Excavations at the Pharr Mounds and the Bear Creek Site
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Bear Creek



FIGURE 6.—(omitted from the online edition)

FIGURE 7.—The mound in 1950 (top). The mound in 1965, after years of cultivation (bottom).

FIGURE 8.—Houses 1 and 2 (top). Partially excavated pit in village area (bottom).

FIGURE 9.—a-c, Plain, fine shell tempered; d, Moundville Incised; e, unidentified incised, shell tempered; f, Barton incised.

FIGURE 10.—a, b, plain, sand tempered; c, cord impressed, sand tempered; d, Moundville Filmed-Incised; e, f, Mulberry Creek Cordmarked.

FIGURE 11.—Moundville Incised (top left). Plain, course shell tempered (top right). Moundville Incised (bottom).

FIGURE 12.—a, Lost Lake; b, Morrow Mountain; c, Type "A"; d, Type "B"; e, Cumberland Fluted; f, Big Sandy I; g, h, Provisional Category I; i, Provisional Category II; j-l, Madison.

FIGURE 13.—a, bone beamer; b, celt; c-e, pottery disks; f-h, stone disks.

FIGURE 14.—a-e, knives; f-h, end scrapers; i-k, side scrapers; l-o, inscribers.

FIGURE 15.—a-c, shaped cores; d, spokeshave; e-g, undifferentiated cores.

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Last Updated: 15-May-2008