NOTES Introduction 1 French-American Committee for Restoration of the Statue of Liberty, "Statue of Liberty Chronology," 1981; Paul Weinbaum, Statue of Liberty: Heritage of America (Las Vegas, Nevada, 1979), pp. 6-10; Pete Hamill, "Mother of Exiles," Sunday News Magazine, February 19, 1984. 2 U.S. Department of the Interior, NPS, Analysis of Alternatives (Environmental Assessment) for the General Management Plan, December 1980. STLI NM, NY/NJ, p. 11; U.S. Department of the Interior, NPS, Statue of Liberty National Monument: Its Origin, Development and Administration, by Walter Hugins, 1958, pp. 3-4. 3 "Statue of Liberty Chronology"; Hugins, p. 9; Weinbaum, Statue of Liberty, pp. 11-12. 4 Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980, p. 11; Hugins, pp. 5-13; Weinbaum, pp. 12-13; Hamill, "Mother of Exiles, 5 "Statue of Liberty Chronology"; Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980, p. 11; Hugins, p. 6. 6 Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980, p. 11; Hugins, pp. 16-17, 21. 7 Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980; pp. 11-12; "Statue of Liberty Chronology"; Hugins, pp. 30-35, 41-43, 53-54. 8 Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980; p. 12; "Ellis Island," p. 1, D22, Construction Programs, dtd. 1974 File, Drawer 1, Administration Building, Liberty Island . 9 "Ellis Island," p. 1; Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980, p. 12. 10 Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980, pp. 12-13; "Ellis Island," pp. 1-2; Ari Hoogenboom, "An Outline of Ellis Island (1890-1954)," June 20, 1974, pp. 1-2, Duplicates File, Artifact Room. 11 Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980, p. 13; "Ellis Island," p. 2; Hoogenboom, pp. 2-4. The Black Tom Wharf explosion also caused damage to the Statue of Liberty. 12 Analysis of Alternatives, December 1980, pp. 16-17; "Ellis Island," p. 2; Hoogenboom, pp. 5-7. Chapter 1 1 New York Times, April 9, 1983. 2 Speech of John A. Krout, vice president and provost, Columbia University, at Annual Statue of Liberty Anniversary Exercises, October 28, 1959, p. 2, Duplicates File, Artifact Room; Mission 66 for Statue of Liberty National Monument, pp. 1-3, A9815, Mission 66 STLI NM File, Bayonne Records Center of the National Archives. 3 Memorandum to Regional Director, Region 5, from Thomas M. Pitkin, supervising park historian, STLI NM, October 16, 1959, AMI Museum Exhibit Activities, 1959, 60, 61 File, Drawer 6, Artifact Room; Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus." 4 New York World, as quoted in Memorandum to Regional Director, Region 5, from Thomas Pitkin, October 16, 1959. 5 U.S. Department of the Interior, NPS, Statue of Liberty National Monument: Its Origins, Development and Administration, by Walter Hugins, 1958, pp. 75-76. 6 H.J. Res. 447, 82nd Cong., 2nd Sess., May 12, 1952. 7] S.J. Res. 114, 84th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 2, 1956. Signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower August 3, 1956. 8 Jersey Journal, October 4, 1965; Pete Hamill, "Miss Liberty's Day in the Sun," New York Post, October 4, 1965; Washington Post, December 25, 1965. 9 The FBI, always worried about the presumed threat to national security of what it saw as left-wing, radical groups in the 1950s and 60s, regularly sent its agents to attend the annual ceremonies of the Emma Lazarus Federation to take note of who attended. See N. H. Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports, STLI NM, each July for 1950s and July 1962. 10 N. H. Foster, Supt's Monthly Narrative Report, April 1961; L. Garcia-Curbelo, Unit Manager, Monthly Highlights, March 1975. 11 Joye Forgaard to Supt., STLI NM, June 24, 1968, Supt. Henry G. Schmidt, Fire Island and NYC NPS Grp., August 1, 1968, Museum and Exhibit Activities Planning Coop. Agreement, AMI 1968 File, Drawer 6, Artifact Room. 12 Sally Hammond, "They Take Miss Liberty Seriously, " New York Post, December 29, 1971; Time, February 26, 1965, pp. 22-23; J. A. Townsley, supt., NYC NPS Grp., Monthly Narrative Report, June 1965; L. McClanahan, acting supt., NYC NPS Grp., Monthly Narrative Report, November 1965. 13 Memo to Director, NY District, from James F. Batman, supt., STLI NM, January 18, 1972; Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Inc., "Operation Peace on Earth: An Open Letter to President Nixon," W34, Vietnam Veterans Against the War File, Storage Area, Liberty Island. 14 Memo to Director, NY Dist., from J. F. Batman, January 18, 1972; Long Island Press, December 28, 1971; New York Times, December 28, 1971; New York Post, December 28, 1971; New York Daily News, December 29, 1971; New York Times, December 29, 1971. 15 Newsday, April 20, 1974. 16 David L. Moffitt, Supt's Annual Report, STLI NM, 1976. 17 Iranians occupied the statue two more times. The November 1979 take-over coincided with Iran's seizure of hostages at the U. S. Embassy in Teheran in response to the admission of the deposed Shah to the United States for medical treatment. See D. Moffitt, Supt's Annual Report, 1979. 18 D. Moffitt, Supt's Annual Report, 1977. 19 St. Louis Globe Democrat, October 26, 1977; D. Moffitt, Supt's. Annual Report, 1977. 20 D. Moffitt, Supt's Annual Report, 1976, 1977; U.S. Department of the Interior, NPS, Management Report, STLI NM, October 1975, Statue of Liberty Archives, Vertical File, Office of AMI Curator. 21 D. Moffitt, Supt's Annual Report, 1980; "Exhibits Destroyed by Bomb at STLI NM," June 3, 1980, Acting Chief, NARO, Duplicates File, Artifact Room; Memo from Regional Director, NARO, to Deputy Director, NPS, Attn. Ann Bowman, June 26, 1980, A-2623 (002), Duplicates File; U.S. Department of Interior, NPS, "News Release," November 6, 1981, Duplicates File. 22 Trip Report of Staff Curator, NARO, to Regional Director, NARO, October 23, 1980, Duplicates File. 23 "Statue of Liberty Annual Visitation Figures," Adm. Building, Liberty Island. For exact yearly attendance figures from 1952 through 1982 see appendix of this book. 24 N. H. Foster, Supt's Monthly Narrative Report, April 1963; Henry G. Schmidt, Supt. Fire Island and NYC NPS Grp., Monthly Narrative Report, June 1967; Luis Garcia-Curbelo, unit manager, STLI NM, Bi-Weekly Highlights, September 21-30, 1975; Ronald Colby, Paramount Pictures, to James F. Batman, supt., STLI NM, September 14, 1973, Ellis Island: Filming and Televising Of File, Drawer 2, Adm. Building, Liberty Island; Written comments of Paul Weinbaum, former curator of American Museum of Immigration, to author, April 4, 1984. 25 Foster, Supt's Monthly Narrative Report, October 1956, and August 1958; L. F. McClanahan, acting supt. of NYC NPS Grp., Monthly Narrative Report, April and May 1965. 26 Memo from Gary Everhardt, director NPS, to WASO and Field Directorate, June 13, 1975 and Memo from Denis P. Galvin, assoc. regional director, Park System Management, to Supts., North Atlantic Region, July 22, 1975, Duplicates File, Artifact Room. 27 Management Appraisal Survey, 1963, A6423, Bayonne Records Center; Draft for Master Plan of STLI NM, July 1964, Planning Statue of Liberty File, Drawer 1, Artifact Room; Lawrence J. Zollar, Acting Supt., NYC NPS Grp., Monthly Narrative Report; January 1967; Memo from William H. Henderickson, supt. NY Grp. to Regional Director, July 9, 1975, Duplicates File; D. L. Moffitt, supt. STLI NM, Supt's Annual Report, 1976, Drawer 1, Adm. Building. For a listing of the superintendents, unit managers, assistant superintendents, and management assistants of the Statue of Liberty National Monument and their dates of office, between 1952 and 1982, see the appendix of this book. 28 Under Secretary of Interior Hatfield Chilson to Senator Jacob K. Javits, June 5, 1958, and Leonard Dreyfuss to Jacob K. Javits, May 8, 1958, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1958 File, Storage Area, Liberty Island. 29 U. S. Department of the Interior, NPS, "Questions and Answers on MISSION 66," A-9815, Conservation and Preservation of Areas for Public Enjoyment File, Bayonne Records Center. 30 MISSION 66 for the Statue of Liberty NM, A9815, MISSION 66 STLI NM File, Bayonne Records Center; Minnie C. Stein, acting supt., to Lillie G. Patterson, November 27, 1961, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities, 1959-63 File, Storage Area; J. A. Townsley, supt. NYC NPS Grp., Monthly Narrative Report, July 1965 and June 1966; Henry G. Schmidt, Supt. Fire Island and NYC NPS Grp., Monthly Narrative Report, March 1967; D. L. Moffitt, Supt's Annual Report, 1977, 78, 80. 31 D. L. Moffitt, Supt's. Annual Reports, 1976; U. S. Dept. of Interior, NPS, News Release, June 20, 1976, Duplicates File. 32 News Bureau, Grey & Davis, Inc., NY, Press Release, June 23, 1976, Colabella-Lighting STLI, Gray-blue folder, Storage Area; Hugins, p. 62; Written comments of Paul Weinbaum to author, April 4, 1984. 33 U. S. Dept. of the Interior, NPS, Analysis of Alternatives (Environment Assessment) for the General Management Plan, December 1980, STLI NM, NY/NJ, p. 57; U. S. Dept. of the Interior, NPS, General Management Plan, September 1982, STLI NM, NY/NJ, p. 35. Chapter 2 1 Robert A. Caro, The Power Broker (New York, 1974), Pp. 644-689; Thomas Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate (New York, 1975), pp. 180-181. 