Pictured Rocks
The Pictured Rocks
An Administrative History of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
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1 Raleigh Barlowe, "Changing Land Use and Policies: The Lake States," The Great Lakes Forest: An Environmental and Social History, edited by Susan B. Flader (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981), 162-168.

2 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), October 2, 1987.

3 Barry Mackintosh, "Administrative History--A Management Tool," CRM, 16, 1, (1993), 5.

4 John Cook, "Institutional Memories for Managers," CRM, 16, 1, (1993), 16.

Chapter 1

5 Pierre Esprit Radisson, "Caesars in the Wilderness", Up Country: Voices from the Midwestern Wilderness edited by William Joseph Seno, (Madison, Wis.: Round River Publishing Co., 1985), 8-9.

6 Grace Lee Nute, Lake Superior (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944), 22-23; Grace Lee Nute, Caesars of the Wilderness: Medard Chouart, Sieur Des Groseilliers and Pierre Esprit Radisson, 1618-1710 (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1978), 99-100; Pierre Berton, Niagara: A History of the Falls (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1992), 26-30.

7 Frederick Stonehouse, Historic Resource Study of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan (Milwaukee: Mark F. Pfaller Associates, 1981), 19.

8 W. Vernon Kinietz, The Indians of the Western Great Lakes, 1615-1760 (Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1940), 326-27; John Johnson, "An Account of Lake Superior," Les Bourgeois De La Compagnie Du Nord-Ouest, edited by L.R. Masson (New York: Antiquarian Press, 1960), 152-53; Edmund Danzinger, Jr., The Chippewas of Lake Superior (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979), 16-17.

9 Robert W. Karrow, "Lake Superior's Mythic Isle: A Cautionary Tale for the Users of Old Maps," Michigan History (Jan.-Feb., 1985), 26.

10 David J. Krause, Making of a Mining District: Keweenaw Native Copper, 1500-1870 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992), 68-72.

11 Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, Travels through the Northwestern Regions of the United States (Albany: E. & E. Hosford, 1821), 150; John F. Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 3-4.

12 Schoolcraft, Travels, 152.

13 Stonehouse, Historic Resource Study, 26-27.

14 Krause, Making of a Mining District, 77-90.

15 Bela Hubbard, Lake Superior Journal: Bela Hubbard's Account of the 1840 Houghton Expedition edited by Bernard C. Peters, (Marquette, Mich.: Northern Michigan University Press, 1983), 29-34.

16 Stonehouse, Historic Resource Study, 27-34.

17 Cecil B. Williams, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1964), 156-60; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Song of Hiawatha (Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1975), 179; Nute, Lake Superior, 331.

18 Kenneth D. LaFayette, Flaming Brands: Fifty Years of Iron Making in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan 1848-1898, (Marquette, Mich.: Northern Michigan University Press, 1977), 10; Castle, The Grand Island Story, (Marquette, Mich.: John M. Longyear Research Library, 1974), 62; Mining Journal (Marquette), November 21, 1868; A.L. Rawson, The Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior, (Au Train Mich.: Avery Color Studios, 1971), 9,

19 James L. Carter, Superior: A State for the North Country (Marquette, Mich.: Pilot Press, 1980), 16-17.

20 A.L. Rawson, "The Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior," Harper's New Monthly Magazine, (May, 1867), XXXIV CCIV, 324.

21 Margaret Beattie Bogue, Around the Shores of Lake Michigan: A Guide to Historic Sites (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985), 282-83.

22 United States Department of Commerce, The Lumber Industry: Standing Timber. Concentration of Timber Holdings in Important Selected Regions. and Land Holdings of Large Timber Owners (Washington, D C: U S Government Printing Office, 1913), 173-90.

23 Faye Swanberg, "Folks Remembered," Alger Footprints, 12, 4, (Dec., 1988), 2; Munising Republican, June 13, 1902.

24 Theodore J. Karamanski, History of the McCormick Family's Use of White Deer Lake Camp, McCormick Experimental Forest, Michigan (Chicago: Mid-American Research Center, 1985), 8-22; Fred Rydholm "Upper Crust Camps," A Most Superior Land: Life in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, edited by Russell McKee, (Lansing: Michigan Natural Resources Magazine, 1983), 124-31; Nute, Lake Superior, 245-46.

25 Lawrence Rakestraw, Fred Stormer, and Christopher R. Eder, "A Second Yellowstone: William G. Mather and the Grand Island Game Preserve," Journal of Forest History (July, 1977), 156-163; Beatrice Hanscom Castle, The Grand Island Story (Marquette, Mich.: John M. Longyear Research Library, 1974), 70-79.

26 Ibid.

27 Ibid.

28 Russell McKee, ed., Mackinac: The Gathering Place (Lansing: Michigan Department of Natural Resources, 1981), 19.

29 Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967), 150; Anonymous, "Lakes and Resorts of the Northwest," (Chicago: Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, 1903).

30 Rakestraw et al "A Second Yellowstone," 162-63; Margaret E. LaMothe and Virginia Johnson, "The New 'Industry'--Tourism," Alger County. A Centennial History: 1885-1985, edited by Charles A. Symon, (Munising, MI: Bayshore Press, 1986), 263.

31 G. Harvey Ralphson, Boy Scouts on Old Superior or The Tale of the Pictured Rocks (Chicago: Donohue & Company, 1913), 1, 43-49.

32 Ibid.

33 Stonehouse, Historic Resource Study, xi, 27; John Bartlow Martin, Call It North Country: The Story of Upper Michigan (New York: Knopf, 1945), 260.

