Rock Creek Park
An Administrative History
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Whence the Park

1. 36 Congressional Globe 3379, 3502, 3894.

2. Letter, Michler to Sen. B. Gratz Brown, Senate Misc. Doc. 21, 39th Congress, 2d Session, Feb. 13, 1867.

3. Ibid., pp.1-2

4. Ibid., p. 2.

5. Ibid., p. 3

6. Ibid., pp.3-4, 7.

7. S. 549, 39th Congress, Jan. 28, 1867

8. 37 Congressional Globe 1578.

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid., p. 1579

11. Ibid., pp. 1620, 1405

12. Report of the Secretary, Board of Control of Rock Creek Park, Operations from the Establishment of the Park, September 27, 1890, to June 30, 1912 (Washington, 1912), p. 4.

13. Rock Creek National Park: Information for the Public in Relation Thereto (Washington: Judd and Detweiler, 1889), pp. 9-11.

14. S.J. Res. 94, 48th Congress; 15 Congressional Record 5228-29.

15. 15 Congressional Record 5387, June 10, 1884.

16. S. 2584, 49th Congress; 17 Congressional Record 6105, 7306, 7388; H. Rept. 3820, 49th Congress, Jan. 31, 1887.

17. S. 588, 50th Congress, Dec. 13, 1887; H.R. 3328, 50th Congress; H. Rept. 2983, 50th Congress, July 20, 1888.

18. 19 Congressional Record 7494-7502

19. William V. Cox, Notes on the Establishment of a National Park in the District of Columbia and the Acquirement and Improvement of the Valley of Rock Creek for Park Purposes, Park Improvement Papers No. 7, Senate Committee on the District of Columbia, Apr. 19, 1901; Rock Creek National Park, p. 12

20. H.R. 12136, 50th Congress; H. Rept. 3866, 50th Congress, Jan. 26, 1889; 20 Congressional Record 1256, 1919; Cox, Notes on the Establishment of a National Park in the District of Columbia, p. 6; 25 Stat. 808-09.

21. John D. Rhodes, "How Rock Creek Park Was Established," Atlantic Naturalist 12 (October 1957): 301-03; S. 4, 51st Congress; 21 Congressional Record 355, 902

22. H. Rept. 870, 51st Congress; 21 Congressional Record 2579-80.

23. 21 Congressional Record 2586-89, 3939, 3952, 5303.

24. Ibid., pp. 5367, 10418-10419, 10453, 10458; 26 Stat. 492-95.

25. 17 Stat. 32; 26 Stat. 478. Mackinac Island National Park in Michigan was established in 1875 but was turned over to state administration 20 years later.

26. The 51st Congress also legislated the first of the national battlefield parks: Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park in Georgia and Tennessee and Antietam National Battlefield Site (now Antietam National Battlefield) in Maryland were both authorized a month before Rock Creek Park and Sequoia, General Grant, and Yosemite national parks. Stemming from different impulses and aimed at historic rather than natural preservation, the battlefields formed another component of the future National Park System.

27. 26 Stat. 492-95. The act is reproduced in full in the appendix.

Under Military Rule

1. Proceedings of the Rock Creek Park Commission, RG 42, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. U.S. v. Glen W. Cooper et al., 20 Supreme Court, D.C. 104; Proceedings of the Rock Creek Park Commission.

5. Proceedings of the Rock Creek Park Commission; letter, Rock Creek Park Commissioners to Commissioners of the District of Columbia and Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Dec. 12, ibid.

6. Letter, Brig. Gen. John M. Wilson to Supreme Court of D.C., Dec 9, 1898, Proceedings of the Rock Creek Park Commission.

7. Letter, Rock Creek Park Commissioners to Commissioners of the District of Columbia and the Chief of Engineers, U.S Army, Dec. 13, 1894, Proceedings of the Rock Creek Park Commission.

8. Letters received, Office of the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Columbia, 1891-1908, RG 42, National Archives.

