Administrative History
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Chapter 1

1. Orth, Donald J., Dictionary of Alaska Place Names, Geological Survey Professional Paper 567 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1967, rev. 1971): 880; Roppel, Pat, editor, Sitka and Its Ocean World, Alaska Geographic 9 (2) (Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1982): 13ff.; Roppel, Pat, editor, Southeast--Alaska's Panhandle, Alaska Geographic 5 (2) (Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1978): 103-117.

2. Roppel, 1982: 21-42.

3. Harrison, Benjamin A., "Proclamation," June 21, 1890.

4. Knapp, Lyman E., November 25, 1889, to John W. Noble, in Governors Chronological File, Alaska Territorial Government Microfilm, Roll No. 1, Call No. 80-12, in University of Alaska, Anchorage, Archives.

5. DeArmond, Robert, Sitka's Past: Indian River Park Kept Free of Private Enterprise," in The Daily Sitka Sentinel, March 24, 1987: 5.

6. Knapp, Lyman E., February 1, 1890, to John G. Brady, O.W. Farenholt, H.H. Haydon, in Governors Chronological File, Alaska Territorial Government, Roll No. 1, Call No. 80-12; Atwood, Evangeline and Robert N. DeArmond, Who's Who in Alaskan Politics (Portland, Oregon: Binford & Mort for the Alaska Historical Commission, 1977): 42; DeArmond, Robert N., personal communication, September 30, 1986.

7. Henry E. Haydon, O.W. Farenholt U.S. Navy [sic], John G. Brady, Commissioners, March 31, 1890, report transmitted by letter of Henry E. Haydon, April 1, 1890, in RG 101, Office of the District and Territorial Governors, Series 445, District Governors Letters Received, Box 44, in Alaska State Archives.

8. Noble, John W., Secretary of the Interior, June 9, 1890, to President Benjamin A. Harrison, in RG 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management (Box 6), General Land Office, Division "K," Abandoned Military Reservations File, National Archives.

9. Golovin, Pavel, Civil and Savage Encounters — The Worldly Travel Letters of an Imperial Russian Navy Officer 1860-1861, Basil Dmytryshyn and E.A.P. Crownhart-Vaughn, trans. and eds. (Portland: The Press of the Oregon Historical Society, 1983): 118.

10. Teichmann, Emil, A Journey to Alaska in the Year 1868: Being a Diary of the Late Emil Teichmann (New York: Argosy - Antiquarian Ltd., 1963): 218.

11. Langille, W.A., "Report on agricultural settlement," December 19, 1908, in "Selected Documents Relating to Sitka National Monument," Microfilm by the National Archives and Records Administration, 1985 (referred to hereafter as RG 79 Selected Documents).

12. Fitzgerald, Emily McCorkle, An Army Doctor's Wife on the Frontier (New York: University of Nebraska Press, 1986): 136.

13. Cole, Douglas, Captured Heritage (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1985): 96; Hinckley, Ted C., The Americanization of Alaska, 1867 - 1897 (Palo Alto, California: Pacific Books, Publishers, 1972): 150

14. Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah, Alaska and Its Southern Coast (Boston: D. Lothrop and Company, 1885): 185, 190.

15. Coontz, Robert E., From the Mississippi to the Sea (Philadelphia: Dorrance and Company, Inc., 1930): 120.

16. See Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center for the United States Bureau of Land Management, A Study of the Historical Use and Physical Characteristics of Alaska's Inland Water Bodies, volume 10, Southeast Alaska Region (Anchorage: Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center/University of Alaska, 1979).

17. The [Sitka] Alaskan, August 10, 1895: 2; March 26, 1898: 3.

18. DeArmond, R.N., ed., "Sir George Simpson, 1841-2," in Early visitors to Southeastern Alaska (Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, 1978): 153-193, reveals the source of this assertion about Simpson's 1844 visit to Sitka. Simpson, however, only describes "a little stream, which is within a mile of the fort," p. 167. This may not have been Indian River at all.

19. Hallock, Charles, Our New Alaska or, the Seward Purchase Vindicated (New York: Forest and Stream Publishing Company, 1886; 187-188; Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah, Appleton's Guidebook to Alaska and the Northwest Coast (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1899.)

20. Rakestraw, Lawrence W., A History of the United States Forest Service in Alaska, (Anchorage: The Alaska Historical Society for the Alaska Historical Commission and the Alaska Region, United States Forest Service, 1981): 17-23.

21. Langille, William A., November 10, 1908, to the Camp Sitka No. 6, Arctic Brotherhood, in RG 79, National Park Service, Monuments, Sitka file 1910-1932, (Box 603), in the National Archives.

22. Secretary of Agriculture, March 5, 1910, to the Secretary of Interior; Secretary of the Interior, March 19, 1910, to the President; Record Group 79, Records of the National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

23. Taft, William Howard, "A Proclamation," Executive Order No. 959, March 23, 1910.

24. Lisiansky, Urey, Voyage Round the World in the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806, Bibliotheca Australiana #42 (New York: Da Capo Press, 1968): 154-164.

25. Golovin, 1983: 118.

226. Tebenkov, M.D., compiler, Atlas of the Northwest Coasts of America, R.A. Pierce, trans. and ed., Materials for the Study of Alaska History No. 21 (Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 1981): Map 38

27. Hall, George A., personal communication, August 26, 1986; Petroff, Ivan, "Report on the population, industries, and resources of Alaska, 1880," in Compilation of Narratives of Exploration in Alaska (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1900): 193.

28. Alternatives Study for Proposed Additions to Sitka National Monument, May 1968, in National Park Service Harper's Ferry Center, Alaska Collection, Richard Stenmark File 84-34; Lisiansky, 1968: 162-163; Bancroft, Hubert Howe, History of Alaska 1730-1885 (New York: Antiquarian Press Ltd., 1959): 432.

29. Smith, Otis E., Camp Sitka No. 6, Arctic Brotherhood, November 16, 1908, to the President, in RG 79, National Park Service "Monuments, Sitka 1910-32," (Box 603), in the National Archives.