34 Ibid.

Chapter 2

35 Schoolcraft, Travels, 178; Isaac Stephenson, Recollections of a Long Life: 1829-1915 (Chicago: privately printed, 1915), 90; Theodore J. Karamanski, Historical Records Study: Logging Industry and Pioneer-Homesteading Cultural Resources on the Hiawatha National Forest, Michigan (Chicago: Mid-American Research Center, 1984), 93.

36 Theodore J. Karamanski, Deep Woods Frontier: A History of Logging in Northern Michigan (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989), 224-27; George F. Deasy, "Agriculture in Luce County, Michigan," Agricultural History, 24 (Jan., 1950), 29-42.

37 Stonehouse, Historic Resource Study, 129; Olive M. Anderson, By The Shining Big-Sea-Water The Story of Pictured Rocks, 10.000 B.C. to 1966 A.D. (Munising, Mich.: Alger County Historical Society, 1989), 67-68.

38 Karamanski, Deep Woods Frontier, 230-37.

39 Patricia Mooney-Melvin, "Harnessing the Romance of the Past: Preservation, Tourism, and History," The Public Historian, 13, 2 (Spring, 1991), 37; Michigan Tourist Survey (East Lansing: Michigan State College, Bureau of Business Research, Research Report No.7, 1953), 6.

40 Samuel P. Hays, "Human Choices in the Great Lakes Wildlands," The Great Lakes Forests: An Environmental and Social History, edited by Susan L. Flader (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1983), 300-01.

41 Anderson, By the Shining Big-Sea-Water, 79-83; Grand Marais Pilot & Pictured Rocks Review, June 21, 1985.

42 Ibid; Peter A. Fritzell, "Changing Conceptions of Great Lakes Forests," The Great Lakes Forests: An Environmental and Social History, edited by Susan L. Flader (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983), 292-93; Sigurd F. Olson, The Listening Point (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1958), 111, 8.

43 Grand Marais Pilot & Pictured Rocks Review, June 21, 1985.

Helen Hoover, The Long Shadowed Forest (New York: T.Y. Crowell, 1963); Edward Lueders, The Clam Lake Papers (New York: Harper & Row, 1977).

P.J. Hoffmaster, "A Report on Pictured Rocks Area, Alger County, for State Park and Game Refuge," August 25, 1924, Great Lakes Shoreline Survey Records, Pictured Rocks National Seashore, Munising, Mich. [hereafter this depository will be referred to as PIRO]

46 Ibid.

47 Ibid; Munising News, October 26, 1923.

48 "Field Notes", Great Lakes Shoreline Survey, National Park Service, undated, PIRO; Munising News, June 18, August 6, August 20, 1926.

49 Newberry News, September 10, 1926, August 3, 1928, May 24, 1929, September 8,1966, October 6, 1966; Hilja Pekkarinen and Minnie Ida Mattson, The History of Luce County: "Past Years" (Newberry, Mich.: Luce County Historical Society, 1981), 575, 581,678-679.

50 Ralph A. MacMullan, Hearing Statement, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eighty-Eighth Congress, Second Secession on S. 1143. Escanaba. Michigan, July 20. 1964 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964), 20-21 [hereafter cited as Pictured Rocks Hearing, Escanaba].

51 Holland (Michigan) Evening Sentinel, December 5, 1953; Adrian (Michigan) Telegram, December 4, 1953; Marguette (Michigan) Mining Journal, September 12, 1956; Neal R. Pierce and John Keefe, The Great Lakes States of America: People. Politics and Power in the Five Great Lakes States (New York: Norton, 1980), 186-187.

52 Karamanski, Deep Woods Frontier, 252-253; Munising News, May 7, 1954.

53 Conrad L. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980), 192-96.

54 Wirth, Parks, Politics, and the People, 255-57; George B. Hartzog, Jr., Battling for the National Parks (Mt. Kisco, NY: Moyer Bell, 1988), 197-99.

55 Wirth, Parks, Politics, and the People, 196-98; AlIen T. Edmunds to Herb Evison, January 28,1978, Dick Russell Papers, Archives and Graphics Research, Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

56 Edmunds to Evison, Jan. 28, 1979; Allen T. Edmunds Obituary, Courier (May, 1985); Ron Cockrell, A Signature Of Time and Eternity: The Administrative History of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana (Omaha: Midwest Regional Office, National Park Service, 1988), 47-48.

57 Great Lakes Shoreline Reconnaissance Report, August 13, 1957, Great Lakes Shoreline Survey Files, PIRO; "Pictured Rocks--Au Sable Dunes," draft narrative report, August 19, 1957, Great Lakes Shoreline Files, PIRO; Howard Chapman, Personal Communication, August 3,1994.

58 Helicopter flight notes, May 7, 1958, Great Lakes Shoreline Survey Files, PIRO; Great Lakes Shoreline Survey Reconnaissance Report, August 15, 1957, PIRO.

59 Our Fourth Shore: Great Lakes Shoreline Recreation Area Survey (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1960), 7-9.

60 Our Fourth Shore, 2, 6-9; Cockrell, A Signature of Time and Eternity, 48; Stewart L. Udall, "Conservation in the 1960s: Action or Stalemate," Voices of the Wilderness, edited by William Schwarz (New York: Ballantine Books, 1969), 290.

61 Great Lakes Shoreline Survey, Remaining Shoreline Opportunities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois. Indiana, Ohio. Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York (Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, 1959), 17,19,55; Raymond Clevenger, Oral History Interview, March 8,1994.

62 Great Lakes Shoreline Recreation Area Survey, Pictured Rocks, Michigan (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1959), ii.

