Oregon Caves
Historic American Buildings Survey
Oregon Caves Historic District
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Oregon Caves Historic District

Oregon Caves Chateau
Oregon Caves Chateau

Name:Historic Resources at Crater Lake National Park
Location:Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
Classification:District, public (Federal)
Function or Use:Recreation and Culture/Outdoor Recreation, Landsape/park, Domestic/hotel, institutional housing, secondary structure

Areas of Significance:Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Entertainment/Recreation (1900-1942)
Builder/Architect:Gust Lium, Francis Lange



Using his authority under the Antiquities Act of 1906 [34 Stat. 225], President William Howard Taft issued Proclamation 876 on July 12, 1909. This established a 480 acre Oregon Caves National Monument within the existing Siskiyou National Forest in Oregon State. It remained under U.S. Forest Service control until the monument was transferred to the jurisdiction of the National Park Service by Executive Order 6166 of June 10, 1933.

In reality the monument possesses only one cave system. It is located at about 4000 feet elevation, deep within the rugged Siskiyou Mountains of southwest Oregon. The cave is largely limestone and marble; it contains the source of Cave Creek, which has carved out the cave's main (lower) entrance. Complex geology, steep topography, and a diverse flora which includes several endemic species, are characteristic of the monument and adjacent national forest land.

The proposed Oregon Caves Historic District consists of several structures within a designed landscape located in the vicinity of the cave entrance. Cut along the side of a canyon formed by Cave Creek is a narrow roadway that connects the cave entrance with two parking areas. One structure near the cave entrance is at the hub of the monument's trail network. Visitors may register for a cave tour from there or hike to various points of interest located in the park or in the adjacent national forest.

All of the historic structures in the landscape described by this nomination were intended to harmonize with the surrounding topography through the use of a naturalistic design called rustic architecture. What evolved at Oregon Caves on approximately six acres was sensitive to the nearby canyons and mixed conifer forest, so that structures and landscape features seem to be part of the natural environment. Although the site was originally developed by the monument's concessioner when it was under U.S. Forest Service administration, there is an unusual continuity between these structures and landscape features and those constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps under National Park Service direction.

This district has 14 individual features that comprise a historic landscape in terms of form and function. In order to analyze these features in relation to each other and within the context of overall design intent, a landscape typology has been formulated with the assistance of two National Park Service (N PS) publications on cultural landscapes. (1)

Oregon Caves Historic District

This district includes most of the developed area in Oregon Caves National Monument; five buildings and two rock walls are considered contributing structures in a significant historic landscape. Collectively, the contributing structures embody the essential philosophies, themes, materials, and character of rustic architecture as practiced between 1922 and 1942 in western national parks and monuments. Most of the individual features in the district retain their original functions; these include providing access, visitor services, resource protection, and employee housing. The most noticeable characteristics of the rustic architecture at Oregon Caves are the stone masonry (local marble and limestone was generally used) and a sheathing of Port Orford-cedar bark. Most of the workmanship is of high quality, but the district is in some danger of being consumed by wildland fire due to the growth of underbrush and accumulation of other fuels since the monument was established. This danger has led to periodic fuel reduction, measures to protect the two largest buildings, and research focusing on the monument's fire history. (2)

Inventory Methodology

The buildings at Oregon Caves National Monument were evaluated in 1986 as part of the "Architecture in the Parks" National Historic Landmark Theme Study. As a result of that study, the Oregon Caves Chateau was designated a National Historic Landmark. The most recent complete inventory of historic buildings at the monument was conducted by an architect in 1984 under the direction of the Cultural Resources Division, NPS, Pacific Northwest Regional Office (PNRO). Information on structures over forty years old was recorded on standard PNRO inventory cards. Information from these cards is incorporated into this nomination. Research sources for the inventory included the monument's maintenance files, regional building files, and the 1976 Classified Structures Field Inventory by Alan C. Reynolds.

All of the buildings identified in the inventory were evaluated within the context established by the major themes of historic significance identified for the monument (park development and rustic architecture [see Section 8]) and National Register criteria. One structure--the Chalet (#522)--is less than fifty years old. It is included in the nomination, however, because its style and design vocabulary is an exceptional example of rustic architecture. This building replaced a smaller structure on the same site but retained its predecessor's functions. The expanded Oregon Caves Chalet has an asymmetrical configuration that was dictated by the site. Although the chalet's appearance differs from that of the adjacent Chateau, it was designed by the same architect and is intertwined with its neighbor in terms of function, materials, and rustic character.

Thirteen buildings at Oregon Caves were inventoried; 12 were determined to be eligible for the National Register, either individually as examples of rustic architecture at Oregon Caves or as contributing structures within the monument's historic district. Of the 12 eligible structures, seven (the Concession Cottages) were demolished in 1988 and another (the Ranger Residence) may be removal. This was programmed because their location above the cave system is thought to pose a potentially negative impact upon the cave, the monument's primary resource.

Located adjacent to the site of the former cottages, the Ranger Residence is included as part of this nomination because it is extant and it contributes to the character of the district. It has been documented as part of a Historic American Buildings Survey project completed during the summer of 1989. Each of the cottages was a rectangular duplex, nestled into the hillside above the Chalet. The cottages had cedar bark sheathing, recessed entries, and were distinguished from one another by differing entry or roof details. Documentation of them was completed in accordance with HABS standards by the PNRO Project Historian in September 1988.

Each building in the historic district was photographed as part of the 1984 inventory. Photographs of the buildings, landscape features and overall district are included within this nomination in accordance with National Register standards. Because of the topography of the site, the dense vegetation and the siting of the buildings, photographs of the resources was extremely difficult. The views included herein represent the best and most feasible vantage points from which to photograph the subject properties. Photographs of the demolished concession cottages are included with the compliance documentation (identified as HABS No. OR-147) retained in the Cultural Resources Division, PNRO.

Although a NPS historic resource study has not been completed for Oregon Caves, the monument is relatively small (480 acres) and most historic resources are concentrated in the area encompassed by the proposed district. Many of the individual features in the district are linked to individuals responsible for the rustic design implemented at Crater Lake National Park during the 1930s. The most prominent of Crater Lake's designed landscapes has been analyzed through use of a typology developed to evaluate its individual features. This typology has been applied at Oregon Caves because its number of individual features can be categorized into the same five components used for Crater Lake's Rim Village. In addition, one of the landscape architects who worked at both sites was interviewed about the monument's development using a format based upon the typology. (3)

Identification of the Designed Landscape at Oregon Caves

The 14 individual features were organized into five components: Circulation; Vegetation; Structures; Small-Scale Features, and Construction Technologies.

Circulation includes four individual features: roads and parking (vehicular circulation) as well as walkways and trails (pedestrian circulation). As the fundamental structuring elements for the landscape design at Oregon Caves, the road and trails were the first features implemented from the general development plan initiated by the U.S. Forest Service in 1917.

The road is particularly important to the overall design intent because it is situated along a contour from the lower parking area. After narrowing to connect the parking area with a plaza developed near the cave entrance, it provides access to an employee parking lot and service road located west of the Chateau and outside the district. Below the roadway is the largely undeveloped natural canyon carved by Cave Creek; above the road is the cave entrance and a residential area.

