National Park Service
The Civilian Conservation Corps and the National Park Service, 1933-1942: An Administrative History
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Chapter 1

1. Conrad L. Wirth and James F. Kieley, "It's 50 Years Since CCC Went into Action," Courier, The National Park Service Newsletter, 48(April 1983):3. A number of histories have been written about the CCC or aspects of the program. The best single volume to date is John A. Salmond's The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942: A New Deal Case Study (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1967). For a view of the CCC from inside the National Park Service, see Conrad L. Wirth's Parks, Politics and the People (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980). Additional works of interest can be found in the bibliography of this report.

2. American Council on Education, Youth in the CCC (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1942), p. 15.

3. John J. McDermott, ed., The Writings of William James: A Comprehensive Edition (New York: Random House, 1967), p. 669.

4. Salmond, pp. 4-5; and Arthur C. Ringland, "The Patriotism of Peace," American Forests 40(January 1934):3-4.

5. Daniel Aaron, Richard Hofstadter, and William Miller, The United States: The History of a Republic, 2d ed. rev. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967), pp. 706, 712, 713; and Milton Derber, "The New Deal and Labor," in The New Deal: The National Level, ed. John Braeman, Robert H. Bremner, and David Brody (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1975), vol. 1, p. 123.

6. U.S. Congress, House, Emergency Construction of Public Works, Report 2104, 71st Cong., 3rd sess., 1930, pp. 3-4.

7. John T. Gibbs, "Tree Planting Aids Unemployed," American Forests 39(April 1933):195, 160, 161, 173; "Roosevelt and Forestry," American Forests 38(December 1932):633; Salmond, p. 8. For more detailed information on the Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt, see Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Roosevelt, vol. 1, The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957), vol. 2, The Coming of the New Deal (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959), and vol. 3, The Politics of Upheaval (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960). Other works of interest are Frank Burt Freidel's Franklin D. Roosevelt, 3 vols. (Boston: Little Brown Co., 1952-1956); Rexford Gay Tugwell, The Democratic Roosevelt: A Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Garden City, New Jersey: Doubleday Co., 1957); and James MacGregor Burns, Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox (New York: Harcourt Brace Co., 1956).

8. "Forestry as Relief Aid to Unemployed Takes Limelight," American Forests 38(August 1932):469, 550; Richard C. Keller, "Pennsylvania's Little New Deal," in The New Deal: The State Level, ed. Braeman, Bremner, and Brody, vol. 2, p. 53; Basil Rauch, The History of the New Deal, 1933-1938 (New York: Creative Age Press, Inc., 1944), p. 71; "Forest Protection in the Emergency Relief Act," American Forests 38(September 1932):516; and Salmond, p. 5.

9. "Forestry as Relief Aid," American Forests 38(August 1932):468.

10. Salmond, pp. 8, 9; and "Forestry as Relief Aid," American Forests 38(August 1932):662.

11. Roosevelt to Freeman, September 6, 1932, Record Group 35, National Archives (hereafter cited as RG, NA).

12. Salmond, pp. 8-9.

13. "A Forest Work Plan to Relieve Unemployment," American Forests 38(December 1932):662; A.B. Recknagel, "Woodland Work for the Unemployed," American Forests 38(September 1932):494; and Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 73.

14. "A Month's Work for Two Million Men," American Forests 39(February 1933):88-89.

15. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 73; Salmond, pp. 9-10; Charles William Johnson, "The Civilian Conservation Corps: The Role of the Army," (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1968), p. 8; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, Doc. 216, 77th Cong., 2d sess., 1942, p. 17; and "Roosevelt Shapes Unemployment Program for $500,000,000 Outlay on Improvements," The New York Times, March 12, 1933, p. 1.

16. Schlesinger, The Coming of the New Deal, p. 337; Salmond, pp. 11-12; Johnson, pp. 5-6; U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook for Agencies Selecting Men for Emergency Conservation Work (Washington: GPO, 1933), no page; "Jobless Aid Bill Near Completion," The New York Times, March 14, 1933, p. 20; and "Farm and Job Bills to Go to Congress," The New York Times, March 14, 1933, p. 20. The complete text of this act as passed on March 31, 1933, can be found in appendix A of this report.

17. U.S. House, Committee on Labor, Message from the President of the United States on Unemployment Relief, Doc. 6, 73rd Cong., 1st sess., March 21, 1933, p. 2.

18. Stan Cohen, The Tree Army: A Pictorial History of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942 (Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co., 1980), p. 6; U.S. House, Recommendations for the Enactment of Legislation Making the Civilian Conservation Corps a Permanent Agency, Doc. 196, 75th Cong., 1st sess., 1937; and Salmond, pp. 6-7, 12, 14.

19. Salmond, pp. 12-15, 19-21, 23; and Johnson, pp. 6-8.

20. "Points of First Roosevelt Bill Aimed at Unemployment Relief," The New York Times, March 22, 1933, p. 1; "The President's Message," The New York Times, March 22, 1933, p. 2; and "Roosevelt Asks Congress to Make Work for 250,000: Form Bill Foes Unappeased," The New York Times, March 22, 1933, pp. 1-2.

21. Albright to Field Officers, April 13, 1933, RG 79, NA; Salmond, p. 39; Associate Director to Dorr, ca. 1933, RG 79, NA; Johnson, pp. 92-93; and Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 83. The Army divided up the country into nine administrative units known as corps headquarters. These were located in Boston, Massachusetts; New York City, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New Orleans, Louisiana; Chicago, Illinois; Kansas City, Missouri; Seattle, Washington; San Antonio, Texas; and San Francisco, California.

22. "The Civilian Conservation Corps," American Forests 41(September 1935):530; Salmond, pp. 29-31; Statement of Mr. Robert Fechner, Director of Emergency Conservation Work with Regard to the Proposed Bill for Making the Civilian Conservation Corps Permanent, ca. 1937, Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps, RG 35, NA; "Roosevelt Signs Forest Jobs Bill," The New York Times, April 1, 1933, p. 6. Robert Fechner was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1876. He dropped out of school at the age of sixteen and became a machinist's apprentice. He became active in union activities in 1901 and in 1914 was elected to the General Executive Board of the International Association of Machinists; he later became a vice president of that organization. He held this position when contacted by representatives of the president on March 22, 1933, to become director of the Emergency Conservation Work. He served in that capacity until his death on December 31, 1939.

23. Albright to Field Officers, April 8, 1933, RG 79, NA; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 86; "Fechner to Direct Forestation Work," The New York Times, April 4, 1933, p. 15, and Salmond, p. 30. Roosevelt's insistence that the CCC camps have 200 men led the Forest Service and Park Service to request that side camps of smaller numbers of men be established to accomplish specific tasks. This led to a confrontation with the Army which will be more fully discussed later in this report.

24. U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 19; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work, Civilian Conservation Corps (Washington: GPO, n.d.) p. 1; "Roosevelt Issues Forest Job Order," The New York Times, April 6, 1933, p. 6. The complete text of Executive Order 6106 can be found in appendix A.

25. Cohen, p. 7; U.S. Department of Labor, "Selection of Men for the Civilian Conservation Corps," Monthly Labor Review 40(May 1935):1162; Albright to Field Officers, April 8, 1933, RG 79, NA; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 83-84; Albright to all Superintendents and Monument Custodians, August 9, 1933, Box 1, A98, Harper's Ferry Center; and Salmond, p. 31, 36-37.

26. ECW, Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work (Civilian Conservation Corps), April 5 - March 31, 1935 by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1935), pp. 8, 11; James F. Kieley, The CCC (Washington: GPO, 1933), p. 10; "Roosevelt Orders 275,000 Men to Conservation Work Camps by July 1," American Forests 39(June 1933):272-273; U.S. Dept. of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), pp. 154-155; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 89-91, 94, 107; and Salmond, pp. 31-32, 37-41.

27. Salmond, p. 31, 36-37; and Cohen, p. 7.

28. "50 Forest Camps Chosen for Corps," The New York Times, April 12, 1933, p. 2; Department of the Interior Press Release, April 25, 1933, RG 79, NA; and Salmond, pp. 31-32, 37-41. For a complete listing of NPS camps, see appendix C.

29. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 76, 172; Cohen, p. 91; and Demaray to Fechner, March 16,1935, RG 35, NA.

30. U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook, p. 7; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work (GPO, n.d.), pp. 12-13; American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education, The Civilian Conservation Corps (n.p, n.d.), pp. 6-8; Salmond, pp. 110-111; "Plans Shaping to Continue Emergency Forestry Through Winter," American Forests 39(September 1933):420; Demaray to Field Officers, August 1, 1933, RG 79, NA; Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work, p. 2; Department of the Interior Press Release, August 31, 1933, RG 79, NA; "The C.C.C. Begins a New Year," American Forests 40(April 1934):178; and U.S. Department of Labor, "Eight Years of CCC Operations, 1933 to 1941," Monthly Labor Review 52(June 1941):1406.

31. C.R. French, "A Workable Plan for Prefabricated Housing," American Forests 46(November 1940):512-513; "Plans Shaping to Continue Emergency Forestry Work Through Winter," American Forests 39(September 1933):420; "Civilian Conservation Corps Recruits for New Period," American Forests 39(November 1933):516; and, Emergency Conservation Work (National Park Service Circular 38) Winter Camps, July 26, 1933, RG 79, NA, p. 1.