30. Langille, William A., November 10, 1908, and "Report on a proposed National Monument at Sitka, Alaska," undated, attached to "Report on Agricultural Settlement," December 19, 1908, in RG 79, National Park Service Central Files, in the National Archives.

31. Lisiansky, 1968: 158; Khlebnikov, K.T., Baranov — Chief Manager of the Russian Colonies in America, Materials for the Study of Alaska History No. 3 (Kingston: Ontario, 1973): 48; Tikhmenev, P.A., A History of the Russian American Company, Richard A. Pierce, trans. and ed. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1978): 74.

32. Smith, November 16, 1908.

33. Moore, J.A., August 26, 1916, to Commissioner, General Land Office, in RG 79 Selected Documents; Kashevaroff, A.P., November 7, 1925, to Alaska Road Commission, in "Russian Memorial" file, Sitka National Historical Park.

34. Wyatt, Victoria, "A Unique Attraction — the Alaska Totem poles at St. Louis Exposition of 1904," in The Alaska Journal 1986 (Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, 1986): 23.

35. The [Sitka] Alaskan, January 13, 1906: 2; Brady, Hugh P., September 26, 1967, to Raymond Geerdes, in File 3330-3, Sitka National Historical Park, AHRS Site—012, Office of History & Archaeology, Anchorage, and "Early days in Sitka, talk at Sheldon Jackson College, October 18, 1965, copy in files of IPH/JMA—Alaska, Anchorage; Roppel, 1982: 114; Steese, James G., President, Alaska Road Commission, May 25, 1925, to Arno B. Cammerer, Acting Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents, 1985; Knapp, Marilyn, Carved History, the Totems of Sitka National Historical Park (Anchorage: Alaska Natural History Association and National Park Service, 1985), no pagination.

36. Langille, December 19, 1908.

37. "Report on a proposed national monument at Sitka, Alaska," undated, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

38. Willoughby, Barrett, Sitka — Portal to Romance (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930): 197-199; Ashby, Joe, personal communication, August 26, 1986; Davis, Nancy, personal communication, July 1986; Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

39. Moore, J.A., Special Agent, General Land Office, August 26, 1916, to Commissioner, General Land Office, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

40. Mather, Stephen T., Director, National Park Service, December 18, 1923, to James G. Steese, President, Alaska Road Commission; James G. Steese, December 27, 1923, to Eiler Hansen, secretary, Sitka Commercial Club, both in RG 79 Selected Documents.

41. Cammerer, Arno B., Acting Director, National Park Service, February 17, 1923, to Federal Water Power Commission; Mather, Stephen T., Director, National Park Service, February 18, 1924, to Federal Water Power Commission; Cammerer, Arno B., Acting Director, National Park Service, July 23, 1925, to James G. Steese, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

42. Steese, James G., June 5, 1925, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

43. National Park Service, "Memorandum for the Press," May 11, 1926; Kashevaroff, A.P., March 2, 1926, to Col. James G. Steese, President, Alaska Road Commission; Parks, George A., Governor, Territory of Alaska, April 13, 1926, to Stephen T. Mather, all in RG 79 Selected Documents.

44. RG 79 Selected Documents.

45. Cammerer, Arno B., April 10, 1933, to Eiler Hansen, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

46. Coffman, J.D., Chief of Forestry, "Observations relative to Sitka National Monument," September 20,1938, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

47. Miller, Ben C., Custodian, Sitka National Monument, April 21, 1940, to Superintendent Frank T. Been, Mount McKinley National Park, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

48. Been, Frank T., December 11, 1940, to Regional Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

49. Miller, Ben C., March 22, 1940, to Frank T. Been, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

50. Been, Frank T., Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park, June 17, 1941, to Custodian Ben C. Miller, Sitka National Monument, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

51. Been, Frank T., "Field notes and interviews, inspection of Glacier Bay National Monument and Sitka National Monument, August 12 to September 4, 1942," in RG 79 Selected Documents.

52. Alternatives Study..., May 1968: 1.

53. Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

54. Sitka National Historical Park Visitor Center Dedication; File A44, Cultural Center Correspondence 69-76," at Sitka National Historical Park.

55. Hall, George A., personal communication, August 26, 1986.

56. Cloyd, Paul C., E.I.T., Historic Structure Report — Russian Bishop's House, Sitka National Historical Park (Denver: Denver Service Center, National Park Service, November 1982): 3, 11; Dippel, Elizabeth A., ed., The National Register of Historic Places (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971): 13.

57. Blee, Catherine Holder, Archeological Investigations at the Russian Bishop's House 1981 — Sitka National Historical Park, Sitka, Alaska (Denver, Colorado: National Park Service, Denver Service Center, 1985): 8-12; Cloyd, Paul C. E.I.T., Historic Structure Reports for House 105 and the Old School — Administrative, Physical History and Analysis Sections - Sitka National Historical Park, Sitka, (Denver, Colorado: National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Alaska/Pacific Northwest/Western Team, Branch of Cultural Resources: 1984): 1, 3.

Chapter 2

58. Clark, Gerald H., editor, Managing a Nonrenewable Resource, The Hidden Falls Site, Auke village, Archeology at Coffman Cove (Juneau: U.S. Forest Service, 1980): 5-6.

59. Khlebnikov, Kyrill T., Colonial Russian America (Portland: The Press of the Oregon Historical Society, 1976): 29.

60. Gunther, Erna, Indian Life on the Northwest Coast of North America (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1975): 178.

61. Gunther, 1975: 178.

62. Krause, Aurel, The Tlingit Indians (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1979): map.

63. Gunther, Erna, Indian Life on the Northwest Coast of North America: 180; and Krause, 1979: 111-112.

64. Ellen Hope Hays, personal communication, February 13, 1987.

65. Andrews, C.L., Sitka The Chief Factory of the Russian American Company, 3rd edition (Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1945): 62-63.

66. Knapp, 1980: 1-2.

67. Pethick, Derek, First Approaches to the Northwest Coast (Vancouver, British Columbia: Douglas and McIntyre, 1976): 25-26.

