National Park Service
A Study of the Park and Recreation Problem of the United States
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FEB 10 1942   

The accompanying report is presented at a time when our energies and resources are centered in one objective—victory in war. Although it was prepared and printed prior to our involvement, it is timely with respect to the Nation's immediate recreational needs and its value with respect to long-range problems remains pertinent.

While our present war effort must take precedence over all other activities, planning to meet our park and recreational requirements must continue to receive consideration. The inspiration experienced through visiting the Nation's scenic wonders and historic shrines in stills a love of country and maintains morale, and participation in recreational activities is vital to the welfare of the people, both military and civilian.

The report will be especially valuable in planning for the post-war period when our economy will be severely strained in the transition to peacetime pursuits. At that time it is not unlikely that public agencies at all levels of Government will participate in a public works program to relieve unemployment. If "leaf raking" is to be avoided it is essential that a "shelf" of soundly conceived projects be in readiness. Land is more essential to park and recreational developments than to many other types of public works; therefore, some consideration might well be given to land acquisition even during this emergency period.

The report reviews the present situation with respect to public outdoor recreational facilities; discusses the recreational needs of the people and the administrative, financial and legal aspects of the problem; and outlines the requirements of a park and recreational land plan for the Nation. It is believed that the report will stimulate interest in parks and recreation and provide the basis for future programming in this field.

Harold L. Ickes
Secretary of the Interior.

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Last Updated: 18-May-2016