Tourism in Katmai Country
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1Herbert Maier [Acting RD, Region Four] to Supt. MOMC, February 9, 1953, in "C38 - Concessions Contracts & Permits, KATM, 1949-1966" file, ARO-OC.

2Louis R. Huber, "Cataclysm," Alaska Sportsman 17 (May 1951), 23.

3Grant H. Pearson [Supt. MOMC] to RD, Region Four, April 24, 1951, at KATM.

4Grant Pearson [Supt. MOMC] to Lawrence C. Merriam [RD, Region Four], May 1, 1953, at KATM; Petersen interview, April 17, 1991.

5NPS, "Concessioner Annual Financial Report," 1970-1975, in C30 File, ARO-OC; Petersen interview, August 9, 1990.

6Elsie May Bell Grosvenor, "Alaska's Warmer Side," 753; Johnson, "Alaskan Fliers," 7; Gruening, "Lonely Wonders of Katmai," 820.

7Robert L. Peterson [Management Assistant, AAO] to file, January 27, 1975, in "C-2823, Concessions Contracts & Permits - General Correspondence, 1968-1977" file, ARO-OC; "Katmai Exploring, Fishing...On Your Own or on a Tour," Sunset 154 (June 1975), 38; Wayne Anthony Ross to Gary Everhardt [Director NPS], December 16, 1976, in "Wien Air Alaska, Inc., 1973-1978" file, ARO-OC; NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report, KATM, 1979," 3; NPS, "Concessioner Annual Financial Report," 1979, Schedule I.

8Alaska [advertisement], March 1971, 64 and May 1977, 71; Alaska Travel Publications, Exploring Katmai National Monument and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 26.

9Petersen interview, August 9, 1990. Also note the following ads in Alaska Magazine: March 1974, 55; March 1975, 60; January 1977, 56. White's last ad was run in June 1977.

10Raymond F. Petersen, interview by Frank Norris, December 19, 1991.

11NPS, "Concessioner Annual Financial Report," 1980, Schedule I; David K. Morris to Randall Day, n.d. [c. January 1982]; both in File C30, "Concessioner's Annual Financial Report, Wien Air Alaska, 1976, 1978-1982," ARO-OC; NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report, KATM, 1982," 2.

12[WAA], "1982 Lodge Prices," Katmai Concessions Contract History binders, ARO-OC; Team Captain, KATM General Management Plan, "Alagnak River Trip Report," 1982, KATM files.

13NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report, KATM, 1983," 4, 9, 10; Ibid., 1984, [2]; Ibid., 1985, 1, 5; Frank and Penny Starr, "End of the Season Report, 1985," KATM; "Alaska Fishing and Wilderness Adventures" CUL File, ARO-OC; Petersen interview, August 9, 1990, April 17, 1991, and December 19, 1991.

14NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report, KATM, 1986," 4; "Katmailand" CUL file, ARO-OC.

15NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report, KATM, 1985," 1; Hal Grovert [Acting Supt. KATM] to Raymond F. Petersen, November 9, 1987, in "Katmai Concessions Contract History" binders, ARO-OC; "Alaska's Battle River Wilderness Retreat" brochure, 1988; same, CUL File, ARO-OC.

16G.L. Collins to Regional Director, Region Four, in RG 79, Box 311, File 201, NARA San Bruno; Louis R. Huber, "Flight to Katmai," Alaska Sportsman 17 (April 1951), 40; Edwin W. Seiler to Grant Pearson, February 9, 1952, at KATM; Gruening, "Lonely Wonders of Katmai," 812-820; Edwin Seiler to John Cook, June 14, 1979, in CUL file, ARO-OC; Raymond F. Petersen, interview by Frank Norris, December 19, 1991.

17Edwin M. Seiler to BLM, January 8, 1973 and John Merrick, BLM to Edwin Seiler, January 23, 1973; both in BLM File AA 008301, Alaska State Office, Anchorage.

18John Merrick, BLM to Edwin Seiler, January 23, 1973, in BLM File AA 008301; Alaska Travel Publications, Exploring Katmai National Monument and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 41; David Morris, interview by William Hanable, November 2, 1989, 6.

19Rebecca L. Kaiser to Enchanted Lake Lodge, June 10, 1986, and "Application for [NPS] Business License," n.d. [1980?]; both in CUL File, ARO-OC.