9. Report of the Secretary, Board of Control of Rock Creek Park, Operations from the Establishment of the Park, September 27, 1890, to June 30, 1912 (Washington, 1912), p. 9. (Hereinafter cited as Board of Control Report, 1912.)

10. Minutes of the Board of Control, 1894-1917, RG 42, National Archives.

11. Sundry Civil Act for Fiscal Year 1919, July 1, 1918, 40 Stat. 650. Ridley also served as superintendent of the State, War, and Navy Building.

12. Act of Feb. 26, 1925, 43 Stat. 983. The new office incorporated that of the superintendent of the State, War, and Navy building.

13. Board of Control Report, 1912, pp. 10-11; Shoemaker, "Historic Rock Creek," Records of the Columbia Historical Society (Washington: Columbia Historical Society, 1909), 12: 41.

14. Board of Control, Report, 1912, pp. 9-10.

15. Ibid., p. 12; "Boulder and Ross Drive Bridges," National Register of Historic Places form, Sept. 25, 1979, National Park Service.

16. Board of Control, Report, 1912, pp. 9-10; quotation from Donald Beekman Myer, Bridges and the City of Washington (Washington: Commission of Fine Arts, 1974), p. 78.

17. Board of Control, Report, 1912, p. 9.

18. Regulations and correspondence in letters received, Office of the Engineer Commissioner.

19. Board of Control, Report, 1912, pp. 22-23, 25.

20. Unsigned copy of letter to Col. Chester Harding, June 16, 1913, Office of the Engineer Commissioner; memorandum, Grabil to Secretary, Board of Control, June 20, 1913, ibid.

21. "Night Parking Prohibition Rule in Rock Creek Exempts Families," Evening Star, July 18, 1922, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway clippings file, Commission of Fine Arts records, RG 66, National Archives.

22. Memorandum, Sherrill to Gillen, Sept. 14, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records, RG 42, National Archives: Constance McLaughlin Green, Washington: Capital City, 1879-1950 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1962), p. 383.

23. Board of Control, Report, 1912, pp.8, 16-17; "A Brief History of Golf Courses in National Capital Parks," 4 p. paper, Concessioner file, Rock Creek Park Headquarters; letter, Clarence O. Sherrill to John Joy Edson, Oct. 20, 1922, and other correspondence in Camp Good Will file, Rock Creek Park, National Park Service records, Washington National Records Center.

24. "Brief History of Golf Courses."

25. Correspondence, Office of the Engineer Commissioner.

26. Board of Control, Report, 1912, p. 9; letter, Newman to Sherrill, June 23, 1921, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds; letter, Sherrill to Newman, June 28, 1921, ibid.; other correspondence ibid.

27. General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records; memorandum to press Nov. 17, 1921, ibid.; letter, Sherrill to Mrs. Powell Clayton, Nov. 4, 1921, ibid.

28. Memorandum to Chief of Engineers, Feb. 1, 1922, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records.

29. Memorandum, Peaslee to Ridley, Nov. 22, 1919, Rock Creek Park General Project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

30. Letter, Brown to Moore, Dec. 16, 1921, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records; letter, Moore to Brown, Dec. 20, 1921, ibid.; letter, Brown to Sherrill, Dec. 17, 1921, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds Records; letter, Sherrill to Brown, Dec. 19, 1921, ibid.

31. An Autobiography (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913), p. 337.

32. Ibid., p. 45.

33. Letter, Dewey to Biddle, Mar. 9, 1907, Office of the Engineer Commissioner; letter, Morrow to Dewey, Mar. 11, 1907, ibid.

34. Edmund W. Starling, Starling of the White House (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1946), pp. 51-52.

35. Letter, Wilson to Ridley, Apr. 22, 1920, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records; letter, Ridley to Wilson, May 7, 1920, ibid.

36. Wilson quoted in memorandum, Ridley to Gillen, May 10, 1920, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records; memorandum, Gillen to Ridley, May 11, 1920, ibid; letter, Ridley to Wilson, May 20, 1920, ibid.