Serving the monument is the Oregon Caves Highway (SR 46). It is 19.5 miles in length and terminates at the lower parking area's eastern edge. Opened in 1922, the highway has undergone extensive repair only once (after the flood in 1964) and there are virtually no changes in its routing. A service road was built in 1923 to connect the terminus of SR 46 with the cave entrance area. This roadway was extended west in 1929 and again in 1934 to allow guests to park overnight near their lodging. Logs were used to define the service road and the cave entrance area s plaza until 1952, when asphalt was first used as surfacing. Stone walls replaced the logs by 1960; several sections of wall were rebuilt in the aftermath of the 1964 flood.

The district's topography permits limited parking in two areas: a lower lot and a smaller area west of the Chateau. Most visitors park in the lower lot, which has been widened twice since 1922 but has also been the victim of two landslides that necessitated extensive repairs. This lot was originally open, but a concrete island was added in the 1950s to facilitate circulation. The island bisects the lot and provides an east-west axis to relieve congestion caused by the number of vehicles in the parking area. An area next to the cave entrance has been set aside since 1929 for overnight hotel guest parking. Further west and outside of the district's boundaries is an area for concession employees to park; it was widened and paved in 1960.

Most visitors use one or both walkways in the cave entrance area's plaza. The one leading from the Chalet (where visitors buy tickets for the cave tour) to the main cave entrance has been in use since 1886, when the first rough trails to Oregon Caves were blazed. After the Oregon Caves Company was formed in 1923, this walkway was graded and widened. It received a stone masonry retaining wall in 1940, which allows visitors to sit during their wait for a cave tour. The other walkway leads from the roadway down to the lower pool, located in the Chateau's courtyard. This was constructed in 1935 as a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) project and paved in 1952. Some repair was necessary in early 1965 due to flood damage sustained the previous December.

Four trails begin at points within the district. The Lake Mountain Trail starts in back of the Chalet and was constructed by the U.S. Forest Service in 1922. Branching off of it is the Big Tree Trail built the same year, which greatly improved the old pack trail to Williams, Oregon, some ten miles away. The terminus of the Cave Exit Trail is within ten yards of the cave entrance; its initial construction was funded by the Siskiyou National Forest in 1931. It was widened and improved by the CCC in 1935-37, a project that included building the Cliff Nature Trail (which connects the Cave Exit Trail with the Lake Mountain Trail outside of the proposed district's boundaries). The No Name Trail starts from the Chateau and proceeds down Cave Creek, eventually making a loop back to a service road west of the hotel.

Vegetation within the district has two aspects which define its significance: planting concepts (which describes the philosophy behind all plantings at Oregon Caves) and plant materials (which are the material form of that philosophy). Of the seven previously identified plant community types at the monument, the Douglas-fir/oak type is found in the district's vicinity and represents the upper bounds of the Mixed Evergreen zone in southwest Oregon. (4) This type has the highest number of tree species (ten) of the seven community types found at Oregon Caves, and has accommodated a number of plantings aimed at restoration or enhancement.

Largely intended to fill spaces that had been disturbed, a program of "naturalization" began under the Oregon Caves Company and became more systematic under NPS direction. Planting treatments at Oregon Caves were both supplemental (adding materials to "fill out" areas for design or functional purposes) and integrated (using vegetation to blend introduced features like buildings and stone walls into the surroundings) and used in the same manner naturalistic design was practiced at Crater Lake. Although the monument's planting program never reached the intensity of Crater Lake's, there were a considerable number of ferns added throughout the proposed district as supplemental plantings. Complementing them were transplanted shrubs and trees used as foundation plantings to integrate the buildings near the cave entrance into the adjacent forest community.

All of the landscaping work completed between 1922 and 1942 utilized plants native to the Siskiyou Mountains, but the pattern of "improvement" inherent in naturalistic design is clearly evident. Ferns are massed below shrubs, which sometimes frame buildings and stone walls. Above the shrubs are transplanted trees, which were used to screen structures from view. A greater number of herbs, shrubs, and trees now thrive in the district than would otherwise be present in a typical Douglas-fir/oak community because most of the plants used in the naturalization program were gathered from outside the monument, near the Oregon Caves Highway. Differentiating the survivors of the historic landscaping program, however, is difficult because native plants were used to rehabilitate parts of the district after some tree removal in 1962 and the flood damage of December 1964.

Native plant materials were chosen for landscaping because they were the best suited to survive in the district's rugged setting. (5) More recent landscaping work has largely continued the historic pattern of naturalistic planting, and is difficult to differentiate from historic plant material because detailed records are largely absent. No planting plans from the historic period are extant, but some information about the design intent has been located in NPS master plans, CCC reports, and historic photographs. (6) They show that considerable effort was made to transplant trees and shrubs around the monument's largest building (the Oregon Caves Chateau) and in the plaza adjacent to it.

The conifers transplanted were specimen trees, mainly Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and Port Orford-cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), which were complemented by deciduous trees such as big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), golden chinquapin (Castanopsis chrysophylla), and Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttali). Unlike the Crater Lake program, shrubs were a lesser component of the historic landscaping. Some of the transplanted oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor) and gooseberry (Ribes spp.) still thrive, however, and are found around the pools and Chateau. The only types of groundcover used during the historic period were several species of ferns, planted near buildings and in several dry-laid rock walls around the plaza.

Structures at Oregon Caves are architectural in character and/or have engineered qualities. Five buildings and several rock walls are located within the district; all buildings and two walls are considered to be contributing structures. The contributing structures were built between 1926 and 1942 with predominately native materials. Roughly cut local limestone or marble and use of Port Orford-cedar bark as sheathing on buildings are the most conspicuous above-ground cultural features of the monument. These architectural details were intended to give visitors the impression that Oregon Caves was a rustic, sylvan resort. The plaza still conveys this notion, which is reinforced by the concession providing almost all of the interpretive and other visitor services up to the present.

Most of the district's buildings incorporated local marble or limestone, generally as a veneer to hide poured concrete foundations. Each of the buildings has a wood- shingled gable roof that features round or hewn purlins. All buildings have cedar bark sheathing laid vertically to shed water. The sheathing gives them a brown, shaggy appearance but has weathered to a silver-grey color upon close inspection. Due to function and siting considerations, the district's buildings have widely differing plans. Two one-story structures are owned by the NPS: the now-vacant L-shaped Ranger Residence and a rectangular structure originally called the Checking and Comfort Station. The latter is situated at the edge of the lower parking area; originally a restroom facility, it now serves as an administrative office. Three buildings are owned by the monument's concessioner: the Guide Dormitory, the Oregon Caves Chateau, and the Oregon Caves Chalet. The first is a two-story rectangular building perched on a hillside and is accessible only by trail. The Chateau is a six-story hotel with ten sides, and is situated in a gorge downstream of the main cave entrance. Spanning a dry ravine along a contoured north-south axis is the Oregon Caves Chalet, a three-story multi-purpose building.

