National Park Service
Recreational Use of Land in the United States
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On November 28, 1934, the National Resources Board submitted to the President, in accordance with an Executive order, its report on National Planning and Public Works in Relation to Natural Resources and Including Land Use and Water Resources. Part II of that report was the Report of the Land Planning Committee. In the course of preparing part II of the above report a large volume of basic data and information was collected which could not then be included. The publication of the present report is for the purpose of making such data and information available to interested persons and organizations.

The present land report has been organized into 11 parts according to subject matter and the contributing agencies. These 11 parts are made available as 11 separate publications. Organization and publication on this basis was done because many persons and agencies are interested only in certain parts of the present report, and the necessity of purchasing the whole report in order to obtain the desired part or parts is thereby eliminated.

The present land report, when conceived as a whole, does not purport to be a complete work on the subject of land utilization, or of its related problems and pro posed lines of action; neither is it designed to be a thoroughly integrated piece of work. The primary aim here has been to set forth the facts, analyses, and the recommended lines of action as developed by each of the various contributing governmental bureaus, divisions, sections, or individuals, on the problems with which each of such agencies or persons is concerned. The points of view are, therefore, those of the contributing agencies or individuals themselves. The Land Planning Committee presents the report as information, but assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in it.

This report was prepared under the direction of Dr. L. C. Gray, director of the Land Section of the National Resources Board, aided by John B. Bennett, who served as administrative assistant and as secretary to the Land Planning Committee. Editing and preparation of the report for publication were under the direction of Mr. H. H. Erdmann, agricultural economist of the Land Section, National Resources Board.

Authorship by agencies and individuals is acknowledged in their respective contributions. The following governmental agencies have contributed to the whole report: The Geological Survey, the Division of Grazing Control, the Office of Indian Affairs, the National Park Service, and the Bureau of Reclamation, in the United States Department of the Interior; and the Bureau of Agricultural Engineering, the Biological Survey, the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, the Forest Service, the Soil Conservation Service, the Weather Bureau, the Divisions of Land Economics, of Farm Management and Costs, and of Farm Finance in the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, and the Land Policy Section, the Production Planning Section, the Import-Export Section, and the Agricultural-Industrial Relations Section of the Division of Program Planning of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in the United States Department of Agriculture. Credit also is due to the State agricultural experiment stations and extension services, State planning boards, commissions, and other State organizations and individuals for aid in preparation of several sections of the report.

Land Planning Committee

M. L. WILSON, Chairman.

L.C. Gray, Director.

Some trees are worth more to look at,—

tree cutting
—than to cut down.

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Last Updated: 20-May-2016