for: Jobs, Permanent Communities, A Stronger Nation

THE UNITED STATES now uses half the lumber, more than half the paper, and two-fifths of the wood in all forms consumed in the world. F-383248

MANUFACTURE of useful products from this type of raw material provides employment for millions of men and makes large pay rolls. F-373914

BUT less than one-fourth of the original saw timber stand remains. More than one-third of this is in western Oregon and Washington, while the East with three-fourths of the land and four-fifths of the people has less than one-third of the timber. F-394646

THREE-FOURTHS of our commercial forest land is privately owned. It produces 95 percent of our timber cut, and constitutes nine-tenths of our timber-growing capacity. Far too little of this is under any form of management. F-396959

AS A result of destructive cutting and fire, between 75 and 80 million acres of timber-growing land are idle. F-391257

WE HAVE left less than one-fourth of the original stand of virgin timber of the kind that was here when the country was settled. But it constitutes three-fourths of our saw timber. When it is cut, we must rely entirely upon second-growth forests, which have been so neglected and mismanaged that despite their large area they contain only a small portion (less than 25 percent) of our available saw timber. F-396960

VIRGIN FORESTS are steadily being reduced, and second-growth forests are being cut and burned about as fast as they grow. F-396953

TO MEET the real requirements of our people for forest products, with a margin for export and safety, growth should be nearly doubled. F-390801

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Last Updated: 30-Jan-2009