Legacy of the Gold Rush:
An Administrative History of Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
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AAO - Alaska Area Office, Anchorage (NPS acronym, 1975-1980)
AB - Arctic Brotherhood
ACHP - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
AEC - Atomic Energy Commission
AHC - Administrative History Collection
AKSO - Alaska System Support Office, Anchorage (NPS acronym, 1995-present)
ALCAN - Aluminum Company of Canada
ALCOA - Aluminum Company of America
ANHA - Alaska Natural History Association
ANILCA - Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
AP&T - Alaska Power and Telephone (Skagway)
APA - Alaska Power Authority
AR&T - Alaska Railroad and Transportation (Company)
ARC - Alaska Road Commission
ARD - Associate Regional Director (NPS)
ARO - Alaska Regional Office, Anchorage (NPS acronym, 1980-1995)
ASA - Alaska State Archives
BLM - Bureau of Land Management
CES - Canadian Environmental Services, Ltd.
CF - Correspondence File (part of Administrative History Collection)
CNR - Canadian National Railway
COSEP - Career Oriented Student Employment Program (Canada)
CPR - Canadian Pacific Railway
CPSU - Cooperative Park Studies Unit (NPS-university research unit)
CR&T - Chilkoot Railroad and Transport (Company)
CTHC - Chilkoot Trail History Construction (file name)
CUL - Commercial Use License
CVB - Convention and Visitors Bureau (Skagway)
DCP - Development Concept Plan
DED - (Alaska) Department of Economic Development
DES - Draft Environmental Statement
DKT - Dyea-Klondike Transportation (Company)
DNR - (Alaska) Department of Natural Resources
DSC - Denver Service Center (NPS)
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EL - Lands Division office, NPS
ES - Environmental Statement
FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FES - Final Environmental Statement
FTE - full-time equivalent
FY - fiscal year
GIS - geographic information system
GLBA - Glacier Bay National Monument (NPS acronym)
GMP - General Management Plan
GPO - Government Printing Office
GSA - General Services Administration
HABS - Historic American Buildings Survey
HAER - Historic American Engineering Record
HB - (Alaska) House Bill
HDC - Historic District Commission (Skagway)
HFC - Harpers Ferry Center (NPS)
HL&P - Haines Light and Power
HOST - Helping Our State's Students
HSAC - Historic Sites Advisory Committee
HSMBC - Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
HSR - Historic Structure Report
I&RM - Interpretation and Resource Management
I&VS - Interpretation and Visitor Services
JIO - Joint Information Office (NPS-USFS, Seattle)
KGRIAC - Klondike Gold Rush International Advisory Committee
KGRNHP - Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
KLGO - Klondike Gold Rush NHP, Alaska units (post-1980 NPS acronym)
KLGR - Klondike Gold Rush NHP, Alaska and Seattle units (acronym until 1980)
KLSE - Klondike Gold Rush NHP, Seattle Unit (post-1980 acronym)
LCC - Lynn Canal Conservation
LCP - Limited Commercial Permit
M&O - Management and Operations
MF - Microfilm
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
NARA - National Archives and Records Administration
NBA - National Bank of Alaska
NHL - National Historic Landmark
NHP - National Historical Park
NHPA - National Historic Preservation Act
NHSB - National Historic Sites Branch (Canada)
NHSS - National Historic Sites Service (Canada)
NPF - National Park Foundation
NPS - National Park Service
NRHP - National Register of Historic Places
NSHSB - National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings
NTHP - National Trust for Historic Preservation
OAHP - Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
ONPS - NPS operations budget
OSI - Office of the Secretary of Interior
PBS - Public Broadcasting System
PC - Print Collection
P.L. - Public Law
PLO - Public Land Order
PNNPA - Pacific Northwest National Parks Association
PNRO - Pacific Northwest Regional Office (NPS), Seattle
PSA - Pioneer Square Association
PSHSB - Pioneer Square Historic Preservation Board
QMI - Quebec Metallurgical Industries
RCR - Cultural Resources Division (NPS acronym)
RD - Regional Director
RFP - Request for Proposals
RG - Record Group
RMP - Resource Management Plan
SAE - Systems Architects Engineers, Inc.
SAR - Superintendent's Annual Report
SB - (Alaska) Senate Bill
SC - Senior Curator, or Slide Collection
SHPO - State Historic Preservation Office
SSC - San Francisco Planning and Service Center (NPS acronym, 1966-69)
UAA - University of Alaska, Anchorage
UAF - University of Alaska, Fairbanks
U&EA - Urban and Environmental Affairs
UW - University of Washington
WAMCATS - Washington-to-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System
WASO - Washington, D.C. headquarters office (NPS)
WP&YR - White Pass and Yukon Route
WRO - Western Regional Office (NPS)
WSC - Western Service Center, San Francisco (NPS, 1969-1971)
Y&AA - (Alaska) Youth and Adult Authority
YCC - Youth Conservation Corps
YCI - Yukon Correctional Institute
YMCA - Young Men's Christian Association
YRCMC - Yukon Radio Control Modelers Club

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Last Updated: 24-Sep-2000