37. Letter, Wilson to Sherrill, June 21, 1921, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records; letter, Sherrill to Wilson, June 28, 1921, ibid.

38. Jusserand Memorial file, Central files, Commission of Fine Arts records.

39. Letter, McKenna to Secretary of War, July 8, Office of the Engineer Commissioner.

40. Minutes of the Board of Control, Sept. 15, 1898; 31 Stat. 573.

41. H.R. 7336 and S. 3481, 55th Congress.

42. Letter, Chief Henry S. Graves, USFS, to Maj. W.V. Judson, Apr. 15, 1912, Office of the Engineer Commissioner; letter, Acting Forester A.F. Potter, USFS, to Office of the Public Buildings and Grounds, Jan. 20, 1920, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records.

43. Commission of Fine Arts Report to the Committee on the Library, House of Representatives, Sept. 18, 1917, quoted in "Rock Creek Park: A report by the Olmsted Brothers, December, 1918," Rock Creek Park Olmsted Report project file, Commission of Fine Arts records; letter, Ridley to Henry S. Graves, Jan. 28, 1920, General Correspondence file, Public Buildings and Grounds records.

44. Letter, Moore to Ridley, May 22, 1920, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

45. Board of Control Report, 1912, p. 9.

46. Ibid.m p. 16; letter, Capt. E.M. Markham to Clarence Moore, Apr. 3, 1911, Office of the Engineer Commissioner.

47. The Improvement of the Park System of the District of Columbia (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902), p. 10.

48. Ibid., p. 88.

49. Ibid., p. 89.

50. "Rock Creek Park: A Report by the Olmsted Brothers, December 1918."

51. Office memorandum, Ridley, Feb. 1, 1919, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts Records.

52. Letter, Greenleaf to Ridley, Feb. 6, 1919, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

53. Letter, Greenleaf to Moore, Feb. 6, 1919, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

54. Letter, Moore to Olmsted, Dec. 24, 1921, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

55. Letter, Greenleaf to Sherrill, Mar. 3, 1922, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

56. Letter, Sherrill, to Greenleaf, Mar. 10, 1922, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

57. Letter, Greenleaf to Sherrill, Mar. 11, 1922, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records; see pages 73-75.

Parkway and Other Additions

1. Senate Misc. Doc. 21, 52nd Congress.

2. Sundry Civil Act of June 6, 1900, Pub. 163, 56th Congress, 31 Stat. 622; House Doc. 135, 56th Congress, Dec. 6, 1900.

3. House Doc. 135.

4. The Improvement of the Park System of the District of Columbia (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902), p. 11.

5. Ibid., pp. 85-86.

6. S. 3883 and H.R. 11047, 56th Congress; Georgetown Citizens' Association resolution and related correspondence in records, Office of the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Columbia, 1897-1918, RG 42, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

7. S. 7169, 58th Congress; letter, Henry Grant to Sen. H.J. Callinger, Feb. 21, 1905, Office of the Engineer Commissioner.

8. Senate Doc. 458, 60th Congress, May 21, 1908.

9. Ibid., p. 2.

10. Ibid., pp. 2, 24.

11. Ibid., p. 5.

12. Ibid., pp. 5-6.

13. S. 10851, 61st Congress; letter, Burnham to Col. Spencer Cosby, CFA secretary, Mar. 16, 1911, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records, RG 66, National Archives; Olmsted, "Report for Senator Wetmore on the Rock Creek Matter," Mar. 17, 1911, ibid.

14. S. 2366, 62nd Congress; 47 Congressional Record 3498; H.R. 28766, 62nd Congress; 49 Congressional Record 4050, Reb. 26, 1913.

15. 49 Congressional Record 4247, 4376-77, 4700.

