Santa Monica Mountains
National Recreation Area
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Dramatic landscapes, native habitat, wild creatures of all shapes and sizes. You might expect these in a remote national park but what about in the nation's second-largest urban area? Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, established in 1978, protects our increasingly rare open space. Spend some time here, and you'll likely encounter surprises around every corner.


Paisajes dramáticos, hábitat natural, animales diferentes de varios tamaños. Uno puede encontrar esto en un parque nacional remoto, pero ¿qué tal en la segunda área urbana más grande del pais? Santa Monica National Recreation Area, establecida en 1978, protege este espacio especial. Si dedicas un poco de tiempo aquí, es probable que te sorprendas.


park map
(click for larger map)

Some areas remain closed due to damage by the 2018 Woolsey Fire. Check our website for updates.

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Visitor Center is in the heart of the park at the King Gillette Ranch. Information, exhibits, sales area, trail, ranger programs, and special events.

Satwiwa Native American Indian Culture Center at Rancho Sierra Vista has information, exhibits, ranger programs, and hiking trails. Open weekends.

Paramount Ranch Watch movies and television shows being made at the Western Town set. Filming and still productions require a permit from the park.

Peter Strauss Ranch This historic ranch had an amusement park and swimming pool in the early 1900s. Today it displays public art and has concerts in the amphitheater. Short hiking trail.

Hiking With nearly 500 miles (800 km) of public trails, there's hiking for everyone. The 67-mile (108 km) Backbone Trail traverses the park. Camping along this trail is very limited; day hikes recommended.

Horses and Mountain Bikes Trail riding is a popular way to explore the backcountry and the park's varied landscape. You can rent horses at privately owned stables. Check our website for horse rentals, trails, and regulations. Camping is available by reservation at Point Mugu, Malibu Creek, and Leo Carrillo state parks; info at Group camping is available by reservation at Circle X Ranch;

El Pueblo Visitor Contact Station is the park's home base in downtown Los Angeles; open intermittently. LA Ranger Troca, a mobile visitor center, brings the park and its programs to local communities.

Events Guide An online event calendar, Outdoors, lists activities, programs, and special events. Info at

Accessibility We strive to make our facilities, services, and programs accessible to all. For information go to a visitor center, ask a ranger, call, or check our website.

Stay Safe, Protect the Park All natural and cultural resources, including wildflowers, rocks, fossils, and wildlife, are protected by federal law. NEVER remove, disturb, or damage them. For firearms and other regulations, see the park website. • Pets are not allowed on backcountry trails in state parks. • Campfires are allowed only in designated sites. Check fire restrictions. • Mountain bikes and horses are permitted only on designated trails and fire roads.


Algunas áreas permanecen cerradas debido al daño causado por el Woolsey Fire 2018. Visite nuestro sitio web para más información.

El Centra de Visita del Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area está ubicado al medio del parque en King Gillette Ranch. Información, exhibiciones, tienda de regalos, senderos, programas de guarda-parques y eventos especiales.

Satwiwa Native American Indian Culture Center en Rancho Sierra Vista tiene información, exhibiciones, programas de guarda-parques y senderos. Abierto los fines de semana.

Paramount Ranch Observa peliculas y programas de televisión que se están realizando en el set de Western Town. Producciones requieren permiso del parque.

Peter Strauss Ranch Este rancho histórico tenía un parque de diversiones y una alberca a principios del siglo 1900. Hoy uno puede ver arte público y atender conciertos en el anfiteatro. Hay un sendero corto.

Excursionismo Hay excursiones para todos con 500 millas (800 km) de senderos públicos. El Backbone Trail de 67 millas (108 km) atraviesa el parque.

Uno puede explorar en caballo o en bicicleta de montaña el campo y paisaje variado del parque. Puedes alquilar caballos en establos privados. Visita nuestro sitio web para información en donde alquilar caballos, senderos y regulaciones.

Se puede acampar con reservación en los parques estatales Point Mugu, Malibu Creek y Leo Carrillo. Visite o llame al 800-444-7275. El campamento para grupos en Circle X Ranch está disponible con reservación;

La Estación de Contacto basada en El Pueblo de Los Angeles está abierta intermitentemente y sirve como la base de operaciones en el centra de Los Angeles. LA Ranger Troca, un centro de visitantes móvil, trae el parque y sus programas a las comunidades locales.

