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Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument is a scientific treasure. Its deep canyons, mountains, and lonely buttes testify to the power of geological forces and provide colorful vistas. Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rock layersrelatively undeformed and unobscured by vegetationoffer a clear view for understanding the Colorado Plateau's geologic history. Geologic, geographic, and biological transitions give rise to the monument's astonishing ecological diversity. Here two geologic provinces meet, the Basin and Range and the Colorado Plateau. Here also two ecoregions meet, the Mojave Desert and Colorado Plateau. Within these ecoregions three floristic provinces convergeMojave Desert, Great Basin, and Colorado Plateaucreating diverse assemblages of plant and animal communities. Geologic variations coupled with elevation changes, ranging from 1,400 feet above sea level near Grand Wash Bay to over 8,000 feet on Mt. Trumbull, result in a variety of desert, shrubland, and montane habitats. Cooler conditions found in higher-elevation ponderosa pine forests provide habitat for wild turkeys, northern goshawks, and Kaibab squirrels. Middle elevations feature pinyon-juniper forests and sagebrush that support pinyon jays, Great Basin rattlesnakes, and mule deer. Low-elevation Mojave Desert features creosote bush, Joshua trees, Gila monsters, Gambel's quail, and desert bighorn sheep. Rare springs with life-giving water are hotspots hosting distinctive plant and animal life. It is hard to imagine how people survived in this harsh land, but the evidence of tenancy testifies to human perseverance. Occupation began 12,000 years ago with large-animal hunters followed by hunter/gatherers. About 3,000 years ago the introduction from Mexico of corn and, later, squash and beans allowed the people to settle into small villages. Each group left clues like pecked and painted rock images, home sites, tools, and quarries that give us some insight into their lives. Southern Paiutes living in this area at the time of Euro-American contact in 1776 still live in the Colorado Plateau region. Remnants of early homesteads punctuate the landscape, expanding its rich human history, a vital dimension of the area's character. A TRANSITIONAL LANDSCAPE DESERT WASH JOSHUA TREE FOREST MOJAVE DESERT SCRUB SAGEBRUSH STEPPE PINYON-JUNIPER WOODLAND PONDEROSA PINE FOREST INDIANS SETTLERS LOGGING COPPER MINES CATTLE RANCHING PRESERVATION PAKOON SPRINGS TASSI RANCH GRAND GULCH MINE WHITMORE OVERLOOK CANYON HELLS HOLE NAMPAWEAP A MONUMENTAL PARTNERSHIP Here, in over a million acres of vast, remote, and sparsely developed landscapes, the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service have embarked on a monumental joint ventureto conserve in perpetuity the cultural and natural features and values, and wondrous solitude, in this place where remoteness has underwritten the survival of its strikingly wild character. The monument encompasses the lower Shivwits Plateau, an important Colorado River and Grand Canyon watershed, and contains countless biological and historical values of the Arizona Strip, so called because the Grand Canyon isolates it from the rest of the state. Congress has designated four areas of the monument for protection as wilderness under the National Wilderness Preservation System Act. Special regulations apply in designated wilderness. Please check at the information center. PLANNING YOUR VISIT
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Park Service (NPS) invite you to experience the 1,050,963-acre Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument. No permits are required for public recreational use. There are no facilities or gasoline available in the national monument. There is NO cell phone service in the monument. An Interagency Information Center in St. George, Utah offers exhibits, publications, and maps. Desk staff can answer questions and update you on road conditions. Weekday hours are 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., closed on Sunday. There are several ways to enter the monument, but be aware that ail access is by rough dirt roads. Before entering the monument procure the BLM Arizona Strip Visitor map or appropriate topographical maps at the Interagency Information Center in St. George, Utah, or at Pipe Spring National Monument, located on Arizona Route 389, 15 miles west of Fredonia, Ariz, (open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily). HIKING AND BACKPACKING REGULATIONS AND SAFETY Also observe these regulations and safety precautions:
• Take one, preferably two, fullsize spare tires. For more information about the National Park System visit www.nps.gov. For more information about the Bureau of Land Management visit www.blm.gov. Source: NPS Brochure (2007)
