ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Any effort in local history necessarily collects a long list of agencies and individuals to whom the project owes much of its merit. Past Olympic National Park Superintendent Roger Contor and Assistant (and interim Acting) Superintendent Donald Jackson supported and encouraged the project. Newly appointed Park Superintendent Robert Chandler, as well as Chief of Interpretation Henry Warren, Chief of Maintenance Sherman Knight, Chief of Science and Technology John Aho, Chief Ranger Chuck Janda, Administrative Officer Gloria Thompson, and other members of the staff at Olympic National Park, all took time to cheerfully answer questions and assist in innumerable ways. Within the Pacific Northwest Regional Office, Associate Director Richard L. Winters and the staff of the Cultural Resources Division lent their support and guidance. In the early phases of the project, David Harvey and Russell Dalton assisted with formal research at institutions and governmental agencies in western Washington. Throughout the project, both Russell Dalton and Ed Schreiner were of invaluable assistance and support. They gave generously of their time and extensive knowledge and openly shared their written and photographic materials. Robert Keatts and Glenn Gallison gave freely of their knowledge and personal collections of historical materials. Glenn Gallison entrusted the project with reports, correspondence, newspaper articles and other printed matter dealing with administrative aspects of Park history. Robert Keatts shared information collected during his own research on the mining activity in the North Fork Skokomish River area. Fifty years ago the National Forest Service played a significant role in shaping the course of human events within the present Park boundaries. Valuable archival material on Olympic National Park history is presently located at various Forest Service offices. Dutch Notenboom and Colleen Adams at the Olympic National Forest Supervisor's Office and Gail Throop, historian at the Forest Service Regional Office in Portland, Oregon, willingly shared their historic files. Jack Rooney on the Quinault district and Molly Erickson on the Soleduck district of Olympic National Forest are two Forest Service cultural resource management technicians whose in-depth knowledge of local history and collection of historical information provided an enlarged understanding of Olympic Peninsula and Park history. Research for the Olympic National Park Historic Resource Study (HRS) was conducted at numerous libraries, archives and public agency depositories throughout western Washington, northern Oregon, and Washington, D.C. Special acknowledgment is due Ellen Traxel, librarian of the Pacific Northwest Regional Office of the National Park Service, and librarians Jeanne Engerman at the Washington State Historical Society, Carla Rickerson and Dennis Anderson at the Pacific Northwest Collection, University of Washington, Barbara Durney at the Timberland Regional Library in Hoquiam, Gary Reese at the Tacoma Public Library, and Robert Machette at the National Archives and Record Service in Washington, D.C. Others who provided substantial information on the human history of the Park and the Olympic Peninsula include Chuck Frame and his co-workers at the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Maps and Surveys Section, and Verna Ness at The Mountaineers club office in Seattle. The production of this Historic Resource Study could not have been accomplished without the editorial skill of Rebecca McLeod. With precision and care Ms. McLeod edited the text and bibliography for style, syntax, citation format, and punctuation. Mark McLeod completed a critical review of portions of the draft and offered valuable suggestions regarding transitions and development of thought. Many thanks are due Sally Palmer, who spent countless hours typing the entire draft HRS text. Ms. Palmer's meticulous attention to detail and her abiding cheerfulness and dedication remained constant throughout the project. Mary M. Reynolds graciously assisted with the typing of the final draft. While there are others too numerous to mention here, their contributions of historical information, technical expertise, and encouragement, are here gratefully acknowledged. It should be remembered that whatever strength this work may contain depended significantly on the wide support and assistance the project received. Its weaknesses are solely those of the author and the project supervisor. Finally, several institutions and individuals graciously permitted the reproduction of historic photographs in the text of this HRS. Photographs came from collections at the National Archives and Record Service in Washington, D.C., the University of Washington, the Washington State Historical Society, Olympic National, Olympic National Park, the Pacific Northwest Regional Office of the National Park Service, Ellis Studio and Post Card Company, and from the personal collections of Bert Kellogg (Port Angeles, Washington), Robert Keatts (Pomeroy, Washington), and Mrs. Pierre Barnes and Mrs. Mary Buell.
hrs/ack.htm Last Updated: 01-Oct-2009 |