68. Gunther, Erna, Indian Life on the Northwest Coast of North America: 12-15; and Andrews, 1945: 24.

69. DeArmond, 1978: 12-15; and Andrews, 1945: 24.

70. Tikhmenev, P.A., History of the Russian American Company Volume II Documents, Richard A. Pierce and Alton S. Donnelly, translators and editors, Materials for the Study of Alaska History No. 13 (Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 1979): 111-114; and Khlebnikov, 1976: 3.

71. Ramsay, Marina, translator, and Pierce, Richard A., editor, Documents on the History of the Russian-American Company, Materials for the Study of Alaskan History No. 7 (Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 1976): 114-127.

72. Khlebnikov, 1973: 37-39; Tikhmenev, 1979: 134-139.

73. Khlebnikov, 1973: 46-48.

74. Lisiansky, 1968: 144-168.

75. Khlebnikov, 1973: 47.

76. Andrews, 1945: 36; and Hall, George A., Sitka National Monument, Alaska," manuscript, 1963. (Copy provided by author.)

77. Lisiansky, 1968: 218-244; Khlebnikov, 1976: 73-76; Golovin, 1983: 116.

78. Wrangell, F.P., Russian America Statistical and Ethnographic Information, Mary Sadouski, trans., Richard A. Pierce, ed., Materials for the Study of Alaskan History No. 15 (Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 1980): 4-5.

79. Wrangell, 1980: 9; Tikhmenev, 1978: 209; and Fedorova, Svetlana G., The Russian Population in Alaska and California Late 18th Century—1867, Richard A. Pierce and Alton S. Donnelly, translators and editors, Materials for the Study of Alaska History No. 4 (Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 1973): 209.

80. Khlebnikov, 1976: 75-76.

81. Fedorova, 1973: 356ff.; and Michael, Henry N., editor, Lieutenant Zagoskin's Travels in Russian America, 1842-1844, The First Ethnographic and Geographic Investigations in the Yukon and Kuskokwim Valleys of Alaska, Arctic Institute of North America Translations from Russian Sources No. 7 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press for the Arctic Institute of North America, 1967): 70.

82. National Park Service, Russian Bishop's House National Historic Landmark nomination, March 17, 1983. Copy at Alaska Regional Office, Anchorage.

83. Khlebnikov, 1976: 101-104; and Golovin, 1983: 85.

84. Golovin, 1983: 118

85. Andrews, 1945: 91-92

86. Teichmann, 1963: 188; and Andrews, 1945: 98-99.

87. Tidball, John C., Report on the Territory of Alaska, 1870, House Executive Document No. 5, 42d Congress, 1st Session, 1871: 7.

88. Cracroft, 1980: 51; Tidball, 1871: 3.

89. Andrews, 1945: 101-104, 111-112.

90. Roppel, 1982: 74-75.

91. Hinckley, 1972: 133-134; and Roppel, 1982: 93, 96-100.

92. The [Sitka] Alaskan, May 26, 1888: 3.

93. Andrews, 1945: 104-105.

94. Kamenskii, Archimandrite Anatolii, Tlingit Indians of Alaska, Sergei Kan, translator, Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series Vol. II (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1985): 139-140.

95. Roppel, 1982: 76-89.

96. Andrews, 1945: 108-109

97. Krause, Aurel, and Krause, Arthur, Journey to the Tlingits, Margot Krause McCaffrey, trans. (Haines, Alaska: Haines Centennial Commission, 1981): 48.

98. Andrews, 1945: 116; and National Register of Historic Places nominations, on file at Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

99. Andrews, 1945: 115; and Mair, A. Peter, II, and Bailey, Douglas L, "Central Interceptor Project (Contract No. 5) for the City and Borough of Sitka," Anchorage: Tryck, Nyman, & Hayes, Eng., 1983): 26-27.

100. Roppel, 1982: 91-95.

101. U.S. Census (Washington: GPO, 1982): 9.

Chapter 3

102. Naske, Claus-M., "Alaska Road Commission Historical Narrative Final Report," contract study for the State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 1983: 24, in files of IPH/JMA—ALASKA, Anchorage.

103. Rakestraw, 1981: 55-57.

104. Secretary of the Interior, September 12, 1912, to A. Christensen, and Christensen, September 24, 1912, cited in Lewis, W.J., May 22, 1913, to A. Christensen, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

105. Lewis, W.J., "Report on Sitka National Monument," May 22: 1913, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

106. Smith, E. Otis, Camp Sitka No. 6, Arctic Brotherhood, November 16,1908, to the President in RG 79 Selected Documents.

107. Moore, J.A., Special Agent, General Land Office, August 26, 1916, to Commissioner, General Land Office, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

108. Antonson, Joan M. and William S. Hanable, Alaska's Heritage, Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History No. 133 (Anchorage: The Alaska Historical Society for the Alaska Historical Commission, 1986): 515.

109. Wickersham, James, January 16, 1913, to Secretary of the Interior Walter L. Fisher, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

110. Lewis, May 22, 1913, to A. Christensen, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

111. Wickersham, James, July 24, 1913, to the Secretary of the Interior, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

112. Secretary of the Interior, July 31, 1913, to James Wickersham, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

113. Wickersham, James, April 15, 1914, to the Secretary of the Interior; Miller, Adolph C., Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior, April 20, 1914, to James Wickersham, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

114. DeArmond and Atwood, 1977: 91.

115. Christensen, A., May 20, 1914, to Commissioner, General Land Office; Lewis, W. J., May 13, 1914, to A. Christensen; Shoup, Arthur G., April 30, 1914, to A. Christensen, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

116. Lewis, May 13, 1914; Christensen, A., July 24, 1915, to Commissioner, General Land Office, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

117. Prasch, Martin W., Acting Chief, Alaska Field Division, General Land Office, June 2, 1916, to Commissioner, General Land Office, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

118. Moore, J.A., Special Agent, General Land Office, August 26, 1916, to Commissioner, General Land Office, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

119. Marshall, R.B., Superintendent, National Park Service, December 22, 1916, to Arthur G. Shoup; Shoup, Arthur G., January 5, 1917, to R.B. Marshall, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

120. Cotter, Jos. J., Acting Superintendent, National Park Service, January 31, 1917, to Arthur G. Shoup, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

121. Shoup, Arthur G., May 25, 1917, telegram to Superintendent, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

122. May 25, 1917, to Arthur G. Shoup, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

123. Foresta, Ronald A., America's National Parks and Their Keepers (Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1984): 9-12.