32. "Public Works Program includes Many Conservation Projects," American Forests 39(November 1933):516; "10,000 Replacements" American Forests 39(August 1933):370; U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook p. 12; Department of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), pp. 157, 180; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, November 7, 1933, RG 79, NA; and Ickes to Fechner, April 29, 1933, RG 95, NA. The entire listing of work performed by the ECW can be found in appendix E.

33. Demaray to Dorr, March 27, 1934, RG 79, NA, p. 1.

34. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1934 (Washington: GPO, 1934), pp. 168-169; National Park Service Press Release, January 20, 1934, RG 79, NA; Department of the Interior Press Release, August 15, 1934, RG 79, NA; and "Many CCC Men Aid Parks," The New York Times, July 8, 1934, p. 13.

35. Hawaii National Park Press Release, ca. 1936, RG 79, NA; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 20; Conference of Superintendents and Field Officers, November 19-23, 1934, RG 79, NA, pp. 145, 152-153; ECW, Third Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work for the Period April 1, 1934, to September 30, 1934 by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 28; ECW, Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work from the Period Extending from April, 1933, to June 30, 1935 by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1935), p. 38; Demaray to Fechner, March 16, 1935, RG 35, NA; and Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, January 10, 1934, RG 79, NA.

36. Cammerer to Fechner, May 20, 1935, RG 79, NA.

37. Cochran to Ickes, November 14, 1935, RG 79, NA; "President Roosevelt to Request Continuation of the Civilian Conservation Corps," American Forests 40(November 1934):540; James F. Kieley, The CCC p. 14; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 94; ECW, Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work, p. 1; U.S. House, Draft of a Proposed Provision, Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, 74th Cong., 1st sess., Doc. 192, 1935, p. 2; "President Orders the Civilian Conservation Corps Doubled," American Forests 41(May 1935):232; "C.C.C. Ordered to Prepare for New Period," American Forests 41(April 1935):178; "President Widens Authority of PWA," The New York Times, June 6, 1935, p. 6; and "C.C.C. Expansion Gets Under Way," American Forests 41(June 1935):286. The recruiting drive for 600,000 fell short of this goal by a little over 90,000 men. Still this figure represented the zenith of CCC enrollment.

38. Salmond, pp. 58-59, 63-64; "President Announces New Program for Civilian Conservation Corps," American Forests 41(October 1935):600; Wirth to All Regional Officers, November 5, 1935, RG 79, NA; "To Cut CCC Enrollment," The New York Times, December 2, 1935, p. 6; "Will Close 389 CCC Camps," The New York Times, December 12, 1935, p. 8; Tolson to Director National Park Service, January 27, 1936, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Director National Park Service, January 27, 1936, RG 79, NA; and "Roosevelt Orders CCC Cuts Modified," The New York Times, March 22, 1936, p. 10.

39. Wirth to All Regional Officers, November 5, 1935, RG 79, NA; and, Evison to Third Regional Office, November 13, 1935, RG 79, NA.

40. "Strength of C.C.C. Set at 428,000," American Forests 42(January 1936):35; "President Firm on CCC Reduction," The New York Times, March 17, 1936, p. 2; Wirth to Parker and Thurston, March 20, 1936, RG 79, NA; Wirth to all Regional Officers, April 7, 1936, RG 79, NA, p. 1; Cammerer to Field Officers, October 12, 1936, RG 79, NA, p. 1; National Park Superintendents, Regional Officers of State Park Division and Emergency Conservation Work Conference, January 25, 1936, RG 79, NA, p. 26; and "New Civil Service Jobs for C.C.C.," American Forests 42(December 1936):574.

41. Salmond, pp. 145, 147-148; U.S. House, Recommendations for the Enactment of Legislation Making the Civilian Conservation Corps a Permanent Agency, p. 2; "Roosevelt Recommends Permanent C.C.C.," American Forests 43(February 1937):87; and Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, January 8, 1937, RG 35, NA, p. 13-15.

42. U.S. House, Hearings on Making the Civilian Conservation Corps a Permanent Agency, 75th Cong., 1st sess., 1937, Report 687, p. 1-2; and Salmond, p. 148.

43. U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, pp. 17-19, 21, 72, 94; Johnson, pp. 70, 73; Salmond, pp. 153, 156; "CCC Extended for Three Years," American Forests 43(August 1937):401, 417; Civilian Conservation Corps, Standards of Eligibility and Selection for Junior Enrollees (Washington: GPO, 1939), pp. 1, 22-23; U.S. House, Proposed Provision Pertaining to an Existing Appropriation of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Doc. 208, 75th Cong., 1st sess., 1937, p. 2; U.S. Department of War, Civilian Conservation Corps Regulations (Washington: GPO, 1937), p. 2; and U.S. House, Civilian Conservation Corps, Report 1032, 75th Cong., 1st sess., 1937, no page.

44. "CCC Extended for Three Years," American Forests 43(August 1937):401; U.S. Department of the Interior, General Information Regarding the Department of the Interior, October 1, 1937 (Washington: GPO, 1937), no page; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 128-129, 132; and "To Study Recreational Needs," American Forests 43(April 1937): 186.

45. Ickes to Colby, February 8, 1937, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Regional Director, Region One, October 22, 1937, RG 79, NA; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 128; Johnston to Director, National Park Service, March 20, 1937, RG 79, NA; Johnston to White, September 15, 1937, RG 79, NA; Evison to Jones, September 10, 1937, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1937 (Washington: GPO, 1937), p. 35

46. "CCC to Enroll 85,000 Men in July," American Forests 44(July 1938):328; Salmond, pp. 170-171; "CCC Camps Reduced," American Forests 41(January 1938):38; "Fechner Announces Reduction of CCC Camps to 1,210," American Forests 44(April 1938):172; and Wirth to Fechner, July 7, 1938, RG 35, NA. That year a Park Service camp was established for the first time in Mt. McKinley National Park in Alaskan territory for the purpose of park improvement and cleanup.

47. Cohen, p. 144; U.S. Senate, Amending Act Establishing a Civilian Conservation Corps, Report 950, 76th Cong., 1st sess., 1939, p. 2; U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 (Washington: GPO, 1939), p. 303; Johnson, p. 54; U.S. Department of Labor, "Eight Years of CCC Operations, 1933 to 1941," Monthly Labor Review 52(June 1941):1405; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, pp. 2, 72; The Civilian Conservation Corps: What It Is and What It Does (Washington: GPO, n.d.), p. 1; and Salmond, p. 177.

48. Cammerer to Regional Directors, National Park Superintendents, and National Monument Custodians, October 7, 1939, RG 79, NA.

49. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 (Washington: GPO, 1939), p. 303; Superintendents Conference, January 17-22, 1938, RG 79, NA, pp. 3, 68; White to Director of Personnel, October 3, 1939, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Director NPS, December 27, 1939, RG 79, NA; and White to Director NPS, August 26, 1939, RG 79, NA.

50. Wirth, Parks, Politics, and the People, p. 63.

51. "Death Claims F.A. Silcox and Robert Fechner," American Forests 46(February 1940):72; Cohen, pp. 29, 176; and "McEntee Named Head of CCC," American Forests 46(March 1940):129. President Roosevelt eulogized Fechner as a man that "brought to the public service a great administrative ability, vision and indefatigable industry. His death is a loss to the CCC and to the nation." Fechner's successor, James L. McEntee, was born in 1884 in Jersey City, New Jersey. He served as an apprentice toolmaker in New York. He later became a representative and officer of the International Association of Machinists. In 1911, he met Robert Fechner and they became close friends. When Fechner was appointed director of the CCC, he requested that McEntee be his executive assistant director. President Roosevelt on February 15, 1940, nominated McEntee to replace Fechner. McEntee remained as the CCC director until the termination of the program in 1942.

52. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 (Washington: GPO, 1940), pp. 201; and Salmond, p. 200. New CCC camps were established in Badlands National Monument, Chaco Canyon National Monument, Saratoga National Historical Park, and Kings Canyon National Park.

53. James J. McEntee, "The CCC and National Defense," American Forests 46(July 1940):309; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 142; "CCC Defense Bills," American Forests 46(July 1940):324; Salmond, p. 197; Cohen, p. 145; and, U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, pp. 5, 90-91, 107.

54. Wirth to Director, August 20, 1941, RG 79, NA; Lisle to Director, March 7, 1941, RG 79, NA; "Fewer Youth Props," Newsweek 18(November 10, 1941):24; Salmond, pp. 209-210; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, pp. 2, 21, 39, 104; "CCC Camps Reduced," American Forests 47(May 1941):242; and U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service," An Annual Report Fiscal Year June 30, 1942 (Washington: GPO, 1942), pp. 161-162.

55. Evison to Wargo, November 3, 1941, RG 79, NA; Evison to Amos, October 30, 1941, RG 79, NA; Evison to Donnelly, November 5, 1941, RG 79, NA; Chief, Office Management Section, Branch of Recreation, Land Planning and State Cooperation to Regional Director, Region II, January 28, 1941, RG 79, NA; Maier to National Park Superintendents, Inspectors, and CCC Project Superintendents, April 14, 1941, RG 79, NA; Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, June 20, 1941, RG 79, NA; and, Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, August 26, 1941, RG 35, NA.

