Atlantic and Gulf Coasts Recreation Area Survey
Undeveloped Seashore Areas of Texas (Vicinity Map) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
East Coast-Sabine Pass to High Island
Location: |
From Sabine Pass to High Island, Texas.
Accessibility: |
By paved road.
Description of Area: |
A 37-mile stretch of low, slightly rolling
coastline, this area contains generally stable sand dunes and little
vegetation. The beach varies in width from 100 to 200 feet, and in
character from much silt, shells and debris to a clearer, cleaner span
for bathing. There are also indications of erosion at various points
along the coast. The slope of the beach and foreshore varies from
moderate to gentle.
Present Use: |
Ranching and the drilling for gas and oil are the
principal industries. State Highway 87 parallels the coast.
Analysis: |
The eastern sector of this area is the least
desirable because of silting conditions and the immense amount of
shells and debris on the beach. The western sector is worthy of
consideration as a potential public seashore area.
Cattle round-up along Coastal Highway
Coastal Highway & Beach
Galveston Island
Location: |
Off mainland, southwest of Galveston, Texas.
Accessibility: |
By U. S. Highway 75, Gulf coast and Santa Fe rail lines and by
Description of Area: |
This island is 12 miles in length and from 1 to 2
miles wide. The beach is flat, from 200 to 300 feet wide; the sand is
fine, hard and light-colored. The dunes are low, irregular, and generally
unstable. Vegetative cover consists of grasses, sedges, croton,
rushes and juniper. The area is of considerable historical interest.
Present Use: |
Much of the island serves as pasture land for
ranching; a great number of small tracts of land are held in individual
Analysis: |
Expansion of municipal beach facilities will
apparently be westward on the island. An express highway from Houston
places this rapidly growing city within easy travel distance of the
beach. The area will probably serve best as a metropolitan or a regional
recreational site.
Galveston Island
Stephen Austin Island
Location: |
The peninsula lies northeast of Brazos River and the city of Freeport,
and southwest of Galveston Island.
Accessibility: |
By car over hard-packed sand from mainland
Description of Area: |
This portion of a 15-mile long peninsula is typical
of the region but not outstanding. The beach, 9 miles long, is
wide and the slope gentle. Portions of it are littered with shells and
debris. In general, the sand is fine, clean and hard-packed. The land
elevation is low, and the dunes are less than 6 feet in height
and unstable. The plant life is limited to grasses and sedges with some
scattered herbs and a few clumps of juniper shrubs.
Present Use: |
The first 5 miles of the peninsula are developed as a
resort center. The San Luis Beach Island Development Company is
subdividing and developing the remaining 9 miles of the peninsula for
private occupancy.
Analysis: |
Certain portions of the peninsula now being
subdivided would make excellent public seashore recreation areas. The
State of Texas is negotiating with. Mr. F. B. Cassidy, of the San Luis
Beach Island Development Company, for the use of some of these
properties for this purpose.
Stephen Austin Island
Matagorda Peninsula
Location: |
Offshore, southeast of Matagorda, about midway between Galveston
and Corpus Christi, Texas.
Accessibility: |
By County Highway 2301.
Description of Area: |
A 21-mile-long, narrow, offshore sand barrier, low in
elevation. The beach is narrow and steep; the sand is coarse, light and
loose-packed. Considerable litter and great drifts of seashells are
found above high-tide level, and the low sand dunes are unstable and
irregular. Grass is the primary vegetative cover with no native trees or
Present Use: |
There are scattered ranch developments and herds of
cattle. The State is now negotiating for some land east of the Colorado
River for park purposes.
Analysis: |
This is one of the least attractive of the
undeveloped Texas coastal areas because of the poor quality of its
beaches, dunes, vegetative cover and offshore waters.
The State is negotiating for a portion of the
peninsula for State park purposes. It is believed unnecessary to give
further study to the area at this time.

Matagorda Peninsula
Padre Island
Location: |
Between Corpus Christi and Port Isabel.
Accessibility: |
Causeways at Corpus Christi and Port Isabel.