16. Ibid., pp. 4693-94, 4816; Pub. 432, 62nd Congress, 37 Stat. 885. See appendix for provision in full.

17. House Doc. 999, 63rd Congress, May 23, 1914; Sundry Civil Act of Mar. 3, 1915, Pub. 263, 63rd Congress.

18. Report of the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission: 1916 House Doc. 1114, 64th Congress, pp. 10-17.

19. Ibid., pp. 11, 45-46.

20. Ibid., pp. 12-14.

21. Ibid., pp. 15-16; George E. Clark, "Estimates on the Development of Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway," July 1, 1929, report in the Historic Resources Services Division, National Capital Region, National Park Service.

22. Pub. 132, 64th Congress, July 1, 39 Stat. 282; Clark, "Estimates on the Development of Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway," p. 17.

23. Pub. 138, 62nd Congress, 37 Stat. 93; USA v. C & O Canal Company et al., Equity No. 31580, Supreme Court, District of Columbia; memorandum, George E. Clark to Lt. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, July 27, 1923, General Records of the Executive and Disbursing Officer, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission, RG 42, National Archives; letter, Acting Attorney General W.D. Riter to Sherrill, Aug. 30, 1923, ibid.

24. Letter, Grant to William P. Richards, May 26, 1930, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission records; other correspondence ibid.

25. Clark, "Estimates on the Development of Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway," p. 17; H.R. 4785, 69th Congress; 67 Congressional Record 1862, 8442-43; Pub. 179, 69th Congress, May 5, 1926, 44 Stat. 396.

26. Letter, Col. Clarence S. Ridley to Ansell, Jan. 11, 1918, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records; Sundry Civil Act of June 5, 1920, Pub. 246, 66th Congress, 41. Stat. 890; Pub. 457, 67th Congress, Feb. 28, 1923, 42 Stat. 1366.

27. Letter, Grant to Rep. Finis J. Garrett, Jan. 11, 1927, in House Rept. 1748, 69th Congress; 68 Congressional Record 1812; Pub. 533, 69th Congress, Jan. 20, 1927, 44 Stat. 1007.

28. Letter, Grant to Rep. Richard N. Elliott, Jan. 16, 1929, in House Rept. 2210, 70th Congress; Pub. 968, 70th Congress, 45 Stat. 1523.

29. Letter, Grant to Mitchell and letter, George E. Clark to Henry H. Glassie, Feb. 16, 1931, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission records.

30. Letter, Sherrill to Moore, October 23, 1925, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway General project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

31. "Work Progressing on Link Connecting Washington Parks," Washington Post, Apr. 3, 1927, p. 5.

32. "Reach Agreement for Parkway Span Over Rock Creek," Evening Star, Oct. 14, 1931, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Clippings project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

33. Letter, Olmsted to Moore, Sept. 26, 1925, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway General project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

34. Letter, Henry B.F. Macfarland to Rep. J.W. Babcock, Nov. 21, 1905, in House Rept. 5483, 59th Congress; Pub. 135, 59th Congress, 34 Stat. 1000.

35. Minutes of the Board of Control, Oct. 30, 1908, RG 42, National Archives.

36. Report of the Secretary, Board of Control of Rock Creek Park, Operations from the Establishment of the Park, September 27, 1890. to June 30, 1912 (Washington, 1912), p. 8; Senate Rept. 480, 67th Congress, Feb. 3, 1922; Klingle Valley administrative file, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records, RG 328, National Archives.

37. Pub. 202, 68th Congress, 43 Stat. 463.

38. Pub. 158, 69th Congress, Apr. 30, 1926, 44 Stat. 374.

39. Quoted in Charles W. Eliot II, "Park System for the National Capital, Washington Region," February 1927, Cooperation with Maryland (General) file 545-95-25, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records.

40. Letter, Sherrill to Ritchie, Sept. 11, 1925, Cooperation with Maryland (General) file 545-95-25, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records; letter, Ritchie to Sherrill, Sept. 14, 1925, ibid.; other documents ibid.