63 Ibid; Howard Chapman, personal communication, August 3, 1994.

64 Great Lakes Shoreline Survey, Remaining Shoreline Opportunities, 57.

Chapter 3

65 Duluth News Tribune, September 25, 1963; Gary Wills, The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power (Boston: Little, Brown, 1981), 170-71.

66 Land and People: Northern Great Lakes Regional Conference. Springboard for Action, Brief of Proceedings, September 24-26, 1963. Duluth, Minnesota (Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, 1963), 1,5.

67 New York Times, April 17, 1960; Resolutions Passed by the Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments, at its 41st Meeting held in Grand Canyon National Park and Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona, October 5-8, 1959, Proposed Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Briefing Book, Superintendent's Copy, PIRO.

68 Congressional Record, 107, 107 (June 27, 1961), 87th Congress, First Session.

69 Ibid.

70 Pierce and Keefe, The Great Lakes States, 232.

71 Senate Bill 2152, 87th Congress, 1st Session.

72 "Remarks By Senator Philip A. Hart (D-MICH) Before Michigan State Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Lansing Civic Center, November 29, 1961, 9:30 A.M." Philip A. Hart Papers, Box 89, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. [hereafter cited as Hart Papers].

73 Notes for an "Off-the-Cuff Talk" by Allen T. Edmunds, Munising, Michigan, October 6, 1961, PIRO; Detroit News, October 7, 1961; Donald Humphrey to Regional Director, October 9, 1961, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

74 Institute for Community Development, The Proposed Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore: An Economic Study (East Lansing: Michigan State University, 1963), 26-27; Detroit Free Press, August 13, 1961; B. Neil Smith to Philip A. Hart, October 5,1962, Hart Papers, Box 89.

75 E. Genevieve Gillette to Ben Thompson, October 2, 1961, E. Genevieve Gillette Papers, Box 8, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. [hereafter referred to as the Gillette Papers].

76 Detroit Free Press, October 7,1961.

77 Escanaba Daily Press, December 1, 1961; L'Anse (Michigan) Sentinel, December 1,1961; Minutes of Meeting, Forum on Resources of Upper Michigan, January 4,1962, Hart Papers, Box 89; Harold L. Dunklee to Philip Hart, September 5,1961, Hart Papers, Box 89.

78 Bill Welsh to Senator Hart, memorandum regarding meeting with Secretary Udall, December 12, 1961, Box 89, Hart Papers.

79 Ibid.

80 Philip Hart to Stewart L. Udall, September 27, 1961, Pictured Rocks 1961-1962 File, PIRO; George A. Palmer, Notes On Meeting With Assistant Secretary Carver, December 29, 1961, Pictured Rocks 1961- 1962 File, PIRO.

81 Stewart L. Udall, "Address to the Eighth Wilderness Conference," Voices for the Wilderness, edited by William Schwartz (New York: Ballantine Books, 1969), 298-302.

82 George Palmer, Notes On Meeting With Assistant Secretary Carver, December 29, 1961, PIRO.

83 Ibid; Philip Hart to Stewart Udall, September 27, 1961, PIRO; Detroit Free Press, November 8, 1961.

84 Philip Hart to D.J. Massoglia, December 12, 1961, Box 89, Hart Papers.

85 Ibid; William L. Bowen, Assistant Director, National Park Service to Assistant Secretary, Public Land Management, September 30, 1962, proposed Pictured Rocks Briefing Book, PIRO.

86 Escanaba Daily Press, March 23, 24, June 27, 1962; Our Fourth Shore: Great Lakes Shoreline Recreation Area Survey (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1959), 9; Donald Humphrey to Regional Director, October 9,1961, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

87 Institute for Community Development, The proposed Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, 46-47; Richard Hammerschmidt, Hereford Garland, Robert Schmeling, Report of Working Committee of FORUM on The Lake Superior Shore Route, May 10, 1962, Box 89, Hart Papers.

88 Ibid; The original concept of a scenic shoreline drive was as a highway not as a park road or as a road to link communities in Alger County. In Parks for America: A Survey of Park and Related Resources in the Fifty States and a Preliminary Plan (Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of the Interior, 1964) the National Park Service called for a "Lake Superior Shoreline Parkway" that would travel the entire south shore of Lake Superior. Visionary projections for such a road continued into the 1970s but very little happened on the ground. Over time the economic development dreams which were tied to a scenic highway were placed on the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, which was already burdened with unrealized development. For many critics of the lakeshore the unbuilt park road became the unbuilt scenic parkway.

89 William L. Bowen to Assistant Secretary, Public Land Management, September 30, 1962, Proposed Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

90 Fred Rydholm, Analysis of Senate Bill No. 3364 Introduced by Senator Philip A. Hart of Michigan to Establish in the State of Michigan the Picture Rocks National Lakeshore and for Other Purposes, October 17, 1962, Prepared by a subcommittee of FORUM, Box 89, Hart Papers.

91 Assistant Secretary of the Interior to Philip A. Hart, June 20, 1964, Box 89, Hart Papers; Muriel Ferris to Philip Hart, June 22, 1962, Box 89, Hart Papers.

92 Ibid.

93 Stewart Udall to Director, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, May 31, 1962, Box 89, Hart Papers; Conrad L. Wirth to Stewart Udall, June 7,1962, Pictured Rocks Proposal File 1962, PIRO.

94 William Welch to Philip Hart, May 21, 1964, Box 148, Hart Papers.

95 Philip Hart, Draft of National Wildlife Speech, March 1,1963, Box 148, Hart Papers; "New Recreation Areas Recommended in Interior-Agriculture Agreement," Press Release, United States Department of the Interior, February 5,1963, Box 148, Hart Papers.