56. Wirth to Director, August 20, 1941, RG 79, NA; Evison to Diggs, October 30, 1941, RG 79, NA; "CCC to Intensify Defense Training," American Forests 47(July 1941):345; Goodwin to Director, July 19, 1941, RG 79, NA; Superintendent Lassen Volcanic National Park to Regional Director, Region Four, May 1, 1941, RG, 79, NA; and Assistant CCC and ERA Coordinator to Regional Director, Region Four, July 30, 1941, RG 79, NA.

57. Federal Security Agency, Annual Report of the Civilian Conservation Corps for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1942 (Washington: GPO, 1943), pp. 36-37; U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1941 (Washington: GPO, 1941), p. xxvii; Salmond, p. 208; "More CCC Camps Close," American Forests 47(November 1941):534; and U.S. Department of the Interior, "Civilian Conservation Corps," Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1942 (Washington: GPO, 1942), p. 259-260.

58. Salmond, pp. 210-212.

59. Director NPS to all Field Officers, ca. 1942, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Regional Directors, December 13, 1941, RG 79, NA; Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, January 2, 1942, G 35, NA, pp. 6, 9; Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, January 27, 1942, RG 79, NA, pp. 2-3, 5; Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, April 26, 1942, RG 79, NA; and "CCC and Forest Protection," American Forests 48(March 1942):137.

60. Salmond, pp. 215-217; and U.S. Department of the Interior, "Civilian Conservation Corps," Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1943 (Washington: GPO, 1943), p. 317.

161. Evison to Regional Directors, May 22, 1942, RG 79, NA; Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, June 8, 1942, RG 35, NA, p. 9; and, U.S. Department of the Interior, "National Park Service," Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1942 (Washington: GPO, 1942), p.168.

62. U.S. Department of the Interior, "National Park Service, An Annual Report For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1942" (Washington: GPO, 1942), pp. 167-168; "Weeds Replace CCC Handiwork in Parks of U.S.," Chicago Tribune, September 6, 1942, no page; Superintendent's Annual Report for Shenandoah National Park for Fiscal Year 1942, RG 79, NA; and Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, June 26, 1942, RG 35, NA, p. 3.

63. Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, July 1, 1942, RG 35, NA, pp. 7-8, 10-11; NPS Director's Staff Meeting, July 2, 1942, RG 79, NA; and Director's Staff Meeting, July 9, 1942, RG 79, NA.

64. Superintendent's Monthly Report for Glacier National Park for July 1942, August 1942, RG 79, NA; Superintendent Isle Royale National Park to Regional Director, Region Two, July 10, 1942, RG 79, NA; Director's Staff Meeting, July 31, 1942, RG 79, NA; and Superintendent's Monthly Report for Mammoth Cave National Park for August, 1942, September, 1942, RG 79, NA.

65. Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, June 26, 1942, RG 35, NA, p. 8-9; U.S Department of the Interior, "Civilian Conservation Corps," Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1943 (Washington: GPO, 1943), p. 317; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 144, 147; Director's Staff Meeting, July 31, 1942, RG 79, NA; Strawsen to Tolson, September 15, 1942, RG 79, NA; Maier to Director, September 21, 1942, RG 79, NA; NPS Director's Staff Meeting, October 7, 1942, RG 79, NA; and Johnson, p. 218.

66. Tolson to Drury, July 13, 1945, RG 79, NA; and Tolson to Regional Director, Region Two, December 11, 1946, RG 79, NA.

Chapter 2

1. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 73; Glimpses of National Parks (Washington: GPO, 1941), p. 12; and "Roosevelt Defers Public Works Bill," The New York Times, March 11, 1933, p. 7. For more detailed information concerning the Park Service on the eve of the Civilian Conservation Corps and the expansion of the Park Service in the 1930s, see National Park Service, Administrative History: Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s, by Harlan D. Unrau and G. Frank Williss (Denver: Denver Service Center, 1983).

2. Albright to Field Officers, April 13, 1933, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work, p. 1; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, May 11, 1933, RG 79, NA; and Albright to All State Parks Authorities, ca. 1933, RG 79, NA, p. 1.

3. Wirth, Parks, Politics, and the People, pp. 75-76, 157; U.S. Department of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), p. 157.

4. Before 1935, the Branch of Engineering was involved in handling engineering questions in 58 eastern ECW camps in national parks and monuments. They prepared plans, directed construction work at camps, acted as work crew foremen, and directed advance planning work using ECW labor. This work included hiring engineering technicians to conduct topographic surveys at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields Memorial National Military Park, Petersburg National Battlefield, and George Washington Birthplace National Monument. The same type of work was conducted at the proposed Kings Mountain National Military Park, Ocmulgee National Monument, Shenandoah National Park, and Mammoth Cave National Park. Along with this work a boundary survey was made for the proposed Everglades National Park. Monteith to Story, August 9, 1935, RG 79, NA.

5. Robert Y. Stuart, "That 250,000-Man Job," American Forests 39(May 1933):197; Demaray to Superintendent and Field Officers, June 28, 1933, RG 79, NA; and National Park Superintendents, Regional Officers of State Park Division and Emergency Conservation Conference, Janaury 25, 1936, RG 79, NA, p. 16.

6. U.S. Department of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), p. 157; Albright to Field Officers, June 12, 1933, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Field Officers, October 10, 1933, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Field Officers, September 14, 1933, RG 79, NA.

7. Demaray to Dorr, July 30, 1934, RG 79, NA.

8. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 76-77, 105, 110-111, 130; Director NPS to Park Superintendents and State Park Authorities, August 5, 1933, RG 79, NA; and National Park Superintendents, Regional Officers of State Parks Division and Emergency Conservation Work Conference, January 25, 1936, RG 79, NA, pp. 5-7. The states belonging to the East Coast district were Maine, Vermont, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama. The Midwest district consisted of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The Rocky Mountain district consisted of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. The West Coast district consisted of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California, and Arizona.

9. Wirth to all State, County and Metropolitan Park Authorities, ca. 1933, RG 79, NA; Instructions to District Officers State Park Emergency Conservation Work, ca. 1933, RG 79, NA, pp. 1-4; Minutes of the National Park Service Conference of State Park Authorities, February 27, 1935, RG 79, NA, pp. 391-395; and Department of the Interior Press Release, July 13, 1933, RG 79, NA.

10. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 111, 113-114.

11. U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 36; U.S. Executive Order 6129, May 11, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933); Albright to Field Officers, June 21, 1933, RG 79, NA, pp. 2-3; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work, pp. 1-3; Wirth to District Officers, August 31, 1934, RG 79, NA, pp. 1-2; and Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 148.

12. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1934 (Washington: GPO, 1934), pp. 168-169, 184; and "The CCC Begins a New Year," American Forests 40(April 1934): 178.

13. Ballard to Nichols, June 2, 1938, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Johnston, Blossom and Ventres, April 21, 1938, RG 79, NA; Wirth to First Assistant Secretary, February 14, 1939, RG 79, NA; and Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, August 2, 1938, RG 79, NA.

14. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 (Washington: GPO, 1940), pp. xvii, 201; Salmond, p. 200; and Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 15.

15. Executive Order 6542, December 28, 1933, RG 79, NA; "Public Works Program Includes Many Conservation Projects," American Forests 39(November 1933):516; ECW, Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work, p. 3; Demaray to Fechner, March 16, 1935, RG 35, NA; "President Roosevelt to Request Continuation of the Civilian Conservation Corps," American Forests 40(November 1934):540; Department of the Interior Press Release, ca. 1935, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936 (Washington: GPO, 1936), p. xiv; ECW, Annual Report, Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936 (Washington: GPO, 1937), p. 38; Wirth to Fechner, June 28, 1937, RG 35, NA; and Director's Staff Meeting, National Park Service, February 15, 1939, RG 79, NA.

16. Cammerer to Simons, June 30, 1936, RG 79, NA.

17. U.S. Executive Order 6684 (Washington: GPO, 1934); and U.S. Executive Order 6910-A (Washington: GPO, 1934).

18. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 118, 130; Cammerer to Godwin, July 9, 1935, RG 79, NA; and U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1936, pp. 102-103. The state park districts or regions were set up in the following manner: Region one consisted of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, with a regional office at Springfield, Massachusetts. Region two encompassed the states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, with the administrative headquarters located in Bronxville, New York. Region three included Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the District of Columbia, with headquarters at Richmond, Virginia. Region four included Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, with the administrative center in Atlanta, Georgia. Region five was composed of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, and Wisconsin, with administrative headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. Region six was made up of the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming, with the administrative center in Omaha, Nebraska. Region seven consisted of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, with headquarters in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Region eight encompassed Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, and Nevada, with administrative headquarters in San Francisco, California.

19. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936 (Washington: GPO, 1936), pp. 101, 103; Demaray to all Field Officials of the National Park Service, May 4, 1936, RG 79, NA, pp. 1-3; and Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 131. The new ECW region one was composed of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and the District of Columbia. The administrative headquarters was in Richmond, Virginia. Region two consisted of the states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado, with the regional headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. Region three consisted of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, with administrative headquarters in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The fourth region was made up of the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, and Utah, with administrative headquarters in San Francisco, California. Demaray to Ochs, September 27, 1937, RG 79, NA.