41. H.R. 26, 71st Congress, Apr. 15, 1929; House Rept. 55, 71st Congress, Dec. 18, 1929; 72 Congressional Record 1084-86, 2724.

42. Senate Rept. 458, 71st Congress, Apr. 17, 1930; 72 Congressional Record 8850, 9371; Pub. 284, 71st Congress, 46 Stat. 484.

43. Counting Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway and the tributary parklands not officially park of Rock Creek Park, there are between 2,100 and 2,200 acres of federal parkland in the District portion of Rock Creek valley.

44. Pub. 441, 61st Congress, Mar. 2, 1911, 36 Stat. 1005.

Under the Park Service

1. Executive Order 6166, Mar. 3, 5 USC §124-32; Pub. 109, 73rd Congress, 478 stat. 389.

2. Albright, Origins of National Park Service Administration of Historic Sites (Philadelphia: Eastern National Park and Monument Association, 1971), pp. 21-24.

3. Index of the National Park System and Affiliated Areas as of January 1, 1975 (Washington: National Park Service, 1975), p. 109.

4. Report in the Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records, RG 66, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

5. Ibid.

6. Memorandum, Meinecke to Tom Vint, June 20, 1934, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

7. Ibid.

8. "Rock Creek Park Bather in Peril from Bad Water," Evening Star, June 13, 1922; "Rock Creek Park Bathing is Halted," Evening Star, July 6, 1922; both in Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Clippings project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

9. Letter, Grant to Director, USGS, May 23, 1926, Rock Creek and Tributaries file 545-98-60, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records, RG 328, National Archives; letter, Horton to Grant, Mar. 16, 1929, ibid.; Minutes, 57th Meeting of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, July 31-Aug. 1, 1931, copy ibid.

10. Memorandum, Frank T. Gartside to Chief, Park Division, Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks, Aug. 5, 1932, Rock Creek and Tributaries file 545-98-60, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records; letter, Arno B. Cammerer to Chairman, Maryland-National Capital Planning Commission, Jan. 11, 1935, ibid.; LeRoy K. Sherman and Wesley W. Horner, Report on Measures for Elimination of Pollution of Rock Creek and Its Tributaries in Washington (Washington: National Park Service, 1935).

11. August 1954, pp. 20-21, 44-45.

12. Interview with Robert Ford, Nov. 19, 1984.

13. Edwards letter to the editor, Washington Post July 25, 1936; "Ickes to Forbid washing Autos in Park Creek," Washington Post, Aug. 6, 1936; both in clipping scrapbook, National Capital Parks, National Park Service records, RG 79, National Archives.

14. Memorandum, Castro to The Force, Mar. 16, 1962, Administration, Maintenance, and Protection file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, National Capital Region, National Park Service records, Washington National Records Center (WNRC), Suitland, Md.

15. Jim Seymore, "What is Big, Green, Pretty, Polluted, Underused, and Exploited?", October 1972, p. 86.

16. "Future Development of Rock Creek Park from Taft Bridge To and Including Piney Branch Parkway," Feb. 16, 1934, Rock Creek Park and Parkway planning file 535, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records.

17. Letter, Delano to Arno B. Cammerer, June 6, 1936, Roads file 630, NCR-NPS records, National Archives; "One Way Traffic Due for Parkway," Evening Star, May 12, 1937, clipping in Roads and Traffic file, Resources Management office, Rock Creek Park headquarters.

18. Minutes, 80th Meeting, National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Sept, 15-16, 1933, Zoo Bypass file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS records, WNRC; letter, Alexander Wetmore to Arno B. Cammerer, Oct. 4, 1933, ibid.; "Spare the Park" (editorial), Evening Star, June 28, 1938.

19. Pub. 176, 76th Congress, July 15, 1939, 53 Stat. 1036; letter, Arthur E. Demaray to Colo. C. W. Kutz, Sept. 15, 1942, Rock Creek Parkand Parkway planning file 535, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records; minutes, 176th Meeting, National Park and Planning Commission, ibid.