96 Dorias Curry to Gerald Eddy, June 17, 1963, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO; Allen T. Edmunds to Assistant Regional Director, June 20, 1963, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

97 Ibid.

98 Dorias Curry to Philip Hart, July 3, 1963, Box 148, Hart Papers; D.R. Forrest to Philip Hart, July 9, 1963, Box 148, Hart Papers; Ronald F. Lee to Conrad Wirth, August 15, 1963, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

99 William Welsh to Philip Hart, May 21, 1964, Box 148, Hart Papers; Stewart L. Udall, "Conservation in the 1960s: Action or Stalemate?" Voices of the Wilderness edited by William Schwartz, (New York: Ballantine Books, 1969), 290-91.

100 Division of National Park and Recreation Area Planning, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore: A Preliminary Land Use and Development Plan (Philadelphia: National Park Service, Northeast Regional Office, 1962), 4; John F. Shanklin, Relationship of the Proposed Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore to the Recreation Advisory Council Policy Circular No. 1, April 29 1964, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

101 William Welsh to Philip Hart, May 21, 1964, Box 148, Hart Papers.

102 Munising News, July 22, 1964; Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, Mich.), July 23, 1964.

103 Institute for Community Development, Proposed Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore: An Economic Study, 51-64; Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Public Lands...S.1143 (1964), 50-52; Munising News, March 25, 1965.

104 Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. United States Senate. Eighty-eighth Congress, Second Session on S.1143 ... Escanaba, Michigan, July 20, 1964, 85-93.

105 Raymond Clevenger Oral History Interview, March 8, 1994; Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Public Lands of the...on S.1143, 42.

106 Raymond Clevenger Oral History Interview, March 8,1994.

107 D.R. Forest to Philip Hart, June 29, 1964, Box 148, Hart Papers.

108 Allen T. Edmunds to George B. Hartzog, February 7,1966, Pictured Rocks Proposal 1962 file, PIRO.

109 Father B. Neil Smith to William B. Welsh, March 15, 1965, Box 148, Hart Paper.

110 Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Eighty-ninth Congress. First Session on H.R. 8678, To Provide for establishing in the State of Michigan the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and for other purposes, Hearing Held in Marquette, Mich., October 5, 1965 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966), 23.

111 Ronald F. Lee to Conrad Wirth, August 15, 1963, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO; Assistant Director, Cooperative Activities to Assistant Director, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, May 17, 1966, Proposed Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

112 Allen T. Edmunds to George B. Hartzog, May 13, 1966, pictured Rocks Lakeshore Proposal 1962 file, PIRO; George B. Hartzog to Robert W. Taber, June 8, 1966, proposed pictured Rocks Lakeshore Briefing Book, PIRO.

113 Mining Journal (Marquette. Mich.), June 16,1966; Orville Freeman to Wayne N. Aspinall, June 20, 1966, Box 148, Hart Papers.

114 Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives. Eighty-ninth Congress, Second Session, on H.R.8678. To Provide for Establishing the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and for other purposes. Hearing held in Washington, D.C., June 21, 1966, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966), 101-105.

115 Fritz Kessinger to Chief of Division of Legislation and Regulations. September 30, 1966, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore File, PIRO.

116 Raymond Clevenger, Oral History Interview, March 8, 1994.

117 Ibid Public Law 89-668, 89th Congress, H.R.8678, An Act to establish in the State of Michigan the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and for other purposes, October 15, 1966.

118 Cockrell, Signature of Time and Eternity, 48; Allen T. Edmunds to George B. Hartzog, May 13, 1966, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore 1962 file, PlRO.

Chapter 4

119 Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 29, 1994.

120 Allen T. Edmunds to Regional Director, August 4, 1967, Pictured Rocks Keyman Monthly Reports, PIRO; Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview.

121 Ibid.

122 James L. Clayton, The Economic Impact of the Cold War (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1970), 206-211.

123 Statement prepared for Superintendent C.E. Johnson (Isle Royale N.P.) Re: pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, March 28, 1967, Land Acquisition File, PIRO Munising News, March 15, 1967.

124 Minutes of the January 24, 1968 pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Meeting, pictured Rocks History Files, PIRO; Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, May 13,1968, pictured Rocks History Files, PIRO; Munising News, March 20, 1968, April 10, 1968.

125 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), February 13, 1968.

126 A Master Plan For Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (Philadelphia: National Park Service, Northeast Region, 1968), 24, 32-35, 40.

127 Cockrell, A Signature of Time and Eternity: Administrative History of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 98-99; Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview.

128 Edward A. Hummel to Regional Director, May 16, 1968, Land Exchanges File, PIRO; Lemuel Garrison to Allen Edmunds, May 20, 1968, Land Exchanges File, PIRO; Allen Edmunds to Hugh Beattie, May 28, 1968, Land Exchanges File, PIRO; Hugh Beattie to Lemuel Garrison, May 28, 1968, Land Exchanges File, PIRO.

129 Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994.

130 Ibid; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), June 24, 1968.

131 Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, October 16, 1968, Land Acquisition File, PIRO; William W. Redmond to Regional Director, November 19, 1968, Land Acquisition File, PIRO.

132 Ibid; Neal Beavers, Oral History Interview, June 13, 1994.

133 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), August 29, 1969; Munising News, August 27, 1969.

134 Ibid; Oral History Interview with Joseph Kolbus, June 13, 1994.

135 Joseph Kolbus, Oral History Interview, June 13, 1994; Richard L. Stanton, Memorandum to the file, June 25, 1970; George B. Hartzog to Philip E. Ruppe, September 2, 1970, Land Acquisition Files, PIRO.