2 AMI News, October 28, 1962, p. 2; William H. Baldwin, "The AMI at the Statue of Liberty, Status of AMI-Operation Unity Campaign, April 1961," New York City File, Drawer 18, AMI, Inc. Papers, Artifact Room Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island. 3 Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate, p. 181; AMI News, October 28, 1962, p. 2; Minutes of the Board of Directors of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, April 16, 1952, pp. 1-2, Special Collections, New York City Public Library; Written comments of Edward Kallop, former curator of the American Museum of Immigration, to author, August 24, 1983. 4 Other members of the delegation included Spyros P. Skouras, president of 20th Century Fox Film Corporation; Anna Lord Strauss, former president of the League of Women Voters; Messmore Kendall, trustee of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society; and Orme Lewis, assistant secretary of the interior. New York Times, August 11, 1954. 5 Ten Eyck Lansing, managing director, AMI, to Gardner Osborn, secretary, the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, March 23, 1955, Duplicates File, AMI, Inc. Papers, Artifact Room; New York Times, August 11, 1954; Douglas Mc Kay, secretary of the interior, to Major General U.S. Grant, 3rd, June 17, 1954, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1956 File, NPS Papers, Storage Area, Liberty Island; Dwight D. Eisenhower to Major General Grant, August 27, 1954, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1954 File, Storage Area, Liberty Island. 6 "Congress Praises AMI in Joint Resolution," Duplicates File, AMI, Inc. Papers, Artifact Room; S.J. 114, July 1956, 84th Congress, Second Session. 7 The incorporators, who became the first Board of Trustees of the AMI, included Horace M. Albright, William H. Baldwin, Walter Binger, Edward Corsi, Robert W. Dowling, Pierre S. du Pont, 3rd, Charles W. Engelhard, Sylvan Gotshal, Ulysses S. Grant, III, Alexander Hamilton, John A. Krout, Mary Phillips Riis, William Rosenwald, Spyros P. Skouras, Hans Christian Sonne, Anna Lord Strauss and James G. Van Derpool. Charter and Bylaws of the American Museum of Immigration, Inc., pp. 1-3. 8 The AMI received $241.69 in cash and agreed to pay approximately $15,000 owed to Baldwin and Mermey for earlier expenses. Contract among Baldwin and Mermey, AMI, Inc., and ASHPS, March 9, 1955. 9 Thomas Pitkin, "Material Prepared for AMI Ceremonies October 28, 1959," Duplicates File; Charter and Bylaws of the AMI, Inc., January 28, 1955, Duplicates File; Contract among Baldwin and Mermey, the AMI, and the ASHPS, March 9, 1955, Duplicates File; H.R. 3120, 84th Congress 1st Session, January 26, 1955. 10 Cooperative Agreement Between the Secretary of the Interior and the AMI Relating to the Establishment of the American Museum of Immigration at the Statue of Liberty National Monument, October 7, 1955, AMI (Assoc.) File, Drawer 2, NPS Papers, Artifact Room; AMI Newsletter, June 1956, A-42, AMI National Committee, 1954-56 File, Drawer 3, NPS Papers, Artifact Room; Minutes of the Organization Meeting Joint Development Committee, AMI, May 11, 1956, D6215, AMI 1956--Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6, Artifact Room; AMI News, October 28, 1962, p. 4; May 16, 1956, Duplicates File. 11 AMI, "Report of the Managing Director for the Calendar Year 1955," Duplicates File; AMI, "Preliminary Operations Plan for National Appeal, March 15, 1955," by Baldwin and Mermey, Duplicates File. 12 Memo from U.S. Grant to Members of the National Committee of AMI, D6, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1955 File, NPS Papers, Storage Area; AMI NEWS, September 28, 1956; Minutes of the AMI Executive Committee Meeting, September 14, 1955 and January 4, 1956, Duplicates File; AMI Newsletter, September 7, 1956, Duplicates File. 13 AMI News, September 28, 1956, A-42, AMI National Committee, 1954-56 File, Drawer 3, NPS Papers, Artifact Room; AMI, "Preliminary Operations Plan." 14 AMI News, December 1, 1955; Bulletin to Friends of AMI, January 11, 1956, A-42, AMI National Committee 1954-56 File, Drawer 3; AMI Newsletter, September 7, 1956; AMI News, June 28, 1956, Drawer 15, AMI 1956, Drawer 6; Chicago, Ill. Austinite, October 12, 1955; The Galesburg, Ill. Daily Register-Mail, August 6, 1955. 15 Minutes of the AMI Executive Committee Meetings, September 13, 1956, November 18, 1955, Duplicates File; AMI News, September 28, 1956. 16 Program for the 70th Birthday of the Statue and Opening of the National Appeal for AMI, October 28, 1956, D6215, AMI, 1956 File, Drawer 6; New York Journal-American, October 29, 1956; New York Herald Tribune, October 29, 1956. 17 American Museum of Immigration, Statue of Liberty, U.S.A., publicity leaflet of AMI, Duplicates File; AMI Group Founders (Labor), February 25, 1957, Duplicates File; Report of the Vice Chairman, National Committee to 2nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, November 14, 1956, Statue of Liberty Society File, Drawer 30, AMI, Inc. Papers, Artifact Room; Minutes of the Meeting of the AMI Executive Committee, November 14, 1956, Duplicates File. 18 Alexander Hamilton to Conrad L. Wirth, director, NPS (no date), A-42, AMI National Committee, 1954-56 File, Drawer 3; "Suggested Plan for Revitalization of the AMI Fund-Raising Efforts," Drawer 51, AMI, Inc. Papers, Artifact Room; Minutes of the Special Meeting of the AMI Board of Trustees, April 17, 1957, Duplicates File; D. Kenneth Rose to Spyros P. Skouras, May 8, 1957, Duplicates File; "Analysis of AMI Receipts v. Expenditures, April 5, 1957," Mr. Hamilton File, Drawer 18, AMI, Inc. Papers; John W. Andrews to D. K. Rose, April 12, 1957, Duplicates File. 19 D. Kenneth Rose to U. S. Grant, March 28, 1957, Duplicates file; U. S. Grant to Richard M. Nixon, March 26, 1957, Duplicates File; D. K. Rose to Spyros P. Skouras, May 8, 1957, Duplicates File; Minutes of the Meeting with Hatfield Chilson, May 9, 1957, Washington, D.C., A-42, AMI National Committee 1954-56 File, Drawer 3; Bernard M. Shanley, secretary to the President, to U S. Grant, March 1, 1957, Duplicates File. 20 Minutes of the AMI Executive Committee Meeting, May 28, 1957, Duplicates File; U. S. Grant to Conrad Wirth, June 3, 1957, Duplicates File; Conrad Wirth to U. S. Grant, April 16, 1957, D6215, AMI 1957--Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Conrad Wirth to Chief, Division of Design and Construction, July 2, 1957, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1957 File, NPS Papers, Storage Area. 21 Roger Ernst, assistant secretary of interior, to Speaker of the House of Representatives, September 4, 1957, Alexander Hamilton-1957-58 File, Drawer 50, AMI, Inc. Papers, Artifact Room; Public Law 85-658, 85th Congress (72 Stat. 613), August 14, 1958; Minutes of the Meeting of the AMI Joint Development Committee, May 9, 1957, A-42, AMI National Committee 1954-56 File, Drawer 5; Ronald F. Lee to Alexander Hamilton, September 6, 1956, D6215, AMI 1957-Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6. 22 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the AMI, October 28, 1959, Duplicates File; Henry Lee Munson for George A. Brakeley & Co. to Alexander Hamilton, December 16, 1958, Duplicates File; Working Notes of Henry Lee Munson and Eugenie Owens of G. A. Brakeley & Co., February 16, 1959, Duplicates File; G. A. Brakeley & Co., Inc. Fund-Raising Study for the Trustees of the American Museum of Immigration, July 1, 1959, Duplicates File; Survey Interview with Sylvan Gotshal by H. L. Munson, February 11, 1959; Interview with Frank Mitchell, February 11, 1959; Interview with Alfred H. Horowitz, February 25, 1959; Interview with D. Kenneth Rose by Eugenie Owens, September 25, 1959, AMI Survey Interviews, File, Drawer 11, AMI, Inc. Papers, Artifact Room. 23 Daniel J. Tobin to Director, NPS, August 13, 1958, D6215, AMI 1958, July-December--Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; William H. Baldwin to Pierre S. du Pont, January 5, 1961, Mr. Hamilton File, Drawer 18, AMI, Inc. Papers; Interview with Edward Corsi, February 19, 1959; Interview with Robert Moses, March 30, 1959, AMI Survey Interviews File, Drawer 11, AMI, Inc. Papers. 24 G. A. Brakeley & Company, Fund-Raising Study, July 1, 1959; Minutes of AMI Board of Trustees Meeting, October 28, 1959; Newell H. Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, October 1959, NPS Papers, Administration Building, Liberty Island. 25 Hoo Sharor (newsletter of the Armenian General Benevolent Union), August 1, 1960; "Present State of AMI Fund-Raising Campaign," D6215, AMI 1963: January-June--Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; AMI # (1959-61) File, Drawer 26, AMI, Inc. Papers; A. Hamilton to Leonard Dreyfuss, October 5, 1960, Mr. Hamilton File, Drawer 18; L. Porter Moore to Fred A. Seaton, September 23, 1960 and Certificate of Incorporation of NYC National Shrines Associates, Inc. L58, Proposed Areas File, NPS Papers, Bayonne Record Center. 