20. Letter, Feb. 25, 1957, Zoo Bypass file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS Records.

21. Letter, Wirth to Carmichael, May 1, 1957, Zoo Bypass file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS records; letter, Carmichael to Wirth, May 3, 1957, ibid.; letter, Wirth to Carmichael, Mar. 13, 1959, ibid.; letter, Carmichael to Wirth, Aug. 7, 1959, ibid.; letter, Carmichael to Secretary of the Interior Fred. A. Seaton, Mar. 15, 1969, ibid.

22. "Statement for Management, Rock Creek Park," pp. 8, 10 (copy at Rock Creek Park headquarters).

23. Letter, Acting Director Arthur E. Demaray to Col. C. W. Kutz, Sept. 15, 1942, Rock Creek Park and Parkway planning file 535, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records.

24. Sam Zagoria, "Key Planners Call Parley to Decide Fate of Proposed Rock Creek Parkway Leg," Washington Post. Oct. 28, 1953, p. 25.

25. Letter, McKay to Nye, June 17, 1953, Route 240 file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

26. Memorandum, Associate Superintendent Harry T. Thompson, NCP, to Conrad L. Wirth, Jan. 13, 1955, Route 240 file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; S.J. Res. 36, 84th Congress; Congressional Record, Feb. 1, 1955, p. 874; U.S. Congress, Senate, Rock Creek Park, Hearings before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 84th Congress, 1st Session, on S.J. Res. 36. Feb. 25-26, 1955; letter, Assistant Director Harold Pearson, Budget Bureau, to Murray, Apr. 21, 1955, Route 240 file; "Congress and Rock Creek" (editorial), Washington Post. Feb. 4, 1955.

27. S.J. 123, 85th Congress; "Highway Keep Out" (editorial), Washington Post, July 12, 1957; Seaton letters July 18, 1957, McLaughlin to Seaton, July 23, 1957, Weeks to Seaton, July 25, 1957, Route 240 file, Rock Creek park, NCR-NPS records.

28. Staff Report on Feasibility Studies for the Extension and Location of U.S. 240 to Connect with the District of Columbia," January 1958, Route 240 file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; letter, Wirth to Jesse F. Nicholson (MNCPPC), May 22, 1959, ibid.

29. Jack Eisen, "Rock Creek Freeway Proposal is Revived," Washington Post, Apr. 15, 1966; "Back to the Park" (editorial), Evening Star, Apr. 19, 1966; both clippings in Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway clipping file, Martin Luther King Library, Washington, D.C.

30. Draft memorandum, J.A. Martinek, July 16, 1970, Recreation file, Rock Creek Park headquarters.

31. Environmental Assessment, Bicycle Trail Study, Rock Creek Park, November 1980, Resources Management office, Rock Creek Park headquarters.

32. News release, "For Rock Creek Park: Park Service Announces Plan on Bike/Recreational Study," Aug. 5, 1983, Resources Management office, Rock Creek Park headquarters.

33. Park Service Abandons Beach Drive Plans," Ride On! (newsletter), Sept. 1, 1983; "NPS Scraps Traffic Plan for Rock Creek Park," National Parks, November/December 1983, p. 33.

34. Ford interview.

35. Memorandum, Kelly to Conrad L. Wirth, Jan. 24, 1956, Stables file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records, WNRC.

36. Letter, Hannan to Kelly, Sept. 7, 1956, Stables file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; memorandum, Harry T. Thompson to William M. Haussmann, Nov. 1, 1956, ibid.

37. Memorandum, Andrews to Files, June 19, 1957, Stables file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

38. Report of meeting and letters in Stables file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; letter, Agnes C. Gaumnitz to Kelly, Oct. 12, 1957, ibid.; "Rock Creek Park Stable Plan Draws Hawthorn Protest," Evening Star, Nov. 14, 1957, clipping in Rock Creek Park general file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

39. Memorandum, Tingle and Baye to Chief, U.S. Park Police, Oct. 9, 1957, Stables file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; memorandum, Selby to Kelly, Oct. 14, 1957, ibid.