Description of Area: |
An offshore bar or barrier-reef island, 117 miles in
length, of which only 98 miles are here considered. It varies in width
from less than one-eighth mile to not more than 3 miles. The foreshore
area varies from 10 to 200 feet in width and from steep to gradual in
slope. The offshore area is consistently gentle in slope and varies in
width from 200 to 2,000 feet. The sand is fine in texture,
light-colored, and fairly clean. The dunes vary from small mounds to 40
feet in height and are not entirely stabilized. Sea oats, croton and
morning-glory are the three dominant types of vegetative cover to be
found. Birdlife values are outstanding and historical values
Present Use: |
The chief use of the island is for grazing, with some
oil-drilling activity. There are developments and a county park at each
Analysis: |
Its great size and remote character, endless sweep
of broad beach, grass-topped dunes and windswept sand formations have
great appeal. Its natural resources, historical and biological values
should be preserved in public ownership.
Cameron County Park, Padre Island
Oil Rig, Padre Island
Brazos Island
Location: |
Mouth of Rio Grande.
Accessibility: |
By car over State Highway 4.
Description of Area: |
The area is actually a peninsula 8 miles in length
and averaging about three-quarters of a mile in width. The beach is
wide, flat and clean along the northern portion. The sand is fine in
texture and light in color. The water is clear and the shores moderately
sloping. The dunes are 20 to 30 feet high and generally stable. The
vegetative life consists primarily of sea oats, croton and
morning-glory. Some portions of the southern 3 miles have been eroded by
river and littoral currents.
Present Use: |
A few scattered cottages and an oil well are the only
developments. The island is popular with fishermen.
Analysis: |
Because of its excellent beach, interesting dunes,
ease of accessibility, and relatively undeveloped status, this area
should be considered for public ownership. Its location at the mouth of
the Rio Grande links the area with many outstanding events in the
history of that great river.
Brazos Island, Near Mouth of Rio Grande
Bolivar Peninsula
The peninsula is a western extension of the east
coast of Texas running from High Island southwestwardly 28 miles to the
Bolivar Roads waterway. It varies in width from 1/2 mile to more than
3-1/2 miles. In general, the peninsula is a low, slightly rolling, sandy
plain. The vegetative cover is almost entirely grass, with few trees and
shrubs. There is a long row of frontal dunes not more than 10 to 15 feet
high and generally stable. The beach is wide (up to 200 feet), gently
sloping and fairly clean. The foreshore and offshore areas also are
gently sloping and quite clean. Ranching and drilling for oil are the
principal industries. There are communities along the peninsula and the
resort-vacation type of development is expanding. State Highway 87
traverses the peninsula and most of the usable land off this road is
being developed by private interests. There are better locations along
the Texas coast for the development of public seashore recreation
Matagorda Island
The island lies between Cavallo Pass and Cedar Bayou,
south of Port O'Connor on the mainland, and is accessible only by boat
and plane. It is about 35 miles long and from 1-1/2 to 4-1/2 miles wide.
The island possesses a wide, flat, clean beach and dunes that are quite
high, extensive and generally stable. Vegetation consists of grassy
plains and salt marshes. The Matagorda Air Force Base occupies the
northern 14 miles of the island while the remainder is owned by Mr.
Clint Murchison and is used generally for the grazing of cattle. Mr.
Murchison maintains a residence on the island and has other ranch
buildings. The island is not as desirable for public recreation purposes
as some others along the Texas coast.
Matagorda Island
St. Joseph Island
This island presently connects with Matagorda Island
at Cedar Bayou and runs 21 miles southwestwardly to Aransas Pass. It
varies in width from less than a mile to nearly 5 miles. The island is
very similar in character to Matagorda Island, with a wide, flat, clean
beach, interesting dunes, and little vegetation. Mr. S. W. Richardson is
purported to be the owner of the island and has built a large home in
the southwestern portion. An airstrip and landing docks have been
provided, and scattered throughout the island are ranch developments.
Certain areas under consideration by the State have a higher value and
better quality than St. Joseph Island, insofar as seashore recreation
factors are concerned.
Mustang Island
From its northward end at
Aransas Pass, Mustang Island extends southwardly to Corpus Christi Pass
where it joins with Padre Island. It is 16-1/2 miles long and has an
average width of 2 miles. The beach is wide, flat, and quite clean of
debris and shells. The slope of the foreshore and offshore areas is
gentle and regular for a great distance. The dunes are imposing, quite
regular in size, and stable. The principal and predominant plants on the
island are grasses. A few vines and low-growing shrubs are the only
other native plants found growing on the island. A paved road extends
the full length of the island and is accessible from the mainland at
each end. Considerable development has taken place at both ends of the
island and it is presumed that expansion will be toward the central
undeveloped portion.

Mustang Island
Last Updated: 25-Jun-2007