Prince William Forest Park
An Administrative History
NPS Logo


1 Interview with Miss Annie Williams, Mine Road, Dumfries, Virginia, 10 July 1985.

2 Harold L. Ickes, The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, The First Thousand Days, 1933—1936 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953), p. 216.

3 James T. Patterson, The New Deal and the States, Federalism in Transition (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1969), p. 50.

4 Conrad L. Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980), p. 176.

5 Chopawamsic is most probably an Algonquian Indian term meaning "at the small isolate lodge," according to Dr. Hewitt of the Smithsonian Institution. John J. Cameron to Herbert Evison, 28 November 1934, Record Group 79, Box 122, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

6 Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 176.

7 Ibid., p. 177.

8 Ibid.

9 Conrad L. Wirth to George A. Moskey, 6 January 1936, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

10 Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 177.

11 Ibid., p. 179.

12 Ibid.

13 According to Conrad Wirth, this site selection process was completed after he, Mr. Huppuch and "half of one secretary" worked many late hours at the Interior Building, often spreading large maps out on the corridor floor. Interview with Conrad L. Wirth, former Director of the NPS, Kensington, Maryland, 30 August 1985.

14 Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 188.

15 An Invitation to New Play Areas, Spring 1938, cited by Harlan D. Unrau and G. Frank Williss, Administrative History: Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930's (Denver, Colorado: National Park Service, 1983), p. 135.

16 Wirth, Parks, Politics and the People, p. 188.

17 Ibid.

18 Ibid.

19 Ibid., p. 189.

20 Ibid. See Appendix I for a copy of Executive Order Number 7496.

21 Act of August 13, 1940, Ch. 663 — 3rd Session. See Appendix II for a copy of Public Law 763.

22 C. Marshall Finnan to Director, NPS, 2 October 1934, Record Group 79, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

23 Ibid.

24 John L. Lansill to Conrad L. Wirth, 19 February 1935, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

25 Conrad L. Wirth to Arthur Demaray, 4 April 1935, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

26 Conrad L. Wirth to Arthur Demaray, 22 April 1935, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C. (The Chopawamsic RDA's file number was LP—VA—6, indicating it was one of the first RDA's built.)

27 Land Program Division, NPS, Proposal No. R—3, Chopawamsic Demonstration Project (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Interior Department, 1935), p. 2.

28 Conrad Wirth to George A. Moskey, 6 January 1936, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

29 Proposal No. R-3, p. 1.

30 Ibid., p. 2.

31 William R. Hall, "Land Acquisition Records, File No. 620," Record Group 79, Box 121, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

32 William R. Hall to Thorton Davies, January 1935, Record Group 79, Box 126, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

33 Proposal No. R—3, p. 3. Prices ranged from $2.00 to $30.79 per acre.

34 According to Conrad Wirth (Interview, 30 August 1985), the land of present day Springfield, Virginia was also considered for LP—VA—6 but disqualified for lack of adequate water resources and varied topography.

35 Victor H. Cahalane to C. Wright, 29 April 1935, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

36 See Appendix III, 1935 Master Plan, for the location of park facilities.

37 Cahalane to Wright, op. cit.

38 Conrad Wirth to George A. Moskey, 6 January 1936, op. cit.

39 Proposal No. R-3, p. 4.

40 Trudy McBride, "Transcript of Interview with John Woodrow Taylor," paper presented to Mary Washington College, 10 April 1985.

41 Interview with Annie Williams.

42 McBride, Interview with John Woodrow Taylor, p. 8.

43 Ibid., p. 7.

44 Ibid., p. 14.

45 Interview with Top Amidon, Dumfries Town Councilman, Dumfries, Virginia, 10 July 1985.

46 Ibid.

47 Ibid.

48 Interview with Don Curtis, local historian, Prince William Forest Park Headquarters, 24 August 1985.

49 Interview with Annie Williams.

50 Proposal No. R—3, p. 13.

51 Interview with Annie Williams.

52 Interview with Don Curtis.

53 Interview with Annie Williams.

54 Interview with Ira B. Lykes, first NPS manager of Prince William Forest Park, Venice, Florida, 4 September 1985.

55 Interview with Don Curtis.

56 William R. Hall to Thorton Davis, January 1935, op. cit.

57 Interview with Thelma Williams Hebda, first park secretary, Joplin, Virginia, 15 July 1985.

58 U S. Department of Interior, Park and Recreation Structures (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Interior, 1938, reprint edition), p. 2. Available in Prince William Forest Park archive.

