National Park Service
Recreational Use of Land in the United States
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Name Location Established Area
in acres
Special characteristics

Aztec Ruins National MonumentNew Mexico192325.88 Prehistoric ruin of pueblo type containing 500 rooms.
Bandelier National Monument  do193226,026.20 Vast number of cliff-dweller ruins of unusual interest, including Rito de los Frijoles, Otowi, Tsankawi, and others. Some of the simple household equipment of the former inhabitants has been restored as it was centuries ago.
Canyon de Chelly National MonumentArizona193183,840.00 Many cliff dwellings in eaves and crevasses containing records of cultural progress covering longer period than any other ruins discovered in the Southwest.
Casa Grande National Monument  do1918472.50 These ruins are one of the most noteworthy relics of a prehistoric age and people within the limits of the United States. Discovered in 1694.
Chaco Canyon National MonumentNew Mexico190721,512.37 Numerous cliff-dweller ruins, including communal houses, all good condition and but little excavated.
El Morro National Monument  do1906240.00 Enormous sandstone rock eroded in form of a castle upon which inscriptions have been placed by early Spanish explorers. Contains cliff-dweller ruins.
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument  do1907160.00 Cliff-dweller ruins. 4 natural cavities in the face of an overhanging cliff 150 feet high, divided into small rooms by walls built of adobe and small stones, which are in a good state of preservation.
Hovenweep National MonumentUtah and Colorado1923285.80 4 groups of prehistoric towers, pueblos, and cliff dwellings.
Mesa Verde National ParkColorado190651,333.62 Most notable and best preserved prehistoric cliff dwellings in United States if not in the world.
Montezuma Castle National MonumentArizona1906160.00 Prehistoric cliff-dwelling ruin of unusual size situated in a niche in face of a vertical cliff. Of scenic and ethnologic interest.
Mound City Group National MonumentOhio192157.00 Famous group of prehistoric mounds in Camp Sherman Military Reservation.
Navajo National MonumentArizona1909360.00 Contains numerous pueblo and cliff-dweller ruins, in good state of preservation.
Old Kasaan National MonumentAlaska191638.00 Abandoned Haida Indian village in which remain totem poles, grave houses and monuments, and portions of the original framework of the buildings.
Sitka National Monument  do191057.00 Area of great natural beauty and historac interest as scene of massacre of Russians by Indians. Contains 16 totem poles of best native workmanship.
Tonto National MonumentArizona1907640.00 2 cliff-dweller ruins just off the Roosevelt Globe Highway. Consist of 2 and 3-storied walls of adobe with the supporting beams and lintels of windows and low doors still in place.
Walnut Canyon National Monument  do1911960.00 Contains cliff dwellings of marked interest built under the outward sloping canyon wails, utilizing the projecting limestone ledges as foundations. Instead of the communal type, these cliff houses were apparently built for separate families and contain from 6 to 8 rooms.
Wupatki National Monument  do19212,234.10 Prehistoric dwellings of ancestors of Hopi Indians.
Yucca House National MonumentColorado19199.60 Located on eastern slope of Sleeping Ute Mountain. A pile of masonry of great archeological value, relic of prehistoric inhabitants.

[Arranged according to period]

Cabrillo National MonumentCalifornia19130.50 Of historic interest because of discovery of the territory now partly embraced in the State of California by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, who at this point first sighted land on Sept. 28, 1542.
Colonial National MonumentVirginia19303,322.57 2 areas of great historic importance—Jamestown Island, where first permanent English settlement in America was made in 1607 and Yorktown, scene of the culminating battle of the Revolution, with connecting parkway through Williamsburg, seat of government of colonial Virginia for a century.
Father Millet Cross National MonumentNew York1925.0074 Site for erection of cross to commemorate a cross erected by Father Millet in 1688 on what is now Fort Niagara Military Reservation.
Fort Marion National MonumentFlorida192418.09 Fort built by Spaniards in 1672 to protect St. Augustine. Oldest fortification extant in United States.
Fort Matanzas National Monument  do19241.00 Built by Spaniards in 1737 to supplement Fort Marion.
Fort Necessity National Battlefield sitePennsylvania19312.00 Fort commemorating the Battle of Fort Necessity between troops under Maj. George Washington and French and Indian troops, July 3, 1757.
George Washington Birthplace National MonumentVirginia1930394.47 Site of home in which George Washington was born, rehabilitated and replica of the old homestead erected.
Gran Quivira National MonumentNew Mexico1909610.94 1 of the most important of earliest Spanish mission ruins in the Southwest Monument; also contains pueblo ruins.
New Echota Marker National MemorialGeorgia19311.00 Site of capital of Cherokee Indians.
Tumacacori National MonumentArizona190810.00 Ruin of Franciscan mission dating from 17th century.
Verendrye National MonumentNorth Dakota1917253.04 Includes Crowhigh Butte, from which Explorer Verendrye first beheld territory beyond the Missouri River.

Cowpens National Battlefield siteSouth Carolina19291.00 Site of Revolutionary War Battle of Cowpens, Jan. 17, 1781.
Guilford Courthouse National Military ParkNorth Carolina1917110.00 Near Greensboro; scene of 1 of the great battles of the Revolution; fought in 1781.
Moores Creek National Military ParkNorth Carolina193130.00 Commemorating the Revolutionary War Battle of Kings Mountain fought at this place, Oct. 7, 1780.
Kings Mountain National Military ParkSouth Carolina1926
Scene of 1 of the most memorable battles of Revolutionary War.
Morristown National Historical ParkNew Jersey1933952.04 Main camp site of the American Armies during the winter and spring of 1777, and from December 1779 to June 1780. Contains Ford Mansion used by Washington as residence and headquarters.
White Plains National Battlefield siteNew York1926
Memorial tablet to indicate the position of the Revolutionary Army under the command of General Washington.

