The following study, which examines one of the most
significant decades in the development of the National Park Service, is
one of the first in what will be a series of administrative histories of
the National Park Service. Initiated by NPS Chief Historian Edwin C.
Bearss, the administrative history program will result in studies that
will not only be of importance to managers in the Service, but will be
of interest to the general student as well.
Any study is the result of the combined efforts of a
number of people, and this one is no exception. Edwin C. Bearss
initiated the program, gave us the project, and was a source of
encouragement throughout preparation of the project. Barry Mackintosh,
NPS Bureau Historian, provided general administrative oversight of the
project. Harry Butowsky, Historian, WASO, supplied us with his
study on nomenclature and the supporting documentation for it. Ben
Levy, senior historian in the Washington office, helped us to find
material on the NPS Advisory Board and shared his insights into the
Historic Sites Act of 1935. Gerald Patten, Assistant Manager, and Nan V.
Rickey, Chief, Branch of Cultural Resources, Mid-Atlantic/North Atlantic
Team, Denver Service Center, provided encouragement for the project and
released us from team-related work so that we could work on it.
John Luzader took time from his own work to read
drafts and offer valuable advice. Mr. Luzader also supplied us with
information that he had uncovered in his own research. David Nathanson,
Chief, Branch of Library and Archival Services, Harpers Ferry Center,
and members of his staff, Richard Russell and Ruth Ann Herriot, provided
us with useful suggestions relative to the availability of manuscript
and printed materials for the study. Tom Lucke, Environmental
Coordinator, Southwest Regional Office, sent us material on Gila Cliff
Dwellings National Monument. Ruth Larison, Rocky Mountain Regional
Office Library was helpful in obtaining material. Shirley Luikens,
Advisory Boards and Commissions, Washington office, assisted us in
locating relevant material in her office. Douglas Caldwell, Anthropology
Division, Washington office, provided us with a draft of William C.
Tweed's "Parkitecture: Rustic Architecture In the National Parks."
One of the unexpected benefits of undertaking this
study has been the opportunity to contact a number of former Park
Service people who were active in the 1930s. We are indebted to all
those who took the time to set down their reactions to the events.
Particular thanks goes to George A. Palmer, who sent us additional
information and made helpful suggestions.
Additionally, thanks go to the staffs of the various
libraries we visited: Library of Congress; National Archives; Bancroft
Library, Manuscripts Division, University of California, Berkeley;
University Research Library, Division of Special Collections, UCLA;
Department Library and Law Library, Department of Interior; and
University of Colorado, Government Publications Division, Boulder,
Finally, Helen Athearn of the Mid-Atlantic/North
Atlantic Team, Denver Service Center, did the paper work associated with
the project, and Evelyn Steinman typed the manuscript.
Harlan D. Unrau G. Frank Williss December