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"Living history" demonstration . . .
Demonstration of the spinning wheel, Spalding Park, 1974. NPS interpreters experimented with "living history" demonstrations in the 1970s. Left to right: Judy Hoffman, Annie Johnson, Gail Corsini, Bette Inthurn. Douglas Riley photo courtesy of National Park Service, Nez Perce National Historical Park, Neg. 0261.

"Living history" demonstration . . .
Park visitors observe a living history demonstration of two mountain men in camp, 1974. The interpreters in costume are Steve Kernes (left) and Ed Steerman. Douglas Riley photo courtesy of National Park Service, Nez Perce National Historical Park, Neg. 0260.

Sam Jackson singing . . .
Sam Jackson singing and drumming during Cultural Days, Spalding Park, 1971. Photo courtesy of National Park Service, Nez Perce National Historical Park, Neg. 2537.

Nez Perce powwow . . .
Nez Perces hold a powwow in Spalding Park, 1972. Photo courtesy of National Park Service, Nez Perce National Historical Park, Neg. 1525.

Otis Halfmoon dancing . . .
Park visitors watch a Nez Perce dancer, 1972. The dancer, Otis Halfmoon, became a park ranger and was assigned to Bear Paw Battleground, Montana in 1994. Photo courtesy of National Park Service, Nez Perce National Historical Park, Neg. 1521.

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Last Updated: 01-Jun-2000