Theodore Roosevelt
At the Open Margin:
The NPS's Administration of Theodore Roosevelt National Park
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Figure 4.1. Protective lease stipulations, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, lease sale of 18 November 1974

Billings County, North Dakota

As a condition precedent to issuance of a PROTECTIVE OIL AND GAS LEASE covering lands in the South Unit, Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, I hereby agree to the following Special Stipulations to be made a part of the lease:

(1) No occupancy of the surface is authorized under the lease. Lessee may, however, explore for oil and gas directional drilling from lands outside of the Park providing such drilling will not result in any pollution or adverse environmental impact on the area under lease or on surrounding Park administered lands.

(2) The Superintendent, Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, or his designee, shall be afforded the opportunity to inspect the location(s) of drill sites proposed under lease prior to any surface related disturbances. Drill sites and production related phase improvements shall be located so as to minimize adverse visual impacts from lands included within the boundary of the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park.

(3) Lessee is required to screen from public view and/or paint all aboveground [sic) production related improvements associated with the lease if such proposed facilities, in the opinion of the Superintendent, Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, or his designee, would impair the scenic and aesthetic values of lands under lease or surrounding park lands. If facilities are painted, an appropriate color will be selected which will harmonize with the surrounding environment. The cost of the screening and/or painting shall be borne by the lessee.

(4) Lessee shall employ measures during drilling and subsequent production phases of lease which will minimize noise and prevent degradation of air quality.

It is understood that these special stipulations will be additions to stipulations and restrictions contained in Protective Lease Form 3120-1 [the standard lease form].

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Last Updated: 15-Jan-2004