136 Minutes of a Meeting, Grand Marais Boundary Controversy, August 21, 1968, Grand Marais Boundary File, PIRO; Lemuel Garrison to Philip Ruppe, August 14, 1969, Grand Marais Boundary File, PIRO; Neal Beavers, Oral History Interview, June 13, 1994; Munising News, August 28, 1968.

137 Bud Morrison, Oral History Interview, June 12, 1994.

138 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), June 12, 1968; Munising News, September 18, 1968.

139 Munising News, June 10, 1970; Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, September 3, 1970, Land Acquisition File, PIRO; Munising News, May 28, 1969.

143 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), January 22, 1969; Kiril Spiroff to Brooks Hamilton, July 7, 1969, Mineral Survey File, PIRO.

144 Minutes of a Northeast Regional Office Meeting, Review of Pictured Rocks Land Acquisition Program, June 4, 1969; Pictured Rocks Conference, Northeast Regional Office, December 5, 1969, Corporate Lands File, PIRO; John Austin, personal communication, December 12, 1994.

145 Lavern Brand to Philip Hart, April 14, 1970; Brooks Hamilton to Lavern Brand, October 8, 1969, Corporate Lands File, PIRO.

146 Munising News, October 4, 11, 1972; Grand Marais Pilot & Pictured Rocks Review, October 11, 1972.

147 Mining Journal, (Marquette, Mich.), December 27, 1969; Munising News, December 3, 1969.

148 Fred Young, Oral History Interview, June 14, 1994.

149 Hugh Beattie to Superintendent, Mount Rainer, February 20, 1968, Early Resource Management File, PIRO; Munising News, October 11, 1972; Fred Young, Oral History Interview, June 14,1994; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), March 20, 1968.

150 James Carter to Lon Garrison, November 20, 1969, Early Resource Management File, PIRO; Pictured Rocks Advisory Commission Meeting, Grand Marais, Mich., August 8, 1970, PIRO.

151 Ibid; Hugh Beattie to Brooks Hamilton, July 13, 1970, Early Resource Management File, PIRO.

152 Munising News, May 8, 1968; Master Plan: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan (Philadelphia: National Park Service, 1968), 27-28; Bruce A. Jones, Archeological Inventory and Evaluative Testing in Pictured Rocks National lakeshore. Michigan 1985-1990, Midwest Archaeological Center, Occasional Studies in Anthropology, No. 30 (Lincoln, Nebr.: Midwest Archeological Center, 1993), 29-33.

153 Minutes of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Advisory Commission Meeting, October 9, 970, PIRO.

154 Earl Estes to Regional Director, August 27, 1968, Accession 079-88-0001, Box 14, Interpretation; Interpretive Prospectus, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (Harpers Ferry: National Park Service, 1970), 6-19.

155 Ibid.

156 Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, February 2, 1972, Accession 079-88-0001, Box 14, Interpretation, Federal Records Center, Kansas City, Mo. [hereafter referred to as FCKC].

157 Milwaukee Journal, July 12, 1970; Information Base: General Management Plan, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan (Denver: National Park Service, Denver Service Center, 1980), 78-79.

158 Stonehouse, Historic Resource Study, p. 129.

159 Fred Young, Oral History Interview, June 14, 1994; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), June 25, 1968; Munising News, June 26, 1968.

160 Munising News, October 18, 1972; Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, March 26, 1973. Accession #079 88 0004, Box 3, Protection Health and Safety, FCKC.

161 Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994; Message Memo, Michigan Department of Natural Resources to G.M. Dahl, October 14, 1969, Early Resource Management File, PIRO; Fred Young, Oral History Interview, June 14, 1994.

162 Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, August 19, 1968, Buffer Zone File, PIRO.

163 William W. Redmond to Assistant Regional 15, 1968, Hugh Beattie to Lawrence Boucher, August Director, November 5,1968, Buffer Zone File, PIRO.

164 Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994.

165 Munising News, March 15, 1967; Note to files, Allen Edmunds, March 23, 1967, pictured Rocks Budget File, PIRO.

166 Proposed Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, A Land Use and Development Plan (Philadelphia: National Park Service, 1964), n.p.

167 George B. Hartzog, Jr., Battling For The National Parks (Mt. Kisco, New York: Moyer Bell, 1988), 154-155; Minutes of the Pictured Rocks Advisory Commission, November 1, 1968, PIRO; Mining Journal, (Marquette, Mich.), January 22, 1969.

168 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), January 27, 1969; Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994.

169 Munising News, February 5,1969; Harold Dettman to Philip Ruppe, February 12, 1969; R. Ross Myers to Philip Ruppe, February 4,1969, Taxes File, PIRO; Philip Hart to George Hartzog, February 25, 1969, Accession #079-87-0003, Facilities Development Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC.

170 Harthon Bill to Philip Hart, February 19, 1970, Accession 079-87-0003, Facilities Development Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC; Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994.

171 Roger Rehberg to Thomas Francis, August 12, 1968, Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission File, PIRO.

172 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), October 19, 1968.

173 Hugh Beattie to Lon Garrison, August 7,1968, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Budget, PIRO; Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994.

174 Edward Locke to Nathaniel Reed, March 22,1973, Pictured Rocks Budget File, PIRO; Curtis Bohlen to Edward Locke, October 4, 1972; Philip Hart to George Hartzog, June 30,1972, Accession 079-87-0003, Facilities Development Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC.

175 Norman Davidson to Regional Director, January 7,1974, Accession 079-87-0003, Box 5, Facilities Development Correspondence, FCKC.

