The North Cascades Study Report

8. North Fork of the Cascade River. Cascade Pass in the V-notch just
above center. Forbidden Peak on the left. Hidden Lake in lower right.
Looking east. (photo FS 64-450)
9. Looking southeast down the Stehekin River and Lake Chelan. (photo
FS 64-396)
10. Looking east up the White Chuck River drainage to Glacier Peak
and the Glacier Peak Wilderness. (photo NPS 5307-88)
11. Looking west up Railroad Creek. Holden Mine dump in bottom of the
canyon. Glacier Peak Wilderness in the background. (Photo FS 64-383)

12. Looking north up Lake Chelan. Domke Lake is the small lake, center,
near the mouth of Railroad Creek. (photo FS 64-387)
13. Napeequa River. Glacier Peak, center. Glacier Peak Wilderness,
Wenatchee National Forest. Looking northwest. (photo FS 64-375)
14. Eileen, Donald and Chiwaukum Lakes. Chiwaukum Mountains. Mount
Rainier in the distance. Wenatchee National Forest. Looking southwest.
(photo FS 64-363)
15. Enchantment Lakes in the Stuart Range. Temple Mountain, right.
Looking northeast across Wenatchee River Valley. (photo FS 64-310)
16. Cooper Lake on the Cooper River. Chimney Mountains in the background.
Looking northwest. Wenatchee National Forest. Timber harvesting in
irregular patches. (photo FS 64-330)
17. Snoqualmie Pass. Winter sports areasSki Acres, foreground, Hyack
Ski Area, distance. Keechelus Lake. Looking south. (FS 64-340)
18. Looking west over Bumping River and Upper Bumping Lake to Mount
Rainier. (photo FS 64-457)
19. Looking north up Butter Creek to Mount Rainier. Dixon Mountain on
the left foreground and the Tatoosh Ranger in the right center. Timber
harvesting in irregular patches. (photo FS 64-466)
Last Updated: 26-Mar-2010