Trails of the Past:
Historical Overview of the Flathead National Forest, Montana, 1800-1960


Many people provided generous assistance with this project. Their help locating documents and their thoughtful comments made the process of pulling together the information much easier and more enjoyable than it otherwise would have been. The enthusiasm of many Flathead National Forest employees and retirees about the project and its findings was very encouraging and sustaining.

Flathead National Forest personnel were extremely cooperative throughout the project. Gary McLean, Forest Archaeologist, provided unlimited access to his considerable files and research materials collected over the years, and he suggested contacts for specific research questions. Gerry Bergerson provided work space and gave cheerful assistance whenever requested. The contract administrator, Jacqueline Jensen, was a pleasure to work with. Employees on the various ranger districts provided access to their historical material and answered questions with good cheer. These included Bryan Nichols, Howard McMillan, Ted Richardson, Arne Brosten, Dale Jorgenson, Fred Flint, Jane Packer, Don Hauth, Menno Troyer, Dave Miller, Doug Law, and others.

Jud Moore, public information officer at the Forest Service Regional Office in Missoula, was very generous with his time and knowledge about the extensive historic files and photographs kept at the Regional Office.

Librarians and archivists provided invaluable assistance in tracking down obscure documents. At the top of the list are the librarians and staff in the reference department of the Flathead County Library, especially Rita, Barbara, Nancy, and Kim. They processed pages of Inter-Library Loan requests, allowed me easy access to the Montana files and the microfilm collection, and strove to answer my obscure questions. Their good cheer and persistence make it a pleasure to do research in the library.

Other librarians, archivists, and curators were also very helpful. These include Dale Johnson and Chris Mullin at the University of Montana Mansfield Library; Derryll White at the Fort Steele Archives in British Columbia; Brian Shovers at the Montana Historical Society library; Deirdre Shaw at Glacier National Park; and Nathan Bender at the Special Collections division of the Renne Library, Bozeman. Various staff members at the Federal Records Center in Seattle and the National Archives in Suitland, Maryland, were surprisingly uncomplaining about requests for boxes of papers stored in high, remote corners of their warehouses.

Local historian and retired teacher Henry Elwood provided invaluable support in a number of ways. He graciously shared his historic photograph collection with me. He also answered "history trivia questions" with great care and posed thoughtful questions that led me in new directions. Mark White, Libby District Archaeologist on the Kootenai National Forest, generously shared his relevant research material, leads on sources he has identified, and his enthusiasm for the history of northwestern Montana. Frank Gregg of Whitefish, President of the Stumptown Historical Society, generously allowed me to look through the society's excellent photograph collection. Lee Downes, long-time resident of the North Fork, provided information on historic trapping, grazing, and other topics in the area.

And finally, I owe unlimited gratitude to the five people who volunteered to review and comment on the first draft of the overview. Their comments and queries improved the final product tremendously, although quite a few of their excellent questions remain - alas - unanswered in this document. These five brave souls were George Wilson (retired from the Glacier View Ranger District), Henry Elwood (historian in Kalispell, Montana), Nancy Renk (historian in Sandpoint, Idaho, and co-author of the Kootenai National Forest overview), Mark White (Libby District Archaeologist), and Pat Bik (historian in Helena, Montana). To each of these reviewers, thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Last Updated: 18-Jan-2010