When the NPS assumed jurisdiction of Oregon Caves in 1934, its planning team recommended that a ranger be stationed at the monument to provide an ongoing administrative presence. Since the ranger needed quarters, the NPS selected a site near the concession's cottage area because it was the only potential building site near the plaza not already leased to the Oregon Caves Company. The residence was begun in late 1935 and completed in June 1936 after extensive excavation into a hillside above the cave system. Possessing a simple rustic character, the Oregon Caves Ranger Residence is similar in appearance to an extant Forest Service guard station built in 1937 and located along SR 46. The Ranger Residence is located on a north slope, so the amount of natural light into the building is limited. Its designer had to juggle the placement of wooden casement windows in the residence while it was being built by the CCC in response. (7)

The Ranger Residence is a wood frame building with a gable roof. Unpeeled log brackets decorate the main gables by appearing to form three purlins. Brackets also decorate the gable-roofed overhang above the main entry to the residence. It has five rooms with plain panel doors that underwent some remodeling when the Ranger Residence was converted to office space in 1974. At that time, the brick chimney was covered in the kitchen. It is still visible, however, above the roofline where the chimney's two flues are faced with stone. On the north end of the building is a small terrace which, like most of the Ranger Residence, is now screened by vegetation. Although visitors rarely notice that there is a residence above the plaza because the planted trees and shrubs largely hide it, the building has a porch on its north side that provides a view of the Chalet and Chateau downslope.

While the monument's ranger had a residence by the summer of 1936, there was no administrative office available. This problem was addressed in 1940, after a landslide through the lower parking area had undermined the concessioner's filling station and restrooms. These buildings were subsequently removed and a need for restroom facilities in the parking lot became evident. Also apparent was the necessity for some method to control traffic between the parking area and plaza; the parking space near the cave entrance was judged inadequate for anything other than guests staying at the Chateau. As a result, the NPS designed a building that combined the functions of a comfort station with those of an office at the lower parking area's eastern edge. (8)

The Checking and Comfort Station is a five-sided office presently used as a sales area for the Crater Lake Natural History Association. It is attached to a rectangular restroom facility, which is flush with a retaining wall on the building's east side. Like the Ranger Residence, the Checking and Comfort Station is a wood frame structure sheathed in cedar bark. The office portion has a roof shaped by intersecting gables with exposed hewn rafter tails. A gable roof with hewn purlins and rafter tails covers the two-room comfort station. Roof material is one-half inch split cedar shakes; the original redwood shake roof was replaced in 1979. The windows are original; they are double-hung in the comfort station section and three-light fixed in the office portion, except where the latter open outward like casement windows to allow visitor contact. The original stone facing two feet in height around the comfort station section was extended around the office during the 1960s and a drinking fountain was added to the office's north facade. At that time, the NPS paved over the original flagstone in front of the building which had formerly radiated outward from the building some six feet. Concrete ramps to facilitate handicapped access to the restrooms were added in 1979, when the interiors of the restrooms were completely remodeled and new fixtures installed. There are three entries to the building; a plain panel door is on the office's south side and painted steel doors provide access to the restrooms.

Among the concessioner's buildings is a dormitory slightly uphill and northwest of the Oregon Caves Chalet. Originally constructed in 1927, one section of the Guide Dormitory is the oldest extant structure at Oregon Caves. The building retains its original function of providing quarters for the concession's male employees. It is a wood frame structure sheathed in cedar bark with a poured concrete foundation. Until 1972, when a second addition was made to the north side of the dormitory, the concrete foundation was hidden by dry-laid stone whose appearance matched many of the monument's rock walls. The exposed concrete foundation is now painted brown and partly screened by several trees and shrubs. Peaked dormers above the second story windows punctuate the wood shingle roof, which is steeply pitched with exposed purlins in the gables. The peaks are the dormitory's most conspicuous detail and were added when a north side addition doubled its floor space in 1940. (9) They were intended to supplement interior lighting, as were the six light wood casement windows. The Guide Dormitory has seven rooms: two bathrooms, four open sleeping areas, and a recreation room. Entry is provided by two plain panel doors on the south side (one on each floor) and two first-floor doors accessible from a porch on the dormitory's west facade; emergency egress is facilitated by two doors on the east side of the second floor.

Declared a National Historic Landmark in 1987, the Oregon Caves Chateau is the outstanding structure in the district. The boundaries of the NHL are within the district and include the building and its courtyard, both pools, the roadway in front of the hotel, and the walkway between the Chalet and the main cave entrance. As the hub of planning and design work at Oregon Caves since 1929, the Chateau spans the head of a gorge so that much of its mass is hidden below the roadway and plaza. As a consequence, the hotel's appearance belies its size, which is further downplayed by the extensive landscaping.

A reinforced concrete base encloses three floors, but the building is wood frame construction and has post and beam interior supports. The cone-shaped first floor is often referred to as a "third basement" and houses mechanical equipment. Basement storage areas and an employee dining room comprise the second floor (second basement), in which the floor space of the hotel widens to include the conical center flanked by two rectangular spaces; this gives the Chateau ten sides. On the third floor (first basement) is a kitchen, coffee shop, and a dining room which was designed to allow part of Cave Creek to pass through it by means of a conduit. At road level is the fourth (first) floor that contains the main lobby and several of the Chateau's 24 guest rooms. The fifth (second) floor is mostly guest rooms and maintains the configuration of the three floors beneath it. The shape of the top floor, however, is dictated by a steeply pitched, wood-shingled gable roof that has intersecting cross- gables. Its roofline is broken by several shed-roofed dormers which in turn are pierced by steeply-pitched gable-roofed dormers. The extended eaves are supported by unpeeled log brackets, exposed rafter tails, and plain fascia boards.

The northwest side of the fourth and fifth floors (at the base of the Chateau's cone shaped section) had wooden verandas until 1958. They were replaced by steel catwalks and fire escape ladders after cumulative snow damage resulted in the verandas' condemnation. A variety of window types are featured in the Chateau: eight-over-one double-hung sash, six-pane fixed, multi-paned casement, twenty-over-one fixed sash, and round-topped fixed sash. Several doors have transom windows with various patterns. One main chimney emanates from the main lobby's freestanding marble fireplace.

One of many decorative details in the Chateau, the lobby fireplace has two hearths facing opposite directions. Above one hearth is a miniature cave, while the opposite hearth features a marble stand for a model caveman. Other details in the lobby include wrought iron sconces attached to peeled log posts. Hand-crafted lights hang from the ceiling and have hand-laced parchment shades attached. Ten hand-colored-in-oil photographs by locally prominent photographer Fred Kiser are hung on the walls. These date from 1925-27, when the originator of the "See America First" slogan operated a small studio (no longer extant) west of the main cave entrance. (11) Furniture in the lobby was manufactured by a company in Monterrey, California, and is original. Built to imitate the Arts-and-Crafts style, this oak furniture is present throughout the Chateau and has one or more of the following decorative details: a horseshoe emblem, wrought iron hinges, leather straps, and/or a hand-painted floral design.

A wooden staircase provides access from the lobby to the third and fifth floors. Oak treads rest on pairs of notched log stringers, while peeled madrone balustrades contrast with the lighter color of the handrails and newel posts made of lodgepole pine. The third floor coffeeshop is noted for its birch and maple counters that complement the original soda fountain. Stainless steel stools with red vinyl seats line the service area. Some of the 1964 flood damage is still evident in the coffeeshop, as a 12-inch mopboard has been attached to the base of the service counters to hide mud stains.