124. Riggs, Thomas C. Jr., July 20, 1918, to Stephen T. Mather, in RG 79 Selected documents.

125. Chamber, Scott, Elbridge Warren Merrill," in The Alaska Journal 7 (3) Summer 1977: 139-145.

126. Riggs, July 20, 1918.

127. Mather, Stephen T., August 9, 1918, to Thomas C. Riggs, Jr., in RG 79 Selected Documents.

128. Albright, Horace M., September 5, 1919 and January 3, 1919, to E.W. Merrill, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

129. Riggs, Thomas C. Jr., April 30, 1919, telegram to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

130. Albright, Horace M., May 5, 1919, telegram to Thomas C. Riggs, Jr.; Albright, Horace M., May 5, 1919, to Clay Tallman, Commissioner, General Land Office; in RG 79 Selected Documents.

131. Riggs, Thomas C. Jr., May 13, 1919, to Stephen T. Mather; Albright, Horace M., June 10, 1919, to Thomas C. Riggs Jr.; in RG 79 Selected Documents.

132. Mather, Stephen T., no date, to Thomas C. Riggs Jr., in RG 79 Selected Documents.

133. Merrill, E.W., July 5, 1919, to National Park Service, in RG 79, Selected Documents.

134. Merrill, E.W., May 20, 1920, to Thomas C. Riggs Jr.; Riggs, Thomas C. Jr., July 14, 1920, telegram to Stephen T. Mather, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

135. cammerer, Arno B., September 14, 1920, to E.W. Merrill, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

136. Albright, Horace M., The Birth of the National Park Service (Salt Lake City, Utah: Howe Brothers, 1985): 93.

137. DeArmond and Atwood, 1977: 95; Naske, 1983: 325.

138. Steese, James G., March 24, 1921, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

139. Steese, James G., January 24, 1922, to Arno B. Cammerer, Assistant Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

140. Cammerer, Arno B., January 26, 1922, to James G. Steese; Steese, James G., January 27, 1922, to Arno B. Cammerer, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

141. Steese, James G., telegram September 29, 1922, to Arno B. Cammerer, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

142. Trierschield, Peter, December 12, 1922, to James G. Steese; Cammerer, Arno B., January 25, 1923, to Peter Trierschield; Personnel Classification Board Form No. 1, June 9, 1923, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

143. Mather, Stephen T., November 18, 1930, to Malcolm Elliott, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

144. Parks, George A., January 13, 1933, to Stephen T. Mather; Cammerer, Arno B., February 6, 1934, to John W. Troy; Flory, C.H., Regional Forester, Alaska, January 27, 1931, to the Forester; Merritt, M.L., Acting Regional Forester, Alaska, December 4, 1933, to the Forester; Holbrook, Wellman, Acting Forester, Alaska, March 7, 1934, to M.L. Merritt, U.S. Forest Service, Washington, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

145. Maulding, J. Atwood, July 7, 1933, to Director, National Park Service; Taylor, Ike P., undated endorsement to Maulding letter, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

146. Jennings, R.O., Acting Associate Director, National Park Service, August 7, 1936, to Peter Trierschield; Holmes, R.W., Chief Clerk, National Park Service, January 25, 1937, to Peter Trierschield; Taylor, Ike P., July 14, 1937, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

147. Taylor, July 14, 1937, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

148. Coffman, J.D., "Observations relative to Sitka National Monument," September 20, 1938, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

149. Tolson, Hillory A., Acting Associate Director, October 25, 1938, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

150. Acting Director, National Park Service, October 28, 1938, to E.K. Burlew, First Assistant Secretary of the Interior and Budget Officer; Burlew, E.K., November 3, 1938, to Mr. Demaray; Burlew, E.K., November 9, 1938, to Daniel K. Bell, Acting Director, Bureau of the Budget, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

151. Holmes, R.M. , Assistant Personnel Officer, National Park Service, August 30, 1939, to Acting Regional Director, Region IV, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

152. Jennings, R.O., Acting Chief of Operations, National Park Service, September 16, 1939, to Ike P. Taylor, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

153. Taylor, Ike P., January 25, 1940, to National Park Service, in RG 79, Selected Documents.

154. Mather, Stephen T., Director, National Park Service, January 14, 1919, to Hon. Charles A. Sulzer, Delegate from Alaska, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

155. Secretary of Agriculture, March 5, 1910, to the Secretary of the Interior, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

156. Riggs, Thomas C., Jr., September 30, 1919, to Stephen Mather, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

157. Merrill, E.W., May 29, 1920, to Governor Thomas Riggs; Riggs,Thomas, telegram, July 14, 1920, to Stephen T. Mather, Director, National Park Service; Cammerer, Arno B., Acting Director, National Park Service, telegram October 1, 1920, to Governor Thomas Riggs, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

158. Cammerer, Arno B., September 11 and 17, 1923, to Executive Secretary, Federal Power Commission; Merrill, O.C., Executive Secretary, Federal Power Commission, September 18, 1923, to Director, National Park Service; Mather, Stephen T., February 24, 1924, to Arno B. Cammerer, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

159. Hansen, Eiler, November 22, 1923, to James G. Steese; Agnew, P.A. (Alaska Road Commission), November 28, 1923, to James G. Steese, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

160. Mather, Stephen T., December 18, 1923, to James G. Steese, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

161. Steese, James G., December 27, 1923, to Eiler Hansen, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

162. Steese, James G., telegram June 5, 1924, to Director, National Park Service; Finney [no first name given], telegram June 6, 1924, to James G. Steese, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

163. Kuhn, Frank L., May 26, 1925, to Stephen T. Makler [sic]; Cammerer, Arno B., June 9, 1925, to Frank L. Kuhn, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

164. Steese, James G., May 1, 1925, to Arno B. Cammerer; Steese, James G., July 10, 1925, to Arno B. Cammerer; Cammerer, Arno B., July 25, 1925, to James G. Steese, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

165. Steese, James G., "Annual Report, Sitka National Monument, fiscal year 1925," July 10, 1925, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

166. Cammerer, Arno B., July 21, 1924, to Peter Trierschield; Trierschield, Peter, August 19, 1924, to Arno B. Cammerer; in RG 79 Selected Documents.