40. "Rock Creek Park to Get Two Stables," Washington Post, Dec. 24, 1957, clipping in Rock Creek Park general file, Commission of Fine Arts records; Stables file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

41. Rock Creek Park general file, Regional Director's Office, National Capital Region, National Park Service.

42. Shoemaker, "Historic Rock Creek," Records of the Columbia Historical Society (Washington: Columbia Historical Society, 1909), 12: 46-47.

43. Memorandum in Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records, WNRC.

44. Memorandum, Finnan to Cammerer, Mar. 20, 1934, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; Cammerer note on memorandum, Ickes to Cammerer, Mar. 15, 1934, ibid.

45. Memorandum, Ickes to Cammerer, May 23, 1934, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; memorandum, Finnan to Cammerer, May 25, 1934," ibid.

46. "Finnan Lives in D.C. Park," Washington Times, act. 20, 1936, clipping scrapbook, National Capital Parks; Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

47. Memorandum, Acting NPS Director John R. White to Acting NCP Superintendent Frank T. Gartside, Aug. 15, 1939, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; letter, Straus to Gartside, Nov. 28, 1939, ibid.; lease documents ibid.

48. Unpublished hearing transcript, Jan. 28, 1947, in Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

49. Memorandum, Conrad L. Wirth to Chapman, Mar. 21, 1952, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; letter, Chapman to Jane D. Ickes, Mar. 25, 1952, ibid.

50. Memorandum, Thompson to files, Feb. 5, 1954, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

51. Letter, Wirth to Young, May 23, 1955, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

52. Memorandum, Edward J. Kelly to Conrad L. Wirth, Apr. 4, 1957, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; petition Apr. 8, 1957, ibid.; memorandum, Thompson to Chief, Architectural Branch, June 3, 1957, ibid.; Grace Bassett, "$50,000 Waste Charged in Closing New Rock Creek Nature Center," Evening Star, Aug. 15, 1957, clipping ibid.

53. Gruber letter to the editor, Washington Post, Aug. 20, 1957, clipping in Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; letter, Fred M. Packard to Conrad L. Wirth, Aug. 12, 1957, ibid.; Bassett, "$50,000 Waste Charged"; letter, Edward J. Kelly to Fred M. Packard, Aug. 26, 1957, Klingle House file.

54. Memorandum, Harry T. Thompson to Chief, Architectural Branch (Haussmann), June 3, 1957.

55. Nature Center file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records, WNRC. The center was designed and built without consultation with the Commission of Fine Arts, much to the commission's displeasure. (Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium central file, Commission of Fine Arts records.)

56. Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

57. Letter, Udall to Lloyd Hinton, March 22, 1963, Rock Creek Park file, History Division, National Park Service, Washington, D.C.; letter, Young to Udall, Mar. 19, 1965, ibid.; letter, Robert C. Horne to Mrs. John W. Davidge, May 11, 1965, ibid.; letter, T. Sutton Jett to Mrs. John W. Davidge, June 24, 1965, ibid.; letter, Lloyd Hinton to Udall, Aug. 25, 1965, ibid.; letter, Stanley A. Cain to Hinton, Sept. 9, 1965, ibid.

58. Annual Report, Rock Creek Park, 1982, Rock Creek Park headquarters.

59. Memorandum, Finnan to Cammerer, Mar. 20, 1934, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; memorandum, Ickes to Cammerer, Mar. 22, 1934, ibid.

60. Memorandum, Cammerer to Ickes, May 21, 1934, Klingle House file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records; "Old Pierce Mill Loses Its Porch To Gain a Wheel," Washington Post, Nov. 9, 1934, clipping in Pierce Mill clipping file, Martin Luther King Library; Pierce Mill file 630, National Capital Parks, National Park Service records, National Archives.

