The contents of brochures, site
bulletins and trading cards (denoted with a colored caption) can be viewed by
clicking on the cover. Most modern-day brochures, however, are cover only
(denoted by a white caption) due to photograph copyrights. These items are
historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes
only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning. The dates
under each brochure do not reflect the complete range of years that a particular
brochure was issued.
Presidio Army Museum Exhibit Opens Honoring Black Soldier Date Unknown
The Spanish-American War & the Presidio 08/2006
The Spanish-American War & the Presidio Date Unknown
Frequent Flyers of the Presidio 2005 - 2011
Frequent Flyers of the Presidio 2014
The Natural Presidio 12/2007 - 09/2011
The Natural Presidio 2/2015
Presidio of San Francisco Under Three Flags Date Unknown
Presidio Insects and their plant hosts 09/2006 - 9/6/2012
Presidio Historic Trail Guide 1963
The Presidio of San Francisco Main Post Walk Date Unknown
El Presidio de San Francisco Archaeological Site Tour 2001
Presidio Army Museum Date Unknown
The Presidio of San Francisco Date Unknown
The Presidio of San Francisco Its History and Points of Scenic Interest January 1962
Bay Area Ridge Trail Guide 1999
Trading Cards
 (©Jefferson National Parks Association) |