The coffeeshop retains the original knotty pine paneling but the oak parquet was replaced with asphalt tile in early 1965. Except for some replacement of the original redwood wainscoting on this floor with African cherrywood in 1965, the Chateau retains its original interior wall finish. An original pressed fiberboard called "Nu-wood" by its manufacturer (subsequently referred to as celotex) is predominate. Carpet hides a plywood subfloor in the third floor dining room, which replaced an original maple floor in early 1965. On the three stories above, original wood floors have been covered by carpet for ease of maintenance. A sprinkler system was installed in 1950 and extended in 1961, but it has had little impact upon the Chateau's integrity. Even when the 1964 flood pushed the Chateau partly off its foundation, repairs were made with an unusual sensitivity because its architect, Gust Lium, supervised the work just months before his death. (12)

Gust Lium was also responsible for the asymmetrical Oregon Caves Chalet which occupies a site just 50 yards from the Chateau. Most of the Chalet's present functions were inherited from a prior building that stood on the same site. The first floor of the extant structure houses a gift shop, nursery, cave tour registration, storage, and public restrooms. A two-story breezeway separates the north side of the building (which contains the gift shop, nursery, and womens restroom) from the south end and provides cover for visitors waiting for cave tours. It also allows visitors to access the Big Tree and Lake Mountain trails, which begin east of the Chalet. The north side of the Chalet's second and third floors retain their original configuration: dressing rooms for women are found on the west half of this section, while the east half contains two sleeping porches, a center stairway, and bathrooms on each end. The second floor's south section contains apartments, an entrance hall, stairway, and bathroom. Three apartments with different dimensions from those on the second floor are housed by the third floor's south section.

Reinforced concrete eight inches thick forms the foundation for this wood frame building. The breezeway is framed by one foot square girder posts and 12 x 20 wood beams; these supports are augmented by cables in response to the damage resulting from the 1964 flood. Covering the Chalet is a gable roof composed of wood shakes. The building's configuration along a contour dictated that the six-inch square purlins number four on the Chalet's north side, while only three are evident on the south facade. An unusual gable dormer is formed by the breezeway on the structure's east and west sides. The visual effect is balanced somewhat by a large gable dormer at the north end of the Chalet's west facade. Between the two gable dormers on the west side are shed dormers on the second and third stories. A second floor shed dormer also breaks the roof line on the south side of the Chalet's breezeway along the west elevation. On the building's east facade, a third floor shed dormer is evident along both sides of the breezeway.

Prevalent among the Chalet's five window types are nine and six-light casements. Other types are fixed and range from nine to twelve lights. On the building's west facade are two sizes of eight-light french doors which are sized so that their opening would provide space for the writing desks which were originally in the gift shop. (13) There is also a set of eight-light french doors that open to the Chalet's only balcony. The balcony is located on the third floor, to the south side of the west facade. The gift shop's main entry is a double door with five horizontal lights; other doors have six or nine-lights, but other exterior doors are plain-paneled. The Chalet has no chimney because the radiators originally used to heat rooms were connected to the Chateau's furnace by means of an underground clay culvert. This heating system has been replaced by electric baseboards.

The Chalet's nursery (called "Kiddy Kave") has a covered porch with a concrete floor. This space and function were added to the building when it was reconstructed in 1941-1942 because the concessioner wished to demolish an adjacent cottage used for this purpose. Next to the nursery was a storeroom and employee recreation area, but these functions were moved elsewhere when the gift shop expanded in 1972. The Chalet has few decorative features compared with the Chateau, but some Arts-and-Crafts style light fixtures are present along the first floor's exterior west facade. There is also considerably less landscaping than around the hotel, largely because the building has less mass than the Chateau. Some diseased Douglas-fir were removed in 1962 from the hillside east of the Chalet, and some planting was done at that time in the vicinity. (14) Most of these changes, however, took place outside the proposed district's boundaries and have not conflicted with the historic design intent to integrate structures with the natural surroundings, provide visitor services, and facilitate circulation.

The only other structures in the proposed district are rock walls. They are of two types: 1) "dry walls", where stone is laid without mortar; and 2) battered stone fitted into a masonry wall. The first type is predominate because the monument's climate allows a properly formed wall to withstand the elements. It also costs less to build than a masonry wall and requires only a small amount of preparation by comparison. Although the concession company's personnel undertook construction of several dry walls and did some planting of shrubs and ferns in them to enhance their appearance, a 1934 report assessed them as being poorly built. (15) As a result, CCC crews rebuilt most of them and added several new walls as part of their trail building projects. The most impressive dry wall was completed in 1935 and forms the Chateau's courtyard. Others within the proposed district are a dry wall just west of the Chalet and one in front of the upper pool, just below the main cave entrance.

In 1940, the CCC replaced the logs which had formerly lined the walkway which connects the Chalet with the cave entrance. A masonry wall was used to reinforce the walkway on the hillside and provide an impressive entry to the cave. (16) Battered stone was used to make a crenelated wall whose texture and pattern resembled other CCC projects at Crater Lake. (17) The wall is roughly 100 feet long, 18 inches wide and up to ten feet high. Its workmanship is considerably better than the masonry wall that now forms the campfire enclosure. The latter was built in the aftermath of the 1964 flood and was made slightly higher in 1983. Two flights of steps lead from the walkway and wall to the roadway. The stone stairway adjacent to the cave entrance is original and was intended to lessen pedestrian congestion by leading visitors who have come down the Cave Exit Trail away from others waiting for a cave tour. (18) The other set of steps leading from the Chalet to the roadway are concrete and were installed after the 1964 flood damaged the original stone stairway.

Small scale features include three detail elements historically important to the designed landscape. These features either added individual dimension to the design or collectively helped to define the rustic character of the landscape. In the proposed district, these are pools, benches, and lighting standards.

Part of Cave Creek has been diverted into two pools. One is located directly below the main cave entrance and is fed by an eight foot waterfall. A rectangular concrete pool was built by the concessioner in 1929, but the CCC replaced it in 1935 with a pool whose triangular shape is softened by a side that is curvilinear. At that time, the adjoining stairway to the exit trail was built and some planting done under the direction of NPS landscape architect Howard Buford. The pool is lined by native rock and retains its 1935 configuration. It is three feet deep and about 20 feet wide.

Unlike the upper pool, the one in the Chateau's courtyard was damaged by the 1964 flood. It, however, retains the original location and oblong shape given to the original pool by the CCC in 1935. The pool is six feet deep, with its widest points being 40 feet long and 30 feet wide. Now paved with asphalt, the CCC originally placed log slabs treated with preservative as paving material for the surrounding courtyard. The slabs were removed in 1952, after rot had affected their appearance. Rebuilt when logs and debris choked the courtyard in December 1964, the pool was dredged and lined with native rock in 1990.

Although the monument's plaza has numerous benches, virtually none of them date from the historic period. The only exception to this in the proposed district are four "dry wall" benches located along the Big Tree Trail, east and upslope of the Guide Dormitory. Native rock was set into the hillside to form a seat and "backing" for the bench. Built by the CCC in 1936, the four benches range from two to four feet wide.

