FOREWORD This work is the result of a collaborative effort between Gail E. H. Evans and T. Allan Comp, PhD. Although numerous individuals aided in producing the Olympic National Park Historic Resource Study (HRS), these two were responsible for its content and presentation. Ms. Evans and Dr. Comp consulted on the organization and development of the project, shaped and refined historic themes appropriate to the study, and discussed the meaning and relevance of specific research data in the larger context of Olympic Peninsula and Pacific Northwest history. As historian, Ms. Evans had responsibility for conducting research on the history of the Park, selecting subject material for presentation, authoring the major bulk of the text, and assisting in the physical preparation of the study. As project supervisor, Dr. Comp handled administrative concerns, reviewed the evolving HRS outline, read and commented on drafts of chapters, and authored the Introduction and final Conclusions, and the chapter Conclusions and Recommendations. As a first effort in Historic Resource Study development for both, it has been a challenging and colleagial adventure.
hrs/foreword.htm Last Updated: 01-Oct-2009 |