176 Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, February 22, 1973, March 2,1973, Accession 079-87-0003, Box 5, Facilities Development Correspondence, FCKC.

177 Norman Davidson to Regional Director, January 7, 1974, Accession 079-87-0003, Box 5, Facilities Development Correspondence, FCKC.

Chapter 5

178 Ron Cockrell, A Signature of Time and Eternity: The Administrative History of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 176-177.

179 Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994.

180 Hugh Beattie to Regional Director, November 5, 1971, Budget File, PIRO; Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Annual Report, 1972, Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia [hereafter cited as Harpers Ferry Center].

181 Robert Burns to Theodore Karamanski, June 28, 1994, personal communication; Chester L. Brooks to Hugh Beattie, February 18, 1972, Budget File, PIRO; Hartzog, Battling For the National Parks, 246-247; Hugh Beattie, Oral History Interview, September 28, 1994.

182 Robert Burns, personal communication, June 22, 1994

183 Robert Burns to James Ryan, phone call memo, March 4,1974, Accession 079-87-0003, Facilities Develop. Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC; Edward N. Locke to Nathaniel Reed, March 22, 1973, Budget File, PIRO.

184 Ibid.

185 Hugh P. Beattie, Thomas Weeks, and Betty Readnour, Operations Evaluation Report, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, August/September 1976, PIRO; Hugh P. Beattie, Fred Fagergren Ed Latham, and Merline Schlange, Operations Evaluation Report, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, October 1976, PIRO.

186 Beattie et al, Operations Evaluation Report, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, August/September, 1976.

187 Beattie, et al Operations Evaluation Report, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, October, 1979; Beattie, et al, Operations Evaluation Report, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, August/September, 1976.

188 Beattie et al Operations Evaluation Report, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, August/September 1976; Bud Morrison, Oral History Interview, August 13, 1994.

189 John Kawamoto, personal communication, December 6, 1994; Fred Young, Oral History Interview, June 13, 1994; Robert Burns to Editor, Munising News, July 6,1976, File 1976-1982, PIRO; Robert Burns, personal communication, July 1, 1994.

190 Master Plan: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan (Philadelphia: National Park Service, 1968), 57.

191 Steven Jones, William Jensen, and William Robinson Final Report on Deer Research in Beaver Basin, Winter 1978-79, (Marquette: Northern Michigan University, 1979), 3.

192 Ibid.

193 Ibid; William Robinson and Albert Spaulding, A Report on Deer Populations in Beaver Basin Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, (Marquette: Northern Michigan University, 1977), 2.

194 Ibid.

195 Ibid; Robert L. Burns, personal communication, July 1, 1994.

196 Beattie, et al, Operations Evaluation Report Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, August/September, 1976; Fred Young, Oral History Interview, June 14, 1994.

197 Muriel Ferris to SHW, May 23, 1973, Box 5, Hart Papers; Congressman Philip Ruppe, Press Release, March 21, 1974, Box 5, Hart Papers; Statement of Congressman Philip E; Ruppe to the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior and Related Agencies, May 12, 1975, Box 5, Hart Papers.

198 Gary Everhardt to Philip Ruppe, May 9,1975, Park Planning File, 1970-1977, PIRO; Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, Mich.), October 16, 1976; chief, Design Quality and Technology Division to Associate Director, Management and Operations, November 10, 1976, Park Planning File, 1970-1977, PIRO.

199 Philip Ruppe to Gary Everhardt December 23, 1976, Accession 079-88-004, General Correspondence, Box 2, FCKC.

200 John Kawamoto, personal communication, December 6, 1994; Cockrell, A Signature of Time and Eternity: The Administrative History of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana, 202-203; Norm Davidson to Chester Brooks, January 7, 1974, Accession 079-87-0003, Facilities Development, Box 5, FCKC.

201 John Kawamoto, personal communication, December 6, 1994; Beattie, et al, Operations Evaluation Report Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, August/September 1976.

202 D. Gregory Main, Position Paper Delivered June 2, 1977, Pictured Rocks Advisory Commission, Revised July 8, 1977, Park Planning File, 1970-1977, PIRO.

203 James W. Stewart, Note for Pictured Rocks planning file, August 16, 1977, Park Planning File, 1970-1977, PIRO; Report To The Alger County/Pictured Rocks Task Force (Denver: National Park Service, 1978), 9.

204 Cooperative Agreement Between National Park Service and Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission, September 28, 1978, CUPPAD/Task Force File, PIRO.

205 Press Release, "Federal Planners To Visit Pictured Rocks Area Next Week," September 21, 1977.

206 John Kawamoto, personal communication, December 6, 1994.

207 Alger County/Pictured Rocks Development Coordination Task Force Meeting Minutes, October 10, 1977, CUPPAD Task Force File, PIRO.

208 Report to the Alger County/Pictured Rocks Task Force (Denver: National Park Service, 1978), 4-8.

209 Report To the Alger County/Pictured Rocks Task Force (Denver: National Park Service, 1978), 10-16; Jack Cruise, personal communication, December 13, 1994.

210 Ibid; John Kawamoto, personal communication, December 6, 1994.

211 Cecil Andrus to William G. Milliken, January 17, 1979, CUPPAD Task Force File, PIRO.

212 Pictured Rocks Task Force Public Opinion Survey Report, March 7,1978, PIRO; John Austin and Dale Tomrdle, Visitor Use Report, General Management Plan (Denver: National Park Service, 1980), 148-197; John Austin, personal communication, December 12, 1994; Howie Thompson, personal communication, November 29, 1994.