Lighting standards were placed along the roadway at Oregon Caves in 1937 and 1938. A copper light fixture was suspended from a cross piece perpendicular to the peeled log pole. Some 17 feet in height, this type of standard was common to many parks during the 1930s; most of the standards at the monument are original. These were installed because the developed area at Oregon Caves has many tall trees and is located in a canyon, which often darkens the road early in the evening. (19)

Construction technologies are the method and technique associated with the development of various designed features at Oregon Caves. The manner in which individual pieces are manufactured and assembled influence the form and visual quality of each feature within the context of the larger landscape. (20) Three identifiable technologies were used during the historic period of development at Oregon Caves: stonework, planting, and sheathing.

Stone for the monument's buildings, steps, and walls was collected from excavated above-ground sites and the cave. Most of the concessioner-built stonework executed prior to the CCC program was the work of one or two laborers using wheelbarrows to transport rock. The CCC, however, made use of a "homemade tractor hoist" to place greater quantities of rock in the dry-laid rock walls around the Chateau and other sites. By utilizing a converted tractor and its improvised pully system, the movement of larger and better textured rock (in comparison to what the concession employees had used previously) became possible. Not only was stone the most durable material for areas receiving heavy use, but the NPS landscape architects at the monument thought it added to a structure's ability to convey a sense of permanency. (21) A great deal of attention was paid to the size, color, and form of individual stones to ensure that they were well-matched. This is particularly evident in the masonry wall constructed in 1940 which reinforces the walkway to the main cave entrance. The wall reflects the familiarity that the landscape architects and foremen had with similar work at Crater Lake. Although the type of rock was different at Oregon Caves (limestone or marble as opposed to volcanic andesite), the trimming and pattern of stones possesses the same rough texture and weathered appearance.

Some soil preparation was necessary for the transplanting of trees, shrubs, and ferns in the monument's compacted areas. Most of this work took place around the Chateau and main cave entrance, where manure and top soil were spread to amend the soil in places previously disturbed. Very little seeding or sodding was done, except in one instance around the cave entrance in 1937. (22) The first transplanting of trees and shrubs by the CCC occurred in June 1936 and continued periodically for the next five years. Specimen trees such as Port Orford-cedar and Douglas-fir were acquired from near the Oregon Caves Highway in the adjacent Siskiyou National Forest. Once selected, the tree was root-pruned and boxed several months before it was moved. Subsequently, a hoist was used to load excavated trees onto trucks for transport to Oregon Caves. The same hoist was used to place trees in their new locations. Survival in the newly planted areas was of some concern to the NPS because a pipeline was placed in the vicinity of the Chateau in 1941 for sub-irrigation of planted areas but the project was not completed.

Cedar bark sheathing continues to be the most recognizable detail used in the rustic design at Oregon Caves. In the two decades before the outbreak of World War II, it was obtained from small millsites located near the Oregon Caves Highway. The Port Orford-cedar grows only in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwest Oregon and northwest California. Distantly related to the Coast Redwood, the Port Orford-cedar has been used extensively as an ornamental tree and commands a very high stumpage price because of its export value. Near Oregon Caves it is found in mixed stands along a few drainages, but extensive logging and a root disease have severely depleted populations throughout its range. (23) The bark is very durable and requires very little maintenance when used as sheathing. After its successful introduction on the buildings at Oregon Caves, Port Orford-cedar bark was utilized during the late 1930s to sheath several extant structures in the adjacent Siskiyou National Forest. One or more of the U.S. Forest Service buildings were designed by Gust Lium and are listed in the National Register of Historic Places as part of a multiple property nomination of CCC construction in the national forests of the Pacific Northwest. (24)


1. Cathy A. Gilbert and Gretchen A. Luxenberg, The Rustic Landscape of Rim Village. (Seattle: National Park Service, Cultural Resources Division, 1990); Robert Z. Melnick, Cultural Landscapes: Rural Historic Districts in the National Park System. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1984).

2. James Agee, Laura Potash, and Michael Gracz, Oregon Caves Forest and Fire History. National Park Service Cooperative Studies Unit Report CPSU/UW 90-1. (Seattle: University of Washington College of Forest Resources, 1990).

3. Oral history interview with Francis G. Lange by Stephen R. Mark, January 16 and February 1, 1991.

4. Agee, et al., p. 1.

5. Lange interview.

6. "The Master Plan for Oregon Caves National Monument" coordinated by the NPS Branch of Plans and Design, 1936 and 1938 editions, Crater Lake National Park Library; "Record of Improvement - Oregon Caves National Monument" [CCC projects] May 1,1945, p. 4, History Files, Crater Lake National Park.

7. "Ranger's Residence" drawing no. 3001, by Francis G. Lange, July 22, 1934, two sheets, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument; Lange interview.

8. B.F. Manbey [Assistant NPS Regional Director] to E.P. Leavitt [Crater Lake Superintendent], October 23, 1940, History Files, Crater Lake National Park.

9. "Addition to Guides Cabin, Oregon Caves National Monument" by Robert J. Keeney, Medford, Oregon, June 1, 1938, four sheets, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

10. Laura S. Harrison, Architecture in the Parks: National Historic Landmark Theme Study. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1986), pp. 383-395.

11. Kiser to Gordon E. Recker, Board of Geographic Names, [U.S.] Department of the Interior, November 16, 1947, History Files, Crater Lake National Park.

12. "Oregon Caves Chateau" by G.A. Lium, ca. 1931, six sheets [floor plans only], Concessioner's files, Oregon Caves National Monument; Oral history interview with Harry Christianson [Oregon Caves Company manager 1964-1977] by Denise Heald, June 20, 1977.

13. "New Chalet" drawing no. 8001, by G.A. Lium, November 4, 1941, five sheets, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

14. "Planting Plan, Caves Developed Area" drawing no. 2059A, by J.T. Clark, October 1962, one sheet, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

15. A.M. Doerner, "Report on Oregon Caves National Monument" May 4, 1934, p. 4, History Files, Crater Lake National Park.

16. Lange interview.

17. "Stone Walls, Chateau Area" drawing no. 2014, by Francis G. Lange, April 6, 1940, one sheet, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

18. "Stone Steps, Exit Trail" drawing no. 3003, by Howard Buford, November 11, 1934, one sheet, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

19. Lange interview.

20. Gilbert and Luxenberg, The Rustic Landscape of Rim Village, p. 111.

21. Lange interview.

22. "Record of Improvement", p. 4.

23. Donald B. Zobel, Lewis F. Roth, and Glen M. Hawk, Ecology. Pathology, and Management of Port Orford-cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). General Technical Report PNW-184 (Portland: USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1985).

24. Elizabeth G. Throop, "Utterly Visionary and Chimerical: A Federal Response to the Depression, an Examination of Civilian Conservation Corps Construction on the National Forest System Lands in the Pacific Northwest. Masters thesis at Portland State University, 1979, pp. 184-185.



