Trails of the Past:
Historical Overview of the Flathead National Forest, Montana, 1800-1960


1803Louisiana Purchase
1804-1806Lewis & Clark expedition
1808David Thompson travels on Kootenai River.
1810Finan McDonald party crossed the Rockies (probably at Marias Pass)
1810-1811Joseph Howse built Howse House for the HBC
1812General Land Office created, initiates survey of the west
1813Pacific Fur Company sells to North West Company
1821merger of HBC and North West Company
1828-29Joshua Pilcher party wintered in Flathead Lake area
1830sdecline of fur trade in Pacific Northwest
1845settlement on Ashley Creek begun
1846Oregon Treaty of 1846 signed
1846HBC traders began operating in Tobacco Plains
1847Fort Connah, HBC post, opened in the Mission Valley
1848Oregon Territory created
1849U. S. Department of Interior created
1850John Owen established a trading post in the Bitterroot
1852Benetsee Finlay found gold in Montana
1853Tinkham party passes through Flathead Valley
1853-54Stevens railroad surveys in western Montana
1854John Mullan party passes through Flathead Valley
1854St. Ignatius Mission founded
1855Hellgate Treaty passed establishing Flathead Indian Reservation
1857-1860British and American boundary surveys along 49th parallel
1858Thomas Blakiston party passes through North Fork
1859first steamboat traveled from St. Louis to Fort Benton by this year
1859-62Mullan Road built
1860Hellgate founded (Missoula area)
1860Fort Kootenai in Tobacco Plains moved north of the boundary
1862Homestead Act passed
1862Gold discovered at Bannack
1862U. S. Department of Agriculture established
1863Idaho Territory formed, including what is now Montana
1863Gold discovered at Alder Gulch
1864Montana Territory formed
1864Gold discovered at Last Chance Gulch and Butte
1864Montana Territory created
1864start of gold rush to Wild Horse in British Columbia
1864federal government granted NPRR approximately 13 million acres in Montana
1867rush to Libby Creek
1867Gold discovered on Libby Creek
1871Fort Connah, HBC post, closed in the Mission Valley
1871fires in Wisconsin burned 400 square miles, killed over 1,000 people
1872General Mining Act of 1872 passed
1872first upper Flathead Valley post office established, at Scribner
1875American Forestry Association organized
1877Dawes Act opened reservations to white settlement
1878Timber and Stone Act passed
1870sa few stock raisers lived in upper Flathead a few years
1881Division of Forestry created within U. S. Department of Agriculture
1883Northern Pacific Railroad reached Missoula
1883Lt. John Van Orsdale recommended northern Rockies be a national park
1884Ashley post office established
1884Foy's Mill, water-powered sawmill, built in the Flathead
1885first steamboat on Flathead Lake
1885Canadian Pacific Railroad reached Calgary
1887coal claims located on the Coal Banks in the North Fork
1887Demersville founded
1889forest fires burn large areas of northwest Montana
1889Montana became a state
1889Inter Lake first published
1890Lt. Ahern and soldiers crossed the North Fork
1891Great Northern Railway reached Flathead Valley
1891coal discovered in the South Fork
1891Kalispell founded
1891Columbia Falls founded
1891Forest Reserve Act passed
1891Yellowstone Forest Reserve, first in the country, created
1893Flathead County formed out of Missoula County
1893Great Northern Railway transcontinental line completed
1895Old Steel Bridge built over Flathead River east of Kalispell
1895Montana State Fish and Game Commission formed
1897Forest Reserve Act of 1897 passed
1897Flathead and Lewis & Clarke Forest Reserves created
1897start of Klondike gold rush
1898Spanish-American War
1898first American college of forestry opened at Cornell
1901John O'Brien Lumber Company began production
1901wagon road up east side of North Fork of Flathead built
1901oil drilling in the Kintla Lake area
1902Flathead Lumberman's Board of Trade organized
1903oil drilling in the Swiftcurrent area
1904Whitefish founded
1904Great Northern Railway line relocated in Flathead Valley to the north end of the valley
1905Administration of Forest Reserves transferred to Department of Agriculture
1905Bureau of Forestry renamed Forest Service
1905Forest Service Use Book issued
1905Flathead National Forest headquarters moved from Ovando to Kalispell
1905I. W. W. organized