167. Cammerer, Arno B., November 7, 1925, to Peter Trierschield; Trierschield, Peter, February 6, 1926, to Arno B. Cammerer, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

168. Panamarkoff, John, February 26, 1926, to U.S. Park Service and Alaska Road Commission; Steese, James G., March 17, 1926, to Arno B. Cammerer; Mather, Stephen T., April 14, to James G. Steese, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

169. Department of the Interior, May 11, 1926, Memorandum for the Press, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

170. Mather, Stephen T., March 8, 1927, to Mr. Demaray; Cammerer, Arno B., March 24, 1927, to James G. Steese; Steese, James G., telegram April 6, 1927, to Arno B. Cammerer, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

171. Steese, James G., "Annual Report, Sitka National Monument, fiscal year 1927," July 8, 1927, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

172. Spude, Robert L., Regional Historian, Alaska Region, National Park Service, undated, to Chief, Division of Cultural Resources, Alaska Region, National Park Service, in files of the Alaska Regional Office, National Park Service.

173. Demaray, A.E., April 1, 1927, to James G. Steese, in files of Sitka National Historical Park.

174. Steese, James G., September 10, 1927, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

175. Orth, 1967): 434.

176. Mather, Stephen T., September 16, 1927, to James G. Steese; Steese, James G., September 23, 1927, to Stephen T. Mather; Hawkesworth, Charles, Alaska Division, Bureau of Education, November 1, 1927, to George A. Parks; "A.B.C." [Arno B. Cammerer], December 22, 1927, to A.E. Demaray; Demaray, A.E., February 24, 1928, to Dr. Frank B. Oastler; Parks, George A., February 25, 1928, to Stephen T. Mather; Oastler, Frank R., March 3, 1928, to A.E. Demaray, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

177. Flory, C.H., January 27, 1931, to the Forester, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

178. Orth, 1967: 720-721.

179. Rakestraw, 1981: 81, 98-99.

180. Bryant, H.C., March 27, 1934, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

181. Chambers, 1977: 145.

182. Hansen, Eiler, March 31, 1933, to Horace M. Albright, Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

183. Cammerer, Arno B., April 10, 1933, to Eiler Hansen, in RG 79 Selected Documents; Chambers, 1977: 145.

184. Troy, John W., April 23, 1938, to A.E. Demaray, Acting Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

185. Demaray, A.E., May 13, 1938, to John W. Troy, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

186. Heintzleman, B. Frank, telegram January 27/28, 1939, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

187. Cammerer, Arno B., January 31, 1939, to B. Frank Heintzleman, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

188. Heintzleman, B. Frank, April 4, 1939, to National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

189. Heintzleman, B. Frank, December 21, 1939, to Dr. Carl P. Russell, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

190. Rakestraw, 1981: 100-101.

191. Been, Frank T., October 4, 1939, to Earl A. Trager; Trager, Earl A., December 21, 1939, to Frank T. Been, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

192. Russell, C.P., November 21, 1939, to R.F. Lee, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

Chapter 4

193. Hansen, Eiler, "Japonski," in Alaska Life, July 1940: 10-11.

194. Hanable, William S. and Vincent Ponko Jr., The Navy in Alaska, 1867-1941: an Historic Preservation Study (Anchorage: The Institute for Public History, 1983): 242-260; "Siems Drake Puget Sound — the story of Alaska's naval air bases in World War II," undated ins. (written for H.W. McCurdy, a principal of Siems Drake Puget Sound), in files of the Sitka Historical Society; Part 3, "Sitka."

195. Been, Frank T., "Report on Inspection of Sitka National Monument," October 14, 1939, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

196. White, John R., October 31, 1939, memorandum; Demaray, A.E., November 1, 1939, memorandum; Cammerer, Arno B., November 7, 1939, memorandum; Wetmore, A., Assistant Secretary, The Smithsonian Institution, December 14, 1939, to the Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

197. Been, Frank T., September 28, 1939, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

198. Miller, Ben C., September 16, 1939, to Superintendent, Glacier National Park; Libbey, D.S., Superintendent, Glacier National Park, September 22, 1939, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Been, Frank T., telegram, December 8, 1939, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

199. Atwood, Maulding J. (Mrs.), Director of Personnel, National Park Service, December 20, 1939, to Ben C. Miller, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

200. Been, Frank T., telegram, December 8, 1939, to Director, National Park Service; Demaray, A.E., Associate Director, National Park Service, December 15, 1939, to Frank T. Been, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

201. Been, Frank T., January 6, 1940, to Director, National Park Service; Cammerer, Arno B., Director, National Park Service, telegram, January 29, 1940, to Frank T. Been, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

202. Been, Frank T., telegram, January 30, 1940, to Director, National Park Service; White, J.R., Chief of Operations, National Park Service, January 30, 1940, to Commander O.W. Swainson, Coast and Geodetic Survey, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

203. Lee, Ronald F., February 29, 1940, to Thomas C. Vint, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

204. Cammerer, Arno B., March 27, 1940, to Thomas C. Vint, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

205. Vint, Thomas C., Chief of Planning, National Park Service, March 9, 1940 to Director, National Park Service; August 31, 1940, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents; "values and objectives — a compendium of statements concerning areas in the National Park System," 1946, in File D-18/52 at Sitka National Historical Park.