20. Cammerer to Washington Office, February 4, 1936, RG 79, NA; Demaray to all Field Officials of the National Park Service, May 4, 1936, RG 79, NA; National Park Superintendents, Regional Officers of State Parks, Division of Emergency Conservation Work Conference, January 25, 1936, RG 79, NA, p. 2-3; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 118; and Wirth to Field Officers, January 31, 1936, RG 79, NA.

21. National Park Superintendents, Regional Officers of State Parks Division and Emergency Conservation Work Conference, January 25, 1936. RG 79, NA; pp. 8-14

22. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 119.

23. Cammerer to Field Officers, October 26, 1936, RG 79, NA; Cammerer to Secretary of the Interior, December 7, 1936, RG 79, NA; Cammerer to House of Representatives Select Committee on Conservation of Wildlife Resources, ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; Cammerer to Secretary of the Interior February 28, 1936, RG 79, NA; Slattery to Williams, December 23, 1936, RG 79, NA; Taylor to Assistant Director, August 3, 1937, RG 79, NA; National Park Service Directors Staff Meeting Minutes, September 14, 1937, RG 79, NA; Tolson to Cammerer, July 16, 1937, RG 79, NA; Tolson to Cammerer, May 26, 1937, RG 79, NA; Department of the Interior Press Release, July 14, 1937, RG 79, NA; Ickes to Colby, February 8, 1937, RG 79, NA; Yard to Secretary of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia, February 3, 1937, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Slattery, January 26, 1937, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Secretary of the Interior, RG 79, NA; January 12, 1937, RG 79, NA; and, Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 119.

24. Johnson, pp. 65, 92-93, 71, 12; "Army Develops Civilian Supervision of C.C.C. Camps," American Forests 40(May 1934):224; and Johnson, pp. 66, 106-107.

25. Johnson, p. 101; and Demaray to Field Officers, August 1, 1933, RG 79, NA.

26. Johnson, pp. 92-94, 100-101.

27. Director NPS to Field Officers, August 15, 1933, RG 79, NA; Director NPS to Field Officers, November 7, 1933, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work, p. 3; and Johnson, pp. 92-93.

28. Johnson, pp. 95-99; and, Demaray to Dorr, June 29, 1933, RG 79, NA.

29. Johnson, pp. 96-99; Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, July 19, 1933, RG 35, NA, p. 4; Emergency Conservation Work (National Park Service Circular 37) Side Camps, July 24, 1933, RG 79, NA, p. 1; Salmond, p. 46; and Minutes of the National Park Service Conference of State Park Authorities, February 27, 1935, RG 79, NA, p. 410.

30. Johnson, pp. 66, 106-107.

31. Johnson, p. 107-108; Major to Fechner, June 11, 1934, RG 35, NA; and Fechner to Upp, June 5, 1934, RG 35, NA. A sample of one of these documents can be found in appendix D.

32. Minutes of the National Park Service Conference of State Park Authorities, February 27, 1935, RG 79, NA, pp. 398-399, 410-411; and Johnson, pp. 101, 106-107.

33. Johnson, pp. 65, 73, 79; Salmond, pp. 172-3; and U.S. Department of War, Civilian Conservation Corps Regulations, p. 4.

34. Wirth to Shanklin, July 15, 1938, RG 79, NA.

35. Salmond, pp. 171-172; and Johnson, pp. 48, 53.

36. Salmond, pp. 175-176, 200; and Johnson, pp. 54, 56.

37. Memorandum of Agreement covering Federal Bureau Responsibility for Work done by the States on State Park, State Forest and Private Forest Land under the Emergency Conservation Work Act between the National Park Service and the United States Forest Service, May 10, 1933, RG 95, NA; Wirth to Director NPS, May 10, 1933, RG 95, NA; and Wirth to Morrell, August 10, 1933, RG 95, NA. Later in 1933 Wirth requested that a state parks camp in Cook Forest State Park, Pennsylvania, and possibly a forest camp in Ohio be transferred to the Park Service state parks program, while the Park Service wanted to transfer two camps in Missouri to the Forest Service.

38. Wirth to Morrell, August 10, 1933, NA, RG 35.

39. Cammerer to Secretary of the Interior, April 8, 1938, RG 79, NA; Wirth to all District Officers, September 27, 1934, RG 79, NA; and Wirth to District Officers, November 16, 1934, RG 79, NA.

40. Granger to Files, February 8, 1935, RG 95, NA; Fechner to Silcox and Cammerer, April 8, 1935, RG 95, NA; Morrell to Fechner, April 6, 1935, RG 79, NA; and Cammerer to Secretary of the Interior, April 8, 1938, RG 79, NA.

41. Demaray to Secretary of the Interior, May 22, 1935, RG 79, NA.

42. Cammerer to Secretary of the Interior, April 8, Wirth to Demaray, August 30, 1935, RG 79, NA; Officers, October 9, 1935, RG 79, NA; and Schellie Officer, October 19, 1935, RG 79, NA. 1938, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Regional to Sixth Regional

43. Reed to Adjutant General, August 10, 1938, RG 407, NA, pp. 9-11; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 132-133; and Salmond, p. 188.

44. "Charge CCC Defrauded of $1,250,000," New York Daily News, January 21, 1938; Newspaper clipping, "Stitely Draws 6 to 12 Years in CCC Fraud," ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; Newspaper clipping, "U.S. Clerk Sentenced for Theft of $84,000," January 22, 1938, RG 79, NA; Newspaper clipping, "Intrique and Fraud Described," January 17, 1938, RG 79, NA; Newspaper clipping, Ickes Must Explain Fraud," January 20, 1938, RG 79, NA; "Fight Over Money Blocks Expose in Park Service," Philadephia Record, August 1, 1937; "Officials Shift Voucher Theft Responsibility," Washington Post, January 19, 1938; Newspaper clipping, "No Dummy CCC Camp," January 18, 1938, RG 79, NA; Reed to the Adjutant General, February 18, 1938, RG 407, NA; Newspaper clipping "Fairy Tale CCC Report Denied," January 18, 1938, RG 79, NA; Newspaper clipping, "Tapping of Wires from White House Hinted in Inquiry," January 17, 1938, RG 79, NA; "Pay Roll Padding Evidence Grows," Washington Star, June 17, 1937; Newspaper clipping, "Army and Interior Deny Blame for $87,000 Fraud," ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; Newspaper clipping "'Dummy CCC' Theft Blame Laid to War Department by Park Head," ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; Office of the Inspector General to the Chief of Staff, January 14, 1938, RG 407, NA; Newspaper clipping "Probe Reveals Government's Wire-Tapping," January 17, 1938, RG 79, NA; and Newspaper clipping "$84,000 Fraud on U.S. Bared," January 13, 1938, RG 79, NA.

Chapter 3

1. Johnson, p. 12; Albright to Field Officers, April 25, 1933, RG 79, NA, pp. 5-6; American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education, The Civilian Conservation Corps pp. 10-11; Salmond, p. 87; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work Civilian Conservation Corps, (GPO, n.d.) pp. 6-9; Wirth to Dorr, June 3, 1933, RG 79, NA; and U.S. Department of the Interior, Handbook, no page.

2. U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work Civilian Conservation Corps, (GPO, n.d.) pp. 1, 5; American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education, The Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 11; Demaray to Field Officers, October 2, 1933, RG 79, NA; and Albright to all State Parks Authorities, May 6, 1933, RG 95, NA.

3. Demaray to Lassiter, March 26, 1934, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Dorr, March 27, 1934, RG 79, NA; and Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, March 24, 1934, RG 79, NA.

4. U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, pp. 47-48; and Wirth to McEntee, Director Civilian Conservation Corps, May 7, 1940, RG 79, NA.

5. Wirth to District Officers, Inspectors, Park Authorities, Procurement Officers, and Camp Superintendents, July 15, 1933, RG 79, NA, pp. 1-3; Albright to all Field Officers, April 13, 1933, RG 79, NA; and Demaray to Field Officers, August 1, 1933, RG 79, NA, p. 1.

6. Albright to All State Park Authorities, May 6, 1933, RG 95, NA; U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook, pp. 9, 15; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 19; Johnson, pp. 93-94; Salmond, p. 41; and U.S. Department of the Interior, Handbook, p. 1.

7. Emergency Conservation Work (National Park Circular 38) Winter Camps, July 26, 1933, RG 79, NA, p. 1; "10,000 Replacements Ordered for Conservation Corps," American Forests 39(August 1933):370; Associate Director to Field Officers, August 23, 1933, RG 79, NA; "Plans Shaping to Continue Emergency Forestry Work Through Winter," American Forests 39(September 1933):420; "Civilian Conservation Corps Recruits for New Period," American Forests 39(November 1933):516; Demaray to Fechner, March 16, 1935, RG 35, NA; "Civilian Conservation Corps to Continue Another Six Months at Full Strength," American Forests 39(October 1933):464; Camp Superintendent's Narrative Report For Period from October 1, 1933, to March 31st, 1934, for CCC Company #323 at Colonial National Monument, April 1934, RG 35, NA; C.R. French, ";A Workable Plan for Prefabricated Housing," American Forests 46(November, 1940):512-513; Acting Associate Director to Dorr, June 23, 1934, RG 79, NA; Salmond, pp. 47, 136; "Selection of Men for the Civilian Conservation Corps," Monthly Labor Review 40(May 1935):1165; U.S. Department of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), p. 158; Demaray to Taylor, August 24, 1933, RG 79, NA; Kieley, p. 9; and Cohen, p. 25.

