National Park Service: The First 75 Years
NPS Arrowhead logo


First National Park Service badge, 1908-1920.

Predictably, in any literary publishing effort, help comes from many diverse quarters. The editor wishes to recognize the timely and generous enthusiasm for the entire project offered by George Minnucci, president, Eastern National Park & Monument Association. Chesley Moroz and Kimberly Law were immensely helpful on this and many 75th Anniversary projects. Their guidance, professionalism, and patience were just the right combination of ingredients.

The thirty-seven authors represented in this work cannot be thanked individually here, but it must be pointed out that they each accepted their tasks graciously and strove to meet my short deadlines. Some were unfamiliar with the pioneer they were asked to "sketch," and therefore were very objective in their reporting. Others were intimately acquainted with their assigned character, and provided vignettes that revealed unabashed affection. All displayed wonderful respect for both the intent of this effort and the accomplishments of their subjects.

Great and diligent assistance was provided by Linda Griffin, park ranger, Rocky Mountain Regional Office, and Tom Durant, photo historian, Harpers Ferry Center, in finding and securing photographs. Additional photographic expertise from staff in the NPS Micrographics Division, Denver Service Center, was both prompt and excellent.

Historical accuracy was verified and improved by Ed Bearss and Barry Mackintosh as well as Marcy Culpin (who also aided in selection of subjects and corralled some of the biographers). Nancy Sundermeier's word processing greatly facilitated this project; her patience was and is much appreciated. Doug Caldwell and Ron Thoman also provided editorial assistance, promptly and constructively.

Thanks to all.

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Last Updated: 13-Jun-2015