From Neglected Space To Protected Place:
An Administrative History of Mojave National Preserve
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Ausmus, Bob. East Mojave Diary. Tales of the Mojave Road #16. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1989.

Avery, Harold W. Nutritional Ecology of the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in Relation to Cattle Grazing in the Mojave Desert. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1998.

Baley, Charles W. Disaster at the Colorado: Beale's Wagon Road and the First Emigrant Party. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2002.

Bard, Robert Charles. Settlement Pattern of the Eastern Mojave Desert. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1972.

Brittingham, Steve. Facilitation of Yucca Brevifolia Recruitment By Mojave Desert Shrubs. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1998.

Burk, Peter. The East Mojave: A Critical History, 1776-1980. Barstow, CA: Peter Burk: 1988.

________. East Mojave National Scenic Area: 1981-1994. Barstow, CA: Peter Burk, 1994.

________. The Making of Mojave National Preserve. Barstow, CA: Citizens for Mojave National Park, 1994.

________. Mojave National Preserve: 1994-1995. Barstow, CA: Citizens for Mojave National Park, December 1995.

Casebier, Dennis. The Battle at Camp Cady. Tales of the Mojave Road #2. Norco, CA: Dennis G. Casebier, 1972.

________. Carleton's Pah-Ute Campaign. Tales of the Mojave Road #1. Norco, CA: Dennis G. Casebier, 1972.

________. "Lanfair Valley: A Black Homesteading Experience," Online article. Accessed February 20, 2002.

________. The Mojave Road. Tales of the Mojave Road #5. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co, 1975.

________. Reopening the Mojave Road: A Personal Narrative. Tales of the Mojave Road #8. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1983.

Dennis Casebier and the Friends of the Mojave Road. Guide to the East Mojave Heritage Trail: Needles to Ivanpah. Tales of the Mojave Road #12. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1987.

________. Guide to the East Mojave Heritage Trail: Ivanpah to Rocky Ridge. Tales of the Mojave Road #14. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1988.

________. Guide to the East Mojave Heritage Trail: Rocky Ridge to Fenner. Tales of the Mojave Road #15. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1989.

________. Guide to the East Mojave Heritage Trail: Fenner to Needles. Tales of the Mojave Road #16. Essex, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1990.

________. Guide to the Mojave Road. Tales of the Mojave Road #9. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1983.

________. Mojave Road Guide. Tales of the Mojave Road #11. Norco, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1986.

Cawley, R. McGreggor. Federal Land, Western Anger: The Sagebrush Rebellion and Environmental Politics. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1993.

Chappell, Gordon, et al., An Oasis for Railroaders in the Mojave: The History and Architecture of the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Depot, Restaurant and Employees' Hotel at Kelso, California on the Union Pacific System. California: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service: 1998.

Clawson, Marion. The Bureau of Land Management. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971.

Cronon, William. "The Trouble With Wilderness, or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature." In Cronon, William, ed. Uncommon Ground: Toward Reinventing Nature. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1995.

Darlington, David. The Mojave: A Portrait of the Definitive American Desert. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1996.

Duffield-Stoll, Anne Q. Zzyzx: History of an Oasis. California Desert Studies Consortium, Desert Studies Contributed Series #65. Northridge, CA: Santa Susana Press / University Library, California State University Northridge, 1994.

Durant, Robert F. The Administrative Presidency Revisited: Public Lands, the BLM, and the Reagan Revolution. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992.

Hemphill, Mark W. Union Pacific Salt Lake Route. Erin, ONT: Boston Mills Press, 1995.

Hunt, Aurora. James H. Carleton: Frontier Dragoon. Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1958.

Infield, Elisabeth M. Stories of the Land: Rhetoric and Reconciliation in the Mojave National Preserve. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1997.

Johnson, Darryl R. "National Parks and Rural Development in Alaska." In Machlis, Gary E. and Donald R. Field, eds. National Parks and Rural Development: Practice and Policy in the United States. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2000.

Johnson, Richard F. "Human Uses and Impacts." Technical Reports: Proceedings of the East Mojave Desert Symposium. Nov. 1992.

King, Chester and Dennis G. Casebier, with Matthew C. Hall and Carol Rector. Background to Historic and Prehistoric Resources of the East Mojave Desert Region. Riverside, CA: Bureau of Land Management, California Desert District, 1981.