26 Minutes of the AMI Executive Committee Meeting, October 10, 1961, Duplicates File; Ronald F. Lee to Carleton D. Smith, July 17, 1961, D6215, AMI, 1959, 60, 61, Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6. 27 L. Porter Moore to Newell H. Foster, May 8, 1962, D6215, AMI-SLNM 1962 File, Drawer 6; New York Times, May 3, 1962; John D. Butt to A. Hamilton, July 19, 1962, Duplicates File; Abraham D. Beame to John J. Bergen, March 15, 1963, Re: 1964 Annual Meeting File, Drawer 31, AMI, Inc. Papers. 28 Charles W. Porter, 3rd, chief historian, to Conrad Wirth, April 26, 1963; Howard R. Stagner, acting assistant director, Conservation, Interpretation and Use, to Regional Director, Northeast Region, May 7, 1963, D6215, AMI 1963: January-June, Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; L. Porter Moore to Newell H. Foster and L. Porter Moore to Pierre S. du Pont, July 29, 1963, D6215, AMI-STLI NM 1963 File, Drawer 6; U. S. Department of the Interior News Release, June 14, 1963; Jackson E. Price, assistant director, Conservation, Interpretation, Use, to Mrs. Dexter Otis Arnold, April 9, 1963; Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, April 1963; "Present State of AMI Fund-Raising Campaign," D6215, AMI 1963: January-June-Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Minutes of the AMI Board of Trustees Meeting, November 7, 1963, AMI (Association) File, Drawer 2; Minutes of the AMI Board of Trustees Meeting, November 12, 1964, Re: 1964 Annual Meeting File, Drawer 31, AMI, Inc. Papers. 29 New York World-Telegram, June 11, 1963; New York Times, June 11, June 12, 1963; New York Herald Tribune, June 11, 1963; Minutes of AMI Conference, June 11, 1963, D6215, AMI 1963: January-June--Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; T. Pitkin to N. H. Foster, June 12, 1963, D6215, AMI 1963: January-June--Museum Exhibit Activities File; AMI News (no date), AMI-STLI NM 1963 File, Drawer 6. 30 "AMI Fund Status, April 25, 1963," D6215, AMI 1963: January-June--Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Minutes of the AMI Board of Trustees Meeting, November 12, 1964, Re: 1964 Annual Meeting File, Drawer 31, AMI, Inc. Papers; Mrs. William H. Hasebrook, president, General Federation of Women's Clubs, to George B. Hartzog, director NPS, July 9, 1964, Re: 1964 Annual Meeting File, Drawer 31; New York Journal-American, June 20, 1965; Director NPS to A. Hamilton, April 8, 1970, Funding File, Drawer 2; Interviews conducted by author with Marilyn Keeler, administrative officer, STLI NM and David Moffitt, supt., STLI NM, spring 1983. 31 New York Post, June 2, 1966; Gerald A. Kearney to John A. Townsley, November 9, 1964; John A. Townsley to Gerald A. Kearney, November 10, 1964; Townsley to Regional Director Ronald Lee, November 10, 1964, D6215, AMI-STLI NM 1963 File, Drawer 6; Universal Public Relations, Inc. Press Release, April 19, 1966, D6215, AMI 1966: January-June--Museum Exhibit Activities, Drawer 6; George Svejda to Supt. NYC NPS Group, February 23, 1966, D6215, AMI 1966: January-June--Museum Exhibit Activities File; Gerald A. Kearney to A. C. Stratton, June 30, 1966, D6215, AMI 1966: January-June File; New York Times June 8, 1966; Svejda, Memo for Internal Use, April 22, 1966, D6215, AMI 1966; January-June File; Memo G. J. Svejda, February 9, 1966, D6215, AMI 1966: January-June File; George A. Palmer to Director NPS, May 3, 1967, D6215, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 2; Arthur L. Sullivan, assistant supt., STLI NM to Henry Curtis Ahl, November 7, 1969, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1968 File, Storage Area. 32 S.D Leidesdorf & Co., Certified Public Accountants, The AMI Report on Financial Statements As At September 30, 1967, Drawer 5; Minutes of the Meeting of the AMI Board of Trustees, December 6, 1967, Drawer 5, NPS Papers; George A. Palmer to Director NPS, May 3, 1967, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 2. 33 George B. Hartzog, Jr., director, NPS, to Representative Frank M. Karsten, July 18, 1966; "History of the AMI" (no date), Drawer 2; "The American Museum of Immigration," AMI Interim Exhibits, May 17, 1968 File, Drawer 2; William C. Everhart, assistant director, Inter pretation, to Representative Frank Annunzio, November 7, 1968, D6215, Museum and Exhibit Activities Planning Cooperative Agreement AMI 1968 File, Drawer 6; New York Daily News, October 3, 1971. Chapter 3 1 This committee had been established in 1956 as the main body through which the NPS and officials of the AMI, Inc., would consult on matters concerning the museum. See Chapter 2, P. 31. 2 In the 1950s, architectural plans and building projects of NPS in the eastern part of the United States were handled through this office. It later divided into the Washington and Philadelphia Planning and Service Centers. These two subsequently reconsolidated under the name Eastern Service Center. Eventually, all building projects were handled by merged Eastern and Western Service Centers, then referred to as the Denver Service Center . 3 AMI News, June 1955; "Operation Unity: Statue of Liberty, U.S.A.," Duplicates File, Artifact Room; N. H. Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, August 1956; Report of Meeting of NPS and AMI, April 3, 1957, A-42, AMI National Committee 1954-56 File, Drawer 3, Artifact Room. 4 N. H. Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, November 1957; N. H. Foster to Supervising Architect, EODC, January 13, 1958; John B. Cabot to N. H. Foster, January 28, 1958, AMI--1958 File, Drawer 6, Artifact Room; Minutes of the Meeting of the Joint Development Committee, AMI, January 9, 1958, AMI Estimated Cost of Construction, The Proposed American Museum of Immigration, STLI NM, A-42, AMI National Committee 1954-56 File, Drawer 3. 5 Minutes of the Meeting of the AMI Executive Committee, October 1, 1958, A-42, AMI National Committee 1954-56 File, Drawer 3; Minutes of the Joint Development Committee Meeting, October 1, 1958, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1958 File, Storage Area; Minutes of the Joint Development Committee Meeting, December 3, 1958, AMI 1958-July-December Museum Exhibit Activities, Drawer 6. 6 Edward S. Zimmer to Director C. Wirth, February 5, 1959, D6215, Duplicates File; C. Wirth to A. Hamilton, March 27, 1959, AMI 1959, 60, 61 Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Minutes of the AMI Executive Committee Meeting, October 10, 1961, Duplicates File; A. Hamilton to Ronald F. Lee, January 27, 1961, AMI 1959, 60, 61 Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Robert E. Smith, Chief Architect, Division of Design and Construction, to Regional Director, May 24, 1961, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities 1959-63 (AMI) File, Storage Area. 7 Eventually, change orders brought the total contract figure to $1,055,750. 8 Contract No. 14-10-0529-1122; N. H. Foster, Supt's. Monthly Narrative Report, November 1961 and December 1961; Chief Architect R. E. Smith to Superintendent., STLI NM, April 20, 1962, AMI-STLI NM 1962 File, Drawer 6, Foster, Supt's. Monthly Narrative Report, May 1962; New York Times, June 20, 1962; New York World-Telegram and Sun, June 20, 1962; Pre-advertisement of Invitation for Bids, March 26, 1962, AMI 1962 (General) Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; U.S. Dept. of Interior News Release, June 23, 1962, AMI 1962 (General) Mus. Exhib. Act.; Contract No. 14-100529-1124; Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, June 1962 and July 1962. 9 New York Times, October 29, 1962; New York Herald Tribune, October 29, 1962; New York Journal-American, October 28, 29, 1962; New York World Telegram, October 27, 1962; Press Release of NYC National Shrines Advisory Board and the AMI, Mr. A. Hamilton File, Drawer 3. 10 Foster, Supterintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, December 1962; David O. Smith, project supervisor to Supt., STLI NM, December 31, 1962, Appeal of Peter Reiss Construction Company, Inc. File, Drawer 2, Artifact Room; Minutes of the AMI Board of Trustees Meeting, November 7, 1963, AMI (Association) File, Drawer 2; Eileen Wirt, "Unique Honor for Auxiliary," The National Bulletin, December 1964, pp. 6-7, 16. 11 Contract No. 14-10-0529 1141, J. H. Townsely, Supt. NYC-NPS Group, Monthly Narrative Report, July 1965; NPS Press Release, April 10, 1964, RE: 1964 Annual Meeting File, Drawer 31, Artifact Room; Lester F. McClanahan, Supt., Monthly Narrative Report, April 1965; Minutes of the AMI Board of Trustees Meeting, November 12, 1964, RE: 1964 Annual Meeting File, Drawer 31. 12 The sum was later increased to $1,099,889. 13 Among the subcontractors were the following firms: granite and limestone work--S. Pizzuliello and Co., Inc., aluminum--Utility Brass and Bronze, plastering--S. & B. Plastering Contractors, Inc., laying carpet--Circle Floor Co., entrance--Charles Brandin, Inc., ceramic tile--J. & J. Tile Co., plumbing--Zachary Plumbing and Heating, Inc., heating--C.D.E. Air Conditioning Co., electrical--Mainpower & Electric Wiring Corporation. 