Tourism in Katmai Country
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1Public Law No. 235, 64th Congress, as noted in Horace M. Albright, as told to Robert Cahn, The Birth of the National Park Service (Salt Lake City, Howe Brothers, 1985), 44.

2Quoted in Peter J. Blodgett, "Striking a Balance: Managing Concessions in the National Parks, 1916-1933," Forest and Conservation History 34 (April, 1990), 61.

3Blodgett, "Striking a Balance," 60-61; Albright and Cahn, The Birth of the National Park Service, 28, 46-48.

4Albright and Cahn, The Birth of the National Park Service, 46; Blodgett, "Striking a Balance," 62.

5"History of the Concessions Policy Act (Public Law 89-249)," and Don Hummell, "The Concession System in National Parks," both in ARO-OC files.

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Last Updated: 13-Oct-2004