The Redwoods of Coast and Sierra
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The following is but a partial list of the many publications available which deal in whole or in part with the Redwoods. The five books starred are the only books that deal wholly with Redwoods.


BERRY, EDWARD WILBER. Tree Ancestors (Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., 1923).

BRYANT, HAROLD CHILD. Outdoor Heritage (Los Angeles, Powell Publishing Co., 1929).

CHASE, J. SMEATON. Yosemite Trails (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911).

*CLARK, GALEN. The Big Trees of California (Redondo, Reflex Publishing Co., 1907).

*ELLSWORTH, RODNEY SYDES. The Giant Sequoia (Oakland, J. D. Berger, 1924).

Encyclopedia Americana. See under Redwood of California; Sequoia; Sequoia gigantea (1924).

Encyclopedia Britannica. See under Sequoia (1929).

Encyclopedia, New International. See under Sequoia (1914).

*FRY, WALTER, and WHITE, JOHN R. Big Trees (Stanford University Press, 1930).

*GUPPY, ESTELLA L. The Story of the Sequoias (San Franciso, A. M. Robertson, 1925).

JEPSON, WILLIS LINN. The Silva of California (Memoirs of the University of California, Vol. 2; Berkeley, The University Press, 1910).

______. The Trees of California (ed. 2; Associated Students' Store, University of California, Berkeley, 1923).

______. A Manual of the Flowering Plants of California (Associated Students' Store, University of California, Berkeley, 1925).

MERRIAM, JOHN C. The Living Past (New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1930).

MILLS, ENOS A. Your National Parks (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1917).

MUIR, JOHN. Our National Parks (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1901).

______. The Mountains of California (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1916).

______. The Yosemite (New York, The Century Co., 1912).

SARGENT, CHARLES SPRAGUE. The Silva of North America (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1891-1902; 14 vols.).

______. Manual of the Trees of North America (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1926).

*STEWART, GEORGE W. Big Trees of the Giant Forest (San Francisco, A. M. Robertson, 1930).

SUDWORTH, GEORGE B. Forest Trees of the Pacific Slope (Washington, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Forest Service, 1908).

TRESIDDER, MARY CURRY, and HOSS, DELLA TAYLOR. Trees of Yosemite (Stanford University Press, 1932).


BARNES, WILL C. "The Cryptomeria of Nikko," American Forests, 48:71-92 (February, 1936).

BLACK, S. R. "California's Newest Crop: The Redwood Tree," Review of Reviews, 71:61-64 (January, 1925).

CHANEY, RALPH W. "Sequoia Forest of Tertiary Age on St. Lawrence Island," Science, n.s., 72:653-654 (December 26, 1930).

DETWILER, SAMUEL B. "The Redwoods: Identification and Characteristics," American Forestry, 22:323-328 (June, 1916).

FISHER, RICHARD T. "Big Trees of California," World's Work, 3:1714-1723 (February, 1902).

______. The Redwood, U. S. Bureau of Forestry, Bull. 38 (1903).

FRITZ, EMANUEL. "Redwood Burls," American Forests, 34:10-11, 48 (January, 1928); "Redwood Vitality," American Forests, 42:551-553 (December, 1936).

GANNETT, HENRY. "The Redwood Forest of the Pacific Coast," National Geographic Magazine, 10:145 (1899).

GLASSMAN, DON. "The Tree of the Ages," American Forests, 41:56-58 (February, 1935).

GRAY, ASA. "The Sequoia and Its History," American Naturalist, 6:577-596 (1872).

HASTINGS, CRISTEL. "Sequoyah: Story of a Cherokee Indian . . . the Sequoia," American Forests, 34:138-140, 183 (March, 1928).

______. "Naming the Sequoia," American Forests, 34:202-205 (April, 1928) .

HUNTINGTON, ELLSWORTH. The Secret of the Big Trees (Washington, U. S. Dept. of Int., Nat. Park Serv., 1920).

HUGHES, GEORGE. "The First Sequoyah," Sunset, 59:25, 64, 66 (September, 1927).

KNAPPEN, THEODORE M. "The Undying Redwood Tree of Our Western Coast," Review of Reviews, 67:293-298 (March, 1923).

METCALF, WOODBRIDGE. Forestry Among the Giants (pamphlet; Berkeley, Save-the-Redwoods League. Reprinted from American Forests).

MUIR, JOHN. "On the Post Glacial History of Sequoia Gigantea," Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1876).

______. "The New Sequoia Forests of California," Harper's Magazine, 57:8/83-827 (November, 1878).

PHILLIPS, WILLIAM A. "Se-Quo-Yah," Harper's Magazine, 41:542-548 (September, 1870).

RHODES, GEORGE H. "Perpetuating the Redwoods," American Forests, 29:147-152 (March, 1923).

ROBINSON, C. D. "The Two Redwoods," Californian, 5:481-491 (June, 1882).

SAVE-THE-REDWOODS LEAGUE. Bibliography of the Redwoods (Berkeley, 1930).

A splendid bibliography arranged under the following subjects:

Botanical and General Description
Travel and Recreation in the Redwoods
Sequoia gigantea—the Big Tree
The Name Sequoia
Save-the-Redwoods Movement
Redwood Forestry
Redwood Lumber
Redwoods in Poetry

SHERWOOD, GEORGE H. The Big Tree and Its Story (leaflet; New York, American Museum of Natural History, 1915).

SOMERS, FRED M. "Forests of the California Coast Range," Harper's Magazine, 79:652-660 (October, 1889).

STARKER, T. J. "Giant Growers of the Globe," American Forests, 41:266-268 (June, 1935).

WHITE, JOHN R. "Among the Big Trees of California," National Geographic Magazine, 66:218-232 (August, 1934).


Seeing them for the first time you are more impressed with their beauty than their size, their grandeur being in great part invisible. . . . Perfect specimens, unhurt by running fires or lightning, are singularly regular and symmetrical in general form, though not in the least conventionalized, for they show extraordinary variety in the unity and harmony of their general outline. . . . Except in picturesque old age, after being struck by lightning or broken by thousands of snow-storms, the regularity of forms is one of their most distinguishing characteristics. Another is the simple beauty of the trunk and its great thickness as compared with its height and the width of the branches, which makes them look more like finely modeled and sculptured architectural columns than the stems of trees, while the great limbs look like rafters, supporting the magnificent dome-head. But though so consummately beautiful, the big tree always seems unfamiliar, with peculiar physiognomy, awfully solemn and earnest; yet with all its strangeness it impresses us as being more at home than any of its neighbors, holding the best right to the ground as the oldest, strongest inhabitant. One soon becomes acquainted with new species of pine and fir and spruce as with friendly people, shaking their outstretched branches like shaking hands and fondling their little ones, while the venerable aboriginal sequoia, ancient of other days, keeps you at a distance, looking as strange in aspect and behavior among its neighbor trees as would the mastodon among the homely bears and deers.

—From THE YOSEMITE, by John Muir; Chapter VII, "The Big Trees." Copyright. Used by permission of D. Appleton-Century Co.. publishers, New York, N. Y.


The Redwoods of Coast and Sierra
©1940, University of California Press
shirley/bibliography.htm — 02-Feb-2007