8. Weatherwax to Johnston, August 29, 1939, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Weatherwax, September 2, 1939, RG 79, NA; National Park Service, Procedure Manual for the Civilian Conservation Corps pp. 1-3; and Charles Price Harper, The Administration of the Civilian Conservation Corps (Clarksburg, West Virginia: Clarksburg Publishing Co., 1939), no page. The number and dimensions of CCC camp structures according to the August 22, 1939, revised plan, were as follows:

Five (5) Barracks, 20' x 120' 7-1/4"
One (1) Mess Hall and Kitchen, Type A, 20' x 120' 7-1/4"
# One (1) Technical Service Quarters, 20' x 80' 7-1/4"
One (1) Officers' Quarters, 20' x 40' 7-1/4"
* One (1) Technical Service Headquarters and storehouse Combined Building, 20' x 80' 7-1/4"
One (1) Army Headquarters and Storehouse Combined Building 20' x 70' 7-1/4"
One (1) Recreation Building, 20' x 100' 7-1/4"
One (1) Dispensary, 20' x 30' 7-1/4"
One (1) Lavatory and Bathhouse, Type A, 20' x 40' 7-1/4"
One (1) Latrine, 10' 2" x 25' 7-1/4"
One (1) Garages, 24' 5-5/8" X 60' 7-1/4"
** Four (4) Oil House, 10' 2" X 25' 7-1/4"
*** One (1) Pump House, 10' 2" X 10' 7-1/4"
One (1) Generator House, 10' 2" x 10' 7-1/4"
One (1) Blacksmith Shop, 20' X 20' 7-1/4"
One (1) Educational Building, 20' X 130' 7-1/4"
One (1) Equipment Repair & Maintenance Building, 30' 9-1/4" X 30' 9-1/4"
* - Soil Conservation Service and Division of Grazing Camps, 20' x 90' 7-1/4"
** - One Army garage; three technical services.
*** - Army 10'; technical service 15'.

# It is also the responsibility fo the Army to provide shelter, rations, and bedding for supervisory and facilitating personnel desiring to avail themselves of such facilities. Such personnel will reimburse the company mess fund in cash for the value of the rations received. Deductions for quarters are made in accordance with fiscal regulations prescribed. Laundering of bed linen must be paid for by the individual.

9. Demaray to Fechner, July 7, 1933, RG 35, NA; and Stuart to Fechner, July 6, 1933, RG 79, NA.

10. U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook for Agencies Selecting Men, pp. 1-6.

11. Robert W. Fenwick, "The Civilian Conservation Corps: They Took to the Woods . . . and Came Out Men," Empire Magazine (newspaper clipping file; Western Historical Collections: University of Colorado, Boulder), no page.

12. U.S. Department of Labor, Emergency Conservation Work Bulletin No. 1, pp. 2-3.

13. ECW, First Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work for the Period April 5, 1933 to September 30, 1933, by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 24.

14. Salmond, p. 135.

15. "President Inspects Five Forest Camps," The New York Times, August 13, 1933, p. 3; Fenwick, "The Civilian Conservation Corps: They Took to the Woods . . . and Came Out Men," Empire Magazine, no page; Salmond, pp. 135, 137; and U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook, p. 11. On a trip down to Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1938, President Roosevelt was disappointed in the poor quality of dress uniforms that he observed worn by CCC enrollees. He believed that the shoddy quality of the uniforms contributed to the low morale of the men and asked the Department of the Navy to design a special CCC uniform. This new uniform was a better looking spruce green coat and pants with the same olive drab shirt, black necktie, and black shoes. The uniform was in widespread use in 1939. Salmond, pp. 137-138; and U.S. Department of Labor, "Eight Years of CCC Operations, 1933 to 1941," Monthly Labor Review, 52(June 1941):1409.

16. "President Inspects Five Forest Camps," The New York Times, August 13, 1933, p. 3; Cohen, p. 8; and The Civilian Conservation Corps: What It Is and What It Does, p. 7.

17. Cohen, pp. 18, 25; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work, Civilian Conservation Corps (Washington: GPO, 1939), pp. 4, 5; Executive Order 6126, May 8, 1933, RG 79, NA; and U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 3.

18. Charles H. Taylor, "Progress and Accomplishments of the Civilian Conservation Corps," speech given before Kiwanis Club, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 21, 1938; Toleson to Field Officers, August 4, 1938, RG 79, NA; and Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 125-126.

19. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1941 (Washington: GPO, 1941), pp. 276-277; U.S. Department of Labor, "Eight Years of CCC Operations, 1933 to 1941," Monthly Labor Review 52(June 1941):1408; and American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education, The Civilian Conservation Corps (n.p., n.d.), p. 16.

20. American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education, The Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 5.

21. Salmond, p. 135; and American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education, The Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 9.

22. "Forest and Men Benefitted by CCC," The New York Times, October 8, 1933, sec. 9, p. 2; The Civilian Conservation Corps: What It Is and What It Does, p. 7; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, pp. 51-52; and Salmond, p. 139. The second year of the CCC found the parks modifying the work schedules for local conditions. For example, at Colonial National Monument, the park officials found that if the recruits were given an hour for lunch that they would play around, get lost in the woods, or get out of the mood for working. The park solved this problem by shortening the lunch period to half an hour and bringing the men back to camp at 3:30 p.m. Camp Superintendent's Narrative Report for Period from October 1st, 1933 to March 31st, 1934 for CCC Company #323 at Colonial National Monument, RG 35, NA.

23. Howard W. Oxley, "Recreation in the CCC Camps," School Life: Official Journal of the U.S. Office of Education, 26(February 1941):151-152; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 99; Albright to Fechner, July 8, 1933, RG 35, NA; Department of the Interior Press Release, August 23, 1937, RG 79, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, February 3, 1937, RG 35, NA; Kittredge to National Park Service Director, November 4, 1937, RG 79, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, October 14, 1937, RG 35, NA; and Salmond, p. 131.

24. "Study Hour in the CCC," The New York Times, October 1, 1933, sec. 9, p. 11; and Salmond, pp. 140-141.

25. Salmond, p. 140-151; ECW, Second Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work for the Period April 5, 1933 to March 31, 1934 by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 5; and "Forests and Men Benefitted by CCC," The New York Times, October 8, 1933, sec. 9, p. 2.

26. Salmond, p. 141; The Civilian Conservation Corps: What It Is and What It Does, p. 7.

27. Cohen, p. 48; U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook pp. 14-15; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 52; Salmond, p. 142; and U.S. Department of Labor, Emergency Conservation Work Bulletin No. 1, p. 6.

28. The Civilian Conservation Corps: What It Is and What It Does, p. 6; and U.S. Department of Labor, Emergency Conservation Work Bulletin No. 1, p. 7.

29. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service Summary of the Director's Report," in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1932 (Washington: GPO, 1932), p. 109; Associate Director, Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations to Orr, ca. 1933, RG 79, NA; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 88; Demaray to Field Officers, August 1, 1933, RG 79, NA; and U.S. Department of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933) p. 185.

30. "Study Hour in the CCC," The New York Times, October 1, 1933, sec. 9, p. 11; Wirth to Morrell, January 27, 1934, RG 95, NA; National Park Service Press Release, January 20, 1934, RG 79, NA; Department of the Interior Press Release, January 20, 1934, RG 79, NA; and "Three R's and the CCC," American Forests 40(March 1934):142.

31. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, ca. 1933, RG 79, NA; "Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), p. 167; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, October 18, 1933, RG 79, NA; Director NPS to Park Superintendents, Naturalists, Historians, State Park District Officers and Inspectors, October 23, 1933, RG 79, NA; and Stupka to Director NPS, November 3, 1933, RG 79, NA.

32. U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 31; Salmond, pp. 47, 50; The Civilian Conservation Corps: What It Is and What It Does, p. 8; and Tenley to Members of Committee on Job Training, April 14, 1936, RG 79, NA.

33. ECW, Second Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work for the Period April 5, 1933 March 31, 1934 by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 7; "Marsh Resigns as CCC Educational Director," American Forests 41(March 1935):146; "The Civilian Conservation Corps," American Forests 41(September 1935):533; and Johnson, pp. 122-123.

34. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1934 (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 184; Salmond, p. 51; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, p. 71; Oxley, "Recreation in the CCC Camps," p. 151; "CCC Educational Advisors Named," American Forests 40(March 1934):124; "President Approves Education Program for CCC," American Forests 40(January, 1934):35; "Three R's and the CCC," American Forests 40(March 1934):152; and Conference of Superintendents and Field Officers, November 19-23, 1934, RG 79, NA, pp. 159-161.

35. ECW, Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work, p. 8; Johnson, p. 135; Evison to all Regional Officers and Inspectors, September 27, 1935, RG 79, NA; Goodwin to Director, September 30, 1935, RG 79, NA; and "CCC Enrollment Lagging," American Forests 41(September 1935):552.