14 William C. Everhart, Assistant Director, Interpretation to U. S. Grant,. November 30, 1967, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 2, Artifact Room; L. F. McClanahan, assistant superintendent, to Harriet L. Holt, April 3, 1968, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities, AMI 1968 File, Storage Area; Chief of Design and Construction, Phil. Planning and Service Center to Superintendent., Fire Island and NYC NPS Group, September 26, 1967 and Invitation for Bids, D52, American Museum of Immigration IFB #D & C-15-A68 File; Drawer 1, Artifact Room; Chief Design and Construction to Chief Eastern Museum Laboratory, November 29, 1967, AMI IFB #D & C-15-A68 File; George A. Palmer, acting regional director, to Chief Design and Construction, December 18, 1967, AMI IFB #D & C-15-A68 File; The Kansas City Star, July 30, 1969; Superintendent, Fire Island and NYC NPS Group to Regional Director, Northeast Region, February 10, 1969, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 2; Notice of Beginning Date, January 23, 1968, Statue of Liberty File, Drawer 5, Artifact Room; Contract No. 14-10-7-981-41, December 15, 1967, Statue of Liberty File, Drawer 5. 15 Memorandum from Alan E. Kent, acting chief, Eastern Museum Laboratory, to Superintendent, NYC NPS Grp., May 4, 1966, and George J. Svejda, historian, to Gart Urban, May 9, 1966, AMI 1966: January-June Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6, Artifact Room; "The American Museum of Immigration - When?," History of the AMI File, Drawer 2, Artifact Room; U.S. Department of Interior, NPS Press Release, February 20, 1970. 16 This estimate was probably based too heavily on costs in phase IV and did not adequately take into account inflation. 17 L. McClanahan, assistant superintendent, to Superintendent NYC NPS Group, January 22, 1969, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 2; Le Roy R. Brown, director, ESC, to Associate Director, Professional Services, January 29, 1971, D62, Museum Activities AMI 1971 File, Storage Area; L. R. Brown to Director NPS, July 1, 1971 and attached supporting documents, AMI STLI NM File, Drawer 5. 18 The companies with which the NPS signed contracts included: preparation of floor surfaces--M. Goodwin Concrete Corporation, New York City, $9,559; mechanical work--Designed Weather, Inc., Island Park, New York, $60,344; museum wall systems, cases--Presentations South, Inc., Orlando, Florida, revised completion date resulted in adjustment in contract price to $336,024; electrical--Mansfield Contracting Corporation, Flushing, New York $142,830; acoustical tile ceilings--Robert J. Harder, Inc., Rockville Centre, New York, $25,038; general construction--M.T.F. Industries, Little Neck, New York, $54,600. See Jerry D. Wagers, AMI Progress Reports Nos. 1 through 3, AM-STLI NM File, Drawer 5. 19 L. R. Brown to Director NPS, July 1, 1971, AMI-STLI NM File, Drawer 5; Wagers, AMI Progress Reports Nos. 1 through 8, July 1971 to March 16, 1972, AMI-STLI NM File; J.E.N. Jensen to Spyros P. Skouras, August 3, 1971, AMI-STLI NM File; Grant A. Cadwallader, Jr., Weekly Field Reports, AMI-STLI NM File; New York Daily News, October 3, 1971. 20 The name AMI Historians Committee is somewhat misleading since, from the start, many of its members were not professionally trained historians. The commit tee was created by the AMI, Inc., in 1955, to advise the Joint Development Committee on the themes and content of museum exhibits. Its members were chosen by AMI, Inc., either on its own or on the advice of NPS officials. During its nearly-20-year existence, the Historians Committee saw many changes in membership. Originally, it included such well-known scholars as John A. Krout, Oscar Handlin, Allan Nevins, and Carl Wittke. It also included members of the NPS who were trained as historians, such as Dr. Francis S. Ronalds, Ronald F. Lee, and, later, Dr. Thomas M. Pitkin, as well as one NPS official who was not, Newell Foster. At all stages, the Historians Committee contained members from the AMI, Inc., who were not historians: William H. Baldwin, Alexander Hamilton, Alfred Horowitz, and Viola Thomas, to name a few. Meanwhile, professional historians having specialties in black, ethnic, and immigration history came and went over the 20-year period. Examples include Elsie Lewis (black history), John Higham (immigration history), and Rudolph J. Vecoli (immigration studies). 21 Minutes of the Meeting of the AMI Museum Committee, June 9, 1954, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activity (AMI) 1954 File, Storage Area. 22 Minutes of the Meeting of the AMI Historians' Committee, March 22, 1956, Duplicates File, Artifact Room. 23 Pitkin, Prospectus for the American Museum of Immigration, pp. 2, 4, 5, 6, Duplicates File. 24 Resolution passed by the AMI Executive Committee at its Meeting, October 9, 1956, Duplicates File; Conrad Wirth to Alexander Hamilton, November 11, 1956, AMI 1956 File, Drawer 6, Artifact Room; AMI Newsletter and Draft of AMI News Release--Alden Stevens, AMI 1957 Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; N. Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports, February, June, July 1957; Report of Meeting of NPS and AMI, April 3, 1957, A-42, AMI National Committee 1954-56 File, Drawer 3, Artifact Room. Pitkin, Notes on the AMI Exhibit Planning Meeting, November 12, 1957, AMI 1957 Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6. 25 Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports, January, May, July, September, October, December 1958 and January 1959; T. Pitkin to John H. Franklin, July 7, 1958, AMI 1958, July-Dec., Museum Exhibit File, Drawer 6; John A. Krout to Pitkin, July 23, 1958, Duplicates File; Comments of A. M. Schlesinger, August 24, 1958, Robert Ernst, September 16, 1958 and others, AMI 1958, July-December, Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; J. H. Franklin, October 20, 1958, Rowland T. Berthoff, October 1, 1958, Daniel J. Tobin, September 24, 1958, Floyd A. La Fayette, July 22, 1958, Critical Comments and Suggestions File, Drawer 3; Pitkin to Ron Lee, July 28, 1958 and Pitkin and Stevens to N. Foster, July 28, 1958, AMI 1958, July-December, Drawer 6; Pitkin to Charles G. Beetem, October 27, 1959, AMI 1959, 60, 61 Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6. 26 Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, October 1961; Memo, A. Stevens to Director, History Branch, October 7, 1958, AMI 1958, July-December File, Drawer 6; Memo, Acting Regional Director G. A. Palmer to Chief, EODC, October 4, 1962, AMI 1962 (General) Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Ralph Lewis to Regional Director, Region 5, June 15, 1962, AMI 1962 (General) File; Pitkin to Regional Director, May 28, 1962, AMI 1962 (General) File; Master Plan STLI NM, April 1962, STLI NM Master Plan File, Drawer 1, Artifact Room; Floyd La Fayette to V. S. Thomas, August 6, 1963, AMI 1963; July-December File, Drawer 6; Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Reports, January, May, July 1962; AMI, Chronology of Exhibit Plan Review, Correspondence (AMI) Beginning 3/72 File, Drawer 2. 27 Foster, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports, May, August 1962, April 1963; Svejda to Holland Society of New York, Svejda to Huguenot Society of America, 1963, and many others; Planning, Preparation, Main and Pre-Museum Exhibits File, Drawer 6; Request for Cultural Objects of Polish Immigrants for the AMI and many other requests, Planning, Preparation, Main and Pre-Museum Exhibits File; Svejda to National Greek Tribune, Chinese Times, Armenian Mirror-Spectator, Byelorussian Youth, and many other news papers, Planning, Preparation. . .File; Appeal and article by Svejda in Hairenik Weekly, July 8, 1965; Other letters and appeals, AMI-STLI NM, 1962 File, Drawer 6; Svejda, Notes on My Trip to Chicago, April 23, 1965, AMI 1965; January-June Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Svejda, List of Artifacts Acquired, Planning, Preparation. File; Svejda, Notes On my Activities, May 28, 1965, AMI 1965: January-June, Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Svejda to Acting Supervisory Historian, New York City Area, June 1-30, 1966, Duplicates File; New York Times, June 2, 1966. 28 Memo from Acting Regional Director Palmer to Chief, EODC, April 17, 1964; R. Lee to NPS Director, May 14, 1964; Acting Assistant Director, Operations, William Everhart to Northeast Regional Director, Chief EODC, and Superintendent NYC NPS Group, December 3, 1964; Lee to Director, December 9, 1964; Townsely to Lee, December 11, 1964, AMI-STLI NM 1963 File, Drawer 6; United States Department of Interior, NPS, News Release, July 4, 1966, AMI 1966; July-December Museum Exhibit Activities File, Drawer 6; Alfred Stern and Robert J. Blood Preliminary Script AMI, NPS, Department of the Interior, January 27, 1967, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 3; Newark Evening News, April 20, 1967; Superintendent NYC NPS Group Henry G. Schmidt, Invitation to Press Conference; Visitors Present at AMI Presentation, April 19, 1967, AMI Preliminary Plan Presentation 4/19/67 File, Drawer 2; The Jersey Journal, April 20, 1967, Newark Star-Ledger, April 20, 1967. 