North Cascades National Park Service Complex |
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County Line Ponds These ponds can be accessed by foot only. Park at the pullout on the west side of SR 20 near the Whatcom/Skagit county sign. Proceed across the highway to the gated road which is owned by Seattle City Light, the public utility which owns the 3 dams on the Skagit River. Waterfowl such as Barrow's Goldeneye, Red-breasted Mergansers, Buffleheads, Mallards and grebes can be found, and in spring a good assortment of migrants visit the heavy junglelike vegetation growing around the ponds. Red-eyed Vireos are frequent visitors here, and American Redstarts nested here in 1996 and 1997. Follow the maze of narrow roads around all the ponds in this area to search for possible Marsh and Winter Wren, singing Hammond's and Pacific-slope Flycatchers, and Townsend's, Black-throated Gray, Yellow-rumped and Yellow Warblers. The banks of the Skagit River can be accessed allowing views of Harlequin Ducks and Hooded Mergansers. Bald Eagles frequent the firs and hemlocks in winter. Chestnut-backed Chickadees, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Brown Creepers and Golden-crowned and possibly Ruby-crowned Kinglets search for winter forage amongst the bare limbs of alder and cottonwoods. Spotted Towhees, Golden-crowned, White-crowned, Lincoln's and Fox Sparrows sing from ground cover, while in spring the possibility of Lazuli Buntings exists. From the river bank, follow the small trail that parallels the Skagit River to a sandbar, about a half-mile distance. Check deciduous growth and search the river's muddy banks for possible mammal tracks. Between the ponds and Newhalem along SR 20, there are numerous places to search for birdlife. Pullouts along the Skagit River offer possible views of Bald Eagles. Shrubby thickets along the way harbor sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, grouse, warblers, and in spring, Townsend's Solitaires. Raptors sail overhead and swifts and swallows are present except in winter. |