The Oregon Caves Historic District derives its significance from an association with public efforts to develop, manage, and protect the monument's natural and recreational resources. This designed landscape possesses architecturally significant features which exemplify the tenets of the rustic style of architecture as practiced before World War II in many national park and forest areas. Most of the rustic features at Oregon Caves are of high design quality and incorporate the romanticized view of nature that was deliberately fostered first by private enterprise and later by government agencies in many of the nation's recreation sites. The buildings were adapted to fit their sites and were designed so that they made a cohesive collection of structures despite different configurations. Those included in the nomination were constructed over a 15 year period beginning in 1927 and reflect a public/private partnership that achieved a high degree of design cohesiveness in materials, scale, and workmanship. The structures are one component of a designed landscape whose primary characteristic is the sympathetic use of native materials to define circulation, help the buildings blend into the natural environment, and emphasize naturalistic design to augment the visitors' experience.

All extant historic features in the district were evaluated with respect to design (form and material) and function (use and pattern). In general, the features that were determined to possess integrity were those considered significant in the historic design while retaining original qualities of appearance and function. The Chateau was previously found to meet National Historic Landmark criteria and was given that designation in 1987. Although the Chalet was rebuilt in 1941-42, it is an integral part of the district and contributes to its significance. The buildings and other individual features included in this nomination are eligible under Criterion A (for their association with the history and development of Oregon Caves National Monument for recreational pursuits) and Criterion C (as outstanding examples of rustic design, in the areas of architecture and landscape architecture).


I. Early Exploration and Regional Development. 1874-1903

Elijah Davidson of nearby Williams, Oregon, discovered the cave while hunting along Cave Creek in 1874. Davidson returned on several occasions over the next few years to explore what later became known as the Oregon Caves. The site's potential as a resort was recognized as early as 1885, but the cave's remote location foiled several attempts to make it a private tourist attraction. Furthermore, none of the entrepreneurs could acquire title because the area was still unsurveyed.

Although mining activity had drawn Euro-Americans into the Siskiyou Mountains in the early 1850s, the rugged topography hampered more permanent settlement and the development of transportation. Reaching the cave in 1900 required over 20 miles by horseback over one of two rough trails. One trail began at Kerby in the Illinois Valley to the west; the other started at Williams, which lay in the Applegate Valley to the north. The nearest railhead was at Grants Pass, over 50 miles away. Road access in this part of southwestern Oregon began to undergo some improvement starting in 1903 when land for the Southern Oregon Forest Reserve (later Siskiyou National Forest) was withdrawn by proclamation of President Theodore Roosevelt. This action stirred some local opposition because it halted land sales in the area embraced by the reserve. It also dashed hopes for a railroad grant to serve as an incentive to connect Grants Pass with Crescent City, California. (1)

II. Proclamation of the Monument. 1907-1909

In 1907, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) officials recommended to President Roosevelt that all forms of entry be withdrawn in the four sections of land adjacent to the cave. This resulted from an attempt to locate a mineral claim on the cave area and adjoining acreage. Roosevelt suspended entry and directed that a government survey be made of the area. (2) The survey was completed in 1908 and 480 acres were set aside as a national monument by President Taft on July 12, 1909. (3)

National monument status was justified to the USFS because visitors were vandalizing many of the cave formations. The agency also saw Oregon Caves National Monument as a way to generate local support for the Siskiyou National Forest. This was in addition to it being a method of securing increased federal appropriations to facilitate tourism. By restricting the monument's size to 480 acres, they did not significantly preclude future utilization of timber in the surrounding forest. Justification for the restriction in acreage was supplied by the Antiquities Act which limited such reservations to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected. (4)

Two tourists had already generated wide publicity on the west coast for an Oregon Caves National Monument. Joaquin Miller, "the Poet of the Sierra," was accompanied by Chandler B. Watson of nearby Ashland on his visit to the cave in 1907. They dubbed it "The Marble Halls of Oregon" and subsequently published separate accounts of their adventures. (5) USFS Chief Forester Gifford Pinchot found Watson particularly helpful in justifying the monument's existence to Taft. Watson and Pinchot had been prominent supporters of Crater Lake National Park's establishment in 1902; Watson was also a member of the Oregon Conservation Commission, an important source of support for the USFS in the state during the twentieth century's first two decades. (6)

III. Early Administration and Attempts at Development, 1910-1921

The USFS quickly recognized the need for a ranger-in-charge to act as cave guide, trail builder, and camp host. In 1910, R.W. "Dick" Rowley came to Oregon Caves to fill this post and remained as the head guide for the next 44 years. During the first decade of the monument's existence, Rowley was responsible for naming many cave formations, the placement of additional ladders between rooms, and the creation of several new passages in the cave. (7) Although he built the first rock retaining walls near the cave entrance and added to the trail mileage in the vicinity, major improvements like roads, hostelries, and lights for the cave were slow to materialize.

Questions arose in 1912 about whether the USFS could legally provide electric light for cave tours and allow admission to be charged. According to a U.S. Department of Agriculture solicitor's opinion, these actions were thought to be contrary to law, as was the building of resorts on national monuments. A short-lived campaign to establish an Oregon Caves National Park was undertaken by local promoters in 1913, but these efforts disintegrated two years later when Congress passed legislation authorizing the lease of national forest land for hotels, summer resorts, and other recreational uses. (8) Officials in the agency, however, remained cautious with regard to allowing private development at Oregon Caves. Between 1915 and 1922 several applications for leases were rejected on the basis of insufficient capital.

Creation of the National Park Service in 1916 meant that the USFS had to either develop a policy for recreation or risk eventually losing its national monuments and scenic areas to the new agency. During the summer of 1917, the USFS hired the renowned landscape architect Frank Waugh to develop recommendations for possible summer home sites and recreation areas. Oregon Caves was one of the places that Waugh visited, but appropriations for recreational improvements were still several years away. (9) The agency's management also doubted that any concessioner could make a profit without an automobile road reaching the monument. Not until 1921 would the agency be able to proceed with installation of the first steel ladders in the cave and obtain estimates for electric lighting. The completion of an auto road from the west was imminent, so the temporary camps near the cave entrance eventually gave way to more permanent tourist accommodations.

IV. Planning and Development at Oregon Caves. 1922-1934

By the time that the National Park Service formally assumed administrative control of Oregon Caves in June 1934, architectural design, circulation, and the concessioner's presence were well-established. These were the result of the USFS and concessioner planning efforts that accompanied the opening of the Oregon Caves Highway in 1922. At first there was to be a log house and small cottages on a flat area 700 feet below the cave entrance on Cave Creek. A special use permit was drafted by the USFS that stated "All buildings and structures shall be of the same general style and of an accepted type of rustic architecture." (10)

Plans for a resort, however, were soon shifted away from the monument due to the scarcity of building sites. (11) The USFS envisioned a concessioner providing a cave guide service, tour equipment (such as carbide lamps and overalls), meals, and limited lodging at the monument. In early 1923, a group of Grants Pass businessmen applied for a permit to build an "Oregon Caves Resort." The newly-formed company hired one of Frank Waugh's former students, Arthur L. Peck, to advise them on how to lay out their operation. Peck recommended a visitor services building, which would include a lunchroom, office, some lodging, and employee dormitory. It was to be located just east of the cave entrance, on a flat area within a dry ravine. Designed to be a gabled chalet of an "alpine type," a precedent was set with the selection of Port Orford-cedar bark as sheathing for the building.