36. Wirth to Field Officers, June 24, 1936, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936, pp. 127-128; Associate Regional Director to Director, November 8, 1938, RG 79, NA; and Statement of Mr. Robert Fechner, Director of Emergency Conservation Work with Regard to the Proposed Bill for Making the Civilian Conservation Corps Permanent, ca. 1937, RG 35, NA, pp. 6-7.

37. "CCC Extended for Three Years," American Forests 43(August 1937):401; Frank Ernest Hill, "The CCC Marches Toward a New Destiny," in The New Deal, ed. Carl N. Degler (New York: Quadrangle Books, 1970), p. 124; Department of the Interior Press Release, May 14, 1937, RG 79, NA; CCC, U.S. Department of the Interior, Responsibility for Job Training by Guy Arthur, (Washington: GPO, 1940, pp. 1-3; Johnson, p. 134; and Salmond, pp. 163-164.

38. Zerkel to Albright, June 20, 1933, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook, p. 13; "Forest and Men Benefitted by CCC," The New York Times, October 8, 1933, sec. 9, p. 2; Livingston to White, October 29, 1937, RG 79, NA; "10,000 Replacements Ordered for Conservation Corps," American Forests 39(August 1933):370; Johnson, p. 55; and Superintendent's Monthly Report for Glacier National Park for June 1940, July 13, 1940, RG 79, NA.

39. Kenneth E. Hendrickson, Jr., "The Civilian Conservation Corps in South Dakota," South Dakota History, 9(Winter 1980):4; Department of the Interior Press Release, October 11, 1933, RG 79, NA; C.N. Alleger and L.A. Glyre, comps., History of the Civilian Conservation Corps in Colorado (Denver: Western Newspaper Union, 1936), p. 10.

40. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 106; Demaray to Field Officers, August 1, 1933, RG 79, NA; Albright to Barret, May 19, 1933, RG 79, NA; Barret to Roosevelt, May 19, 1933, RG 79, NA; Abbott to Dorr, August 29, 1935, RG 79, NA; and John B. Byrne, "The Civilian Conservation Corps in Virginia, 1933-1942" (Master's thesis, University of Montana, 1982), pp. 23-24.

41. "Forest Camp Bears Fool East Side Boys," The New York Times, July 4, 1933, p. 8; Schlessinger, The Coming of the New Deal, vol. 2 of The Age of Roosevelt, pp. 338-339, Johnson, pp. 221-222; Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, June 27, 1933, RG 35, NA, p. 9; Toll to Albright, June 21, 1933, RG 79, NA; and Demaray to Guthrie, March 27, 1934, RG 35, NA.

42. Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, June 23, 1933, RG 35, NA, pp. 4, 7-8; Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, July 19, 1933, RG 35, NA, p. 2; National Park Service, Civilian Conservation Corps Program of the Department of the Interior, March 1933 to June 30, 1943 by Conrad Wirth (Washington: GPO, 1944) pp. 10-11; and Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, June 27, 1933, RG 35, NA, p. 4.

43. Bryant to Lassiter, October 20, 1934, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Dorr, March 27, 1934, RG 79, NA; Austin T. Haws, "Looking Ahead with the CCC," American Forests 41(May 1935):214; Graves to Secretary of the Department of the Interior, October 8, 1934, RG 79, NA; and "Colorado CWA Men Ousted by Hopkins," The New York Times, January 30, 1934, p. 4.

44. Newspaper clipping from Washington Post, September 17, 1934, RG 79, NA, no page; and Fechner to Cammerer, October 5, 1934, RG 79, NA.

45. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, May 23, 1934, RG 79, NA; and Evison to District Officers, April 17, 1934, RG 79, NA.

46. Department of the Interior Press Release, March 31, 1934, RG 79, NA.

47. "CCC Boys Beat Officers," The New York Times, November 7, 1934, p. 30.

48. Taylor to Lassiter, September 24, 1934, RG 79, NA.

49. Wirth to all Regional Officers, December 16, 1935, RG 79, NA; Strong to Cammerer, November 4, 1936, RG 35, NA; Wirth to Field Officers, June 25, 1936, RG 79, NA; White to Boulen, May 20, 1936, RG 79, NA; Carlos C. Campbell, Birth of a National Park in the Great Smoky Mountains (University of Tennessee Press: Knoxville, 1960) pp. 125-126; Michael Frome, Strangers in High Places: The Story of the Great Smoky Mountains (University of Tennessee Press: Knoxville, 1966), p. 222; Dube to Evison, October 14, 1937, RG 79, NA; Libbey to Director, NPS, August 31, 1937, RG 79, NA; The New York Times, August 6, 1936, p. 13; Ovid Butler, "Misrepresenting the CCC," American Forests 52(September 1936):413; and Salmond, p. 186.

50. Johnson, pp. 142-144; Salmond, pp. 88, 96-97; and U.S. Department of Labor, National Emergency Conservation Work: What It Is--How It Operates (Washington: 1933), p. 4.

51. Johnson, pp. 154-155; "Eight Years of CCC Operations, 1933-1941," Monthly Labor Review 52(June 1941):1412; Salmond, pp. 88-92, 96; Robert F. Hunter, "Virginia and the New Deal," in The New Deal: The State Level, vol. 2, ed. Braemen, Bremner, and Brody (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1975), p. 127; and, Raymond Walters, "The New Deal and the Negro," in The New Deal: The National Level, vol. 1, ed. Braeman, Bremner, and Brody (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1975), pp. 191-192.

52. Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, June 10, 1933, RG 35, NA, p. 7; Superintendent's Annual Report for Gettysburg National Military Park for Year Ending in September 30, 1934, September 30, 1934, RG 79, NA; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, December 8, 1933, RG 79, NA; Johnson, p. 173; and Salmond, pp. 95-96.

53. Johnson, pp. 147, 159; Fechner to Cammerer, July 25, 1935, RG 35, NA; Cammerer to Fechner, April 24, 1935, RG 35, NA; Minutes of the Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, September 9, 1935, RG 35, NA, pp. 15-16; Merriam to Regional Officers, August 1, 1935, RG 79, NA; Tolson to All Field Officers, July 31, 1935, RG 35, NA; Salmond, pp. 98-99; and Federal Security Agency, The Civilian Conservation Corps and Colored Youth (Washington: GPO, 1940), p. 4.

54. Federal Security Agency, The Civilian Conservation Corps and Colored Youth, pp. 1-5; Superintendent's Annual Report for Gettysburg National Military Park for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940, RG 79, NA; and Johnson, pp. 167-168.

55. Johnson, p. 167; Smith to Russell, ca. 1936, RG 79, NA; Spalding to Regional Office, Region No. 1, September 10, 1936, RG 79, NA; and Superintendent's Monthly Report for Mammoth Cave National Park, ca. 1936, RG 79, NA.

56. Fechner to Wirth, November 16, 1937, RG 79, NA; Evison to Smith, October 28, 1937, RG 79, NA; McColm to Director NPS, August 13, 1938, RG 79, NA; Salmond, p. 189; Minutes of the Advisory Council for the Civilian Conservation Corps, August 29, 1938, RG 35, NA, pp. 1-4; Superintendent's Annual Report for Getttysburg National Military Park for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1938, July 2, 1938, RG 79, NA; Savannah Chamber of Commerce to Director National Park Service, June 3, 1938, RG 79, NA; Evison to Smith, August 3, 1938, RG 79, NA; Superintendent's Monthly Report for Mammoth Cave National Park for December 1937, January 8, 1938, RG 79, NA; Roberts to Director National Park Service, July 19, 1938, RG 79, NA; Smith to Russell, August 5, 1938, RG 79, NA; and Roberts to Director National Park Service, July 25, 1938, RG 79, NA.

57. Demaray to Cammerer, March 25, 1939, RG 79, NA; Scoyen to Regional Director, July 10, 1939, RG 79, NA; Scoyen to Regional Director, July 31, 1939, RG 79, NA; and Scoyen to Regional Director, March 21, 1940, RG 79, NA.

58. Burlew to Humphrey, January 6, 1941, RG 79, NA; Gurney to Regional Director, Region One, July 8, 1940, RG 79, NA; Tilleson to Director, March 14, 1940, RG 79, NA; Federal Security Agency, The Civilian Conservation Corps and Colored Youth, pp. 1-5; Superintendent's Annual Report for Gettysburg National Military Park for Fiscal Year Ended June 3, 1940, September 28, 1940, RG 79, NA; and National Park Service Press Release, ca. 1942, RG 79, NA.

59. "CCC End Affects Negroes," The Pittsburg Courier, June 13, 1942, p. 18.

Chapter 4

1. "Praises CCC Work in National Park," The New York Times, November 29, 1935, p. 36; and Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, October 23, 1933, RG 79, NA. In Glacier National Park in 1933 the ECW cleared fire-burned areas to encourage new growth. Albright to Fechner, July 8, 1933, RG 35, NA.

2. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, October 23, 1933, RG 79, NA.

3. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, May 23, 1934, RG 79, NA; and Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, October 5, 1934, RG 79, NA.

4. Forestry Circular 1, March 25, 1935, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Fechner, March 16, 1935, RG 35, NA, p. 5; and U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1935 (Washington: GPO, 1935), p. 40.

