The Clearwater Story:
A History of the Clearwater National Forest


In 1959 Regional Forester Charlie Tebbe and I were discussing some of the events that had taken place on the Clearwater National Forest. It was during this discussion that we agreed it was unfortunate that the Forest did not have a written history. Charlie then suggested that I write it. He further remarked that if I didn't do it, he doubted anyone else would.

I was a busy man, but worked on the history at odd times over the next three years. Most of it I dictated. Much of my dictation was not transcribed until after I retired in 1963. "The Clearwater Story" was printed in 1964, but the history of the Forest concluded as of 1960.

It was well received by the Forest Service and the general public. There have been several thousand copies given to interested persons by the Forest Service. However, I was not satisfied with it. It was not a complete history and it contained a number of errors. Some of the errors were factual, but most of them were in the spelling of names. Some dates were wrong.

Several people have urged me to rewrite the "Clearwater Story." This second book is an effort to present a more complete, accurate, and up-to-date history of the Clearwater National Forest as of the late 1970's.

Ralph S. Space

Ralph S. Space

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Last Updated: 29-Feb-2012