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New Mexican Merchants Listed in the 1860/1870 Censuses

New Mexican Merchants Listed in the 1860 Census
(sorted by wealth)

Name County of Residency/Precint or Town Age Value of Real Estate Value of Personal Estate Total Value of Assets
Perea, José Leandro Bernalillo 38 25,000 200,000 225,000
Yrizarri, Maríano Benalillo/Los Ranchos 45 20,000 193,000 213,000
Otero, Manuel A. Valencia/Valencia 38 10,000 154,550 164,550
Armijo, Juan Crist&ocute;bal Bernalillo/Gallegos 50 10,000 100,000 110,000
Armijo, Rafael Benalillo/Albuquerque 42 14,000 60,000 74,000
Armijo, Manuel Benalillo/Albuquerque 47 14,000 60,000 74,000
Chávez, Felipe Bernalillo 24 5,000 62,575 67,575
Luna, Antonio José Valencia/Los Lunas 52 4,000 63,500 67,500
González, Navarro Santa Fe/La Ciénaga 41 13,000 53,000 66,000
Otero, Antonio J. Valencia/Valencia 48 21,000 44,074 65,074
Baillio, Anastasio Doña Ana/Mesilla 43 15,000 50,000 65,000
Jaramillo, José Valencia/Los Lunas 36 2,700 52,714 55,414
Baca, Luis Socorro/Limitar 30 6,000 40,000 46,000
Vigil, Manuel Socorro/Limitar 48 4,000 38,000 42,000
Perea, J. L. San Miguel/Las Vegas 42 500 36,000 36,500
Gallegos, José M. Santa Fe/Santa Fe 43 16,000 20,000 36,000
Sandoval, Anastasio Santa Fe/Santa Fe 44 12,000 22,000 34,000
Luna, Ramón Valencia/Los Lunas 50 1,000 31,000 32,000
Ortiz y Alarid, Gaspar Santa Fe/Santa Fe 36 25,000 6,000 31,000
Montoya, Juan Socorro/Limitar 39 800 28,000 28,800
Gutiérrez, Rafael Valencia/Casa Colorada 45 2,600 25,800 28,400
Armijo, Ambrosio Benalillo/Albuquerque 32 8,000 20,000 28,000
Delgado, Simón Santa Fe/Santa Fe 44 20,000 7,000 27,000
Salazar, José Valencia/Valencia 32 2,800 21,027 23,827
Sánchez, Juan J. Valencia/Valencia 60 4,000 16,545 20,545
Armijo, Salvador Benalillo/Albuquerque 37 5,000 15,000 20,000
Baca, Pedro Socorro/Socorro 55 2,000 17,000 19,000
Montoya, Nestor Benalillo/Albuquerque 33 4,000 14,180 18,180
Romero, Toribio Valencia/Los Lunas 35 500 17,000 17,500
Romero, Miguel Valencia/Los Lunas 23 500 17,000 17,500
Yrizarri, Manuel Benalillo/Los Ranchos 20 2,000 15,400 17,400
Ribera, Antonio Santa Fe/Santa Fe 51 3,500 11,000 14,500
Córdoba, Miguel A. Taos/El Llano 46 3,900 10,000 13,900
Armijo, Francisco Benalillo/Albuquerque 20 10,000 3,800 13,800
Armijo, Juan Socorro/El Sabinal 60 2,500 10,000 12,500
Montoya, Stanislao Socorro/San Ignacio 40 2,000 10,000 12,000
Armijo, José Benalillo/Gallegos 30 1,800 10,000 11 800
Baca, José Miguel Socorro/La Panda 60 1,000 10,000 11,000
Romero, José Miguel San Miguel/Las Vegas 61 6,000 4,000 10,000
Romero, José María Valencia/Los Lunas 27 1,000 8,900 9,900
López, Prudencio San Miguel/San José 35 2,500 7,095 9 595
González, Ignacio Benalillo/Albuquerque 32 2,500 6,000 8,500
García, Manuel Benalillo/Albuquerque 36 7,000 1,470 8,470
Pino, Pablo Valencia/Cubero 60 800 7,500 8,300
González, Tomás Benalillo/Albuquerque 37 2,000 6,000 8,000
Abeita, Manuel Socorro/Socorro 26 none listed 6,800 6 800
Ortiz y Delgado, Francisco Santa Fe/Santa Fe 46 4,600 2,000 6,600
Delgado, Fenando Santa Fe/Santa Fe 33 1,000 5,000 6,000
Chávez, Rumaldo Valencia/Belén 39 1,000 5,000 6,000
Sena y Quintana, Miguel San Miguel/La Extrañosa ?? 1,500 4,000 5 500
Baca, Gregorio Socorro/El Pago 26 450 5,000 5,450
Gallegos, José Guadalupe San Miguel/Antón Chico 32 1,200 4,000 5,200
