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As directed by the state's Historic and Scenic Highway Law, the Oregon Transportation Commission appointed an eight-member citizen advisory committee to assist Department staff in carrying out an inventory and evaluation of the state highway system.


Historic and Scenic Highway: Any state highway so designated by the Oregon Transportation Commission under provisions of the Historic and Scenic Highway Program.

Historic Features: Outstanding values and related structures within state highway rights-of-way which illustrate the historic development of Oregon.

Scenic Features: Values within state highway rights-of-way which provide outstanding visual qualities and opportunities and are of such significance to constitute a destination or preferred route for the traveling public.


1. While this study was confined to the state highway system, other significant historic and scenic travel routes brought to the attention of the Oregon Highway Division was identified for possible future study or use.

2. The intent in designating highway segments or related structures within state right-of-way as historic and scenic was to provide a signal to the agency that precautionary and perhaps additional measures must be taken in proposing activities that may impact identified values of significance.

3. The objective of this study was to designate only the state's most outstanding highways and related structures. The Old Columbia River Highway is an example of a highway nationally known for its historic and scenic values.

4. A designation is an official acknowledgment that there are outstanding historic or scenic values of the highway itself.


An initial inventory of the state highway system was conducted to identify the most significant historic and scenic segments and structures on the state highway system and those segments of highway that provide outstanding scenic views. The actual inventory was conducted by Highway Division Region staff. The advisory committee identified areas for inventory consideration. Local government, interested federal and state agencies, and historic associations also were asked to submit recommendations. To assist the Highway regional staff in the inventory process, the following eligibility guidelines were used:

1. The highway segment provides an outstanding view or vista.

2. The highway segment or structure contain outstanding or particularly unusual historic values which illustrate the development of Oregon.

3. The highway segment provides for historic or scenic values which promote use of the facility as a destination or preferred route.

4. Historic or scenic values provided by the highway segment or structure appear in local or regional travel promotional literature.

5. The highway segment or structure contain unique design or construction features.

6. The highway segment or structure contains significant features that are connected with a notable designer or architect.

7. The significant views or vistas provided by the highway segment contain unique examples of landforms, vegetation, or scenic values of the geographic region.

8. The significant historic or scenic values are recognized by the local population.

Upon completion of the initial inventory, Highway Division Region staff presented the information, supplemented with slides, to the advisory committee. The committee then rated the areas utilizing the following evaluation criteria:

1. A determination that the candidate is exceptionally rare and beautiful, and/or historically significant.

The visual qualities of the segment or those viewed from the segment are considered one-of-a-kind and included among Oregon's most extraordinary scenic resources. The segment or structure possesses outstanding historic significance that illustrates the historic development of Oregon.

2. A determination of statewide recognition.

The candidate's values are broadly known throughout the state.

3. A determination of use of the segment/structure as a destination and/or preferred route of the traveling public.

In addition to providing general transportation needs, the segment/structure is used for the purpose of enjoying the identified qualities.

It was determined that all areas rated as high or top priority would be retained for further consideration. At that time, due to legislative clarification from the Senate Interim Transportation and Tourism Committee, the areas that contained significant features within highway rights-of-way were separated from those highway segments that provided for outstanding scenic views outside the right-of-way. A second round of evaluations were held with regional staff and advisory committee members to review the full committee's determinations for each region. Following this a final listing of highway segments and related structures was established by the committee for recommendation to the Transportation Commission as designations under Senate Bill 643. The Committee developed recommendations on how best to address the segments that traverse outstanding scenic areas.

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Last Updated: 06-Aug-2008