206. Been, Frank T., March 27, 1940, to Ben C. Miller, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

207. Miller, Ben C., March 23, 1940, to Superintendent Been, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

208. Miller, Ben C., March 22, 1940, to Superintendent Been; Frank T. Been, April 4, 1940, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

209. Monthly Narrative Report for Sitka National Monument (hereafter MNR), April 2, 1940, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

210. Colby, Merle, A Guide to Alaska—Last American Frontier (New York: 1939): 172-173; MNR, July 3, 1940 in RG 79 Selected Documents.

211. MNR, September 4, 1940, February 3, 1941, May 5, 1941, June 4, 1941, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

212. Sitka National Monument annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1941; Russell, Carl P., Supervisor of Research and Interpretation, National Park Service, January 31, 1941, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

213. MNR, June 3, 1942, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

214. MNR, August 4, 1942, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

215. MNR, November 3, 1941, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

216. Atwood, Maulding, J., December 5, 1941, to Paul E. Cole, Acting District Manager, 11th United States Civil Service District; Been, Frank T., September 4, 1942, "Field notes and interviews — inspection of Glacier Bay National Monument and Sitka National Monument, August 12 to September 14, 1942," in RG 79 Selected Documents.

217. Been, Frank T., February 2, 1943, to Ben C. Miller; Drury, Newton B., Director, National Park Service, Memorandum for the Director's Office and the Regional Directors, March 24, 1943; Tomlinson, O.A., March 30, 1943, to Custodian Miller, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

218. Drury, Newton B., Director, National Park Service, January 29, 1944, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

219. MNR, February 3, 1944, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

220. MNR, January 3, 1944; Miller, Ben C., March 23, 1940, to Superintendent Been, September 21, 1945, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

221. MNR, June 4, 1946, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

222. MNR, August 1, 1947, in RG 79 Selected Documents

223. DeArmond and Atwood, 1977: 77; MNR, March 10, 1959, in "Routine Reports."

224. Quoted as "Regional Committee's Report" in Tomlinson, O.A., Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, January 5, 1949, to Director, National Park Service.

225. Miller, Ben C., April 25, 1945, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Gagne, H.F., Quartermaster Corps, Memorial Division, Office of the Quartermaster General, U.S. Army, November 9, 1948, to Director, National Park Service; Oatley, C.W., Headquarters U.S. Army Alaska, October 8, 1948, to Office of the Quartermaster General, U.S. Army, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

226. Drury, Newton B., December 6, 1948, to The Comptroller General, Department of the Army, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

227. Drury, Newton B., Director, National Park Service, June 16, 1949, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; MNR, July 5, 1949, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

228. Ashby, Joe, personal communication, 1987.

229. Alaska Field Committee, "A six year integrated program for the Department of the Interior in Alaska, 1950-1955," July 1949, in National Park Service's Harper's Ferry Center, Alaska Collection, Box 1.

230. Miller, Ben C., April 5, 1949, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Tomlinson, O.A., May 9, 1949, to Superintendent, Sitka; Director, Bureau of Land Management, January 15, 1949, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

231. MNR, June 4, 1949, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

232. Stanton, William J., Alaska Recreation Survey — Part One — Volume One — Economic Aspects of Recreation in Alaska (National Park Service, 1953): 106.

233. "Mission 66 prospectus brief — Sitka and Glacier Bay national monuments" (National Park Service, April 20, 1956), found in "Master plan narrative — Sitka," volumes I and III, 1964.

234. "Master plan narrative for Sitka National Monument," with transmittal letter from Mitchell, L.J., Superintendent, Sitka and Glacier Bay National Monuments, October 26, 1959, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Merriam, Lawrence C., Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, December 11, 1959, to Superintendent, Sitka and Glacier Bay, in File D-18/52 at Sitka National Historical Park.

235. Truman, Harry S., "A proclamation (redefining the boundaries of the Sitka National Monument, Alaska,)" February 25, 1952, Presidential Proclamation No. 2965 (66 Stat c.22); "Alternatives study...," May 1968.

236. Maier, Hebert, Acting Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, October 25, 1954, to Western Office, Division of Design and Construction, National Park Service, in File D-18/52 at Sitka National Historical Park.

237. Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

238. Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

239. MNR, June 3, 1958, January 3, 1959, March 30, 1959, July 2, 1959; in File "Routine Reports," at Sitka National Historical Park (hereafter "Routine Reports").

240. MNR, June 3, 1958, July 5, 1958, in "Routine Reports."

241. MNR, May 15, 1959, in "Routine Reports."

242. Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

243. MNR, July 8, 1958, in "Routine Reports;" Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

244. MNR, March 3, 1959; April 11, 1963 in "Routine Reports."

245. MNR, May 5, 1960; April 11, 1963; in "Routine Reports;" "Master plan for preservation and use of Sitka National Monument," April 1960, in File D-18/52 at Sitka National Historical Park; Ingersoll, William T., "Master plan of Sitka National Monument," September 15, 1964, in National Park Service's Harper's Ferry Center, Alaska Collection.

246. MNR, no date (for October 1963), in "Routine Reports."

247. MNR, November 29, 1963; March 27, 1964; April 25, 1966, in "Routine Reports."

248. MNR, March 27, 1964; June 24, 1964; July 2, 1967, in "Routine Reports."

249. Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

250. MNR, August 20, 1963; June 24, 1964, in "Routine Reports."

251. MNR, May 31, 1965, in "Routine Reports."

252. MNR, May 31, 1965; September 1, 1965, in "Routine Reports."

253. MNR, August 3, 1940; Been, Frank T., December 11, 1940 and December 27, 1940, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park, December 20, 1941, Memorandum for the Director; and September 14, 1942, in RG 79 Selected Documents; Pierce, Richard A., "Record of maritime disasters in Russian America, part two: 1800-1867," in Proceedings of the Alaskan Marine Archaeology Workshop, Alaska Sea Grant Report 83-9 (Fairbanks: University of Alaska, 1983): 62.

