Map 11. Modoc Surrender, May 17-June 2, 1873.
Surrender of Western Band
1. May 17, Captain Hasbrouck, with Troops B and G,
Battery B, and Warm Springs (See Map No. 9), marched from Big Sand
Butte to Van Brimmer's via Tickner Road. Met Captain Perry, with Troop
F, who was marching from Van Brimmer's south to Antelope Spring.
2. May 18, Hasbrouck rode south from Van Brimmer's
to meet Perry who was to ride north. Opposite Van Brimmer's Mountain
(Mount Dome), Hasbrouck struck Modocs' trail leading into hills to
west. He pursued with Troops B and G and Warm Springs. Due to
misunderstanding, Battery B continued south.
3. Hasbrouck pursued Modocs along Mahogany Mountain
until Indians scattered. Killed 5 and captured 9 Modocs, mostly women
and children. Returned to Van Brimmer's.
4. May 19, Hasbrouck led his command from Van
Brimmer's to Fairchild's.
5. Colonel Davis arrived at Fairchild's
temporary headquarters for the command.
6. May 20, Modocs indicated a desire to surrender.
May 22, 63 Modocs surrendered to Davis at Fairchild's. June 2, Major
Mason with 21st Infantry Battalion escorted prisoners-of-war from
Fairchild's to Peninsula camp.
Surrender of Eastern Band
1. May 29, 2d and 3d Squadrons moved from Peninsula
camp to Applegate's.
2. May 29, 2d and 3d Squadrons marched from
Applegate's to Willow Creek. Scouts had reported that Captain Jack's
band was on Willow Creek.
3. May 29, 2d Squadron on north bank of Willow Creek,
3d Squadron on south bank. Discovered Modocs. Boston Charley and 8
women surrendered. Rest fled north. Exact site of Modoc camp
4. May 30, 2d and 3d Squadrons struck Modoc trail
after descending into Langell Valley. Followed it toward northeast.
5. May 30, 2d and 3d Squadrons discovered Modocs in a
canyon (exact site unknown). Scarfaced Charley surrendered. Night of
May 30-31, troops camped on Lost River. May 31, returned to the canyon
where 31 Modocs surrendered. Captain Jack and a few others had fled
during night. May 31-June 1, 2d and 3d Squadrons patrolled large area
looking for Captain Jack.
6. May 31, 1st Squadron marched from Applegate's
patrolling mountains and upper Lost River.
7. June 1, 1st Squadron found Captain Jack's trail
leading back toward Willow Creek.
8. June 1, Perry with larger part of 1st Squadron
moved up north bank of Willow Creek. Trimble with rest of 1st Squadron
moved up south bank. Trimble discovered Captain Jack, who