As soon as the one and a half story structure was built, it served as the hub for circulation at the monument. Peck recommended that a porch be built to extend beyond the chalet so that it would provide access to the cave entrance and a trail up the dry ravine. In addition to being the way to reach several mountain lakes near the monument, the latter trail would allow construction in back of the Chalet of "one or more small buildings as on an irregular street." (12)

The Chalet met with USFS approval and factored into the concessioner realizing a $2000 profit on a $6000 investment during 1923. Plans for a resort on land eight miles west of the monument were eventually dropped and the company constructed ten buildings near the Chalet over the next three years. The first structure built in back of the Chalet was a nursery, "Kiddy Kave," completed in 1924. That year the first serious attempt at landscaping was made. A fireplace with rustic benches was constructed below the Chalet, and several rock walls were begun. The concessioner also planned to "transplant the native flora about the buildings and grounds, especially the ferns, of which the most beautiful grow here luxuriantly." (13)

When the Redwood Highway connecting Grants Pass, Oregon with Crescent City, California was opened in 1926, the concessioner added seven guest cottages to the growing number of structures at Oregon Caves. Designed by a Grants Pass architect/contractor named Gust Lium, the cottages were sited behind the Chalet and "Kiddy Kave" on the south side of the ravine; short, steep paths with switchbacks accessed them from the main trail. Nearly identical, the cottages were rectangular duplexes, each had cedar bark sheathing and differed only by a distinctive entry or roof detail. (14) The next spring a guide dormitory was begun upslope and north of the Chalet. As originally built, the dormitory had only its sheathing as a decorative feature. It was a rectangular two story building and, like the cottages, was designed by Gust Lium.

Plans for a hotel at the monument began in earnest during 1929 when Congress appropriated $35,000 for an exit tunnel and electric lighting in the cave. In exchange for the concessioner giving up their lease on the land located eight miles west of Oregon Caves, the USFS allowed the company to build their hotel below the cave entrance. Through Peck, whom the concessioner consulted once again, the agency was finally convinced that the new building would not constrict the view from the Chalet and would be "the hub of all further improvements." (15)

After being postponed by the start of the Great Depression, construction of the Oregon Caves Chateau began in September 1931. This coincided with the completion of the cave exit tunnel and work to pave the Oregon Caves Highway. The hotel's unique design was described by a Portland newspaper as "perhaps inspired by the vaulted caverns... Its conformation is that of two parallel lines, one longer than the other yet joined by diagonals that constitute angles of identical degrees." (16)

Gust Lium, the hotel's architect, worked with a small crew that usually numbered less than 20 men. Despite losing most of 1932 because of the concessioner's cash flow problems, Lium and his men were able to finish a six story hotel that spanned the gorge below the main cave entrance in less than three years. Opening in May 1934, the Chateau contained many intricate details. The most publicized was a basement conduit that diverted part of Cave Creek through the hotel's dining room, a feature that was in place two full years before Frank Lloyd Wright designed his noted Fallingwater. (17)

Development directed by the National Park Service. 1934-42

The Chateau's opening coincided with the establishment of a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp on the site of what was once to have been the concession's resort eight miles west of the monument. Camp Oregon Caves was directed by the National Park Service, to which administration of the monument had been transferred by Executive Order in 1933. The NPS largely admired the concessioner's development and, as a result, chose to work closely with the concessioner over the next eight seasons. The agency's intention was to make the CCC projects it supervised harmonize with those already in place.

Through its planning process (which was aimed at obtaining a workable consensus from among various reviewers) the NPS coordinated CCC projects with the concessioner's improvements. Comprehensive site planning was done through the preparation of master plans, a document that complemented drawings for individual projects an specific sites. During the 1930s, master plans were large hand-colored site drawings bound together in a roll and usually accompanied by short narratives. Completed for every NPS unit at that time, master plans were critical to the agency because they supplied a rationale and justification for CCC projects and other budget requests.

Funds for CCC projects enabled the NPS to hire a resident landscape architect and landscape foremen for Camp Oregon Caves. These men, most notably Francis Lange, Howard Buford, and Al Lathrop, put equal emphasis upon landscape and architectural projects. Prior to their arrival, landscaping of the cave entrance area had been limited. Under the direction of the concessioner's head guide, Dick Rowley, several dry-laid rock retaining walls and a rectangular cement pool in the plaza were built by 1929. A marble monument to memorialize Elijah Davidson was hauled to the main cave entrance in the early 1930s by one of Davidson's neighbors from Williams, Oregon. (18)

The NPS landscape staff, by contrast, was more systematic and possessed a large labor pool in the CCC. Under their direction, the cave entrance area took on the appearance of naturalistic garden. Beginning in earnest during 1935, the CCC landscape program concentrated upon developing the Chateau's courtyard. Before the year was out, the CCC finished the courtyard's pool, paved the site with log slabs, started transplanting trees and shrubs, and completed a dry-laid rock retaining wall between the courtyard and the roadway.

In late 1935, CCC enrollees began construction of a ranger residence near the concessioner's guest cottages. NPS landscape architect Francis Lange designed the structure. Its configuration was largely determined by the building site, which was located on the steep slope south and upslope of the Chalet. As the first government structure at the monument, the NPS realized that the residence's appearance had to blend with the concessioner's structures. It achieved its aim, despite the difficulties experienced by the CCC crews in doing extensive excavation in siting the building. (19)

The many projects completed by the CCC and NPS enhanced the monument's infrastructure during the mid-1930s and stimulated another set of concessioner financed improvements. In 1937, a coffee shop opened in the Chateau and the cottages were outfitted with electric heat. Visitation had increased sufficiently for the concessioner to start planning for more guest rooms and dormitory space. Lengthy negotiations ensued with NPS planners whose collective opinion was that the scarcity of suitable building sites precluded additional structures. Furthermore, the NPS wanted to obliterate the Guide Dormitory and concentrate all of its new guest rooms, visitor service functions, and dormitory space in a rebuilt chalet. (20)

Three years passed before an agreement was reached. The concessioner refused to house male and female employees in the same building (largely because the male cave guides wore hob-nail shoes) so it was agreed that the Guide Dormitory would be expanded. An addition to the north side of the building was constructed in the autumn of 1940. Peaked dormers were built above all second story windows for additional light and to make the structure more compatible with other examples of rustic architecture at Oregon Caves.

Due to the lack of suitable building sites, the NPS began planning for a combination administrative office and restroom facility in October 1940. Increased visitation was the rationale for the building, as restrooms were needed to service the parking area. Instead of collecting fees as implied by the title "Checking Station," the building was designed by NPS architect Scofield DeLong so that the ranger could monitor traffic on the one lane road to the cave entrance where parking was available only to overnight guests at the Chateau. The combination of these two functions made the structure unique within the national park system and it was completed as virtually the last CCC project at Oregon Caves in June 1941.