Documents Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Overview, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, Arizona (November 2017) Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plant Flora of Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument: Phase II Report (Terri Hildebrand and Walter Fertig, May 1, 2012) Annotated Vascular Plant Database, Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument: Phase 1 Report (Walter Fertig, August 28, 2010) Arizona Explorer Junior Ranger (Date Unknown; for reference purposes only) Arizona Strip Visitor Map (BLM, 2016) Assessment of Rangeland Ecosystem Conditions in Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, Arizona U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020-1040 (Michael C. Duniway and Emily C. Palmquist, 2020) Backroads Bastion: Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument Administrative History (Theodore Catton and Diane L. Krahe, December 2018) Cultural Landscapes Inventory Level II: Waring Ranch (2003) Fact Sheet, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (December 10, 2015) Foundation Document Overview, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, Arizona (January 2016) Grand Canyon National Park-Grand Canyon/Parashant National Monument Vegetation Classification and Mapping Project NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/GRCA/NRR—2015/913 (Michael J.C. Kearsley, Kass Green, Mark Tukman, Marion Reid, Mark Hall, Tina Ayers and Kyle Christie, February 2015) Green Springs, Historic American Landscapes Survey (Michael R. Harrison, undated) Historic Preservation Report: Condition Assessment and Preservation Recommendations Grand Gulch Mine and Pine Well Ranch, Parashant National Monument (Mark L. Mortier, September 30, 2003) Horse Valley Ranch, Historic American Landscapes Survey (Michael R. Harrison, undated) Junior Arizona Archeologist (2016; for reference purposes only) Junior Ranger Handbook, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (Date Unknown; for reference purposes only) Long-Range Interpretative Plan (August 2012) Natural Resource Condition Assessments for Six Parks in the Mojave Desert Network NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MOJN/NRR-2019/1959 (Erica Fleishman, Christine Albano, Bethany A. Bradley, Tyler G. Creech, Caroline Curtis, Brett G. Dickson, Clinton W. Epps, Ericka E. Hegeman, Cerissa Hoglander, Matthias Leu, Nicole Shaw, Mark W. Schwartz, Anthony VanCuren and Luke Z. Zachmann, August 2019) Natural Resource Condition Assessment, Greater Grand Canyon Landscape Assessment NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/GRCA/NRR-2018/1645 (Sasha Stortz, Clare Aslan, Tom Sisk, Todd Chaudhry, Jill Rundall, Jean Palumbo, Luke Zachmann and Brett Dickson, May 2018) North Rim Homelands: An Ethnographic Overview and Assessment Relating to Tribes Associated with Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (Douglas Deur, Rachel Lahoff and Deborah Confer, 2014) Paiutes, Mormons, and Mericats: A History of Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument Draft (Frederick L. Brown, 2009) Paleontological Resource Inventory (Public Version), Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/PARA/NRR-2021/2338 (Justin S. Tweet, Holley Flora, Sumner Rose Weeks, Eathan McIntyre and Vincent L. Santucci, December 2021) Photographic Guide to the Bryophytes of Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (John Brinda, April 2011) Pine Ranch, Historic American Landscapes Survey (Michael R. Harrison, 2011) Plants of the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (July 2003) Proclamation 7265Establishment of the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (William J. Clinton, January 11, 2000) Records of Decision and Resource Management Plan/General Management Plan, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (Bureau of Land Management/National Park Service, February 2008) Records of Decision and Resource Management Plan, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (2010) Southern Paiute Cultural History Curriculum Guide: Supplemental Lessons for Grades 6-9 (Joëlle Clark, September 2010) Southern Paiute - Parashant Bulletin (Volume 1, July 2013) Tassi Ranch, Tassi Springs, Historic American Landscapes Survey (Michael R. Harrison, 2010) The Oasis (Mojave Desert Network) Unav-Nuqauaint: Little Springs Lava Flow Ethnographic Investigation (Kathleen Van Vlack, Richard Stoffle, Evelyn Pickering, Katherine Brooks and Jennie Delfs, September 2013) Waring Ranch, Historic American Landscapes Survey (Michael R. Harrison, 2011) Yanawant: Paiute Places and Landscapes in the Arizona Strip Volume One of The Arizona Strip Landscapes and Place Name Study Final Draft (Richard W. Stoffle, Kathleen Van Vlack, Alex K. Carroll, Fletcher Chmara-Huff and Aja Martinez, December 15, 2005) Yanawant: Paiute Places and Landscapes in the Arizona Strip Volume Two of The Arizona Strip Landscapes and Place Name Study (Diane Austin, Erin Dean and Justin Gaines, December 12, 2005) Additional Documents can be found at this location | |||||
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