AUTHOR'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A large number of people contributed much to the preparation of this study. Thanks are extended to Suzanne Dockal and Wilda Kuzio who accomplished wonders in preparing and typing it. Sarah Jackson, at the National Archives, gave advice on and made available military documents. C. William Burk and Francis S. Landrum, Klamath Falls, took the time to guide me to Willow Creek, the scene of Captain Jack's surrender. Mr. Landrum, an ardent student of the geography and history of the Modoc War, also took the time to answer in detail a long list of questions. Several members of the Division of History, National Park Service, gave extensively of their knowledge. John Dishon McDermott and Don Rickey, Jr., gave me leads to valuable materials that contributed greatly. Frank B. Sarles, Jr., read the report and unearthed the all-too-many sins in style and grammar. James W. Sheire helped greatly by reading through volumes of newspapers, uncovering the dispatches of war-time correspondents. Thanks are extended too to Superintendent William J. Kennedy and Chief Naturalist Dale C. Thompson, Lava Beds National Monument, who gave freely of their time and made available the historical resources of the park. And my thanks also to E. F. Sullivan, Bureau of Reclamation, Sacramento, who made available many excellent maps of Tule Lake and the surrounding area, then and now. Despite this wealth of assistance, it was I who made the errors that may be found within. PUBLISHER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The publisher gratefully acknowledges the cooperation of the National Park Service in making this book possible.
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