APPENDIX 13: A checklist of early Oligocene (Orellan) fossils in the lower John Day Formation, Clarno area EQUISETALES (horsetails) Equisetum sp.: stem (horsetail)CONIFERALES (conifers) Keteleeria sp.: cone (keteleeria)Metasequoia occidentalis (Newberry) Chaney: foliar shoots (dawn redwood) Torreya sp.: needles (nutmeg tree) Pinus sp.: winged seed (pine) Coniferales gen. et sp. indet: wood (conifer) - Micay MONOCOTYLEDONAE (grasses, reeds) Monocotyledonae gen. et sp. indet.: leaf (broadleaf reed)LAURACEAE (laurels) Cinnamomophyllum bendirei (Knowlton) Wolfe: leaf (extinct laurel)Cinnamomophyllum sp.: leaf (extinct laurel) BERBERIDACEAE (barberry family) Mahonia simplex (Newberry) Brown: leaf (Oregon grape)CERCIDIPHYLLACEAE (katsura) Cercidiphyllum crenatum (Unger) Brown: leaves, pods (extinct katsura)BETULACEAE (birches) Alnus heterodonta (Newberry) Meyer & Manchester: leaves (lobed alder)Alnus hollandiana Jennings emend. Klucking: leaves (toothed alder) Paracarpinus chaneyi Manchester & Crane: leaves, fruits (as Asterocarpinus perplexans Manchester & Crane) (extinct hornbeam) FAGACEAE (oaks and beeches) Quercus sp. indet.: acorns (oak)TILIACEAE (lindens and basswoods) Craigia oregonensis (Arnold) Kvacek, Buzek & Manchester: fruit (Chinese linden)Plafkeria obliquifolia (Chaney) Wolfe: leaves (extinct linden) "Tilia" circularis (Chaney) Manchester & Meyer: leaf (extinct filmy-leaved linden) Tilia pedunculata Chaney: leaf (extinct basswood) Tilia sp. indet.: leaves (extinct basswood) STERCULIACEAE (cocoa family) Florissantia speirii (Lesquereux) Manchester: flowers (extinct malvalean)ROSACEAE (roses) Crataegus merriami (Knowlton) Meyer & Manchester: leaf (hawthorn)Rubus sp. indet.: leaf (raspberry) SAXIFRAGACEAE (saxifrages and hydrangeas) Hydrangea florissanti Cockerell: flower (extinct hydrangea)Ribes sp. indet.: leaves (currants) LEGUMINOSAE (pea family) Cercis sp. indet.: pod (redbud)LYTHRACEAE (henna family) Decodon sp. indet.: leaves (water willow)CORNACEAE (dogwoods) Aucuba sp. indet. leaves (Japanese laurel)Cornus sp. indet.: leaves (dogwood) ICACINACEAE (icacina vines) Palaeophytocrene sp. indet.: fruit (extinct icanina vine)HIPPOCASTANACEAE (horse chestnuts) Aesculus sp. indet.: leaf (horse chestnut)ACERACEAE (maples) Acer kluckingi Wolfe & Tanai: leaf (five-lobed maple)Acer osmonti Knowlton: leaf, samara (broadleaf maple) Acer manchesteri Wolfe & Tanai: leaf, samara (sycamorelike maple) ANACARDIACEAE (cashew family) Rhus sp. indet.: leaves (sumac)Toxicodendron sp. indet.: leaves (poison oak) JUGLANDACEAE (walnuts) Juglans sp.: leaflets (walnut)TRICHOPTERA (caddis flies) Folindusia sp.: case (caddis fly case of redwood needles)PISCES (fish) Nuvumbra oregonensis Cavender: fish (mud minnow)Note: Source of species names is Brown (1959), Wolfe and Tanai (1987), Manchester and Meyer (1987), Manchester (1992), Meyer and Manchester (1994).
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