Guía de eventos El calendario de eventos, Outdoors, está disponible por internet,, con listas de actividades, programas y eventos especiales.

Accesibilidad Nos esforzamos para que nuestros servicios y programas sean accesibles para todos. Para obtener información, dirijase a un centro de visitantes, pregúntele a un guarda-parques, llame o visite nuestro sitio web.

Mantengase Seguro, Proteja el Parque Todos los recursos naturales y culturales, incluyendo flores silvestres, piedras, fósiles y animales, están protegidos por leyes federales. Favor de no colectar, molestar o dañar. Para las armas de fuego y otras regulaciones, visite el sitio web del parque. • No se permiten mascotas en los senderos en los parques estatales. • Las fogatas solo están permitidas en sitios designados. Infórmese si hay restricciones de fuego. • Se permiten bicicletas de montaña y caballos solo en senderos y carreteras designadas.

Source: NPS Brochure (2019)


Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area — November 10, 1978

For More Information
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Link to Official NPS Website


A History of the Paramount Ranch 1769-1989 (Marc Wanamaker, June 1, 1990)

A Road Map to Fire Safety: How to Create Defensible Space in the Santa Monica Mountains (©County of Los Angeles, June 2010)

A Touch of Wilderness: Oral Histories on the Formation of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Leonard Pitt, April 2015)

Climate Monitoring in the Mediterranean Coast Network 2010: Annual Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2015/1060 (Michael T. Tercek, October 2015)

Climate of 2011: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/MEDN/NRDS—2012/375 (Michael T. Tercek, October 2012)

Climate monitoring in the Mediterranean Coast Network 2012: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2015/1061 (Michael T. Tercek, October 2015)

Climate Monitoring in the Mediterranean Coast Network 2013: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2015/1062 (Michael T. Tercek and Allison Klein, October 2015)

Climate Monitoring in the Mediterranean Coast Network 2014: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2015/1063 (Michael T. Tercek and Allison Klein, October 2015)

Development Concept Plan and Finding of No Significant Impact: Paramount Ranch, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, California (March 1983)

Documenting the Paleontological Resources of National Park Service Areas of the Southern California Coast and Islands (Justin S. Tweet, Vincent L. Santucci and Tim Connors, extract from Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, v7 n1, January 2014)

Effects of Urbanization and Habitat Fragmentation on Bobcats and Coyotes in Southern California (Seth D. Riley, Raymond M. Sauvajot, Todd K. Fuller, Eric C. York, Denise A. Kamradt, Cassity Bromley and Robert K. Wayne, extract from Conservation Biology, Vol. 17 No. 2, April 2003)

Evaluation of Alternatives for Relocating the Museum, Library and Archive Facility to the Gillette Ranch, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Richard Cronenberger, Steve Floray and Phil Bedel, July 3, 2007)

Final Environmental Impact Statement for a Fire Management Plan, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (September 2005)

Fire Management Plan, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (March 2006, updated June 2012)

Foundation Document, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, California (May 2015)

Foundation Document Overview, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, California (January 2015)

General Management Plan: Summary, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area\ (June 2003)

General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area: Volume 1 (July 2002)

General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area: Volume 2 (July 2002)

Geologic Resources Inventory Report, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRPC/GRD/NRR-2016/1297 (K. KellerLynn, September 2016)

Historical Overview: Spanish Period (Linda W. Greene, extract from Historical Overview of Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, 1980)

Invasive Plant Monitoring Protocol for the Mediterranean Coast Network—Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and Channel Islands National Park: Standard Operating Procedures, Version 1.0 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2016/1171.1 (Irina C. Irvine, Tarja Sagar, Lena Lee, Christy A. Brigham, John Tiszler, Leigh Ann Starcevich, Dirk Rodriguez, Tim Handley and Stacey Ostermann-Kelm, March 2016)