59 Park and Recreation Structures, p. 1.

60 The movie Human Crop, U. S. Department of Interior, 1936. Film stored in Prince William Forest Park Nature Center.

61 Conrad L. Wirth to Arthur Demaray, 29 March 1935, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

62 Ibid. Bookkeeping records were prepared according to ECW procedures.

63 Interview with Ira Lykes.

64 Mary Edith Coulson to William R. Hall, 13 July 1936, Record Group 79, Box 121, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

65 William H. Savin to Mr. Roberts, March 1935, Record Group 79, Box 121, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

66 E. C. Wilson to the files, 28 August 1936. Record Group 79, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

67 Wirth to Moskey, 6 January 1936, op. cit.

68 Harold L. Ickes, The Autobiography of a Curmudgeon (New York: Reynolt and Hitchock, 1943), p. 288.

69 Interview with Joseph Hebda, former park employee, Joplin, Virginia, 2 July 1985.

70 Interview with Charlton Gnadt, Clerk of the Court, Prince William County, Manassas, Virginia, 18 July 1985, and interview with Top Amidon.

71 Interview with Don Curtis.

72 After the Chopawamsic RDA became a part of the NPS, managers were freed from earlier restrictions limiting contact with local communities.

73 Interview with Ira Lykes.

74 Interview with Top Amidon.

75 Interview with Ira Lykes.

76 Ibid.

77 Interview with Christine Curtis, Prince William Forest Park Headquarters, 24 August 1985.

78 Interview with Thelma Williams Hebda.

79 Interview with Ira Lykes.

80 Ibid.

81 Conrad L. Wirth to Ira B. Lykes, 8 October 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

82 R S. Hummell to Ira Lykes, 27 May 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

83 Arthur Demaray to Lt. Col. R. Valliant, 31 August 1938, Record Group 79, Box 121, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

84 Monthly Report, May 1942, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

85 H Evison to Superintendent, NCP, 12 May 1942, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

86 Monthly Report, November 1942, Record Group 79, Box 122, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

87 Monthly Report, 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

88 Ibid.

89 Ira Lykes to Susan C. Strickland, 8 September 1985, private collection. Copy available in Prince William Forest Park archive.

90 Interview with Ira Lykes.

91 According to Thelma Williams Hebda, no change in salary accompanied this change in status, Interview with Thelma W. Hebda.

92 Ira B. Lykes to Frank Gartside, 31 May 1943, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

93 Interview with Ira Lykes.

94 Interview with Lee Lansing, historian for the town of Dumfries, City Hall, Dumfries, Virginia, 15 July 1985.

95 Interview with Ira Lykes.

96 Ibid., confirmed by Don Curtis, 24 August 1985.

97 Interview with Ira Lykes.

98 Ibid.

99 Ira B. Lykes to F. F. Gillen, December 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

100 Ira B. Lykes to Superintendent Root, 20 October 1942, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

101 Monthly Report, July 1942, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

102 Monthly Report, August 1942, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland. For details on Army land purchases see map NCP 6.5—122, 1950, Record Group 79, National Archives, Alexandria, Virginia.

103 Colonel Blair, Jr. to Frank T. Gartside, Superintendent NCP, 21 August 1946, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/5, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

104 "Quantico Honored for Safety Record," Journal Messenger, 20 July 1945, Section A1—2.

105 Interview with Top Amidon.

106 Dudley Martin's dealership did a considerable amount of the park's auto maintenance and repair according to Top Amidon, Service Manager for Dudley Martin for more than 20 years. Ibid.

107 Interview with Charlton Gnadt.

108 Interview with Ira Lykes.

109 Ibid. Lykes recalls meeting Senator Byrd only once at a NCP dedication ceremony at Bradley Point.

110 In 1951 Mr. Harry McHugh of the CIA announced to NCP Superintendent Harvey T. Thompson that the CIA intended to take over the park "in toto" pending a maintenance agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers. (Lykes to files, 28 February 1951, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.) The support of M. McKelway, editor of the Washington Star, focused public attention on the CIA's takeover bid. (M. McKelway to Kelly, 13 March 1951, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.) In response to public pressure the "defense agency withdrew its request." (Kelly to M. McKelway, 16 March 1951, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.)

