Public Camp Manual


Before improvement work is undertaken on any area, the site should be selected, named and entered on the Forest Camp Ground Improvement Record sheets and on the Forest Recreation map, and this information sent to the Regional Forester so that the records in Lands may be kept up to date.

Where patented land lines are unknown, these lines should be determined and posted, to avoid construction of improvements on private land.

If there is any possibility that an area may be covered by mineral locations, the land should be selected and posted as a Public Service Site and the boundaries plainly marked. In every case, there should be a sign or signs informing the public that the land has been set aside for public use.

The Solicitor of the Department has ruled that public camps, upon which improvements have been constructed with funds appropriated by Congress for Sanitation and Fire Prevention, are withdrawn automatically by such improvement and use from location under the mining laws. Full publicity should be given this ruling wherever necessary.

Should there be any mineral locations on selected and improved camps on your Forest which are interfering with the use of the camps, submit a complete report, giving the name of the locator, the name of location, date of filing, and any other pertinent facts, in order that injunction proceedings may be instituted if necessary.

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Last Updated: 11-Jan-2010