213 Detroit Free Press, February 4, 1979.

214 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), September 7,1979; Upper Peninsula Sunday Times, August 12, 1979; Dave Foley, "Pictured Rocks Camping," Michigan Out-Of-Doors (July, 1979), 80-83; Don Gillespie to Regional Director, October 26, 1979, Accession 079-88-0004, General Correspondence, Box 2, FCKC.

215 Assessment of Alternatives: General Management Plan, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore/Michigan (Denver: National Park Service, 1980), 16-17; John Austin, personal communication, December 12, 1994.

216 Ibid 67-83.

217 Assessment of Alternatives: General Management Plan, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore/Michigan (Denver: National Park Service, 1980), 228-232; Upper Peninsula Sunday Times, March 30, 1980; Munising News, April 16, 1980.

218 Jack Cruise, personal communication, December 12, 1994; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), March 2, 1979.

219 Grand Marais Pilot and Pictured Rocks Review, March 22, 1979; Munising News, December 10, 1980.

220 Upper Peninsula Sunday Times, June 10, 1980; The U.P. Landowner (June, 1980), vol. 5, no.6. 1-5.

221 Review of Alternatives: General Management Plan. Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore/Michigan (Denver: National Park Service, 1980), 1-6.

222 Howie Thompson, personal communication, November 29, 1994.

223 John Austin, personal communication December 12,1994; Grand Marais Pilot and pictured Rocks Review, July 31, 1980 and September 10, 1980; Detroit Free Press, May 9, 1980.

224 Matthew Douglas, "Our National Parks Face Decay From Within, Greed Without," Boston Globe n.d., pictured Rocks 1980 clipping File, PIRO; "NPS Blasted For Development Plans On Superior Shoreline," National Parks & Conservation Magazine (September, 1980), 22-23.

225 Munising News, May 14,1980; Ira Hutchison to Donald Kinnunen, August 27, 1980, Accession 079-89-0003, Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC.

226 D. Gregory Main to Don Gillespie, May 22, 1980, Accession 079-89-0003, Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC; D. Gregory Main to John Austin, May 12, 1980, Accession 079-89-0003 Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC.

227 Grand Marais and Pictured Rocks Review, July 31, 1980; Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Newsletter (November, 1980); Munising News, May 21, 1980.

228 Howie Thompson, personal communication, December 16, 1994.

229 Howie Thompson, Donald Gillespie, Jack Strain, John Austin, Karen Sprague, Fred Young, Bruce Peterson, and Gayle Smith, Draft General Management Plan, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore/Michigan (Denver: National Park Service, 1981), 45-51.

230 Overview of Responses to Draft General Management Plan, CUPPAD/Task Force File, PIRO.

231 Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1981, PIRO.

232 Donald Gillespie, personal communication, July 1, 1994.

233 Ibid; John Kawamoto, personal communication, December 6, 1994; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1980, PIRO, Deryl Stone, Oral History Interview, November 22, 1994; Grand Marais Pilot and Pictured Rocks Review, May 3, 1985.

234 Jack Cruise, personal communication December 12, 1994.

235 Donald Gillespie to Regional Director, March 12, 1980, Accession 079-89-0003, Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC; Donald Gillespie, personal communication, July 1, 1994.

236 Don Gillespie to John Kawamoto, January 15, 1980, Accession 079-89-0003, Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC.

237 Don Gillespie to Regional Director, May 22, 1980, Accession 079-89-0003, Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC; Glenn Greg to Don Gillespie, June 1, 1980, Accession 079-89-0003, Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC; Grand Marais Pilot and Pictured Rocks Review, May 31, 1980.

Chapter 6

238 Jocelyn Griffin, Hostages to Fortune (New York: Silhouette Special Editions, 1984), 72.

239 Superintendents Annual Narrative, 1993, PIRO.

240 Donald F. Gillespie to Buffer Zone Landowners, February 26, 1981, Buffer Zone/Land Protection File, PIRO.

241 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, December 14, 1993; John Kawamoto, personal communication, December 6, 1994, Grant Petersen to Art Eck, December 10, 1981, Telephone Notes, Land Use--Buffer Zone File, PIRO.

242 Art Eck to David Given, March 14, 1982, Land Use--Buffer Zone File, PIRO; Dave Given to Don Humphrey, May 6, 1982, Memorandum of Telephone Call, Land Use-Buffer Zone File, PIRO.

243 Grant Petersen to Regional Director, December 17, 1982, Land Use-Buffer Zone File, PIRO; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), December 4, 1982.

244 Statement of Russell E. Dickenson Director, National Park Service Department of the Interior, Before the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Reserved Water, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Concerning S.620, June 27, 1983, Buffer Zone Legislation File, PIRO; The U.P. Landowner (March, 1982) vol 7, no.3, 4; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), July 29, 1983.

245 Grant Petersen to Regional Director, July 20, 1983, Buffer Zone Legislation File, PIRO.

246 Munising News, July 20, 1983; Mining Journal (Marquette Mich.), February 16, 1983, July 9, 1983.

247 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994.

248 Public Law 89-668, To establish in the State of Michigan the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and for other purposes. 89th Congress, H.R. 8678, October 15, 1966.

249 Munising News, November 7, 1984; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), November 8, 1984.

250 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), November 8, 1984, May 1, 1985.

251 Munising News, May 22, 1985, June 26, 1985, August 14, 1985; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.) August 8, 1985; Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 14, 1994.

252 Great Lakes Shoreline Recreation Area Survey, Remaining Shoreline Opportunities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1959), 57; Assessment of Alternatives: General Management Plan, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan (Denver: National Park Service, 1980), 200; Grant A. Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 14, 1994.

