National Park Service
National Park Service Uniforms
Ironing Out the Wrinkles, 1920-1932
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1. James E. Neal, "History of the Ranger Stetson", April, 1967, California State Ranger Uniform Manual, Supplement B.

2. Letter, George B. Dorr to Director, NPS, Apr. 15, 1920, Records of the National Park Service (Record Group 79), "Uniforms of the Park Service 1907-1925", National Archives; letter, Washington B. Lewis to Director, NPS, Apr. 8, 1920, ibid.; letter, Lewis to Director, NPS, May 15, 1920, ibid. Collection hereinafter cited as RG 79.

3. Letter, Sigmund isner to Arnold(sic) B. Cammerer, Apr. 30, 1920, ibid.

4. Letter, Cammerer to Army Supply Company, May 3,1920, ibid.

5. Letter, Stephen T. Mather to George Goodwin, Apr. 17, 1920, ibid.

6. Letter, Goodwin to Director, NPS, June 2,1920, ibid; letter, Utica Uniform Company to Secretary of the Interior, May 6, 1920, ibid; letter, Cammerer to Utica Uniform Company, May 26, 1920, ibid; letter, Utica Uniform Company to Cammerer, May 27, 1920, ibid.

7. Letter, Cammerer to Lewis, July 27, 1920, ibid; letter, Cammerer to Goodwin, Aug. 5, 1920, ibid; letter, Goodwin to Director, NPS, Jan. 7, 1920, ibid.

8. Letter, Lewis to Director, NPS, July 7, 1920, ibid; letter, Cammerer to Lewis, July 14, 1920, ibid.

9. Letter, Lewis to Director, NPS, Nov. 8, 1920, ibid.

10. Letter, Mather to Lewis, Apr. 13, 1920, ibid.

11. Letter, Mather to William P. Parks, Feb. 8,1922, ibid.

12. Letters, Thomas Boles to Director, NPS, 18 Jul, 1922, ibid; B.L. Vipond to Boles, Aug. 21, 1922, ibid.

13. Letter, Albright to Lewis, Feb. 8, 1922, ibid.

14. Letter, Vipond to F.J. Heiberger & Son, Inc., Apr. 8, 1922, ibid.

15. Letter, Cammerer to Dorr, June 16, 1922, ibid.

16. Letter, Vipond to John R. White, June 13, 1923, ibid.

17. Letter, Cammerer to Sigmund Eisner, Oct. 10, 1923, ibid.

18. Letters, Ronald M. Holmes to Lewis, Apr. 22, 1924, ibid; Holmes to Owen A. Tomlinson, June 30, 1924, ibid.

19. Letters, Cammerer to Albright, Aug. 21, 1924, & Aug. 30, 1924, ibid.

20. Letters, Cammerer to Ansel F. Hall, Sept. 21, 1925, Records of the National Park Service (Record Group 79 208.30) "Park Service Uniforms 1925-1932", National Archives; Arthur E. Demaray to Hall, Jan. 22, 1926, ibid; Demaray to Daniel R. Hull, Feb. 10, 1926, ibid; Hall to Cammerer, Apr. 16, 1926, ibid. Collection heretoafter cited as RG 79 208.30.

21. Memorandum, Cammerer to Chief Clerk, NPS, Aug. 12, 1926, ibid.

22. Letters, Cammerer to Tomlinson, J. Ross Eakin, and Roger Wolcott toll, Aug. 17, 1926, ibid.

23. Memorandum, Albright to Cammerer, Mar. 11, 1927, ibid.

24. Letter, Lewis to Director, NPS, June 27, 1927, ibid.

25. Letter, Cammerer to Superintendent, Mount Rainier National Park [Owen A. Tomlinson], July 12, 1928, ibid.

26. Letters, Tomlinson to Director, NPS, Dec. 23, 1929, ibid; Cammerer to Tomlinson, Jan. 16, 1930, ibid.

27. Letter, Cammerer to Superintendent, Mount Rainier National Park [Owen A. Tomlinson], June 11, 1930, ibid.

28. ibid.

29. Letter, Tomlinson to Director, NPS, July 28, 1931, ibid.

30. Letters, Cammerer to Tomlinson, Aug. 4, 1931, ibid; Cammerer to Arthur E. Demaray, Aug. 4, 1931, ibid.

31. Letter, Tomlinson to William M. Robinson, Feb. 3, 1932, ibid.

32. Letter, J. Ross Eakin to Director, NPS, Feb. 29, 1932, ibid.

33. Memorandum, Albright to all superintendents, June 9, 1932, ibid.

34. Letter, J. Edgar Hoover to Special Agent in Charge [Washington, D.C.], July, 13, 1932, ibid.


National Archives, Washington, DC, Records of the National Park Service. Record Group 79, "Uniforms of the Park Service 1907-1925"

National Archives, Washington, DC, Records of the National Park Service. Record Group 79 208.30, "Park Service Uniforms 1925-1932"

National Park Service Archives, Record Group Y55, "Uniforms of the National Park Service", Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

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