Abraham Lincoln National ParkKentucky1916110.00 Contains the log cabin and part of the farm where Abraham Lincoln was born.
Camp Blount Tablets National MemorialTennessee1930
Site of old Stone Bridge, marking the site of mobilization and camps of troops under Gen. Andrew Jackson, preparatory to war against the Spanish and Indians in Florida.
Castle Pinckney National MonumentSouth Carolina19243.50 Fort built in Charleston harbor in 1797.
Chalmette National Battlefield siteLouisiana1907
Erected in memory of the Battle of New Orleans which was fought on Jan. 8, 1815.
Fort Jefferson National MonumentFlorida193515.00 Erected 1846-61 on Garden Key in the Dry Tortugas; used as a military prison during the Civil and Spanish American Wars. Dr. Mudd was imprisoned here for supposed complicity in the assassination of Lincoln.
Fort McHenry National ParkMaryland192547.00 Restored and preserved as birthplace of the Star Spangled Banner.
Fort Pulaski National MonumentGeorgia192420.00 Built in 1810 to replace Fort Greene of the Revolution.
Lee Mansion National MemorialVirginia1925
Home of Robert E. Lee, commander in chief of the Confederate Army, up to the time of the Civil War.
Meriwether Lewis National MonumentTennessee1925300.00 Contains the grave of Captain Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Pipe Spring National MonumentArizona192340.00 Old stone fort and spring of pure water in desert region. Serves as memorial to early western pioneer life.
Scotts Bluff National MonumentNebraska19193,240.09 Region of historic and scientific interest. Many famous old trails traversed by the early pioneers in the winning of the West passed over and through this monument.

Antietam National Battlefield siteMaryland189040.00 Scene of one of greatest battles of the Civil War.
Appomattox National Battlefield siteVirginia19302.00 Monument commemorating the termination of the War between the States on Apr. 9, 1865.
Brices Cross Roads National Battlefield siteMississippi19291.00 Civil War Battle of Brices Cross Roads, June 10, 1864.
Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military ParkTennessee and Georgia18905,733.00 Beautiful natural park; embraces battlefields of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge and scenes of other conflicts of the Civil War fought in the vicnity of Chattanooga during 1863, including Lookout Mountain.
Fort Donelson National Military ParkTennessee1928108.00 Site of first great engagement of the western campaign during the Civil War.
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields Memorial National Military ParkVirginia19272,413.37 Scene of battles of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania Wilderness, Chancellorsville, and Salem Church, at or near Fredericksburg.
Gettysburg National Military ParkPennsylvania18952,530.00 Scene of the most famous combat of the Civil War. Probably better marked than any other battlefield in the world.
House Where Lincoln DiedWashington, D. C1896
Across from Old Ford Theater, now the Lincoln Museum.
Kenesaw Mountain National Battlefield siteGeorgia191760.00 Site of important Civil War engagement fought June 27, 1864.
Lincoln MuseumWashington, D. C1865
Old Ford Theater where Lincoln was assassinated. Now contains collection of Lincolniana.
Monocacy National Battlefield siteMaryland19291.00 Site of Civil War Battle of Monocacy.
Petersburg National Military ParkVirginia1926
Scene of campaign and siege and defense of Petersburg, Va., in 1864 and 1865.
Shiloh National Military ParkTennessee18943,583.00 Embraces the battlefield of Shiloh near Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee River. The second major engagement of the western campaign during Civil War.
Stones River National Military Park  do1927345.00 Scene of the Battle of Stones River in Tennessee.
Tupelo National Battlefield siteMississippi19291.00 Commemorates the Battle of Tupelo, July 13-15, 1864.
Vicksburg National Military Park  do18991,322.00 Beautiful natural park; scene of the siege and surrender of Vicksburg in 1862 during the Civil War.

Antietam National CemeteryMaryland186210.00
Battleground National CemeteryDistrict of Columbia18641.33
Chattanooga National CemeteryTennessee1863129.86
Fort Donelson National Cemetery  do186715.75
Fredericksburg National CemeteryVirginia186512.00
Gettysburg National CemeteryPennsylvania186317.00
Poplar Grove National CemeteryVirginia18668.65
Shiloh National CemeteryTennessee18669.00
Stones River National Cemetery  do186518.52
Vicksburg National CemeteryMississippi186533.00
Yorktown National CemeteryVirginia18663.00

Big Hole Battlefield National MonumentMontana 19105.00 Site of battlefield on which battle was fought Aug. 9, 1877, between a small force of United States troops and a much larger force of Nez Perce Indians resulting in rout of the latter.
Kill Devil Hill National MemorialNorth Carolina 1927547.00 Scene of first sustained flight by heavier-than-air machine.
Lava Beds National MonumentCalifornia 192545,967.00 Unusual exhibits of lava flows in the shape of peculiar lava caves and tunnels. Battle ground of Modoc Indian war of 1873.
Statue of Liherty National MonumentNew York 19242.50 Site of Statue of Liberty.

District of Columbia War MemorialWashington, D. C1931
World War memorial.
Lincoln Memorial  do1922
World famous memorial in the national capital.
Washington  do1799
Shaft erected in memory of George Washington.

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Last Updated: 20-May-2016