Invasive Plant Monitoring in the Mediterranean Coast Network: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area 2013-2014 Pilot Study Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2015/1009 (Irina C. Irvine, Tarja Sagar and Lena Lee, August 2015)

Junior Ranger Activity Book, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (2017; for reference purposes only)

Land Protection Plan, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (March 1998)

Long-Range Interpretive Plan, Santa Monica National Recreation Area (2004)

Long-Range Interpretive Plan, Santa Monica National Recreation Area (April 2012)

Monitoring Aquatic Amphibians and Invasive Species in the Mediterranean Coast Network, 2012 Project Report: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/MEDN/NRDS—2013/579 (Kathleen Semple Delaney and Seth P.D. Riley, November 2013)

Monitoring Aquatic Amphibians and Invasive Species in the Mediterranean Coast Network, 2013 Project Report: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/MEDN/NRDS—2014/715 (Kathleen Semple Delaney and Seth P.D. Riley, October 2014)

Monitoring Aquatic Amphibians and Invasive Species in the Mediterranean Coast Network, 2014 Project Report: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2016/1144 (Kathleen Semple Delaney and Seth P.D. Riley, March 2016)

Monitoring Aquatic Amphibians and Invasive Species in the Mediterranean Coast Network, 2015 and 2016 Project Report: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2017/1573 (Kathleen Semple Delaney and Seth P.D. Riley, December 2017)

Monitoring of Terrestrial Reptiles & Amphibians by Pitfall Trapping in the Mediterranean Coast Network: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area & Cabrillo National Monument NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/MEDN/NRTR—2006/005 (Gary Busteed, J. Lane Cameron, Seth Riley, Lena Lee, Andrea Compton, Eileen Berbeo and Tiffany Duffield, September 2006)

Monitoring Riparian Plant Species Diversity in the Mediterranean Coast Network: Results from a pilot study in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRDS—2012/343 (John Tiszler and Tarja Sagar, July 2012)

National Park Service Geologic Type Section Inventory, Mediterranean Coast Inventory & Monitoring Network NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR-2021/2279 (Tim Henderson, Justin S. Tweet, Vincent L. Santucci and Tim Connors, July 2021)

Natural Resource Condition Assessment, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/SAMO/NRR-2013/715 (David M. Stoms, Patrick A. Jantz and Frank W. Davis, September 2013)

Paleontological Survey: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-04/01 (Alison L. Koch, Vincent L. Santucci and Ted R. Weasma, 2004)

Planning Issues, Santa Monica Mountains NRA (1979)

Proposed Public Ownership: Santa Monica National Recreation Area (May 1979)

Rim of the Valley Corridor

Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study Newsletter #1 (Summer 2010)

Estudio Especial de Recursos del Rim of the Valley Corridor Boletin #1 (Verano 2010)

Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study Newsletter #2: Summary of Scoping Comments (Summer 2011)

Estudio Especial de Recursos del Rim of the Valley Corridor Boletin #2: Resumen de Comentarios Recibidos (Verano 2010)

Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study Newsletter #3: Preliminary Findings & Alternative Concepts (Fall 2012)

Estudio Especial de Recursos del Rim of the Valley Corridor Boletin #3: Resultados Preliminares & Conceptos Alternativos (Otoñ 2012)

Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study Newsletter #4 (Spring 2015)

Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study: Final Summary (February 2016)

Rim of the Valley Corridor Draft Special Resource Study and Environmental Assessment (April 2015)

Soil Survey of Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, California (2006)

Statement of National Significance, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (undated)

The Distribution and Dynamics of Nighttime Lights in the Mediterranean Coast Network of Southern California: Cabrillo National Monument, Channel Islands National Park, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MEDN/NRR—2016/1290 (Thomas W. Gillespie, Katherine S. Willis, Stacey Ostermann-Kelm, Olivia Jenkins, Felicia Federico, Travis Longcore, Lena Lee and Glen M. MacDonald, August 2016)

Water Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, California (June 1984)

Water Resources Management Plan, Santa Monica National Recreation Area (Louis Levy and John Korkos, April 1977)

Woolsey Fire Disaster Recovery Project Environmental Assessment, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (October 2021)


Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Visitor Center

Last Updated: 05-Feb-2025