5. Coffman to National Park Superintendents and Custodians, August 3, 1936, RG 79, NA; McConaghie to Coffman, August 13, 1936, RG 79, NA; Superintendent Yosemite National Park to Director, National Park Service, August 17, 1936, RG 79, NA; Rogers to Director, National Park Service, August 17, 1936, RG 79, NA; Vincent to Coffman, August 22, 1936, RG 79, NA; White to Coffman, September 15, 1936, RG 79, NA; and "CCC Saved Isle Royal Timber," The New York Times, September 14, 1936, p. 29.

6. Cammerer to Field Officers, March 10, 1937, RG 79, NA; Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, July 21, 1937, RG 79, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, September 16, 1937, RG 35, NA; and "Forest Fire Cut Laid to CCC," The New York Times, October 26, 1937, p. 46.

7. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1937, pp. 41-43, 52; Superintendents Conference, January 17-22, 1938, RG 79, NA; p. 98-100; and Erle Kauffman, "Death in Blackwater Canyon," American Forests 43 (November 1937):534, 558.

8. "Forest Fire Methods for CCC," American Forests 44(September 1938):424.

9. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 (Washington: GPO, 1939), pp. 273-274, 296.

10. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service, Summary of the Director's Report," in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1932 (Washington: GPO, 1932), p. 111.

11. U.S. Department of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), pp. 157, 180; and Superintendent Yosemite National Park to Director of the National Park Service, June 6, 1934, RG 95, NA.

12. General 0-204-0, Forestry Commission, RG 79, NA, pp. 5, 9-11; Department of the Interior Press Release, May 6, 1936, RG 79, NA; Statement of Arno B. Cammerer, Director of National Park Service to the House of Representatives Select Committee on Conservation of Wildlife Resources, ca. 1938, RG 79, NA, p. 3; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936, (Washington: GPO, 1936) pp. 117-118, 131; "Wildlife Work Under E.C.W. in the National Parks and Monuments," RG 79, NA, pp. 21-22, 32-34; and U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1938 (Washington: GPO, 1938), p. 19.

13. Department of the Interior Press Release, April 18, 1939, RG 79, NA.

14. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 113.

15. Glimpses of National Parks, p. 12; and Albright to Field Officers, June 7, 1933, RG 79, NA.

16. Conference of Superintendents and Field Officers, November 19-23, 1934, RG 79, NA, pp. 29-30, 273, 315-316; and Peterson to Breeze, January 18, 1934, RG 79, NA.

17. Radio Address by Robert Fechner, John D. Coffman, and Conrad L. Wirth, April 6, 1935, RG 35, NA, p. 10.

18. Address of Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes to the National Park Service Conference of State Park Authorities, Washington, D.C., February 25, 1935, RG 79, NA, pp. 15-16.

19. National Park Service Conference of State Park Authorities, Washington, D.C., February 25, 1935, RG 79, NA, pp. 11, 35; U.S. Department of the Interior, A Manual on Emergency Conservation Work, p. 3; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, May 17, 1935, RG 79, NA; and Bryant to NPS Director, October 11, 1935, RG 79, NA.

20. Leonard William Wing, "Naturalize the Forest for Wildlife," American Forests 42(January 1936) :293; National Park Superintendents, Regional Officers of State Parks Division and Emergency Conservation Work Conference, January 25, 1936, RG 79, NA; "Wildlife Work under E.C.W. in the National Parks and Monuments," RG 79, NA, p. 40; and Report of Superintendents Conference, January 23-24, 1936, RG 79, NA, pp. 24-25.

21. "CCC Needs Clearer Policy on Conservation," American Forests 44(May 1938):224; Superintendents Conference, January 17-22, 1938, RG 79, NA, p. 50; National Park Service, Procedure Manual for the Civilian Conservation Corps (Washington: GPO, 1939), p. 5; and Demaray to Troy, February 25, 1939, RG 79, NA.

22. Conference of Superintendents and Field Officers, November 19-23, 1934, RG 79, NA, pp. 29-30, 273, 315-316.

23. Ibid., pp. 45, 298.

24. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, August 23, 1935, RG 79, NA; and "Praises CCC work in National Park," The New York Times, November 29, 1935, p. 36.

25. "Wildlife Work Under E.C.W. in the National Parks and Monuments," RG 79, NA, pp. 20-30; and Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of Emergency Conservation Work, February 28, 1935, RG 35, NA, p. 1.

26. Wirth to Washington Office Technical Staff, August 1, 1935, RG 79, NA, pp. 1, 3-4.

27. Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, October 14, 1936, RG 35, NA; and U.S. Department of the Interior "The National Park Service," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1936 (Washington: GPO, 1936), pp. 120-121.

28. Statement of Arno B. Cammerer, Director of National Park Service to the House of Representatives Select Committee on Conservation of Wildlife Resources, ca. 1938, RG 79, NA, p. 6.

29. Harlan D. Unrau and G. Frank Williss, Administrative History: Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s (Washington: National Park Service, 1983), p. 66; "The National Park Service," The Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1934 (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 182; and Department of the Interior Press Release, June 7, 1938, RG 79, NA, p. 5. Unrau and Williss, Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s, gives a much more detailed discussion of this period in National Park Service history.

30. MacArthur to Fechner, May 10, 1933, RG 407, NA.

31. U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1934 (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 182; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, March 28, 1934, RG 79, NA; "CCC Continues Work in Morristown Park," The New York Times, October 21, 1934, sec. 2, p. 14; and Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, August 12, 1934, RG 79, NA.

32. Conference of Superintendents and Field Officers, November 19-23, 1934, RG 79, NA, pp. 302, 437; and Emergency Conservation Work, Suggested Portion of an Article for Mr. Fechner's Signature, ca. 1934, RG 79, NA.

33. Department of the Interior Press Release, June 9, 1938, RG 79, NA, pp. 1-5; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, August 12, 1934, RG 79, NA; Conference of Superintendents and Field Officers, November 19-23, 1934, RG 79, NA, p. 308; Robert Fechner, "History and Emergency Conservation," ca. 1934, RG 79, NA, pp. 1-5, 7; and Emergency Conservation Work Press Releases, October 9, July 6, July 7, March 28, 1934, and April 9, 1941, RG 79, NA.

34. Radio Address by Robert Fechner, John D. Coffman, and Conrad L. Wirth, April 6, 1935, RG 35, NA, pp. 5-7; ECW, Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work From the Period Extending from April, 1933 to June 30, 1935 by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1935); Byrne, pp. 49, 52; Demaray to Fechner, March 16, 1935, RG 35, NA; and Booth to Superintendent, Colonial National Monument, April 11, 1935, RG 79, NA.

35. National Park Service Conference of State Park Authorities, Washington, D.C., February 25, 1935, RG 79, NA, pp. 35-36; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936 (Washington: GPO, 1936), pp. 114-1 15; Cammerer to Fechner, April 9, 1935, RG 79, NA; and Department of the Interior Press Release, December 13, 1935, RG 79, NA.

36. Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, February 24, 1934, RG 35, NA; Weekly Reports for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, November 4, 1937, September 16, 1937, and November 24, 1937, RG 35, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, November 11, 1936, RG 35, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, November 18, 1937, and October 14, 1937, RG 35, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, June 17, 1937, RG 35, NA; Department of the Interior Press Release, June 16, 1938, RG 35, NA; and Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, November 21, 1938, RG 79, NA.

37. Address by Robert Fechner to American Planning and Civic Association, January 20, 1938, RG 79, NA.

38. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 (Washington: GPO, 1939) p. 275; Superintendents Conference, January 17-22, 1938, RG 79, NA, p. 180; "Chesapeake and Ohio Canal to Form National Recreation Area," American Forests 44(October 1938):469; and Demaray to Troy, February 25, 1939, RG 79, NA.

39. Assistant Chief, Project Development Division, to Gerner, October 30, 1940, RG 79, NA; Taylor to Acting Director of the National Park Service, June 24, 1940, RG 79, NA; Federal Security Administration, Annual Report of the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 (Washington: GPO, 1941), p. 46; Superintendents Annual Report for 1941 Fiscal Year for Colonial Historical Park, July 17, 1941, RG 79, NA; and U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1941 (Washington: GPO, 1941), pp. 285-286.

40. National Park Service Press Release, January 20, 1934, RG 79, NA; Walters to McNary, October 31, 1934, RG 79, NA; and Wirth, "Parks for the Millions," American Forests 43(November 1936):505, 531.

41. Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, November 27, 1936, RG 35, NA; "The National Park Service," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936, p. 104; and Department o the Interior Press Releases, May 15, 1937, March 9, 1937, February 9, 1938, and November 10, 1936, RG 79, NA.

42. Merriam to Branch of Planning, ca. 1935, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Hogan, February 16, 1935, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Washington Office, August 7, 1936, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, "Then National Park Service," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1937 (Washington: GPO, 1937), pp. 38-39; Department of the Interior Press Release, October 22, 1937, RG 79, NA; Demaray to Superintendent, Yosemite National Park, January 19, 1937, RG 79, NA; Wirth to Regional Officers and Project Managers, December 23, 1935, RG 79, NA; and U.S. Department of the Interior "The National Park Service," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936, p. 101.

43. Department of the Interior Press Release, December 13, 1935, RG 79, NA; ECW Press Release, August 23, 1935, RG 79, NA; and Demaray to Washington Office, August 7, 1936, RG 79, NA.