1906Forest Homestead Act opened some national forest lands to homesteaders
1906Agricultural Appropriation bill passed
1906first Forest Service phone line built (in Wyoming)
1907Congress passed act prohibiting creation of additional forests from public domain within Montana and other states
1907term forest reserves replaced by national forests
1907I. W. W. strike at Somers Lumber Company mill
1907-08first pack animals bought by FS for use in the northwest, brought to Big Prairie
1908phone line between Kalispell and Coram built, first on Flathead National Forest
1909Montana state board of forestry established
1909I. W. W. strike at Somers Lumber Company mill
1910Glacier National Park created by Congress
1911Weeks Act, federal purchase of Forest lands to protect navigable streams
1911Northern Montana Forestry Association formed
1912Federal government mandated land classification of all national forest land
1913-1990 MMBF Forest Service timber sale in Swan Valley
1914first fire lookout built on Flathead National Forest, on Spotted Bear Mountain
1917IWW strike among loggers in the Pacific Northwest
1917Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen formed
1917U. S. involvement in World War I
1917Northern Pacific Railroad line completed to Polson
1917first automobile purchased for a Region One national forest
1917I. W. W. strike among woodsworkers and mill workers in Pacific Northwest
1918Prohibition began in Montana
1918Sedition Act passed in Montana
1918Stillwater, Swan River, and Coal Creek State Forests created
1920sfirst logging trucks used in the Flathead
1923Spotted Bear Game Preserve created
1924Clarke-McNary Act passed giving funds for cooperative fire protection
ca. 1925steamboat passenger travel on Flathead Lake ended
1925first aerial fire patrol in Region One
mid-1920sroad from Coram to Spotted Bear built
mid-1920ssawed railroad ties began to replace hewn ties
1922first campground on Flathead National Forest land approved
1926McSweeny-McNary Forest Research Act, provided for grazing fee reductions for allotment improvement
1928Flathead Mine began production
1929Half Moon fire
1929stock market crash
1929Superior Lumber Company of Columbia Falls began providing ready-cut lookouts
1930Region One established a Remount Depot
1930Knutson-Vandenberg Act passed allowing for cash deposits for timber stand improvement work
1931last river drive in the Flathead
1931South Fork Primitive Area established
1933Flathead and Blackfeet National Forests consolidated
1933Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) established
1933Prohibition repealed
1933Pentagon Primitive Area established
1934Taylor Grazing Act passed as a means to administer grazing on public lands
1934-35Article X of the National Recovery Act mandatory
1936Spotted Bear Game Preserve eliminated
1938Fair Labor Standards Act mandated 40-hour work week
1939President once again had authority to create forest reserves in Montana
1939Flathead National Forest built first road up Big Mountain
1940Bob Marshall Wilderness area designated
1942CCC program ended
1942coal mine in North Fork closed
1942U. S. involvement in World War II
1940slumber company tugboats on Flathead Lake ceased operation
1944Sustained Yield Management Act passed
1944smokejumping standard practice in Region One
1945end of World War II
1945Continental Unit (aerial forest fire control area) created
1945first reduction in number of lookouts on Flathead National Forest
ca. 1945significant growth in Montana timber industry
1946Flathead Mine closed
1947Big Mountain Winter Sports incorporated
1948hearings in Kalispell about proposed Glacier View Dam
late 1940sSomers Lumber Company sawmill ceased operations
1949severe windstorm damages much timber on Flathead National Forest
1949-53Hungry Horse Dam constructed
early 1950sinsect infestation on Flathead National Forest timberlands resulting from blowdown of 1949
1953Region One Remount Depot began to be phased out
1955Anaconda Aluminum Company plant went into production
1956Montana's first pulp mill built, in Missoula area
1957Forest Service established Operation Outdoors
1960Multiple Use - Sustained Yield Act passed
1969Northern Montana Forestry Association ceased operations

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Last Updated: 18-Jan-2010