111 Interview with Ira Lykes.

112 Robert Horne to Superintendent Thompson, 12 September 1946, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/5, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

113 Ira Lykes to Frank T. Gartside, 27 October 1949, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/5, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

114 Interview with Lykes.

115 Ibid.

116 Ira Lykes to Superintendent, NCP, 22 December 1948, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/6, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

117 Manassas Messenger, 1 February 1949.

118 Interview with Ira Lykes.

119 Richard Lykes to Susan Strickland, 22 September 1985, copy in Prince William Forest Park archive.

120 Interview with Ira Lykes.

121 Ira Lykes to I. Root, Superintendent, NCP, 21 September 1945, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/6, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

122 Ibid.

123 Ibid.

124 Interview with Conrad Wirth.

125 Secretary of the Interior to Secretary James E. Webb, Director of the Bureau of the Budget, 17 June 1948, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/6, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

126 Ira Lykes to Susan Strickland, 18 September 1985.

127 Root to I. Lykes, 20 August 1948, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/6, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

128 I. Lykes to I. Root, 21 September 1945, Prince William Forest Park archive.

129 Paul K. Kurzman, Harry Hopkins and The New Deal (Fair Lawn, New Jersey: R. E. Burdeck, Inc., Publishers, 1974), p. 130.

130 Tillotson to Director, NPS, 21 January 1939, Record Group 79, Box 121, National Archives, Washington, D. C. See Appendix for a copy.

131 Kurzman, Harry Hopkins and The New Deal, p. 128.

132 Ickes, Autobiography, p. 329.

133 Ida May Fleckinger to Ira Lykes, 10 July 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland. Lykes then vented his rage on the "unauthorized person in the central office" who gave permission "for this to occur," reminding the superintendent's office that he handled all permits and only made "commitments on unused portions of camps. . .after due consultation with the lessee." (Lykes to Supt., 10 July 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.)

134 Ira Lykes to Susan Strickland, 18 September 1985, private collection. Copy in Prince William Forest Park archive.

135 Interview with Conrad Wirth.

136 Ira Lykes to Susan Strickland, 18 September 1985.

137 C. Wirth to Tillotson, 20 April 1937, Record Group 79, Box 121, National Archives, Washington, D. C. See Appendix for a copy.

138 Tillotson to Director, NPS, 21 January 1939.

139 C. Wirth to Tillotson.

140 In attendance were Matt Huppuch and Lewis Croft of the D. C. office; A. P. Bursley, W. T. Ammerman of the Richmond office; and W. R. Hall and Inspector Schenck of the NCP. (Schenck to Tillotson, 5 October 1939, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

141 Ibid.

142 Ibid.

143 T. Davenport to Superintendent, 5 March 1959, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

144 Interview with Annie Williams.

145 Ibid.

146 Interview with Thelma W. Hebda.

147 Local historian Don Curtis exclaimed in an interview on 24 August 1985 that he would never have believed any segregation plans existed had they not been shown to him.

148 Report, 29 June 1960, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/9, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

149 Monthly report of the park naturalist, Prince William Forest Park archive.

150 Superintendent Davenport was disturbed by a request from the Camp Fire Girls to build brush and log shelters for wild turkey, creatures which roost in trees. Davenport cited this request as evidence of the need to improve the nature program in the park. (Davenport to Superintendent, 5 March 1959, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.)

151 Monthly Report, park naturalist, Prince William Forest Park archive.

152 Lt. Col. K. E. Hockey, USMC to Charles H. Gerner, Assistant Superintendent, NPS, 24 June 1935, Record Group 79, National Archives, Washington, D. C. Copy in Prince William Forest Park archive.

153 Acting Secretary of Interior E. K. Burlew to Secretary of the Navy, 27 May 1941, Record Group 79, National Archives, Washington, D. C., copy in Prince William Forest Park archive.