253 Robert J. Shelley to Grant Petersen, December 15, 1983, Grand Island Folder, PIRO.

254 Grant Petersen to Regional Director, August 15, 1984; Charles Odegaard to Grant Petersen, September 17, 1984, Grand Island File, PIRO.

255 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), March 9, 1985, January 4,1988; Munising News, August 14, 1985, February 5, 1986.

256 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 12, 1994.

257 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), May 6, 1988, May 9, 1988, December 30, 1988.

258 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), December 30, 1988, March 19, 1989; December 31, 1989.

259 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1987, PIRO.

260 Grand Marais Pilot and Pictured Rocks Review, March 20, 1987; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), December 29, 1987; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1987, PIRO.

261 Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1989-91, PIRO.

262 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1989-1993, PIRO.

263 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), March 24, 1986, January 17, 1987.

264 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), January 17, 1987; Frank Mead, Oral History Interview, June 12, 1994.

265 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 12, 1994; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1987, PIRO; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.) August 26, 1987.

266 Munising News, February 18, 1987; Detroit News, January 3, 1988; Grand Rapids Press, January 20, 1988.

267 Mining Journal, December 7, 1988, April 26, 1989; Munising News, August 2, 1989; Mackinaw (Nov. Dec. Jan. 1989-90), 4.

268 Deryl Stone, Oral History Interview, November 22, 1994.

269 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994; Munising News, December 11, 1985; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1985, PIRO.

270 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994.

271 Ibid; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), February 12, 1987.

272 Munising News, August 27, 1986, July 26, 1989; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1992, PIRO.

273 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1988, 1989, PIRO, Munising News, June 15, 1988.

274 Munising News, December 21, 1988; Deryl Stone, Oral History Interview, November 22, 1994.

275 Grant Petersen to Superintendent, Ozark, October 1, 1988, PIRO Advisory Commission File, PIRO.

276 Superintendent's Annual Narratives, 1982-83, PIRO; Walter Loope, Oral History Interview, December 13, 1993.

277 John P. Farrell and John D. Hughes, Long Term Implications, From a Geomorphological Standpoint, of Maintaining H-58 in its Present Location At Grand Sable Lake (Marquette: Northern Michigan University, 1985), iii-15.

278 Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1985, 1986, 1987, PIRO.

279 Munising News, February 15, 1984; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), May 17, 1987; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1989, PIRO.

280 Walter Loope, Oral History Interview, December 13, 1993; Superintendent's Annual Narratives, 1985-1989, PIRO.

281 Ibid.

282 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), June 2, 1987, June 8, 1989.

283 Walter Loope, Oral History Interview, December 13, 1993.

284 Grand Marais Pilot and Pictured Rocks Review, January 20, 1984; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), January 14, 1985.

285 Ibid.

286 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), February 22, 1989; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1990, PIRO.

287 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994; Deryl Stone, Oral History Interview, November 22, 1994.

288 John Austin, personal communication, December 12, 1994.

289 Bruce A. Jones, Archeological Inventory and Evaluative Testing in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Michigan, 1985-1990 (Lincoln, Neb.: Midwest Archeological Center, 1993), 5-16, 35-82.

290 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview October 11, 1994.

291 Deryl Stone, Oral History Interview, November 22, 1994; Grand Marais Pilot and Pictured Rocks Review, April 20, 1984; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), June 20, 1989.

292 Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1986, PIRO; Munising News, July 16, 1986.

293 Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1986-1992, PIRO.

294 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), March 30, 1984 and June 21, 1984.

295 Deryl Stone, Oral History Interview, November 22, 1994; Underwater USA (August, 1984), 18.

296 Munising News, July 29, 1987; C. Patrick Labadie, Submerged Cultural Resources Study: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (Santa Fe: Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, National Park Service, 1989).

297 Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1981-82, PIRO.

298 Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1981-1989, PIRO.

299 Grant Petersen, Oral History Interview, October 11, 1994.

300 Gregg L. Bruff, personal communication, March 20, 1995.

301 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), February 29, 1984.

302 Munising News, January 20, 1988.

303 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), January 20, 1988.

304 Ibid; Deryl Stone, Oral History Interview, November 22, 1994.

305 Upper Peninsula Traveler, (March/April, 1989), np.; Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), January 20, 1988; Munising News, January 20, 1988, April 18, 1984.

306 J.L. Dunning to All Areas and Offices, Midwest Region, December 18, 1981, Accession 079-89-0003, Planning Correspondence, Box 5, FCKC; Superintendent's Annual Narrative, 1981, PIRO.

307 Grand Marais Pilot and Pictured Rocks Review, February 15, 1985.

308 Munising News, January 29, 1986.

309 Gregg L. Bruff, personal communication, March 20, 1995.

310 Upper Peninsula Traveler, (March/April, 1989), np; Superintendent's Annual Narratives, 1980-1990, PIRO; Miami Herald, September 29, 1985; Boston Globe, April 23, 1989; Los Angles Times, June 4, 1989; USA Weekend, June 30, 1989; George Gaff, "Michigan's Upper Peninsula," Mobil Motorist (Summer, 1989), 4-12; Kansas City Star, August 13, 1989; Marcia Farqhar, "Pictured Rocks: Backpacking on Lake Superior's Rugged Shoreline," Explore, (July/August, 1988), 26-27.

311 Superintendent's Annual Narratives, 1989-1992, PIRO.


312 Mining Journal (Marquette, Mich.), October 18, 1986.

313 Ibid.

314 Donald Wooster, Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977), viii.

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