Lake Roosevelt
Currents and Undercurrents
An Administrative History of Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
NPS Logo

LARO Superintendents
Claude E. Greider*
12/26/42 to 8/15/53
Hugh Peyton
8/13/53 to 1/31/58
Homer W. Robinson
2/10/58 to 12/30/66
Howard H. Chapman
2/27/67 to 10/22/67
David A. Richie
10/22/67 to 8/22/69
Wayne R. Howe
9/07/69 to 7/04/72
William N. Burgen
7/05/72 to 1/29/77
William W. Dunmire
1/30/77 to 2/07/81
Gary J. Kuiper
4/17/81 to 4/93
Gerald W. Tays
7/93 to 1996
Vaughn L. Baker
1996 to

* Greider's title until 1948 was Recreation Planner or Supervisor rather than Superintendent.

note: A list of LARO employees for the years 1941-2000, prepared for this project, is on file in the LARO archives.

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Last Updated: 22-Apr-2003