Sarracino, Clemente Valencia/Cubero 48 500 4,500 5,000
Delgado, Pablo Santa Fe/Santa Fe 37 1,000 4,000 5 000
Barela, Jesús María Mora/Santa Gertrudis 37 2,000 3,000 5,000
Abeitia, Antonio Socorro/Socorro 36 1,000 4,000 5,000
Romero, Vidal San Miguel/Las Vegas 25 500 4,000 4,500
Baca, Francisco Socorro/El Pago 26 600 3,500 4,100
Ulibarri, Felix San Miguel/El Burro 34 2,000 2,000 4,000
Armijo, José Francisco Taos/Arroyo Seco 35 1,000 3,000 4,000
Martín, José San Miguel/Antón Chico 36 3,000 700 3,700
Salazar, Manuel Valencia/Valencia 22 none listed 3,600 3,600
Baca, Francisco Socorro/El Pago 26 600 3,000 3,600
Chávez, Pablo Valencia/Casa Colorada 25 350 3,050 3,400
Trujillo, Severo Río Arriba 26 1,400 1,659 3,059
Chávez, Ambrosio Valencia/Valencia 26 1,000 2,020 3,020
Sandoval, Manuel Santa Fe/Santa Fe 33 500 2,500 3,000
Ortiz, Miguel Taos/Río Colorado 38 1,000 2,000 3,000
Martínez, Leandro Taos/Los Cordobas 26 none listed 3,000 3,000
Sánchez, Pedro Taos/Fenando 28 800 2,000 2,800
Montoya, Lorenzo San Miguel/Las Tuzas 28 300 2,400 2,700
García, Candelario Socorro/Valverde 30 600 2,000 2,600
Armijo, Reyes Socorro/El Sabinal 60 600 2,000 2,600
Montoya, Juan Doña Ana/Mesilla 35 none listed 2,500 2,500
Baca, Benardo Santa Ana/Algodones 28 2,000 500 2,500
Gutiérrez, José Mora/San Antonio 30 600 1,800 2,400
Armijo, José Valencia/Valencia 20 1,500 800 2,300
Montoya, Francisco Benalillo/Albuquerque 38 1,500 600 2,100
Trujillo, Vicente San Miguel/Las Manueitas 31 800 1,200 2,000
González, Manuel San Miguel/Las Manuelitas 31 1,000 900 1,900
Jaramillo, José Valencia/San Fenando 44 500 1,200 1,700
Naranjo, Desiderio Mora/Guadalupe 40 800 870 1,670
Romero, Bonifacio Santa Fe/Agua Fría 28 300 1,300 1,600
Herrera, Antonio San Miguel/Las Manueitas 38 1,000 600 1,600
Chávez, Jesús María Socorro/Socorro 28 1,000 500 1,500
Abreu, Fracisco Santa Fe/Santa Fe 28 400 1,000 1,500
Gallegos, Dolores Valencia/Tajique 40 250 1,000 1,250
Vigil, Agapito San Miguel/Las Gallinas 28 200 1,000 1,200
Sánchez, Desiderio Valencia/Los Chávez 25 200 1,000 1,200
Baca, Ramón San Miguel/Las Manueitas 56 400 800 1,200
Abeytia, António Santa Fe/Santa Fe 23 500 700 1,200
Sánchez, Manuel Valencia/Manzano 27 600 500 1,100
Luna, Venislao Valencia/Los Lunas 22 500 500 1,000
Sena, José San Miguel/Las Vegas 23 none listed 800 800
Baca, Tomás San Miguel/Las Vegas 21 none listed 800 800
Salas, Higinio Valencia/Los Chávez 31 200 550 750
Silva, Bautista Santa Fe/Santa Fe 27 none listed 500 500
Sánchez, Jesús Valencia/Valencia 20 none listed 500 500
Armijo, Pablo San Miguel/Antón Chico 27 400 100 500
Ortiz, Juan Luis Santa Fe/Santa Fe 65 400 none listed 400
Ortiz, Teodoro Santa Fe/Santa Fe 28 100 200 300
López, Miguel San Miguel/Los Luceros 61 none listed 250 250
Roibal, Albino Santa Fe/Santa Fe 24 none listed 200 200
Leivas, Basilio San Miguel/San Gerónimo 25 none listed 190 190
Baca, Victoriano San Miguel/Las Vegas 37 100 none listed 100
Delgado, Felipe Santa Fe/Santa Fe 32 4,000 6,000 10.000
Valdez, Pablo Mora 23 none listed none listed none listed
Salazar, Juan Valencia/Valencia 23 none listed none listed none listed
Salazar, Jesús María Valencia/Valencia 23 none listed none listed none listed
Otero, Vicente Valencia/Valencia 21 none listed none listed none listed
Luna, Jesús María Valencia/Los Lunas 23 none listed none listed none listed