20John Merrick, BLM to Edwin Seiler, January 23, 1973; Case File Abstract; both in File AA 008301, Alaska State Office, BLM, Anchorage; NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report, KATM, 1982," 2, 8; Special Use Permit File CX9820-2-009, in CUL file, ARO-OC.

21NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report, KATM, 1983," 4; Ibid., 1984, 5; Edwin Seiler to Supt. KATM, February 22, 1984, in CUL file, ARO-OC.

22Case File Abstract, File AA 002615, Alaska State Office, BLM, Anchorage; New York Times, January 21, 1969, 1.

23T.G. Bingham [Chief, Division of Lands and Mineral Program Management] to "Supt., NPS, Alaska Field Office," April 20, 1970; Pete Cizmich to Case File, July 22, 1970; both in File AA 002615, Alaska State Office, BLM.

24Pete Cizmich to Case File, July 22, 1970; oblique aerial photograph, taken September 22, 1970; both in File AA 002615.

25Alaska, March 1971, 68.

26John E. Lawrence, "to whom it may concern," September 24, 1971; Jon A. Johnson [Realty Specialist] to Case File, February 28, 1973; both in File AA 002615; Alaska Travel Publications, Exploring Katmai National Monument and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 41.

27"Application to Purchase Headquarters Site," November 8, 1971, in File AA002615; Alaska Travel Publications, Exploring Katmai National Monument and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 41.

28The last such advertisement in Alaska Magazine took place in January 1974 [p. 55]. The "privately owned fishing lodge" was also noted in Alaska Travel Publications' 1974 book, but the research probably took place before January 1974.

29Garey E. Coatney [Chief, ARO-OL] to Supt. KATM, December 14, 1988, in File L3415, ARO-OL.

30Subsequent Public Land Orders withdrawing land at the site took place in 1944, 1945, and 1946. Historical Index, T17S, R43W, Seward Meridian.

31Lt. Col. Ernest B. Walters, USAF, to Regional Administrator, BLM, May 29, 1949; Charles P. Mead to Acting Director, Alaska State Office, BLM, October 23, 1986, in Case File A 023000, Alaska State Office, BLM, Anchorage; Supt. KATM to RD, ARO, July 6, 1981, in File L-30, ARO-OL.

32"Recreation Camp, Naknek" (map), March 8, 1949, based on World Aeronautical Chart No. 136 and local sources of information, in Case File AO 23000, Alaska State Office, BLM, Anchorage.

33John A. Hussey, Embattled Katmai: A History of Katmai National Monument, 425; Alaska Travel Publications, Exploring Katmai National Monument and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 77; Sanford Hill [ARD, Region Four] to Director, NPS, September 25, 1951, at KATM; BLM, "USS 5712, Alaska," December 18, 1972 in File L3415, ARO-OL.

34NPS, "A Master Plan, Katmai National Monument, Alaska" (preliminary working draft), August 1971, 36; Gilbert E. Blinn, interview by William Hanable, August 26, 1988, 16.

35U.S. Air Force, History of the Alaskan Air Command, 1 July 1974-30 June 1975 (Anchorage, the author, February 19, 1976), 84-85.

36U.S. Air Force, History of the Alaskan Air Command, 1 July 1975-31 December 1975 (Anchorage, the author, 1976), 38; Ibid. for 1 January 1976-31 December 1976, 170-71.

37G. Frank Williss, "Do Things Right the First Time": The National Park Service and the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (Denver?, NPS, September 1985), 217-218; David K. Morris [Supt. KATM] to RD, ARO, July 6, 1981.

38Sandra C. Thomas [Chief, Withdrawal Section, BLM] to David A. LaMore [Chief, Management and Disposal Branch, Real Estate Division, Dept. of the Army, U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska], September 11, 1987; Sue Wolf [Chief, Branch of Land Resources, BLM] to David A. LaMore, November 20, 1987; both in File L3415, ARO-OL; David K. Morris, Supt. KATM to RD, ARO, July 6, 1981; Garey E. Coatney [Chief, ARO-OL] to Supt. KATM, December 14, 1988, in File L3415, ARO-OL.

39Garey E. Coatney [Chief, ARO-OL] to Supt. KATM, December 14, 1988, in File L3415, ARO-OL.

40David K. Morris [Supt. KATM] to RD, ARO, July 6, 1981; Garey E. Coatney [Chief, ARO-OL] to Supt. KATM, December 14, 1988; both in File L3415, ARO-OL.

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