254. Hagen, Olaf T., Regional Historian, Region IV, National Park Service, May 13, 1940, to Regional Director; Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park, June 10, 1940, to Custodian Miller; Lee, Ronald F., Supervisor of Historic Sites, National Park Service, December 11, 1940, to Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park; MNR, April 2, 1942, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

255. MNR, May 2, 1940; Drury, Newton B., Director, National Park Service, January 9, 1942, to Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

256. Ashby, Joe, personal communication, December 11, 1986.

257. Heintzleman, B. Frank, Alaska Regional Forester, U.S. Forest Service, February 17, 1940, to A.E. Demaray, Acting Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

258. Miller, Ben C., November 19, 1941, to Director, National Park Service; Tate, J.R., November 19, 1941, to Frank T. Been, in File 11/460-8, "Totem poles, SNM, preservation up to 1945," at Sitka National Historical Park.

259. Pierce, E.T., Senior Engineer, National Park Service, March 18, 1942, to Branch of Historic Sites, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

260. Been, Frank T., December 15, 1951, to J.R. Tate; Demaray, A.E., December 24, 1941, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Demaray, A.E., May 9, 1942, to Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park, in File 11/460-8; Tomlinson, O.A., Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, January 13, 1942, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

261. Miller, Ben C., June 1, 1942, to Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park; Been, Frank T., July 21, 1942, to Director, National Park Service; Tolson, Hillory A., August 3, 1942, to Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park, in File 11/460-8; Been, Frank T., "Notes and interviews, inspection of Glacier Bay National Monument and Sitka National Monument," August 12 to September 4, 1942, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

262. Pearson, Grant H., July 31, 1947, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Tomlinson, O.A., Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, August 7, 1947, to Custodian, Sitka; Pearson, Grant H., December 2, 1947, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, in File 11/460-8 at Sitka National Historical Park.

263. Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

264. Miller, Ben C., March 14, 1940, to Superintendent Been, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

265. Demaray, A.E., April 26, 1941, to Custodian, Sitka National Monument; December 3, 1941, to Superintendent, Mount McKinley National Park, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

266. Sitka National Monument annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

267. Been, Frank T., radiogram, June 17, 1941, to Custodian Miller; Miller, Ben C., November 5, 1941, to Superintendent Been, Mount McKinley National Park, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

268. Miller, Ben C., March 5, 1942, to Lieutenant W.J. Stribling, Residence Officer in Charge, Sitka Naval Air Station; Been, Frank T., March 10, 1942, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

269. MNR, October 5, 1942, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

270. MNR, December 3, 1942, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

271. MNR, April 3, 1943, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

272. Cahalane, Victor, "In Charge," National Park Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Service, January 23, 1943, to Director, National Park Service, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

273. Carrier, V.S., Resident Officer in Charge, Naval Air Station, Sitka, February 25, 1945, to Bureau of Yards and Docks, in files of Sitka National Historical Park.

274. Miller, Ben C., March 3, 1945, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Tomlinson, O.A., Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service, March 9, 1945, to Custodian, Sitka National Monument; Tolson, Hillory A., Acting Director, National Park Service, March 28, 1945, to Regional Director, Region IV; MNR, April 3, 1945; Sitka National Monument annual report for fiscal year ended June 30, 1946, July 8, 1946, in RG 79 Selected Documents.

275. Summary from File D3219, "Grounds/Shoreline Erosion & Watershed Control — Indian River Erosion Problem 1971 — 1979," at Sitka National Historical Park; MNR, March 10, 1959, in "Routine Reports."

276. Hall, George A., Acting Superintendent, Sitka and Glacier Bay National Monuments, March 14, 1958, to Regional Director, Region IV, National Park Service; Gharett, John T., Regional Director, April 11, 1958, to J.A. Hutchinson, Resident Engineer, Alaska Lumber & Pulp Co., Inc., in File D3219/1930-1970 at Sitka National Historical Park.

277. MNR, June 14, 1960, in "Routine Reports."

278. MNR, October 12, 1959; December 23, 1960; December 2, 1962; April 11, 1963; July 24, 1964; in "Routine Reports."

279. MNR, June 24, 1964; October 26, 1964, in "Routine Reports."

280. "Project Construction Proposal Form," January 23, 1957; Park Historian, Sitka National Monument, September 9, 1960, to Superintendent, Sitka and Glacier Bay National Monuments, in File D-3219 at Sitka National Historical Park.

281. Hall, George A., September 1, 1961, untitled summary in File D-3219 at Sitka National Historical Park.

282. U.S. Department of the Interior, Information Service, "Exact site of Alaskan fort where Sitka Indians last fought Russians discovered after 154 years," November 20, 1958, press release in personal files of George A. Hall, Anchorage, Alaska.

283. Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

284. MNR, February 9, 1960; Hall, George A., personal communication, 1986.

285. MNR, September 23, 1961, in "Routine Reports."

286. Albright, Horace M., Origins of National Park Service Administration of Historic Sites (Philadelphia: Eastern National Park & Monument Association, 1971): 13, 16.

287. Mackintosh, Barry, The Historic Sites Survey and National Historic Landmarks Program — A History (Washington, D.C.: History Division, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, 1985): 4.

Chapter 5

288. Merrill J. Mattes, San Francisco Service Center, Reed W. Jarvis, Historian, San Francisco, Bailey Breedlove, Alaska Field Office, Robert Howe, Superintendent, Glacier Bay and Sitka National Monuments, Sitka New Area Study, April 1971.

289. Sitka Committee for Development of Historic Sites, Sitka Historical Sites — A Plan for Redevelopment, Sitka: City of Sitka, 1969.

290. Kuehn, Daniel, Superintendent, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, memorandum, November 4, 1987, to Bill Hanable, in files of Alaska Region, National Park Service.