García, Felipe Benalillo 29 none listed none listed none listed

New Mexican Merchants Listed in the 1870 Census

Name County of Residency/Precint or Town Age Value of Real Estate Value of Personal Estate Total Value of Assets Listed Occupation*
Perea, José Leandro Benalillo/Benalillo 47 46,000 560,000 606,000 merchant & farmer
Chávez, José Felipe Valencia/Belén 35 40,000 100,000 140,000 dry goods merchant & retailer
Armijo, Ambrosio Benalillo/Albuquerque 50 15,000 85,000 100,000 merchant & farmer
Armijo, J. C. Benalillo/Los Griegos 60 8,000 58,000 66,000 wholesale merchant & farmer
Armijo, Cristóbal Benalillo/Albuquerque 50 6,000 60,000 66,000 wholesale merchant
Vigil, Manuel Socorro/Socorro 58 8,000 38,000 46,000 general merchant
Ortiz, Gaspar Santa Fe/Santa Fe 45 28,000 3,000 31,000 retail merchant
Baca, Nepomuceno Socorro/Socorro 36 10,000 20,000 30,000 general merchant
Gutiérrez, José Santa Fe/Santa Fe 40 600 2,000 2,600 merchant & retailer
Armijo, Salvador Benalillo/Albuquerque 47 5,000 21,000 26,000 merchant & farmer
Santiesteban, Juan Taos/El Rancho 37 2,000 18,500 20,500 general merchant & retailer
Sandoval, Anastasio Santa Fe/Santa Fe 54 16,000 2,000 18,000 merchant & retailer
López, Rafael Santa Fe/Santa Fe 43 13,700 2,000 15,700 merchant & retailer
Delgado, Felipe Santa Fe/Santa Fe 41 6,000 7,000 13,000 merchant & retailer
Delgado, Fenando Santa Fe/Santa Fe 44 10,000 2,000 12,000 retail merchant
Baca, Pedro Socorro/Socorro 60 3,000 9,000 12,000 general merchant
Abeita, Atanasio Socorro/Limitar 43 5,000 5,000 10,000 general merchant
Armijo, Jesús Doña Ana/Las Cruces 25 5,000 3,000 8,000 dry goods merchant & retailer
Roybal, Antón Río Arriba/Santa Cruz 59 1,700 5,000 6,700 retail dry goods merchant
González, Ignacio Doña Ana/Mesilla 45 1,300 5,000 6,300 dry goods merchant & retailer
Sánchez, Juan Taos/Picuris 60 3,000 3,000 6,000 merchant
Chávez, Sixto Río Arriba/El Rito 22 1,000 5,000 6,000 retail dry goods merchant
González, Ramón Doña Ana/Mesilla 44 1,300 4,275 5,575 grocer & retailer
Montoya, Nestor Benalillo/Albuquerque 44 3,000 2,000 5,000 retail merchant
Luján, Vicente Valencia/Valencia 41 1,000 4,000 5,000 dry goods merchant & retailer
García, Vicente Santa Fe/Santa Fe 42 3,500 1,500 5,000 retail merchant
Armijo, Perfecto Doña Ana/Las Cruces 26 2,000 2,500 4,500 dry goods merchant & retailer
Delgado, Pablo Santa Fe/Santa Fe 47 4,000 400 4,400 general merchant
Robledo, Ramón San Miguel/Sapillo 24 1,000 3,329 4,329 dealer in general merchandise
Brito, António San Miguel/Sapillo 22 1,000 3,329 4,329 dealer in general merchandise
Armijo, Juan Mora/Loma Parda 43 4,000 100 4,100 retail grocer & merchant
Martínez, Eduardo San Miguel/Antón Chico 33 1,000 3,040 4,040 dealer in general merchandise
Tafoya, Rafael Santa Fe/Alamosito 37 2,000 2,000 4,000 general merchant
Jaramillo, Pedro J. Río Arriba/El Rito 21 1,000 3,000 4,000 retail merchant
Sánchez, José San Miguel/Antón Chico 35 1,200 2,413 3,613 dealer in general merchandise
Montoya, Juan Socorro/Limitar 43 1,000 2,500 3,500 general merchant
Delgado, Felipe Santa Fe/Santa Fe 28 500 3,000 3,500 merchant
Abeita, Manuel Socorro/Socorro 38 500 3,000 3,500 general merchant
Ramfrez, Candido San Miguel/Chaperito 26 3,000 300 3,300 dealer in general merchandise
Trujillo, Anastasio Mora/Mora 35 1,600 1,592 3,192 retail merchant
Córdoba, Pablo Socorro/La Joya 43 1,000 2,000 3,000 general merchant
