National Park Service
From Marsh to Farm
The Landscape Transformation of Coastal New Jersey
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The documentation in this publication was undertaken by the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) in conjunction with the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail (NJCHT) as an outgrowth of Historic Themes and Resources Within the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail, Southern New Jersey and the Delaware Bay: Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem Counties. Work took place during the winter 1990/spring 1991 at the request of NJCHT Project Director Janet Wolf, through the efforts of Robert J. Kapsch, chief of HABS/HAER, a division of the National Park Service (NPS). Project leader was Sara Amy Leach, HABS historian; project historian Kimberly R. Sebold (University of Delaware) conducted all substantive research and writing. The sources of all illustrations are so identified. The NJCHT in its entirety falls under the jurisdiction of the NPS-North Atlantic Regional Office, Gerald D. Patton, director.

Special thanks go to: Sergeant First Class Chuck Liber, Staff Sergeant Arlin Bachman, Sergeant Chester Riland, Sergeant Tom Pennal, and officers Mike Matulewicz, Floyd Pennal, John Seel, Jim Sherrard, Fred Hickman, Bill Stolinski, Tim Stranahan, Stan Symanski, Ed Peard, Tom Reeves, and Paul Lokey of the New Jersey State Police, Marine Law Enforcement Bureau, Bivalve Station; Noel Kemm and Janet Sheridan for performing tours to identify extant examples of local land reclamation projects; Janice and Jeanette Burcham, Edward and Lehma Gibson, George Campbell, Owen Carney, Jr., Dr. Patrick Slavin, and Daniel Hancock for granting permission to observe their work in progress, explaining the processes that occurred, relaying local history and sharing historic photographs and documents; Ed Abbott Jr., Jackie Abbott, Elizabeth Abbott, Bill Gehring, Bill Biggs and Dale Wettstein for lending items from their private collections; George Abbott, Emmaline Abbott, Sherman Ayres, Martin Taylor, Robert Taylor, Henry Taylor, LaDonna Gibson Angelo, Phil Marucci, Art Handson, Loretta King, Joe Smith, Fred Schlender, Marjorie Crompton, Russ Minch, Mary Lack, Pat Witt, James Steelman, Henry Hayes, and Cecil Collins for sharing information; Alice Boggs, Kurt Harker, and Robert Butcher of the Salem County Historical Society for providing research assistance; Paula Dardaris, Susan Petrilick, and Robin Taylor for assisting in the exploration, photography, and measuring of various sites; Dr. David Smith (University of Maine), David Grettler (University of Delaware), Jim Jones (University of Delaware), Betsy Carpenter (Pinelands Commission), Robert Burnett (New Jersey Historical Society), and David Cohen (New Jersey Historical Commission) for establishing contacts, offering ideas, and answering questions; and all of the residents of South Jersey who showed interest, gave encouragement, and realized the historical significance of land reclamation.

The institutional repositories and their staffs that provided material and assistance include: Rutgers University, Special Collections and Archives; University of Delaware, Morris Library and Special Collections; National Agricultural Library, U.S. Department of Agriculture; New Jersey State Library and Archives, Trenton; Salem County Courthouse; Cumberland County Courthouse; Salem County Historical Society; Atlantic County Historical Society; Ocean County Historical Society; and Cumberland County Library.

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Last Updated: 31-Jan-2005