Theodore Roosevelt
At the Open Margin:
The NPS's Administration of Theodore Roosevelt National Park
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This history is a record of hard work, of people working to preserve history, both human and natural. It is also the product of hard work, and not just my own.

Dale Blahna, Steve Brechin, and Mark Fly, three friends at the University of Michigan, helped me in many ways, not the least of which was passing along their knowledge of outdoor recreation and conservation.

The Theodore Roosevelt Nature and History Association was generous enough to support my research at the park. It is a model cooperative association whose endeavors deserve the highest praise.

Dan Rylance of the Department of Special Collections at the Chester Fritz Library of the University of North Dakota provided me with copies of William Lemke's correspondence in a timely fashion. The State Historical Society in Bismarck also assisted with archival research.

Edwin C. Bearss and Barry Mackintosh of the Washington Office of the National Park Service did me the favor of reading the entire manuscript. Jim Bennett, John P. Christiano, Don Henderson, Deborah Mangis, Mark Scruggs, and Chris Shaver of the Service's Air Quality Division in Denver reviewed the portions relating to air quality. Their comments have been most helpful. Of course, the analysis and interpretation of events are mine alone, as is the responsibility for accuracy.

Whatever is good about this history is creditable to the staff at Theodore Roosevelt. It was my pleasure to work with them for a summer's time. Jeff Bradybaugh, Paula Cech, Robert Powell, Skip Snow, Susan Snow, Barry Sullivan, Patti Sullivan, and Harvey Wickware all offered useful suggestions, research assistance, or critiques of the text. I especially thank Micki Hellickson, the park's chief naturalist. She knows the North Dakota badlands as well as anyone and her knowledge, coupled with an unstinting interest in my research, have made this a demonstrably better history. To all the staff I extend my thanks. In their dedication they epitomize the finest qualities of the National Park Service; in their vigor and love of nature they epitomize the finest qualities of Roosevelt himself. Perhaps that is his best memorial.

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Last Updated: 15-Jan-2004