Note: map NCP 6.5—86, October 1938 contains details on individual property owners on subject land. Map NCP 6.5—83, 27 May 1942 or NCP 6.5—219A provide an outline of USMC and NPS holdings. Maps are located in Record Group 79, National Archives, Alexandria, Virginia.

154 Ibid.

155 A Demaray to Lt. Col. R. D. Vallient, USMO, 31 August 1938, Record Group 79, Box 121, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

156 Acting Secretary of Interior E. K. Burlew to Secretary of the Navy, 27 May 1941.

157 Ibid.

158 I. Lykes to C. Wirth, 9 October 1942, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

159 I. Lykes to Superintendent, 8 March 1943, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

160 Ibid., handwritten note.

161 Secretary of the Navy J. Forrestal to Acting Secretary of the Interior Abe Fortas, 12 June 1943, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

162 Ibid.

163 Ibid.

164 I. Lykes to Superintendent, 12 April 1946, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

165 H. Ickes to J. Forrestal, 5 August 1944, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

166 J. Forrestal to H. Ickes, 18 September 1944, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

167 Lt. Col. M. B. Twining, USMC, Executive Officer to Post Quarter-master, 4 December 1944, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

168 Land was released under SPA Revised Regulation 5, effective 4 December 1945 according to a memo of I. Root to I. Lykes, 4 December 1945, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

169 I. Lykes to Superintendent, 12 April 1946, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

170 Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal to Secretary of the Interior, 4 April 1946, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

171 Secretary of the Interior to the Honorable Richard J. Welch, 22 April 1948, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/6, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

172 Secretary of the Interior O. Chapman to R. Webb, 22 April 1948, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/6, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

173 C. A. Sinclair to Ira Lykes, 8 March 1948, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/6, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

174 Superintendent NCP, Kelly to Director of NPS, 15 August 1956, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

175 Ira Lykes to Kelly, 22 March 1951, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

176 A. E. Andrews, Secretary of the Navy to Secretary of the Interior, 5 May 1948, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

177 Kelly to Director of NPS, 5 August 1956, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

178 F. A. Bantz, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Materials) to Fred A. Seaton, Secretary of the Interior, 24 June 1957, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

179 Kelly to Director of NPS, 15 August 1956, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

180 Assistant Secretary of the Navy F. A. Bantz to Secretary of the Interior Fred A. Seaton, 27 June 1957, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

181 Acting Secretary of the Interior Ernest to Secretary of the Navy Thomas S. Gales, Jr., 19 July 1957, Record Group 79, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland. Permit granted 8 October 1958.

182 T. Davenport to Superintendent, NCP, 30 January 1961, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

183 Ibid.

184 Interview with Ted Davenport, retired, 29 September 1985, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

185 T. Davenport to Commandant, USMC Schools, 27 September 1962, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

186 Commandant USMC Schools to Commander USMC Code COC, 11 October 1967, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

187 John C. Brick, Director, Acquisition and Disposal Division to Philip O. Steward, Chief of Land and Water Rights, 29 January 1968, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

188 J. Brick to Files, 3 November 1967, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

189 Minutes of the meeting of 14 May 1969, Headquarters of NCP, representatives of NCP and NAVFAC present, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

190 William M. Shaffer to files, 14 April 1969, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

191 Secretary of the Interior to the Honorable Paul R. Ignatius, Secretary of the Navy, 20 September 1968, USMC File Number 24, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

192 Ibid.

193 Walter Janik, NAVFAC to files, 30 January 1968, USMC Files, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

194 The Washington Post, Thursday, 14 January 1971. Copy in USMC Files, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

195 Darrel M. Trent, Executive Secretary, Property Review Board to the Honorable Frank P. Sanders, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 23 March 1971, USMC Files, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. Copy in Prince William Forest Park archive.

196 NAVFAC 071, Robert V. Davis to CHESDIV 07A, 3 August 1971, USMC File, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

197 The Washington Post, 14 January 1971.

198 Washington Daily News, 8 February 1971. Copy in USMC Files, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

199 "Marine May Lose Land," Free Lance Star, 2 August 1979.

