January 4, 1960
To: Director, National Park Service
From: Secretary of the Interior
Subject: Great Lakes Shoreline Recreation Area Survey Report
The draft of the Great Lakes Shoreline Recreation Area Report has
been received and is under review in this office. Because of the
numerous inquiries concerning availability of the report, please proceed
as rapidly as possible with its publication, using non-Government funds
which have been donated for that purpose.
Three outstanding areas included in this report--the Sleeping Bear
Dunes, Huron Mountains and Pictured Rocks--were recommended for
consideration as units of the National Park System by the Advisory Board
on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments at their
October 1959 meeting. It should be emphasized, however, that the
Department of the Interior is supporting the enactment of legislation to
permit the designation by the Secretary of not more than three shore
areas as National Shoreline Recreation Areas. The shorelines of the
Great Lakes will be considered along with those of the Pacific, Atlantic
and Gulf coasts in determining which three areas are worthy of
preservation by the Federal Government should Congress enact the
legislation. Publication of this Survey Report should not be construed
either as approval or disapproval of any recommendations contained
In the Great Lakes area, many State and local governmental agencies
have evidenced an interest in the preservation of portions of our
vanishing shoreline. Because of their concurrent interest in this
field, this comprehensive survey should be of great value to such
agencies in their consideration of additions to State and local public
shoreline areas.
Fred A. Seaton
Secretary of the Interior