44. Department of the Interior Press Release, January 23, 1938, RG 79, NA; National Park Service Press Release, April 22, 1938, RG 79, NA; and Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, August 1, 1938, RG 79, NA.

45. Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, July 31, 1938, RG 79, NA.

46. Address by Robert Fechner to American Planning and Civic Association, January 20, 1938, RG 79, NA.

47. Federal Security Administration, Annual Report, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940, p. 48; Director's Staff Meeting, National Park Service, October 7, 1942, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1944 (Washington: GPO, 1944), p. 202; and U. S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1945 Washington: GPO, 1945), pp. 213-214.

48. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, November 14, 1934, RG 79, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, October 26, 1934, RG 35, NA, pp. 1-2; and Department of the Interior Press Release, August 15, 1934, RG 79, NA.

49. Ickes Press Releases, November 19, 1933, RG 79, NA; Fechner, "My Hopes for the CCC," American Forests 45(January 1939):30; U.S. Department of the Interior, "Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations," by Arno B. Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1933), pp. 157-158; Fechner, "The Corps on Review," American Forests 41(April 1935):167; ECW, Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work, pp. 2-3; and Fechner, Radio Address, October 24, 1934, RG 79, NA, p. 2.

50. Goodwin to Director, September 30, 1935, RG 79, NA.

51. "CCC for Virgin Islands," The New York Times, February 14, 1935, p. 19; Cammerer to Secretary of the Interior, March 30, 1940, RG 79, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, August 22, 1935, RG 35, NA; and Superintendent Isle Royale National Park to Regional Director, Region Two, July 10, 1952, RG 79, NA.

52. Evison to Fourth Regional Office, December 20, 1935, RG 79, NA; and Fechner to Demaray, January 23, 1935, RG 35, NA.

53. Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, November 27 and 11, 1936, RG 35, NA; Superintendent's Monthly Report for Glacier National Park for October 1936, November 1936, RG 35, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, August 20, 1936, RG 35, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, October 14, 1936, RG 35, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno B. Cammerer in the Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1936 p. 103; Glacier National Park Press Release, April 1936, RG 79, NA; and Wirth, " Parks, Politics and the People," p. 120.

54. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 193; and Interview with Michael H. Bureman, Historian, and Nathaniel Kuykendall, Planner, February 21, 1984.

55. Department of the Interior Press Release, ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, March 17, 1937, RG 35, NA; "20,000 Trees in Seedling Plan," The New York Times, May 23, 1937, p. 9; Acting Director, National Park Service, to Edwards, January 29, 1937, RG 79, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, February 3, 1937, RG 35, NA; Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; and U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1938 (Washington: GPO, 1938), p. 19.

56. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, January 22, 1934, RG 79, NA; Albright to Field Officers, April 8, 1933, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of Labor, Emergency Conservation Work Bulletin No. 1, pg. 5; Salmond, pp. 46, 139; ECW, Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work From April, 1933 to June 30, 1935 (Washington: GPO, 1935), pp. 31-32; Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, December 21, 1933, RG 79, NA; Department of the Interior Press Release, August 3, 1933, RG 79, NA; and ECW, First Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work for the Period April 5, 1933 to September 30, 1933 (Washington: GPO, 1934), pp. 50-52.

57. Civilian Conservation Corps Weekly Report, June 9, 1938, RG 35, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, March 3, 1938, RG 35, NA; Glacier National Park Press Release, April 3, 1938, RG 79, NA; Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; and CCC, Annual Report of the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1938 (Washington: GPO, 1939), p. 43.

58. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 (Washington: GPO, 1939), pp. 64-265, 268, 275; Department of the Interior Press Release, May 17, 1939, RG 79, NA; and Department of the Interior Press Release, June 27, 1939, RG 79, NA.

59. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1941 (Washington: GPO, 1941, pp. 300, 303, 456-457; and Kelley to Director, December 20, 1940, RG 79, NA.

Chapter 5

1. Byrne, p. 1; "Eight Years of CCC Operations, 1933 to 1941," Monthly Labor Review 52 (June 1941):1405; Robert Y. Stuart, "That 250,000-Man Job," American Forests 39(May 1933):195; Albright to Fechner, July 8, 1933, RG 35, NA; Fechner to Roosevelt, April 5, 1935, RG 79, NA; ECW, Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work, p. 1; "Fechner Reviews Six Years of CCC Conservation Work," American Forests 45(August 1939):418; Arthur C. Ringland, "The Patriotism of Peace," American Forests 40(January 1934):4; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps, pp. 1, 17; Albright to Field Officers, April 8, 1933, RG 79, NA; Wirth, Parks, Politics and the Peo p le, p. 88; and Fechner, "The Corps on Review," American Forests 41(April 1935):166.

2. U.S. Department of Labor, Emergency Conservation Work Bulletin No. 1, p. 1; ECW, Second Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work for the Period September 30, 1933 to March 31,1934 (Washington: GPO, 1934), pp. 4-5; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1934 (Washington: GPO, 1934), p. 168; ECW, Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work pp. 4-5; Wirth, "Parks for the Millions," American Forests 52(November 1936):505; Hengstler to Keeley, October 26, 1936, RG 79, NA; ECW, Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work from the Period Extending from April, 1933 to June , 1935 by Robert Fechner (Washington: GPO, 1935), pp. 34-35; Department of the Interior Press Release, ca. 1938, RG 79, NA; and Wirth Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 149-150.

3. Demaray to Fechner, March 16, 1935, RG 35, NA; Salmond, p. 47. A list of the ECW films made between 1933 and 1935 can be found in Appendix F.

4. "President Inspects Five Forest Camps," The New York Times, August 13, 1933, p. 3.

5. "Fechner to Recommend Continuation of CCC," American Forests 40(October 1934):490; Emergency Conservation Work Press Releases, January 22, 1934, April 11, 1934, and August 23, 1935, RG 79, NA; and "President Roosevelt to Request Continuation of the Civilian Conservation Corps," American Forests 40(November 1934):540. At Death Valley National Monument, campgrounds, wells, ranger stations, and road improvement work accommodated public use. At Mesa Verde National Park an extensive erosion control and road improvement project was undertaken. At Sequoia National Park the ECW was used to improve inadequate park facilities.

6. Emergency Conservation Work Press Release, July 27, 1934, RG 79, NA; Camp Superintendents' Narrative Report For Period From October 1st, 1933 to March 31st, 1934 for CCC Company #323 at Colonial National Monument, April 1934, RG 35, NA; and Acree to Floyd B. Flickinger, January 11, 1935, RG 79, NA.

7. "President Orders the Civilian Conservation Corps Doubled," American Forests 41(May 1935):240; ECW, Report of the Director of Emergency Conservation Work From the Period Extending from April, 1933 to June 30, 1935 by Robert Fechner, (Washington: GPO, 1935), pp. 1, 31; Wirth to Hogan, February 16, 1935, RG 79, NA; Ickes to Roosevelt, ca. 1935, RG 79, NA; "The Civilian Conservation Corps," American Forests 41(September 1935):532; and, Wirth, "Parks for the Millions," American Forests 41(November 1936):531.

8. "Roosevelt's Speech at Park," The New York Times, July 4, 1936, p. 3; Charles W. Hurd, "Roosevelt Urges New Park Areas to Correct 'Tragedy of Waste,'" The New York Times, July 4, 1936, p. 1; "Work Well Done," The New York Times, July 4, 1936, p. 12; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps p. 26; and Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, July 16, 1936, RG 35, NA.

9. Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, July 2, 1936, RG 35, NA; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, October 21, 1937, RG 35, NA; "Forest and Men Benefitted by CCC," The New York Times, October 8, 1937, sec. 9, p. 2; Weekly Report for the Department of the Interior to the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work, February 3 and 24, 1937, RG 35, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno Cammerer, in Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1937 (Washington: GPO, 1937, p. 65; Merriam to Director, NPS, December 12, 1938, RG 79, NA; Minutes of Advisory Council for Emergency Conservation Work, January 8, 1937, RG 35, NA, pp. 1-4; and Johnson, pp. 167-168.

10. Department of the Interior Press Release, December 21, 1937, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1938 (Washington: GPO , 1938), pp. 13, 33-34; Department of the Interior Press Release, June 23, 1938, RG 79, NA; U.S. Department of the Interior, "The National Park Service," by Arno B. Cammerer in the Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1937 (Washington: GPO, 1937), pp. 39, 43; and Civilian Conservation Corps Press Release, July 31, 1938, RG 79, NA.

11. Department of the Interior Press Release, March 15, 1939, RG 79, NA.

12. Salmond, p. 192; Wirth and Kieley, "It's 50 Years Since CCC Went into Action," Courier, The National Park Service Newsletter, 48(April 1983):3; and "Windsor Confers with Roosevelt on Island Bases," The New York Times, December 14, 1940, pp. 1, 5.

13. "President Lauds Record of the CCC," The New York Times, April 8, 1940, p. 3.

14. Fanning Hearon, comp. "The Year's Progress," Park and Recreation Progress 1941 Yearbook (Washington: GPO, 1941), p. 1; U.S. Senate, Civilian Conservation Corps,, pp. 26-27, 65-66; and Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, pp. 150-151.

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