National Park Service

NPS Visitor Fatalities

MAR 18 1987


To:       Regional Directors
          Attention:  Regional Safety Managers

From:     Chief, Branch of Safety Management

Subject:  1986 - Visitor Fatalities

Attached are the National Park Service 1986 Visitor Fatality statistics.

The National Park Service experienced a significant decrease in the number
of fatalities compared to last year.

Please check your records to ensure a DI-134 has been completed for each of
the fatalities.  Please note that on occasions, n  fatality may have been
determined non-chargeable to the National Park Service and will not be a
part of this list.

If you have any questions or discrepancies, please contact Bobbie Shumate
on FTS 343-7017.

/s/ Kay Doerr for

Richard L. Wllburn, Chief
Branch of Safety Management


610-Reading File
Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO
Regional Safety Managers
Disk "Rolanda" #10
DN: 716

                           VISITOR FATALITIES
                    CALENDAR YEARS 1976 - 1986 INCLUSIVE

                                                                          NUMBER OF
                 NO. OF            NUMBER OF                            FATALITIES PER
YEAR             VISITS            FATALITIES                           MILLION VISITS

1976           267,827,100           153                                    0.57
1977           260,500,000           190                                    0.72
1978           283,090,141           190                                    0.67
1979           281,485,305           194                                    0.68
1980           300,324,000           214                                    0.71
1981           329,663,300           185                                    0.56
1982           334,448,015           189                                    0.57
1983           335,556,848           157                                    0.46
1984           332,520,283           155                                    0.46
1985           346,398,144           148                                    0.42
1986           364,700,092           135                                    0.37

                           Number of Fatalities by Causes
                            Calendar Years 1976 to 1986

Cause               1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

Motor Vehicle         56   63   65   76   65   69   48   50   44   38   47
Drowning              60   77   81   68   83   61  100   63   57   53   44
Falls                 27   36   35   34   41   29   18   27   23   31   21
Falling Obj.           0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    3    0    0
Lightning              1    1    0    1    2    1    2    0    0    3    1
Bears                  2    0    0    0    2    0    0    0    0    0    1
Bicycle                0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    2
Burns                  0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    0
Boating                0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    3    1    2
Acc. Shooting          0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0
Exposure               3    2    0    1    0    0    1    0    2    3    0
Str-by-Obj.            1    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    3    0
Asphyxiation           0    5    3    0    0    0    5    0    5    1    2
Airplane Crash         0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0
Missing                0    0    0    0    0    1    2    6    3    0    1
Rock Slide             0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0
Avalanche              3    1    2    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    0
Land Slide             0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
Buffalo                0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0
Deer                   0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
Kayaking               0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0
Miscellaneous          0    4    2   13   20   23   10   10   13   12   14
Pedestrian             0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0
Ultra-light            0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0

TOTALS               153  190  190  194  213  185  189  157  155  148  135

                 CALENDAR YEARS 1976 TO 1986 INCLUSIVE

YEAR      0-12    13-25    26-40    41-50    51-60  OVER 60  UNKNOWN

1976         5       78       41       19        4        6        0
1977        19       85       45        8        5       12       16
1978        12      101       49       13        9        3        3
1979        16       80       57       10       11        5       15
1980         6      100       55       14        6       12       21
1981         9       70       54       11        7       12       22
1982         6       92       40       12        7       12       20
1983         5       54       54       14        9       12        9
1984         6       64       48        8        7       15        7
1985         5       61       46       18        5       11        2
1986         2       42       43       16        8       15        9

                  CALENDAR YEARS 1976 TO 1986 INCLUSIVE

             1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986

January         7       5       7       5       4       6       9       6       5       8       9
February        6       8       5       7       5       1      12       4      10       7       3
March           6       5       8      12      13       9       5      10      15       7       5
April          14      14      15      23      20      15       7       8      10       6       9
May            21      24      28      28      23      22      22      27      15      22      12
June           23      29      35      30      31      41      27      13      23      26      15
July           27      45      34      20      40      35      37      33      27      24      29
August         25      21      20      35      33      27      40      21      26      18      31
September      11      10      12      20      18       5      15      12       8      16      14
October         4      21      17       8      10      11       7       9       9       6       6
November        5       5       3       3      13       4       4       9       4       4       1
December        4       3       6       3       4       9       4       5       2       4       1
Undetermined    -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       1       0       0

TOTALS        153     190     190     194     214     185     189     157     155     148     135

                  VISITOR FATALITIES - 1986
                    BY REGION (and Cause)

                              Drowning    MVA    Falls    Other    Totals

Alaska Region--------------       4        0        2        2        8
Mid-Atlantic Region--------       4        1        2        0        7
Midwest Region-------------       2        0        0        0        2
National Capital Region----       1        1        0        0        2
North Atlantic Region------       2        1        0        0        3
Pacific Northwest Region---       0        0        2        4        6
Southeast Region-----------       6       22        0        2       30
Southwest Region-----------       4        2        1        4       11
Rocky Mountain Region------      12       11        7        5       35
Western Region-------------       9        9        7        6       31

TOTALS                           44       47       21       23      135

                  VISITOR FATALITIES - 1986
                            BY PARK


Amistad--------------              2            -            -            3
Big Bend NP----------              -            1            -            1
Black Canyon---------              -            -            1            -
Blue Ridge Pkwy------              1            7            -            1
Buffalo NR-----------              1            1            -            -
Canaveral------------              -            -            -            1
Canyon De Chelly-----              -            -            1            -
Cape Cod-------------              -            1            -            -
Cape Hatteras--------              1            -            -            -
Cape Lookout---------              1            -            -            -
Channel Islands------              1            -            -            -
Chattahooche---------              2            -            -            -
Chickasaw------------              1            -            -            -
Colorado Monument----              -            1            -            -
Crater Lake----------              -            -            -            1
Delaware Water Gap---              1            -            -            -
Denali---------------              -            -            2            2
Devil Tower----------              -            -            1            -
Gateway NRA----------              2            -            -            -
Gettysburg-----------              -            1            -            -
Glacier--------------              -           12            1           
Glen Canyon----------              9            -            -            2
Golden Gate----------              1            -            -            -
Grand Canyon---------              -            -            1            1
Grand Teton----------              2            6            2            -
Great Falls----------              1            -            -            -
Great Smoky----------              -            9            -            -
Gulf Islands---------              -            1            -            -
Indiana Dunes--------              1            -            -            -
Joshua Tree----------              -            2            -            -
Lake Clark-----------              3            -            -            -
Lake Mead------------              6            3            -            5
Mt. Rainier----------              -            -            1            -
Natchez Trace Pkwy---              1            5            -            -
New River Gorge------              2            -            1            -
North Cascades-------              -            -            1            1
Olympic--------------              -            -            -            2
Prince William Forest              -            1            -            -
Rocky Mtn NP---------              1            -            1            -      
Saguaro--------------              -            1            -            -
Sequoia/Kings--------              1            -            -            -
St. Croix------------              1            -            -            -
Upper Delaware-------              1            -            1            -
Whiskeytown----------              -            1            -            -
Wrangell- St. Ellas--              1            -            -            -
Yellowstone NP-------              -            3            -            1
Yosemite-------------              -            2            6            -
Zion-----------------              -            -            -            1

TOTAL                             44           47           21           23