29 Robert Ernst to William Everhart, Assistant Director, Interpretation, June 26, 1968, Museum and Exhibit Activities Planning Cooperative Agreement AMI 1968 File, Drawer 6. 30 L. F. McClanahan, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, August 1965; Townsley, Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report, October 1965; Washington Post, September 26, 1965. 31 E. Kusielewicz, Observations on the Proposal for the Museum of Immigration, Duplicates File; Polish-American, June 17, 1967; Polish-American Journal, July 8, 1967; L. Jarzab, president, Polish-American Guardian Society, to S. Udall, June 19, 1967; W. M. Drzewieuiecki, president, Polish-American Council on Cultural Affairs, to S. Udall, July 7, 1967, 1967 Criticisms and Replies File, Drawer 2; AMI, Chronology of Exhibit Plan Review, Correspondence (AMI) Beginning 3/72 File, Drawer 2; W. C. Everhart to Peter Rodino, Peter Rodino to Robert C. Mc Connell, Assistant to the Secretary for Congressional Liaison, Department of Interior, July 12, 1967; Frank Annunzio to C. P. Montgomery, Assistant Director, NPS, July 11, 1967, Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Special Assistant to the President, to Frank Annunzio, July 17, 1967 and Califano to Secretary Udall, July 17, 1967, Duplicates File. 32 Everhart to Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr., August 2, 1967, Duplicates File; Alan E. Kent, Report on American Museum of Immigration Design Scheme Complaints, August 1, 1967, 1967 Criticisms and Replies File, Drawer 2; Kent, Decisions on AMI, September 13, 1967, Duplicates File; Everhart to Frank Annunzio, May 3, 1968, Everhart to Peter Rodino, Jr., June 13, 1968, Museum and Exhibit Activities Planning Cooperative Agreement AMI 1968 File, Drawer 6; Everhart to U.S. Grant, November 30, 1967, Henry G. Schmidt, Superintendent Fire Island and NYC NPS Group, to Director NERO, December 11, 1967, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 2. 33 The American Museum of Immigration, Opening of the Interim Exhibits, May 17, 1968, Duplicates File: New York Times, May 18, 1968; Minutes of the Historians Committee of the AMI, June 21, 1968, Duplicates File; A. Horowitz to W. C. Everhart, May 27, 1969 and Report of the AMI Historians Committee on the Exhibit Plan for the American Museum of Immigration, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1968 File, Storage Area; Robert Ernst to Everhart, June 26, 1968, Museum and Exhibit Activities Planning Cooperative Agreement AMI 1968 File, Drawer 6. 34 Memo, Alan E. Kent to Assistant Director, Interpretation, June 9, 1969, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1968 File, Storage Area; Kent to Elsie Lewis, November 24, 1969, American Museum of Immigration File, Drawer 2; Breakdown prepared for Jerry Wagers, December 9, 1971, Duplicates File. 35 Minutes of the Meeting of the Historians Committee, American Museum of Immigration, August 25, 1971, Duplicates File; American Museum of Immigration, Chronology of Exhibit Plan Review, Correspondence (AMI) Beginning 3/72 File, Drawer 2. 36 Rudolph J. Vecoli to David H. Wallace, September 7, 1971 and Wallace to Vecoli, September 27, 1971, Duplicates File; Andrew T. Kopan, "Museum of Immigration Opening Held Setback," Boston Hellenic Chronicle, December 16, 1971; Casimir I. Lenard to Rogers C. B. Morton, October 27, 1971, American Museum of Immigration Exhibit Plan File, Drawer 2. 37 J.E.N. Jensen to Jane Life, Office of the Secretary, November 4, 1971, AMI-STLI NM File, Drawer 5; Minutes of the Meeting Between NPS and Delegation Headed by Casimir I. Lenard, November 8, 1971, Federal Hall, Duplicates File; Fra Noi, January 1972; Richard C. Curry to Director Hartzog, December 17, 1971, AMI Special Groups Inactive File, AMI Curator's Files; Curry to A. Horowitz, February 7, 1972, Duplicates File. 38 Professors Green and Appel were members of the Immigration History Group, a society of some 400 scholars engaged in research and teaching in migration and ethnic studies. In January 1972, that group had sent to Secretary Morton a resolution condemning the exhibit plans for the museum and calling for review by recognized scholars in the field of American Immigration. 39 AMI, Status Report, March 23, 1972, AMI Exhibit Plan and Inquiries from Historians File, Drawer 2; AMI Trustees to NPS, March 30, 1972, Recommendations of the American Museum of Immigration Historians Committee-March 16, 1972, Duplicates File; Meeting Historians Committee, Federal Hall-March 16, 1972, A Review and Critique of the American Museum of Immigration at the Statue of Liberty National Monument, American Museum of Immigration (Association) File, Drawer 2; AMI Historians Review Committee Report and NPS Response, Duplicates File; Wagers to A. Horowitz, May 16, 1972, Duplicates File; Wagers to Museum Branch, HFC, April 14, 1972, American Museum of Immigration Exhibit Plan and Inquiries from Historians File, Drawer 2; Wagers to Hendrickson, Chief, Division of Museums, HFC, April 28, 1972, Duplicates File; Wagers to Vecoli and other review committee members, May 16, 1972, and Wagers to Senator Jacob Javits and other Senators, Wagers to Annunzio and other congressmen, May 16, 1972, AMI Exhibit Plan and Inquiries from Historians File, Drawer 2. 40 R. Vecoli to J. Wagers, June 7, 1972, and Wagers to Vecoli, June 21, 1972, AMI Special Groups-Inactive File, AMI Curator's Files; Acting Director of New York District to Walter F. Mondale, August 2, 1972, D6215, Museum and Exhibit Activities 1972 File, Storage Area, C. I. Lenard to Michael Balzano, White House, September 23, 1972, AMI (Associations) File, Drawer 2; telegram, Sargent Shriver to Secretary R.C.B. Morton, September 23, 1972, AMI Exhibit Plan and Inquiries from Historians File, Drawer 2; Superintendent James F. Batman to Director, New York District, Progress Report on AMI Revisions, June 2, 1972, AMI Exhibit Plan and Historians Inquiries File, Drawer 2; Wagers to A. Horowitz, June 14, 1972, Correspondence (AMI) Beginning 3/72 File, Drawer 2; Contract Walker/Grad and Department of Interior, NPS, June 7, 1972, Correspondence (AMI) Beginning 3/72 File; Wagers to Director NERO, October 27, 1972, AMI (Associations) File; Wagers to Director NERO, June 15, 1972, AMI Revisions Prior to Opening (1972) File, AMI Curator's Files. Chapter 4 1 Jerry D. Wagers to Alfred Horowitz, June 15, 1972, AMI (Assoc.) File, Drawer 2, Artifact Rm; New York Daily News, Sept. 27, 1972; New York Times, Sept. 27, 1972. 2 Remarks by Pierre S. du Pont, Pres., Brd. of Trustees, AMI, Sept. 26, 1972, AMI Dedication Folder, Drawer 2; The President's Remarks at Ceremonies Marking the Dedication of the Museum on Liberty Island in NY Harbor, Sept. 26, 1972, Duplicates File, Artifact Room, New York Times, Sept. 27, 1972; New York Daily News, Sept. 27, 1972. 3 Horace Sutton, The Baltimore Sun. Oct. 22, 1972; Charles McHarry, "On the Town," New York Daily News, Oct. 3, 1972; B. Kaufman, "Miss Liberty's New Attractions," Newsday, Nov. 4, 1972; Deirdre Carmody, New York Times, Sept. 26, 1972; R. De Wolf, The Evening Bulletin, May 21, 1973. 4 E. Kallop, Jr., to Trustees of AMI, Inc., Status Report on the Museum, Nov. 13, 1973, AMI, Monthly Report on Activities File, Drawer A-C, AMI Curator's Files; Paul Weinbaum, Museum Program Survey 1979, Publicity 1976-Present File, Drawer P-R, Curator's Files; AMI Visitors-Use Survey, April-May 1973, Vertical Cabinet, Bottom Drawer, Curator's Files; Kallop, AMI Monthly Report, April 1973, Vertical Cabinet, Bottom Drawer; Philip Slavin, "Letter to Editor," Daily News, Oct. 6, 1972. 5 Charles Guggenheim to J. Wagers, Jan. 30, 1973; Paul N. Perrot to Wagers, Jan. 29, 1973; Walter J. Heacock to Wagers, Jan. 4, 1973; George Bowditch to Wagers, Jan. 2, 1973; David W. Scott to Wagers, Dec. 18, 1972, Duplicates File, Artifact Room, AMI Study Group Report, Summary of Recommendations, Jan. 1973, AMI Policy File, Drawer A-C, Curator's Files; Paul Weinbaum, written comment on author's narrative, April, 1984. 6 American Mus. of Immig./Proposed Revisions, April 26, 1973; Jerry Wagers to A. Horowitz, April 27, 1973, AMI (Assoc) File, Drawer 2, Artifact Room. 7 E. Kallop, Jr., to Viola S. Thomas, Nov. 30, 1973; E. Kallop, Jr., to A. Horowitz, March 15, 1974, Budget Discretionary A/C File, Drawer A-C, Curator's Files; Paul O. Weinbaum, written answers to author's interview questions, Sept. 15, 1983, Duplicates File, Telephone interview with Alfred Horowitz conducted by Win. Zeisel, IRH, Sept. 7, 1983. 8 Howard M. Metzenbaum to William H. Hendrickson, Oct. 4, 1974, Am. Mus. of Immig. File, Storage Area; Paul Weinbaum, draft of a letter to Senator Metzenbaum, Oct. 10, 1974; Weinbaum, draft of a letter to Metzenbaum, Jan. 3, 1975, AMI, Inc. File, Drawer A-C, Curator's Files; Wilbur Ford to Metzenbaum, Oct. 16, 1974, Am. Mus. of Immig. File, Storage Area. 9 William C. Everhart to Director of NPS, Memo on AMI, April 30, 1976, Am. Mus. of Immig. File, Storage Area; E. Kallop, Jr., Staff Curator, N. Atlantic Region, to Supt. STLI NM, Memo on Rehab. Proposals, Dec. 17, 1980; Michael P. Paskowsky to Supt. STLI NM, Memo on Rehab. Proposals, Nov. 6, 1980; M. Paskowsky, Development/Study Package Proposal, April 13, 1981, Rehabilitation-1981/82 File, Drawer P-R, Curator's Files; E. Kallop, Jr., written answers to author's interview questions, Sept. 7, 1983, Duplicates File; Paul Kinney, telephone interview with author, Sept. 27, 1983. 