The Excavation and Repair of Betatakin
Plate 1. Betatakin blends naturally with the walls of its
vast cave. (1926 photograph, by courtesy of Dr. A. E. Douglass)
Plate 2. Map showing the three units of Navajo National Monument
Plate 3. Ground plan of Betatakin ruin
(click on image for a PDF version)
Plate 4. A (top), Trail scene in Segi Canyon in August, 1908.
B (bottom), Approaching Betatakin ruin on March 27, 1917.
Plate 5. A (top), Blanketed with snow, camp was a dismal
place. B (bottom), Waiting for whatever the cook might
Plate 6. A (top), The principal house group before excavation,
as viewed from Room 75. Room 66 stands at the lower right. B
(bottom), Above Rooms 66 and 117, in the right foreground,
one notes the seepage zone which formerly watered diverse vegetation.
Plate 7. A (top), The door of Room 6 and, on the right margin,
the convex foundation of Room 8. B (bottom), Rooms 3-7 and the
near-by retaining wall, as viewed from the roof of Room 20.
Plate 8. A (top), A small pole formed a secondary jamb for
the door to Room 18. B (bottom), The problematic, unusual
door in the southeast corner of Room 7.
Plate 9. A (top), Room 17 boasts the best preserved wattled
wall in Betatakin, at its top is a fresh patch of adobe mud. B
(bottom), Here is shown the partly blocked first-story door of
Room 66 and the shadowed fireplace in Room 121.
Plate 10. A (top), Building stones were salvaged from the
talus slope and passed up for use in wall repairs. B (bottom),
Room 20, from the southwest, showing above the workman, a steel
plate and anchor rod.
Plate 11. A (top), The northeast wall of Court 24, at the
left, before restoration. B (bottom), Two-story Room 66 and
near-by buildings stand at the extreme right.
Plate 12. A (top), The wattled northeast wall of Court 28,
from the west. B (bottom), Navajo Indian repairing the
wattled wall of Court 24.
Plate 13. A (top), Willows, cedar bark, and sand made a new
roof for Room 31. B (bottom), Room 44, from the west; beyond,
the lower seepage zone and trail.
Plate 14. A (top), Repairing the south wall of Room 48,
view taken from Room 47. B (bottom), The northeast wall
of Court 45 ended in a channel, pecked in the cliff.
Plate 15. A (top), The central house cluster, from Room
75, in the middle distance, two men stand in Room 51. B
(bottom), Blown sand soon settled on the bared seepage
zone above the main cross-cave trail.
Plate 16. A (top), The northwest wall of Rooms 64-65
(which later collapsed) with beam holes marking the floor
level of the second-story chamber. B (bottom), Many
Betatakin walls were erected upon such shallow, pecked steps
as these, at the southeast end of Rooms 101-102.
Plate 17. A (top), Platform 58 and Room 59 stand above
the sloping sites of Rooms 57 and 60. B (bottom), At
the right, new wall rests await reconstruction of Rooms 60
and 64.
Plate 18. A (top), Reconstructing the northeast wall
of Room 60. B (bottom), The partially restored walls
of Rooms 56, 57, and 60.
Plate 19. A (top), The upper east house group before excavation.
Room 78 shows prominently in the middle distance. B (bottom),
Rooms 78-81, after restoration. In the right foreground, the repaired
west wall of Rooms 76-77.
Plate 20. A (top), Houses of the northeast group had been
demolished by huge blocks of fallen sandstone as this view, from
Room 81, plainly shows. B (bottom), In the foreground,
the restored walk fronting Rooms 78-81; at the lower left, the
side walls of Rooms 76-77.
Plate 21. A (top), Massive sandstone slabs had crushed the
roof of Room 79. B (bottom), The east retaining wall looks
down upon Rooms 82-85.
Plate 22. A (top), The wattled wast wall of Room 82 and,
beyond, the broken west masonry of Rooms 75-76. B (bottom),
Pecked groves and steps on these bared slopes evidence the former
presence of other dwellings.
Plate 23. A (top), Walls and mealing bins of Room 117,
restored; above, the principal cross-cave trail. B (bottom),
The plastered north shelf and corner bench in Room 55, viewed from
the east.
Plate 24. A (top), In the foreground, restored Room 122: at
the upper left, Room 73 stands on the old stepped trail. B
(bottom), For repairing the east house group, mud was
dragged up the slope from Court 83.
Plate 25. A (top), The eastern house group occupied two
separate terraces and the slope between. Restored Room 117,
at the lower left. (1926 photograph, by courtesy of Dr. A. E.
Plate 26. A (top), A slender pole formerly provided access
to the gallery ledge. B (bottom), In Court 10, a ladder
replaces steps pecked in the cliff.
Plate 27. A (top), A notched cedar now stands in the
north corner of Court 13. B (bottom), Ladder and
stone steps at the north corner of Court 24.
Plate 28. A (top), View from Court 28, across the
south wall of Room 39 to Rooms 1-3, in the far crevice.
B (bottom), Wise explorers will indulge a cook's
whim for gloves and Spanish spurs.
Plate 29. A (top), Painted figures on the cliff
above Rooms 89-90. B (bottom), Rooms 86-89, from
the north end of Room 90.
Plate 30. Across the canyon from Betatakin is an incipient
cave, too shallow for human occupancy. (1926 photograph,
by courtesy of Dr. A. E. Douglass).
Plate 31. A (top), Metate or mealing stone. B
(bottom), Manos, or hand stones, used on metates
(for description see text).
Plate 32. Axes, mauls, and smoothing stones (for description
see text).
Plate 33. Drilled oak board and billets of cottonwood
(for description see text).
Plate 34. Cottonwood staves, oak digging sticks, and
willow potrests (for description see text).
Plate 35. Miscellaneous artifacts of wood (for description
see text).
Plate 36. Drill, wooden awls, spindle shafts, and whorls
(for description see text).
Plate 37. Toothed implements and cord-wrapped sticks
(for description see text).
Plate 38. Bone awls and scxrapers (for description
see text).
Plate 39. Brushes, cord, and cotton rags (for description
see text).
Plate 40. Twilled sandals (1 and 2 show
the same specimen, to and bottom views) (for description
see text).
Plate 41. Wickerwork sandals (for description
see text).
Plate 42. Baskets (for description see text).
Plate 43. Twilled baskets (for description see text).
Plate 44. Cradlefront view (for description
see text).
Plate 45. Cradleback view (for description
see text).
Plate 46. Earthenware vessels (for description see text).
Last Updated: 26-Jun-2008