An unusually large construction project began in October 1941, despite the expected onset of American involvement in World War II. The concessioner completely razed the old chalet in order to construct a larger building on the same site. Like its predecessor, the new Oregon Caves Chalet housed a dormitory, the cave tour registration office, and a lunchroom, which soon became a gift shop. The new chalet also contained a nursery, so the original "Kiddy Kave" was demolished. Gust Lium was hired to design and build the new building, which was completed in June 1942. Despite a change in configuration and NPS suggestions that were incorporated into the design of its breezeway, Lium succeeded in blending the new Chalet with its site while providing aesthetic balance to the cave entrance area. (21)

By the summer of 1942, the monument had the appearance of a rustic alpine village. Peck's ideas pertaining to circulation and external appearance of structures were still evident, but their expression had been carefully expanded under the auspices of NPS landscape architects. Although changing tastes and mountain weather have not been kind to some site features, the monument's designed landscape is still clearly recognizable. Postwar development largely focused upon improvements in the cave and the monument's road system. Additions and/or alterations to structures and landscape features have generally been minimal and are in sympathy with the historic design intent, with most occurring in the aftermath of a December 1964 flood. Overall, the district retains a high degree of integrity and design cohesiveness. A willingness to follow design patterns previously established is largely responsible, as are the limitations imposed by the site.


1. Portland Oregonian, May 3, 1903.

2. U.S. Department of the Interior order, "Withdrawal for a proposed national monument," August 12, 1907.

3. Proclamation No. 876.

4. 34 Stat. 225 (June 8,1906), Sec. 2.

5. Joaquin Miller, "Oregon's Marble Halls," Sunset 23:3 (September 1909), 227-235. Chandler B. Watson, Prehistoric Siskiyou Island and the Marble Halls of Oregon. (Ashland, Ore.: C.B. Watson, 1909).

6. C.J. Buck, Regional Forester, to the Forester, January 13, 1931, citing a letter dated September 26, 1910, History Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

7. George H. Cecil, District Forester, to the Forester, March 1, 1912; "Dick Rowley and the Oregon Caves," n.a. [Oregon Caves Resort], 1936, 3 p., History Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

8. Term Occupancy Act, 38 Stat. 1086, March 4, 1915.

9. Frank Waugh, Recreation Uses on the National Forests, A Study of Their Extent and Character with a Discussion of Public Policies and Recommendations as to Methods of Development and Administration. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1918).

10. "Sample Permit," C.J. Buck, Assistant Forester, to E.H. MacDaniels, Forest Supervisor, January 14,1922, page 3, section 22, History Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

11. "Oregon Caves Recreation Area," surveyed by Cleator, Campbell and Brewer, December 1922, one sheet, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

12. MacDaniels to Buck, April 9, 1923, History Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

13. George Sabin, "To the Officers and Stockholders of the Oregon Caves Resort Company, Grants Pass, Oregon," December 26, 1923, p. 2, History Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

14. "Floor Plan of Cottages - Oregon Caves Resort," by G.A. Lium, [1926], three sheets, Concession Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

15. J.H. Billingslea, Forest Supervisor, to District Forester [C.M. Granger], September 3,1929, History Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

16. Portland Oregon Daily Journal, September 11, 1931.

17. Laura S. Harrison, Architecture in the Parks: National Historic Landmark Theme Study (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1986), p. 389.

18. "Personal History Report," [Bruce Muirhead], n.d., History Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.

19. Oral history interview with Francis G. Lange by Stephen R. Mark, February 1, 1991.

20. "Possible New Hotel Construction at Oregon Caves National Monument," Francis G. Lange, Resident Landscape Architect, to E.A. Davidson, Regional Landscape Architect, August 23, 1937, History Files, Crater Lake National Park.

21. "New Chalet, to be filed with drawing O.C. 8001," by Cecil Doty, September 13, 1941, one sheet, Maintenance Files, Oregon Caves National Monument.


Gilbert, Cathy A. and Luxenberg, Gretchen A. 1990. The Rustic Landscape of Rim Village. 1927-1941. (Seattle: National Park Service, Cultural Resources Division).

Harrison, Laura S. 1986. "Oregon Caves Chateau," pp. 383-395 in Architecture in the Parks. National Historic Landmark Theme Study, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office).

Hubbard, Henry V. and Kimball, Theodora. 1938. An Introduction to the Study of Landscape Design. (New York: Macmillan Company).

Luxenberg, Gretchen A. 1988. Historic American Buildings Survey documentation (compliance narrative) for Oregon Caves Concession Cottages (HABS No. OR-147), Files, Cultural Resources Division, Pacific Northwest Region, National Park Service, Seattle.

Mark, Stephen R. 1989. Historic American Buildings Survey documentation for Oregon Caves Chateau, Oregon Caves Chalet, and Oregon Caves Ranger Residence (HABS Nos. OR-145, OR-146, and OR-149), History Files, Crater Lake National Park.

Roth, John E. and Mark, Stephen R. 1990. "Oregon Caves Legends, Resource Management and History," pp. 242-303 in draft Oregon Caves Tour Guide Manual, Vol. 3, Oregon Caves National Monument.

Walsh, Frank K. and Halliday, William R. 1976. Oregon Caves Discovery and Exploration, (Grants Pass, OR: Te-Cum-Tom Publications).


Beginning at the Checking and Comfort Station, proceed northeast 100 feet, continuing in a line southeast approximately 650 feet to a rock bench along the Big Tree Trail, then south/southeast along the trail 300 feet to the northeast corner of the Oregon Caves Chalet, passing along the east side of the building and then uphill 250 feet to the southeast corner of the Ranger Residence, around the south side of the structure 60 feet to the edge of the landscaped area west of the residence, then downslope 110 feet northwest to the main cave entrance, then west along a retaining wall 20 feet to where the Cave Exit Trail descends a flight of steps to the road surface, then along the south edge of the roadway 100 feet to a point 50 feet west of the Oregon Caves Chateau, continuing in a line north 125 feet, then northeast in a line 150 feet to the roadway's western edge, following it northwest 700 feet to the terminus of SR 46 at the junction with monument's lower parking lot and the point of beginning.

The boundary was drawn to include the primary historic setting and overlays a previously designated National Historic Landmark boundary around the Chateau. All extant historic buildings and most of the monument's other contributing resources that express the character of the historic landscape are within the proposed district. The roadway and structures west of the Chateau were excluded because they do not have a strong historical association to the original design intent. This area contains one non-contributing structure (a garage built in 1972) which does not possess any architectural distinction. The sites of the former concession cottages located east of the proposed district were excluded because they no longer convey an association with the historic landscape. Downslope of the roadway connecting the plaza with the lower parking lot was for the most part excluded because the historic view of the Chateau and Cave Creek is now obscured by the growth of brush and other vegetation. Also excluded is a ranger station adjacent to the north edge of the proposed district. Although sheathed in cedar bark, the building has little architectural integrity. It was considered a temporary office when prefabricated at Crater Lake National Park in 1964 and has since incorporated two additions. The lower parking lot and picnic area were excluded from the district because these developments have been severely impacted by reconstruction. Landslides have destroyed the parking lot's original configuration and a picnic area located 200 feet east of the present one. A historic sign located along SR 46 at the monument's boundary was excluded because its gibbet-shaped support was rebuilt with different materials in 1962. It lacks sufficient architectural integrity as a result.

Acreage: Approximately 6 acres

A 10/466250/4660770
B 10/466380/4660780
C 10/466410/4660660
D 10/466370/4660600
E 10/466300/4660670
F 10/466280/4660670
G 10/466300/4660720

Oregon Caves, Oreg.-Calif. 1:24,000

map of Historic District
(click on the above image for an enlargement in a new window)

Last Updated: 08-Nov-2016