipper, CarolPark Ranger (LE)1988 to 1990
Kocis, FrancisChief Ranger1978 to 1984
Ladd, BenjaminSuperintendent09/75 to 11/93
Laing, John G.Park Ranger04/90 to Present
Larange, Richard H.Maintenance Worker1977 to 1978
Long, AlMaintenance Worker1978 to 1979
Mack, JimChief of Interpretation1981 to 1982, 1984
Milliren, PatriciaPark Ranger (Interpretation)1978 to 1980
Morris, JamesChief Ranger07/94 to 02/95
Superintendent10/93 to 07/94
Chief Ranger12/91 to 09/93
Acting Superintdent07/91 to 11/91
Chief Ranger06/84 to 06/91
Chief, Interpretation/Management Asst.01/84 to 05/84
O'Neal, Danny J.Maintenance Worker11/89 to Present
Phillips, JoyOffice Automation Clerk1992 to 1994
Rummele, Laura H.Administrative Officer04/95 to Present
Rummele, GeorgeChief Ranger04/95 to Present
Schmidt, DalePark Ranger1979 to 1981
Schrader, StephenPark Ranger1976 to 1978
Sikoryak, KimInterpretation1979 to 1988
Snyder, MikiAdministrative Services Assistant1985 to 1986
Tanski, Henry M.Park Ranger05/88 to Present
Till, KenResource Management Specialist01/92 to 08/95
Trodahl, RobertChief of Maintenance1981 to 1984
Valade, Gwen C.Laborer04/89 to Present
Vogel, DonaldResource Management1986 to 1988
Willey, JeanClerk1977 to 1990

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Last Updated: 30-Apr-2002