Laird, Carobeth. The Chemehuevi. Banning, CA: Malki Museum Press, 1976.

Livingston, D.S. (Dewey). "Rock Springs Land & Cattle Company Historic District National Register Nomination." Draft. March 7, 2002. Copy in possession of author.

Miller, Ron and Peggy Miller. Mines of the Mojave. California: La Siesta Press, 1976, 1992.

"Mission: Hang It Up." and linked pages. Accessed March 2, 2002.

Mitchell, Jack. Jack Mitchell, Caveman. Torrance, CA: Lewellen Press, 1964.

Moehring, Eugene. Resort City in the Sunbelt: Las Vegas, 1930-1970. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1989.

"The Mojave Desert Phone Booth." and linked pages. Accessed March 2, 2002.

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Myrick, David F. Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California: Volume II, the Southern Roads. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1992.

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________. "Final GMP Record of Decision." Accessed May 2, 2002.

________. Mojave National Preserve Park Files. Mojave National Preserve Headquarters, Barstow, CA.

________. Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement and General Management Plan. Washington, DC: GPO, July 2000.

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Paher, Stanley W. Las Vegas: As It Began-As It Grew. Las Vegas: Nevada Publications, 1971.

Papierski, Betty Pettit. Flat Tires and Coffee Fires: Being Tales From the 7IL Ranch. Tales of the Mojave Road #20. Essex, CA: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Co., 1993.

Pegg, Dave. "Sin City Limestone." Climbing June 15, 1998: 95-100, 163-165.

Petersen, Shannon C. Acting For Endangered Species: The Statutory Ark. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2002.

Prose, D.V., Susan K. Metzger, and H.G. Wilshire. "Effects of Substrate Disturbance on Secondary Plant Succession; Mojave Desert, California." Journal of Applied Ecology 24 (April 1987): 305-315.

Prose, Douglas V. and Howard G. Wilshire. "The Lasting Effects of Tank Maneuvers on Desert Soils and Intershrub Flora." U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report OF00-512. 2000.

Rothman, Hal K. Devil's Bargains: Tourism in the Twentieth Century American West. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1998.

________. Neon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First Century. New York: Routledge, 2002.

________. Saving the Planet: The American Response to the Environment in the Twentieth Century. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2000.

Sellars, Richard West. Preserving Nature in the National Parks: A History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997.

Sherer, Lorraine M., and Frances Stillman. Bitterness Road: The Mojave, 1604-1860. Needles, CA: Mohave Tribe / Ballena Press, 1994.

Signor, John R. The Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad: Union Pacific's Historic Salt Lake Route. San Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 1988.

Spence, Mark David. Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York, Viking, 1939; reprint, Bantam Books, 1972.

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________. The California Desert Conservation Area Plan. Riverside, CA: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Desert District, 1980.

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Zaslowsky, Dyan and T.H. Watkins. These American Lands: Parks, Wilderness, and the Public Lands. Washington DC: Island Press, 1994.

Baker Valley News
Barstow Desert Dispatch
Environmental News Network /
High Country News
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Las Vegas Sun
Los Angeles Times
Mohave Valley Daily News
Mojave National Preserve Monitor
National Park Service Morning Report
Needles Desert Star
Pahrump Valley Gazette
PR Newswire
Sacramento Bee
San Bernardino County Sun
San Diego Union-Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
USA Today
Victorville Daily Press

Interviews Conducted by Author
Anderson, Dave. Barstow, CA., February 7, 2002.
Bryson, Robert. Barstow, CA., March 28, 2002.
Jensen, Marvin O. Via telephone, November 26, 2002.
Karraker, Mary "Jeff." Barstow, CA., March 28, 2002.
Lesczykowski, Andrew. Barstow, CA., February 8, 2002. 2 discs.
Martin, Mary. Barstow, CA., March 29, 2002. 2 discs.
McGuinness, Sean. Via telephone, December 4, 2002.
Moore, David. Barstow, CA., March 26, 2002. 2 discs.
Paulissen, David. Barstow, CA., March 27, 2002.
Pine, Gordon. Barstow, CA., March 27, 2002.
Schramm, Dennis. Barstow, CA., March 26, 2002. 2 discs.
Scovill, Douglas. Via telephone, December 3, 2002.
Slater, Linda. Barstow, CA., March 27, 2002.
Weasma, Ted. Barstow, CA., March 27, 2002. 2 discs.

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Last Updated: 05-Apr-2004