10 Telephone interview with Paul Weinbaum, conducted by Win. Zeisel, IRH, May 25, 1984. 11 Weinbaum, written comments on author's narrative, April 1984; Luis E. Garcia-Curbelo, Unit Manager, STLI NM Annual Report, 1974, Drawer 1, Administration Building; Paul Kinney, AMI Monthly Report, Dec. 1982, Monthly and Annual Reports File, Drawer A-C, Curator's Files. 12 NPS Press Release, "Yearning to Breathe Free," July 29, 1977, Press Releases File, Drawer P-R, Curator's Files. 13 The Augustus F. Sherman Collection and other photographs owned by the museum are kept in its library and are made available by AMI librarians (the first was Harvey Dixon) to scholars and local, national and inter national media with New York City offices. 14 Paul Weinbaum, written answers to author's interview questions, Sept. 15, 1983, and written comments to author, Dec., 1983; Paul Kinney, telephone interview with author, Sept. 27, 1983; Memorandum of Agreement Between the Center for Migration Studies and the NPS for the Purpose of Displaying a Special Exhibit at the Am. Mus. of Immig., AMI Policy File, Drawer A-C, Curator's Files; U.S. Dept. of Interior, NPS, News Release, Oct. 7, 1977. 15 Kallop, AMI Monthly Report on Activities, Oct. 1973, Vertical Cabinet, Bottom Drawer, Curator's Files; L. Garcia-Curbelo, Bi-Weekly Highlights, Unit Manager's Narrative Report, July 31 to Aug. 21, 1975; "Going Out Guide," New York Times, Sept. 5, 1975; P. Weinbaum, written answers to author's questions, Sept. 15, 1983. Kallop, AMI Monthly Report, July and Sept. 1973; The News, NPS press release, July 25, 1974; Memo to Acting Unit Manager from Museum Curator, Monthly Highlights, June and July 1974, Vertical Cabinet, Bottom Drawer, Curator's Files; Weinbaum, written answers, Sept. 15, 1983; Kinney, telephone interview, Sept. 27, 1983. 16 Victor Greene, Consulting Historian's Report, AMI, July 1979, AMI, Inc. File, Drawer A-C, Curator's Files. Chapter 5 1] Ari Hoogenboom, "An Outline of Ellis Island (1890 - 1954)," June 20, 1974, Ellis Island Data File, Drawer D-N, AMI Curator's Files; Chronology of Ellis Island From Its Closing As Immigration Station To Inclusion In The National Park System (1954-65), "Ellis Island Study," May 1978; Thomas M. Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate: A History of Ellis Island (N.Y., 1975), p. 179; James F. Murray, Jr., Proposal for Acquisition and Development of Ellis Island by State of N.J. As Recreation and Cultural Area, May 23, 1955, and Joseph E. McLean to Walter F. Downey, July 15, 1955, Ellis Island Ready File, Drawer 2, Administration Building, Liberty Island. 2] Chronology of Ellis Island, "Ellis Island Study;" Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate, pp. 179-180; Ten Eyck Lansing to Douglas McKay, June 21, 1955, and Orme Lewis to T. E. Lansing, July 8, 1955, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1955 File, Storage Area, Liberty Island; Orme Lewis to Edmund F. Mansure, Administrator, GSA, Aug. 12, 1955, Ellis Island Ready File, Drawer 2, Administration Building. 3] Chief, Real Property Disposal Division, Disposal No.: 2Ps-202, Sept. 17, 1956, Unlabeled brown folder of Ellis Island Documents, Storage Area; Wall Street Journal, Sept. 18, 1956; Harlan Unrau, draft of chapter entitled "Administrative History of Ellis Island: 1954-1982"; Harris J. Booras to President Eisenhower, Sept. 25, 1956 and other letters, L1427, Surplus Real Property 1956-60 File, Bayonne Records Center; Alfred M. Klein to William F. Downey, Sept. 14, 1956, Unlabeled brown folder of Ellis Island Documents, Storage Area; Draft of reply to Jacob K. Javits, Sept. 27, 1956, Unlabeled brown folder; Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate, p. 180; T. James Tumulty to Frederick Seaton, Sept. 24, 1956, AMI 1956 File, Drawer 6, Artifact Room. 4] New York Times, Sept. 25, 1956; Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sept. 25, 1956; William Baldwin to U.S. Grant, III, March 6, 1957, and U.S. Grant to Alfred Horowitz, April 1, 1957, Duplicates File, Artifact Room; the AMI News, Sept. 28, 1956, Duplicates File; William Baldwin to the Editor, New York Times Sept. 21, 1956. 5] U.S. Grant, III, to D. Kenneth Rose, executive director, AMI, April 1, 1957, Duplicates File; William Baldwin to U.S. Grant, III, March 6, 1957, Duplicates File; Acting Director, NPS, Hillary A. Tolson to L. Kennedy, Asst. to the Secretary, May 24, 1957, D62 Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1957 File, Storage Area; Hatfield Chilson to Franklin G. Floete, March 28, 1957, and F.G. Floete to Sec. of Interior, April 9, 1957, Duplicates File; Minutes of the Meeting of the Joint Development Committee of the AMI, May 9, 1957, Duplicates File; Minutes of the Meeting of the Joint Development Committee of the AMI, May 9, 1957, Duplicates File; Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate, p. 182; GSA News Release, GSA #684, Nov. 15, 1957, Duplicates File; Wall Street Journal, April 7, 1958; GSA News Release, GSA #1026, May 8 1959; Unrau, "Administrative History of Ellis Island: 1954-1982." 6 New York Times, Dec. 20, 1960; William Baldwin to Pierre S. du Pont, 3rd, and Alexander Hamilton, Jan. 5, 1961, Mr. Hamilton File, Drawer 18, AMI Papers, Artifact Room; Chronology of Ellis Island, "Ellis Island Study"; Newsweek, 56 (Sept. 12, 1960): 94. 7 Chronology of Ellis Island, "Ellis Island Study"; Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate, p. 183; Statement of Assoc. Director, NPS, George B. Hartzog, Jr., Before the Subcom. on Intergovt. Relations, Comm. on Govt. Operations, U.S. Senate, Sept. 4, 1963, Hearings of Senate Subcom. on Intergovt. Relations on Disposition of Ellis Island, pp. 37-38; N.H. Foster, Supt's. Monthly Narrative Report, Dec 1962; Memo from T. Pitkin, supervisory historian, NYC area to Regional Director Ronald Lee, Dec. 10, 1962, L58 Proposed Area File, NPS Papers, Bayonne Record Center. 8 Among those who worked on the study were Frank Barnes, NPS regional chief of interpretation and visitor services; Regional Architect John B. Lukens, and Museum Curator Horace Wilcox. 9 Harlan Unrau, "Administrative History of Ellis Island: 1954-1982"; Chronology of Ellis Island, "Ellis Island Study"; U.S. Department of the Interior, NPS, "Ellis Island: A Study Report on Ellis Island" (prepared for the Subcom. on Intergovernmental Relations, Senate Committee on Govt. Operations), June 1964, pp. 1-3. 10 "Ellis Island: A Study Report" (prepared for the Subcom. on Intergovt. Relations), June 1964, pp. 7, 16-17, 15, 13-14, 10, 23-24; NY Times, Oct. 22, 1964; Unrau, "Administrative History of Ellis Island: 1954-1982. 11 Presidential Documents, Title 3--The Pres., FR Doc. 65-5141, filed May 12, 1965; Office of the White House Press Secretary, Remarks of the President at the Signing of the Proclamation Which Adds Ellis Island to the Liberty Island National Monument, May 11, 1965; John A. Townsley, Supt., NYC, NPS Group, Monthly Narrative Report, May 1965; New York Herald Tribune, May 12, 1965; Long Island Press, May 12, 1965; Long Island Star-Journal, July 13, 1965; Report No. 585, Providing for the Development of Ellis Island as Part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, H.R., July 1, 1965 and Report No. 508, Providing for the Development of Ellis Island. . ., Senate, July 22, 1965, 89th Cong., 1st Sess.; Unrau, "Administrative History of Ellis Island: 1954-1982"; Public Law 89-129, 89th Cong., H.J. Res. 454, Aug. 17, 1965, 79 Stat. 543. Chapter 6 1 J. A. Townsely, Supt., NYC NPS Group, Monthly Narrative Report, July 1965; Thomas M. Pitkin, Keepers of the Gate: A History of Ellis Island (New York, 1975), pp. 185-187; The Philip Johnson Plan for the Development of Ellis Island, Blue Folder of Ellis Island Documents, Storage Area, Liberty Island; Townsley, Monthly Narrative Report, February 1966. 2 Emily Genauer, "The Hazards of Patronage: Venice and Ellis Island," New York Herald Tribune, March 13, 1966; Inez Robb, "The Cult of Instant Ugliness," New York World Telegram and Sun, March 7, 1966; "'The Wall' at Ellis Island," New York Times February 26, 1966; Ada Louise Huxtable, "The Uses of the Past," New York Times, February 25, 1966; Chronology of Ellis Island Under NPS Management, "Ellis Island Study," 1978. 3 The camp buildings were taken over by the New Jersey Regional Drug Abuse Agency. Jersey Journal, March 24, 1969. 4 Townsley, Monthly Narrative Report, December 1965 and February 1966; Laurence J. Zollar, Acting Superintendent, NYC NPS Group, Monthly Narrative Report, January 1967; Jersey Journal, March 24, 1969; Newark Evening News, January 31, 1968; Maxwell M. Rabb to Stewart L. Udall, March 12, 1965, Ellis Island-National Ellis Island Association, Inc. File, Drawer 2, Administration Building, Liberty Island. 