The Lewis and Clark Trail
A Proposal for Development
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This report is the culmination of a cooperative study which crossed political boundaries and enlisted assistance from the private, quasi-public, municipal, county, State and Federal components of our Nation.

Federal agencies that participated with the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Department of the Interior, in this study include: the National Park Service, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior; Forest Service, Department of Agriculture; Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense; Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Commerce; and the Smithsonian Institution.

State agencies contributing data for this study generally included those involved with parks, recreation, forests, fish, game, conservation, highways, industrial or economic development, publicity, and promotion. State historical societies also contributed.

Our thanks to the many individuals in those agencies and to those private citizens who contributed in some way to this study.

Photographs are by the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, National Park Service, and Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior; Forest Service, Department of Agriculture; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense; Smithsonian Institution; Fred Milkie Photographers, Seattle, Washington; Olander Studio; Iowa Development Commission; Kansas State Historical Society, Kansas Department of Economic Development; Missouri Conservation Commission and Resources Division; Montana Highway Commission; Nebraska Game Commission; North Dakota Game and Fish Department; Oregon State Highway Department; and the South Dakota State Highway Commission and Department of Game, Fish, and Parks. The portraits of Lewis and Clark on page 27, by Charles Willson Peale, were supplied to us from the Independence National Historical Park Collection. The pictures on page 98, of the Jefferson Presidential Medals, were taken by Jim Barker of Washington State University.

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Last Updated: 11-Jun-2012