200 Ibid.

201 Ibid.

202 Whalen to Barrow, 23 October 1979, USMC File, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

203 Interview with Superintendent Robert L. Harney, Prince William Forest Park Headquarters, 25 October 1985.

204 Ibid.

205 Col. Winoski to Robert L. Harney, 12 December 1979, USMC File, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.

206 Ibid.

207 Interview with James Fugate, Chief of Maintenance, Prince William Forest Park Headquarters, 5 August 1985.

208 Interview with Superintendent Harney.

209 Ibid.

210 Ibid.

211 Interview with Mrs. Pat Lane, Acting Chief of Interpretation, Prince William Forest Park Visitor Services Office, 5 August 1985.

212 William R. Hall to Thorton Davis, Record Group 79, Box 126, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

213 Charles Gerner to Conrad Wirth, 9 January 1935, Record Group 79, Box 124, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

214 Proposal No. R-3, p. 2.

215 Ibid.

216 H. H. Halt, Jr. to William R. Hall, 13 January 1937, Record Group 79, Box 126, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

217 F. F. Gillen, Assistant Superintendent, NCP to Ira Lykes, 27 April 1942, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

218 I. Lykes to Superintendent, NCP, 14 October 1946, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

219 Ira Lykes to F. F. Gillen, 1 December 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/5, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

220 Superintendent, NCP to Director, NPS, 12 December 1958, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

221 Assistant Director, NPS to Superintendent, NCP, 6 March 1959, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

222 Davenport to Superintendent, NCP, 22 September 1961, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland. Also see exchange deed of 18 January 1967 for tract number 1203, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1423A, headquarters files, Prince William Forest Park.

223 R. Worth Peters, Division Superintendent of Schools to Ira Lykes, 25 May 1951, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/7, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

224 Map NPS 6.5-122, Land Consolidation Plan 1950, Record Group 79, National Archives, Alexandria, Virginia.

225 Ibid.

226 D. E. Lee, Superintendent, NCP to Lykes and Murray, 19 March 1940, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

227 Dudley Martin to Superintendent Root, NCP, 27 March 1941, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/3, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland. Copy in headquarters files, Prince William Forest Park.

228 I. Root to C. A. Sinclair, Treasurer of Prince William County, 26 July 1944, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/4, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

229 Robert C. Horne, Chief of Design and Construction to J. E. Harwood, Location and Design Engineer, Virginia State Highway Department, 4 November 1958, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

230 Superintendent Kelly, NCP, to Superintendent Smith, PWFP, 27 January 1958, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

231 Robert C. Horne to J. E. Harwood, 11 December 1958, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

232 Certificate of Inspection and Possession, 26 June 1962, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/10, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

233 Interview with Joseph Helida, November 1986.

234 Consultation with Riley Hoggard, Resource Manager.

235 Ted Davenport, Press Release, 11 May 1959, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

236 Ted Davenport to Superintendent, NCP, 5 March 1959, enclosed photo, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

237 Interview with Lee Lansing.

238 Ted Davenport, Master Plan, Mission 66 Edition, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/9, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

239 Ibid.

240 Interview with Pat Lane.

241 Ted Davenport, Press Release, 11 May 1959, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

242 Interview with Richard Austin, park visitor, Prince William Forest Park Headquarters, 19 October 1985.

243 Mission 66 Master Plan, Vol. 1, Chapter 2, p. 3, op. cit.

244 Ronald N. Wrye to Director, NCP, 15 September 1971, File Number D30, Roads and Trails, Attic, Prince William Forest Park Headquarters.

245 Ted Davenport to Superintendent, NCP, 22 September 1960, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/9, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

246 Interview with Ted Davenport.

247 Holmes Vogel to Superintendent Kelly, 14 January 1955, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

248 Holmes Vogel to Superintendent Kelly, 5 August 1955, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

249 Ted Davenport to Associate Superintendent, NCP, 18 November 1959, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

250 Superintendent Kelly to H. Holmes Vogel, 7 March 1955, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland.

251 Interview with Capt. Bell, Salvation Army Headquarters, Washington, D. C., 12 December 1985.

252 Ibid.

253 Dedication papers, Record Group 79, File Number 1460/8, Suitland Record Center, Suitland, Maryland. Copy in Prince William Forest Park archive.

254 Interview with Jim Fugate.

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