5 Memo from Northeast Regional Director Ronald F. Lee to Assistant Solicitor Bernard Meyer, August 6, 1965, D22, Ellis Island-National Ellis Island Association Inc. File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Townsley, Monthly Narrative Report, February 1966; Cooperative Agreement Between the Secretary of the Interior and the National Ellis Island Association, Inc., July 12, 1966, National Ellis Island Association File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Memo from William H. Hendrickson, Superintendent NYC NPS Group, to Regional Director, North Atlantic Region, June 13, 1975, National Ellis Island Association File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Chronology of Ellis Island Under NPS Management, "Ellis Island Study," 1978. 6 The NPS tried a number of things to stop the theft and vandalism. It asked the Jersey City Police Department to help patrol the shore facing Ellis and keep a eye on the island; a guard was stationed on the premises for eight hours a day and night boat patrols were instituted; doors through which intruders had gained access to buildings were replaced, barred and chained; and New York City Harbor Police were asked to make a check of Ellis each night and notify NPS officials of any suspicious activities. When intruders were caught, the NPS indicated its willingness to prosecute them. But, nothing short of installing an electrical alarm system and posting round-the-clock guards could totally secure the facility, and these measures would cost more than the NPS could afford. Harlan Unrau, "Administrative History of Ellis Island: 1954-1982," and Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports, June-September 1966, January 1967, March 1967. 7 United States Department of Interior, STLI NM, Liberty Island; Unrau, "Administrative History of Ellis Island"; "Ellis Island at Low Point in Its History," New York Times, March 5, 1968; Milton C. Markowitz, Regional Director, GSA, to Superintendent Newell H. Foster, STLI NM, July 3, 1963; Walter J. Nitkiewicz, Museum Specialist (Art), Inspection of Murals-Ellis Island; Memo from Ralph H. Lewis, Chief, Branch of Museum Operations, to Regional Director, NERO, December 20, 1967, D62, Museum and Exhibit Activities (AMI) 1968 File, Storage Area, Liberty Island. In 1970 the GSA undertook a program to locate and salvage many of the art works created by members of the WPA Art Projects in the 1930s. As a part of this effort GSA representatives visited Ellis Island and found about 80 feet of the Laning mural salvageable. In 1971, over an eight-day period, the mural was removed from the dining room walls and taken to a New York studio for restoration. The GSA hung the restored mural in the Brooklyn Federal Court House. 8 New York Times, March 5, 1968; Townsley, Monthly Narrative Report, July 1965, December 1965; Acting Superintendent Zollar, Monthly Narrative Report, January, 1967; Chronology of Ellis Island Under NPS Management, "Ellis Island Study," 1978; Memo from Acting Assistant Director, Coop. Activities, to Regional Director, NERO, November 5, 1968, D18, Master Plan-Ellis Island GMP-Ellis Island File, Drawer 1, Administration Building; United States Department of Interior, NPS, "A Master Plan for Ellis Island," June 1968, pp. 4, 15, 16, 20. 9 "A Master Plan for Ellis Island," June 1968, pp. 4, 17-18, 16; Ernest Allen Connally, chief, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, to Director, NPS, January 10, 1969, Statue of Liberty File, Drawer 5, Artifact Room. Among those who felt the hospital and kitchen buildings should be retained were Ronald F. Lee, chairman, Special Committee on Historic Preservation; Henry Judd, chief, Branch of Restoration; and Joseph Watterson, chief, Division of Historic Architecture. See Lee to Director, NPS, July 17, 1969 and Joseph Watterson to Chief, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, July 29, 1968, STLI NM (brown) File, Drawer 5, Artifact Room; E. A. Connally to Director, January 10, 1969, Statue of Liberty File, Drawer 5. 10 The team that wrote the report included C. Gordon Cummings, engineer; Judson Ball, architect; and David Schmidt, landscape designer. 11 Chronology of Ellis Island Under NPS Management, "Ellis Island Study," 1978; Estimate for Master Plan Implementation, April 10, 1970, "A Master Plan for Ellis Island." 12 New York Times, March 17, 1970. 13 There is evidence that the President favored this course of action since Nixon had shortly before granted special clemency to Matthew, releasing him early from a six-month jail sentence for tax evasion, so that the doctor could pursue his self-help projects for blacks. See New York Times, January 9, 1970. 14 "NEGRO: Creating Our Own GNP," Newsweek, September 28, 1970; New York Times, August 20, 1970, August 21, 1970; Staten Island Advance, August 2, 1970; NEGRO, "The New Immigrant, America Still the Best Hope," no date; Memo from Ari Hoogenboom to Unit Manager via Museum Curator, June 19, 1974, Ellis Island Data File, Drawer D-N, AMI Curator's Files; Special Use Permit, Ellis Island/ STLI NM and NEGRO, August 19, 1970, Ellis Island-NEGRO (Dr. Matthew occupation of) File, Drawer 2, Administration Building. 15 United States Public Health Service, Environmental Health Service, Leroy G. Marin, Ellis Island Environmental Inspection Tour, September 23, 1970, Ellis Island-NEGRO (Dr. Matthew occupation of) File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; United States Public Health Service, Follow-up Inspection--Ellis Island, April 1, 1971, L30, Land Use Ellis Island, 1971-1974 File, Drawer 1, Administration Building; Jerry D. Wagers, director, New York District, to Dr. Thomas W. Matthew, April 2, 1973, Blue Folder of Ellis Island Documents, Storage Area. 16 Chronology of Ellis Island Under NPS Management, "Ellis Island Study," 1978; Memo from J. Wagers, director, New York District to Director, WASO, through Director, NERO, December 14, 1972, Blue Folder of Ellis Island Documents, Storage Area; Memo from C. L. Brooks, director, NERO, to Director, NPS, April 25, 1973, L-30, Land Use-Ellis Island, 1971-74 File, Drawer 1, Administration Building; "Ellis Island--Options," April 1973, pp. 1, 2-6. 17 "Ellis Island--Options," April 1973, p. 6; Memo from Ernest A. Connally, associate director, Prof. Services, to Director of Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, August 17, 1973, D18, Blue Ellis Island Briefing File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Memo from Ed Kallop, museum curator, to Superintendent Batman, August 13, 1973, Ellis Island Miscellaneous Notes File, Drawer D-N, AMI Curator's Files. 18 Memo from Richard McKiernan, through Assistant Director for Public Affairs, to Director, NPS, November 14, 1974, D18, Blue Ellis Island Briefing Folder, Drawer 2, Administration Building; "Brief History of the Restore Ellis Island Committee," EI-Restore Ellis Island Committee- Dr. Sammartino File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Peter Sammartino to Harrison A. Williams, Jr., July 19, 1974, Blue EI Briefing Folder, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Memo from E. Kallop, museum curator, to Unit Manager STLI NM, June 27, 1974, EI Miscellaneous Notes File, Drawer D-N, AMI Curator's files; Sammartino to Secretary of Interior Morton, July 8, 1974 and August 19, 1974, Blue EI Briefing Folder; Ellis Island Information Sheet sent to Secretary Morton, members of Congress, etc., March 27, 1975, EI-Restore EI Committee-Dr. Sammartino File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Sammartino, "Restoration Plea for Ellis Island," The Star-Ledger, October 23, 1974. 19 Memo from Richard McKiernan, through Assistant Director for Public Affairs to Director, NPS, November 14, 1974, Blue EI Briefing Folder; "Brief History of the Restore Ellis Island Committee;" EI Information Sheet sent to members of Congress, EI-Restore EI Committee-Dr. Sammartino File; Memo from William Hendrickson, superintendent NYC NPS Group, to Director, NARO, January 14, 1975, Blue EI Briefing Folder; Sammartino to Director, NPS, Gary E. Everhardt, April 16, 1975, Blue EI Briefing Folder; Jeannie Mandelker, "The Restoration of Ellis Island," master's thesis, Columbia University, 1976, pp. 10-11, EI-Feasibility Study File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; STLI NM Unit Manager Luis Garcia-Curbelo, Monthly Highlights, May 1975; Sammartino to President Gerald Ford, June 26, 1975, and Nathaniel P. Reed, assistant secretary of interior, to Sammartino, July 18, 1975. Restore EI Committee-Dr. Sammartino File, Drawer 2, Administration Building. 20 Jill Rifkin, "Ellis Island: Sinking Into the Waters of History," The Downtown Herald, May 16, 1975; Mandelker, "The Restoration of Ellis Island," p. 21; Memo from William Hendrikson, superintendent, NY Group, to Regional Director, April 24, 1975, Restore Ellis Island Committee-Sammartino File; Sammartino to Luis Garcia-Curbelo, April 3, 1975, and Garcia-Curbelo to Secretary of Labor John T. Dunlop, April 3, 1975, EI-Restore EI Committee-Dr. Sammartino File; Luis Garcia-Curbelo, Bi-Weekly Highlights, September 1-15, 1975; United States Department of Interior, NPS, News Release, October 28, 1975; Dedication of EI, November 5, 1975, A8215, Drawer 1, Administration Building; Chronology of EI Under NPS Management, "Ellis Island Study," 1978. 