Baca, Juan José Socorro/Socorro 27 1,500 1,500 3,000 general merchant
Trujillo, Tomás Río Arriba/El Rito 30 400 2,500 2,900 retail merchant
Aranda, Francisco Santa Fe/Santa Fe 65 2,100 800 2,900 merchant & retailer
Baca y Baca, António San Miguel/San José 39 2,000 500 2,500 merchant in dry goods
Chávez, Tomás San Miguel/Upper Las Vegas 30 300 2,000 2,300 dealer in general merchandise
Quintana, Miguel Santa Fe/Santa Fe 34 2,000 100 2,100 retail merchant
Sales, Sabino Santa Fe/Santa Fe 45 2,000 none listed 2,000 retail merchant
López, Romano San Miguel/San José 23 none listed 2,000 2,000 merchant in dry goods
Baca, Severo Socorro/Socorro 23 1,000 1,000 2,000 general merchant
Baca, António José San Miguel/Antón Chico 43 400 1,600 2,000 dealer in general merchandise
Rivera, José L. San Miguel/La Cuesta 24 1,000 800 1,800 dealer in general merchandise
Pantaleón, Estes Santa Fe/Santa Fe 23 200 1,500 1,700 merchant
Vigil, José Armijo Socorro/Limitar 28 500 1,000 1,500 general merchant
Torres, Isidro Santa Fe/Alamosito 27 1,000 500 1,500 general merchant
Pino, Esquipulo Socorro/Socorro 29 500 1,000 1,500 general merchant
Peralta, Felipe Socorro/La Joya 31 300 1,200 1,500 general merchant
Mora, Jesús H San Miguel/Antón Chico 37 500 1,000 1,500 dealer in general merchandise
González, Tomás Santa Fe/Santa Fe 46 500 1,000 1 500 retail merchant
Gabaldón, Dionisio Valencia/Los Lunas 32 500 1,000 1,500 dry goods merchant & retailer
Armijo, Diego Socorro/Limitar 34 500 1,000 1,500 general merchant
Abreu, Francisco San Miguel/Chaperito 38 1,000 300 1,300 dealer in general merchandise
Ortiz, Esquipulo Santa Fe/Pojoaque 46 500 700 1,200 trader
Baca, Juan María Socorro/Socorro 37 1,000 150 1,150 general merchant
Valdez, Manuel Río Arriba/San Juan 48 700 400 1,100 retired merchant
Romero, Lorenzo Mora/la Cueva 40 500 510 1,010 retail merchant & grocer
González, Tomás Santa Fe/El Paraje 34 500 500 1,000 general merchant
Chávez, Juan B. Benalillo/Los Ranchos 25 500 500 1,000 retail merchant
Ortiz, Teodoro Río Arriba/San Juan Pueblo 33 400 500 900 merchant
García, Juan Río Arriba/San Juan Pueblo 38 300 500 800 merchant
Gallegos, Dolores Mora/La Cueva 50 100 680 780 retail merchant, groceries & dry goods
Valdez, António Santa Fe/Santa Fe 53 600 none listed 600 retail merchant
Baca, José Miguel Socorro/Socorro 70 150 400 550 retail merchant
Montoya, José Andrés Santa Ana/Jemez 21 none listed 500 500 merchant
Quintana, Ireneo? Santa Fe/Santa Fe 80 300 none listed 300 retail merchant
Bustamante, Bonifacio Socorro/Contadera 40 100 100 200 general merchant
Durán, Facundo Santa Fe/Santa Fe 44 100 none listed 100 retail merchant
Sánchez, Juan Santa Fe/Santa Fe 48 none listed none listed none listed merchant
Armijo, Jesús Socorro/Contadera 20 none listed none listed none listed general merchant

* Occupational classification varies among the various counties and precincts. The differences between some of the labels are not clear. Is a general merchant the same as a retail merchant? what is the difference between a dry-goods merchant and retailer and a grocer? Only those listed as merchants, either retailer or wholesaler, are included in this list. Store keepers, store clerks, liquor dealers, traders, and druggists are not included.

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Last Updated: 30-Sep-2005