61. "Old Pierce Mill Again Will Grind; U.S. to Get Grain," Evening Star, Oct. 1, 1936; "Wheels Turn Again at Pierce Mill," Evening Star, Oct. 28, 1936; both in clipping scrapbook, National Capital Parks, National Park Service records, National Archives.

62. Cliver, "Historic Structures Report, Pierce Mill--Water Wheel," History Division, National Park Service.

63. P.L. 98-504, act. 19, 1984,98 Stat. 2336.

64. Camp Good Will file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records, WNRC.

65. Robert M. Coates, "Inventory of Work Accomplished by CCC Camps Under the Jurisdiction of National Capital Parks, October 19, 1933, to January 1, 1942," Reforestation file 885-01, NCP-NPS records, National Archives.

66. Memorandum, Capt. M. H. Raspberry, Park Police, to Francis F. Gillen, Dec. 15, 1941, Structures file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records,. WNRC; letter, Henry L. Stimson to Harold L. Ickes, Apr. 16, 1942, Ibid.

67. Superintendent's Monthly Report, June 1936, NCP-NPS records, National Archives.

68. Superintendent's monthly reports, June-August 1939, NCP-NPS records, National Archives.

69. Park Naturalist's Report file 207-04, NCP-NPS records, National Archives.

70. Monthly Report of the Naturalist Division, July 1938, NCP-NPS records, National Archives.

71. Memorandum, W. Drew Chick, Jr., to Superintendent, NCP, Mar. 24, 1955, Rock Creek Park Day file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records, WNRC; subsequent documents ibid.

72. Letter, John Nolen, Jr., to Henry V. Hubbard, Mar. 31, 1936, Rock Creek Park file, Nolen office files, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records.

73. P.L. 81-78, May 31, 1949, 63 Stat. 141; "Faith of Our Fathers" souvenir program, 1950, Carter Barron file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records, WNRC.

74. Letter, Theodore Rothman to District Commissioners, Feb. 17, 1953, Permits and Licenses file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records, WNRC; press release, "McKay Announces Decision on Barron Amphitheater," Apr. I, 1953, ibid.; Carter Barron file, Rock Creek Park, NCR-NPS records.

75. Trescott, "Top-40 Soul After 20 Years," Washington Star-News, Aug. 19, 1973, p. HI.

76. Richard L. Coe, "Irvin Feld's Eye for Talent," Washington Post, Sept. 10, 1984, p. B3.

77. Memorandum, Haussmann to files, July 24, 1956, Thompson Boat Center file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS records, WNRC; memorandum, Edward J. Kelly to Conrad L. Wirth, Nov. 28, 1956, ibid.

78. Memorandum, John B. Thomas to Robert C. Horne, Feb. II, 1957, Thompson Boat Center file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS records; memorandum, Thompson to Horne, Mar. 19, 1957, ibid.; press release, ibid.

79. Letter, Auld to Edward J. Kelly, Apr. 9, 1958, Thompson Boat Center file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS records; memorandum, Haussmann to Kelly, June 18, 1958, ibid.; "Stay Upstream" (editorial), Washington Post,, Feb. 27, 1959, clipping ibid.

80. Memorandum, Thompson to Wirth, Mar. 4, 1959, Thompson Boat Center file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS records; memorandum, Wirth to Seaton, Mar. 13, 1959, ibid.; contract documents ibid.

81. Memorandum, Wirth to Udall, Mar. 22, 1961, signed as approved by Udall Mar. 28, 1961, Thompson Boat Center file, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, NCR-NPS records.

82. Although occupying Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway land, the boat center and its parking lot are administered by the superintendent of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park rather than the superintendent of Rock Creek Park.

83. Fish note to the author, Aug. 16t 1984.

84. Kenneth Bredemeier, "U.S. Judge Blocks Georgetown Hotel," Washington Post, May 31t 1985t p. C1; telephone conversation with Albert J. Benjamin, May 31, 1985.

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