291. PL92—501, October 18, 1972. See also "Land Protection Plan, Sitka National Historical Park, Alaska," April 15, 1985, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

292. Bohannon, Charles F., National Park Service, July 16, 1973, to Ken Tapman, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

293. Kuehn, November 4, 1987.

294. Addendum to final interpretive plan, 1969.

295. Howe, Robert E., July 26, 1967, to Regional Director, in Monthly Report files at Sitka National Historical Park.

296. Suazo, Ernest J., Sitka National Historical Park, January 24, 1985, and March 5, 1986, to Regional Director, Alaska Region, in Superintendent's Annual Reports files at Alaska Regional Office.

297. Sitka National Historical Park Resources Management Plan," 1985:10.

298. Lease, City and Borough of Sitka, March 28, 1972, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

299. Howe, Robert E., Superintendent, Sitka and Glacier Bay National Monuments, June 1, 1967, to Howard W. Pollock, House of Representatives, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

300. Lease ADL 32157, Alaska Tidelands, December 10, 1971; and Keenan, F J., Director, Alaska Division of Lands, September 17, 1971, to George B. Hartzog Jr., Director, National Park Service, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

301. Final Interpretive Plan, October 1976: 2.

302. Harpers Ferry Center, Sitka National Historical Park Revised Interpretive Prospectus (October 1981):1-3, 11.

303. Revised Interpretive Prospectus, 1981: 4.

304. Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, "Land Protection Plan, Sitka National Historical Park, Alaska," April 15, 1985: 17, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

305. Sitka National Historical Park Resources Management Plan," 1985, and Chief, Division of Cultural Resources, Alaska Region, September 6, 1985, to Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, in files at Alaska Regional Office.

306. Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, March 1966, in Monthly Report Files at Sitka National Historical Park.

307. Memorandum to Associate Manager, Denver Service Center from Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, March 2, 1978, copy in files at Alaska Regional Office.

308. Cook, John E., Director, Alaska Region, undated, to Regional Director, PNW.

309. Hardcastle, Romaine, Museum Technician, July 30 and August 27, 1966, to Superintendent, Sitka and Glacier Bay National Monuments, in Monthly Reports file at Sitka National Historical Park.

310. Edelstein, Sue, Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, December 12, 1979, to Area Director, Alaska, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

311. Denver Service Center, Environmental Assessment Indian River Erosion Control, June 1983: 2. See also Water Matters File, Sitka National Historical Park.

312. Williams, Frank O., Jr., Chairman, Southeast Alaska Indian Cultural Center Board of Directors, April 14, 1982, to Ernest Suazo, Sitka National Historical Park Superintendent, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

313. Suazo, Ernest J., Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, March 5, 1986, to Regional Director, Alaska Region, in Superintendent's Annual Reports files at Alaska Regional Office.

314. Superintendent, Sitka National Monument, June 9, 1971, to General Superintendent, Alaska Group, in Sitka National Monument Proposed Additions file at Sitka National Historical Park.

315. Hardy, Dave, Biologist, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, February 27, 1981, to Rick Reed, Habitat Protection, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, in L54—Water Matters file at Sitka National Historical Park.

316. Suazo, Ernest J., Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, April 15, 1985, to Jerry L. Madden, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

317. Rakestraw, 1981: 170.

318. "Totem Preservation Plan," 1979, in files at Sitka National Historical Park. Gary J., Also Candelaria, Gary J., personal communication, February 11, 1987.

319. Knapp, 1980: 6.

320. Hall, George A., Historic Structures Report, Part 1, October 1970, in files of Sitka National Historical Park.

321. Sitka Committee for Development of Historic Sites, "A Plan for Redevelopment, Sitka Historical Sites," 1969, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

322. Suazo, Ernest J., Park Superintendent, February 14, 1984, to Director, Alaska Region, in Superintendent's Annual Report files at Alaska Regional Office

323. Spude, Robert L., Regional Historian, undated memorandum, to Associate Regional Director, Planning and Cultural Resources, Alaska Region, in files at Alaska Regional Office.

324. Sitka Demonstration Workshop," Smoke Signals (1966): 6.

325. Howe, Robert E., Superintendent, Sitka and Glacier Bay National Monuments, February 27, 1968, to Regional Director, Western Region, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

326. Kuehn, Dan R., Superintendent, Sitka National Monument, July 14, 1971, to Robert G. Hart, General Manager, Indian Arts and Crafts Board, in File A44/Cultural Center at Sitka National Historical Park.

327. Kuehn, Dan, Superintendent, Sitka National Monument, May 6, 1971, to Director, Pacific Northwest Region, in File A44/Cultural Center, Sitka National Historical Park.

328. Suazo, Ernest, Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, February 14, 1984, to Director, Alaska Region, in Superintendent's Annual Reports file at Alaska Regional Office.

329. Candelaria, Gary J., personal communication, February 10, 1987.

330. Hays, Ellen Hope, personal communication, February 13, 1987; Candelaria, Gary J., personal communication, February 10, 1987.

331. Cloyd, Paul C. Historic Structure Reports for House 105 and the Old School: Administrative, Physical History and Analysis Sections (Denver: National Park Service, Denver Service Center, 1984): 3-4.

332. Acting Region Director, Pacific Northwest Region, April 14, 1976, to Director, National Park Service, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

333. Wall, Glennie, Denver Service Center, February 20, 1976, to Bill Brown, Alaska Regional Office, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

334. Shinkwin, Anne, "Archeological Excavations at the Russian Mission, Sitka, Alaska, 1975," in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

335. Brown, Bill, April 1, 1976, to files, in files at Sitka National Historical Park.

336. Allen, Arthur C., Chief, Division of Museum Services, Harper's Ferry Center, February 20, 1976, to Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region, in files at Sitka National Historical Park; and Candelaria, Gary J., personal communication, February 11, 1987.

337. Bishop's House & Old School — addendum to final interpretive plan, in files at Sitka National Historical Park: 3.

338. Suazo, Ernest J., Superintendent, Sitka National Historical Park, January 24, 1985, to Regional Director, Alaska Region, in Superintendent's Annual Reports file, Alaska Regional Office.

339. Conrad, Randall R. and Robert L. Carper, Denver Service Center, Trip Report, March 16, 1981, in files at Alaska Regional Office.

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