21 Memo from J. Wagers, director, NARO, to Superintendent, NYC NPS Group, January 16, 1976, Ellis Island-Ready File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Memo from David A. Richie, acting regional director, NARO, to Superintendent NYC NPS Group, March 1, 1976, Ellis Island File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Memo from Ross Holland, associate regional director, Planning and Resource Preservation, to Deputy Regional Director, April 13, 1976, Organization (EI) File, Drawer 1, Administration Building; United States Department of Interior, NPS, Ellis Island Condition Survey, by URS/Madigan-Praeger, Inc., May 1976, pp. 1-3. 22 David L. Moffitt, Superintendent's Annual Report for 1976, STLI NM; J. Wagers to David J. Bardin, commissioner of environmental protection, New Jersey, March 16, 1976, Ellis Island File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; William Hendrickson, superintendent, NYC NPS Group, to John Zammit, chief, Operations Division, NY District, Army Corps of Engineers, March 11, 1976, EI File, Drawer 2; J. L. Norwood, acting regional director, to Sidney R. Yates, April 16, 1976, EI File, Drawer 2; F. J. Burry to William Hendrickson, March 25, 1976, EI File, Drawer 2; Memo from Denis Galvin, associate regional director, Park System Management, NARO, to Superintendent, NYC NPS Group, February 13, 1976, and "Interim Interpretation at Ellis Island," EI File, Drawer 2; Memo from L. Garcia-Curbelo, Unit Manager, STLI NM, through Superintendent NYC NPS Group to Regional Director, NARO, EI File, Drawer 2; Review with Interpretive Staff of EI Interpretation by Ed Kallop, October 15, 1976, EI Operation File, Drawer D-N, AMI Curator's Files. Chapter 7 1 Program--Opening Ceremonies for Ellis Island, Friday, May 28, 1976, Duplicates File, Artifact Room; David L. Moffitt, superintendent, STLI NM, Superintendent's Annual Report for 1976; United States Department of the Interior, NPS, News release, May 5, 1977, Press Releases 1976-77, Drawer 1, Administration Building; "Ellis Island," The New Yorker, July 11, 1977, pp. 20-21. 2 Proposal for Treatment, Ellis Island, prepared by Gerald Karr, architect, DSC, 1977, Appendix, "Ellis Island Study," May 1978; Moffitt, Superintendent's Annual Report for 1976; Chronology of Ellis Island Under NPS Management, "Ellis Island Study," May 1978; New York Times, December 6, 1978; Philadelphia Inquirer, January 7, 1979. 3 The team members included Ted McCann, Sylvia Cabrera, Richard Giamberdine, Gerald Karr, Paul Lederer, David L. Moffitt, and Nancy Schmitz. They received help from Joseph Antosca, Richard Bowser, F. Ross Holland, Edward Kallop, Michael Tennant and Paul Weinbaum. 4 "Ellis Island Study," May 1978; Unrau, "Administrative History of Ellis Island: 1954-1982"; United States Department of Interior, NPS, Analysis of Alternatives (Environmental Assessment) for the General Management Plan, STLI NM NY/NJ, p. 82. 5 Author's interview with David L. Moffitt, superintendent STLI NM, December 3, 1983; Gary R. Catron, assistant to the Secretary and Director of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, Department of the Interior, to Senator Charles H. Percy, February 13, 1979, D18, Planning Programs-Ellis Island File, Drawer 1, Administrative Building; David L. Moffitt, superintendent STLI NM, to Edward l. Koch, June 6, 1977, D18, Ellis Planning Program, 1977 File, Drawer 1, Administrative Building; Cecil D. Andrus, Secretary of Interior, to Jacob K. Javits, March 18, 1977, D18, Ellis Planning Program, 1977 File; D. Moffitt, Superintendent's Annual Reports, 1977, 1979, 1980, STLI NM. 6 Other members of the planning teams included David L. Moffitt, superintendent STLI NM; Rolf Diamont, landscape architect/planner, NARO; Dan Huff, environmental planner, DSC; Michael Paskowski, interpretive planner, HFC; Jane Scott, historian/planner, DSC; Les Siroky, historical architect, DSC; Gail Slemmer, editor, DSC; Michael Tennant, chief of Visitor Services, STLI NM; Kevin Tremble, transportation planner, DSC; Norma Turner, community planner, DSC; Harlan Unrau, historian, DSC. 7 United States Department of the Interior, NPS Analysis of Alternatives, STLI NM, December 1980, pp. 89-90, 35-46. 8 United States Department of the Interior, NPS, General Management Plan Statue of Liberty National Monument, September 1982, pp. 42-43, 1; United States Department of Interior, NPS, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, "Summary of the Analysis of Alternatives for Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island." 9 Peter Sammartino, chairman, Restore Ellis Island Committee, to Jerry D. Wagers, director, NARO, November 21, 1975, Restore Ellis Island Committee-Sammartino File, Drawer 2, Administration Building; Nathaniel P. Reed, assistant secretary, Fish, Wildlife, Parks, to P. Sammartino, February 5, 1976, Restore Ellis Island Committee-Sammartino File; Memo from Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife, Parks to Secretary of Interior, November 25, 1980; Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Interior and Ellis Island Restoration Commission, Inc., December 12, 1980; Philip Lax to Officers and Executive Committee of Ellis Island Restoration Commission, Inc., January 6, 1981, A44, Memos of Agreement with Federal, State, Local Agencies File, Administrative Building; Author's interview with D. L. Moffitt, superintendent, STLI NM, December 3, 1982. Chapter 8 1 U.S. Department of the Interior, NPS, Analysis of Alternatives, STLI NM, pp. 57-58. 2 Analysis of Alternatives, pp. 59-60, 61-69. 3 French-American Committee for Restoration of the Statue of Liberty, "Statue of Liberty Chronology"; Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of the Interior and the French-American Committee for Restoration of the Statue of Liberty, May 26, 1981, Duplicates File, Artifact Room, Liberty Island. 4 Russell E. Dickenson, director NPS, to Philippe Vallery-Radot, November 6, 1981 and to Roger D'Amecourt, executive vice-president, French-American Committee, March 6, 1982; "Statue of Liberty Chronology," Duplicates File. 5 French-American Committee for Restoration of the Statue of Liberty, French Technical Report on Restoring the Statue of Liberty: Preliminary Findings, by Philippe Grandjean, Jean Levron, Pierre Tissier, Jacques Moutard, December 1981, pp. 3-13, 17-23, 26-28, 39; Duplicates File; "Statue of Liberty Chronology;" R. E. Dickenson, director, NPS, to R. D'Amercourt, March 6, 1982. 6 Bergen Record, November 15, 1982. 7 Other commission members included Bob Hope, comedian; Mrs. Delores Hope; Peter G. Peterson, chairman, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, and Loeb; Armen G. Avedisian, chairman and chief executive officer, Avedisian Company; John Kluge, chairman and president, Metromedia T.V.; Philip Lax, president, Ellis Island Restoration Commission; Philippe Vallery-Radot, president, French-American Committee for the Restoration of the Statue of Liberty; Robert Zochowski, representative of the Governor of New Jersey; Morris Pesin, representative of the Mayor of Jersey City. 8 U.S. Department of Interior, News Release, May 18, 1982, Press Release File, Drawer P-R, AMI Curator's Files; Donald Paul Hodel, under secretary of interior, to P. Vallery-Radot, president, French-American Committee, May 25, 1982 and James G. Watt, secretary of interior, to Vallery-Radot, May 25, 1982, Duplicates File. 9 Besides Adlerstein, the team consisted of David L. Moffitt, superintendent, STLI NM; Joe Burdulia, landscape architect/planner, DSC, NY/NJ Support Office; Michael Paskowski, interpretive planner, HFC; Jane Scott, historian/planner, DSC; Les Siroky, historic architect, DSC; Gail Slemmer, editor, DSC; Kevin Tremble, transportation planner, DSC, NY/NJ Support Office; and Harlan Unrau, historian, DSC. 10 General Management Plan, September 1982, pp. 2, 39, 7-11, 43-44; New York Times, December 14, 1981; Author's interview with David L. Moffitt, superintendent, STLI NM, December 3, 1982; U. S. Department of Interior, NPS, Ellis Island, STLI NM, Interpretive Prospectus, June 1982. 11 U. S. Department of the Interior, NPS, General Management Plan STLI NM, September 1982, pp. 35, 36-37. 12 Historians who attended the meeting at Harpers Ferry on May 2 and 3, 1983, included John Higham of Johns Hopkins University; Rudolph Vecoli, University of Minnesota; Roger Daniels, University of Cincinnati; Kathleen Conzen, University of Chicago; Alan Kraut, American University; Mark Stolarik, Balch Institute; and Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, Rutgers University. With members of the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Centennial Commission and NPS interpretive planners, exhibit designers, and cultural resource managers, they discussed ideas for developing the interpretive program at Ellis Island. 13 General Management Plan STLI NM, September 1982, pp. 50-51; Author's interview with David L. Moffitt, superintendent STLI NM, Spring 1983, General Management Plan, pp. 15, 19, 20, 27.
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