District Rangers
*Moved to Federal Building, Klamath Falls, early in year. Forest Guards (may be incomplete)
PERSONNEL CHANGES Supervisor Hugh B. Rankin retired November 30, 1933. Karl L. Janouch, Assistant Supervisor, was promoted to Supervisor effective December 1. A retirement dinner for Supervisor Rankin was held November 20 at the Rogue Elk Hotel. It was attended by 135 yearlong employees, protective assistants, camp superintendents, and foremen. John D. Holst was the master of ceremonies. On November 15, a Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Rankin's honor was held in the Hotel Medford. It was attended by an overflow crowd of citizens from Medford and vicinity, including businessmen and women, Army officers, representatives of the Park Service and Forest Service. Ira J. (Jenks) Mason reported for work as Assistant Supervisor on December 2. William J Sproat, Assistant Forester (Forest Examiner), was terminated without prejudice due to lack of work on February 28, 1933. Jesse G. C. Elgan resigned by request on October 15, 1933. Hugh A. Ritter, District Ranger of Dead Indian District, took charge of the Klamath and Dead Indian Districts. The name of this combined District was "Dead Indian-Klamath District." Headquarters was moved from Big Elk Ranger Station to Lake of the Woods, for a summer station. Winter headquarters were located in the Federal Building, Klamath Falls. OPERATION Reg. T. A. - The Secretary had just issued the following regulation for occupancy use, protection, and administration of the National Forests: "Interfering on lands of the U. S. within a national forest, by intimidation, threats, assault or otherwise, with any person engaged in the protection, improvement, or administration of the national forests is hereby prohibited." Six Twenty-Six* *"Six Twenty-Six" was a news media originated in 1916 in the District 6 office (now Region 6). (See Vol. I, page 174) NEW CHIEF FORESTER F. A. Silcox became the new Chief Forester on November 15 succeeding Major Robert Y. Stuart, who was accidentally killed October 23 when he fell from a window in his office on the seventh floor of the Atlantic Building, Washington, D. C. FIRE CONTROL "Field Committee made up of Howard Phelps, Deschutes; Otto Lindh, Rainier; and R. T. Carter, Mt. Hood, has recently prepared the draft of a new Guard Training Handbook. Due to his automobile accident last fall, Carter did not serve on the Committee. "Snow depth at Seven-Mile Guard Station this past winter of 1931-32 was seven feet and more in the hills. This caused a late spring and plenty of water on Upper Klamath Marsh making it possible to boat ride during the summer of '32 where fires were fought in '31. Fall rains in 1932 amounted to seven inches at Seven-Mile." Six Twenty-Six, January 1933 There were 32 Class A fires, 16 Class B, 4 Class C, for a total of 52 fires during 1933. These fires burned over 352 acres. Man-caused fires totaled 42, of which 20 were caused by campers, 16 by smokers, 3 by debris burning, 2 by miscellaneous causes, and 1 by incendiarism. Each District had its own fire training school. Rogue River District school was held at Trail June 15 and 16. Ansil Pearce and J. P. DeWitt conducted the training. The Tillamook fire in northwest Oregon occurred in August. Many CCC camps moved to the area or sent personnel to help. A summary of the fire follows: "Tillamook Fire "Mr. Brundage summarized the Tillamook fire as follows: "The fire started at about 12:30 p.m. on August 14, 1933, within the logging operation of a small logging contractor. It started from friction. There were three men present when the fire started but they had no tools. Had tools been available at the tail block instead of at the landing, some distance away, there might have been a chance of controlling the fire. The logging crew jumped on the fire immediately but could not stop its spread in the highly inflammable logging slash. The fire quickly covered the 100 acres of logging slash which surrounded it and burned over or through a mile strip of burned cutover into a second area of logging slash. Standing snags were chiefly responsible for the fire getting away. These two areas made a very hot fire and from them burning embers were carried by a strong wind over the tops of green timber for a distance of two, or two and one-half, miles to the south. These embers started another fire in the old Brown burn an area of about 1,000 acres, covered with standing snags. Had the fire been confined to the first two areas it probably could have been handled but when it jumped to the Brown burn the problem became most difficult. Soon after the spot fire in the Brown burn started embers were thrown from it, over the tops of green timber, for a distance of about one mile to the south and started two spot fires by crowning in green timber. All this happened before 6:00 p.m. of the first day. Other spot fires were started and by 9:00 p.m. the fire was crowning in green timber at many points. The fire fighters back fired the Brown burn the first night. On August 15 the spread of the fire continued in green timber. "Aug. 14, 15 and 16 were bad fire days, with low humidity and strong northeast to east winds. "August 17, 18 and 19 were fairly good days with cooler temperatures. During this period the fire crews were able to completely surround the now very large fire with fire line, with the exception of a few short gaps. About 500 men were on the fire lines. In building the fire trail the line in some cases crossed points of unburned timber and all of these were not back fired and burned out. The crowns could not be burned out. "Stimulated by a strong east wind, which started to blow during the afternoon of August 20, the fire crowned inside the fire line. It did not run on the ground but crossed the fire lines in many places in the air, and with the east wind continuing on the 21st and 22nd, the fire quickly spread beyond any possibility of control and continued thereafter to spread through snags and green crowns until August 27. "The immediate cause of the very rapid spread of the fire was due to the existence of a series of old logged-off areas and old burns, both covered with snags, separated by narrow strips of green timber, which lay in a southerly direction along the east side of the Coast Range. The strong wind and low humidity were just too much for the protective agencies. "The whole country lacked suitable roads and trails, which slowed up the movement of fire fighting crews. There are no areas on the R-6 Forests, with the possible exception of the west side of the Olympic, according to Brundage, which are as inaccessible as was the Tillamook fire area." GRAZING "Prime steers gathered off the range at the close of the season were sold in limited quantities at 2-1/2 cents. In the Applegate District, a few brought three cents from a California buyer. Young cows and heifers in prime condition are quoted at two cents but there are no buyers. Old cows and steers which show any sign of inferior breed cannot be sold at any price regardless of how fat they are. 1932 prices were one-half cent higher and 1931 prices were approximately two cents higher. "Lambs sold this year direct from the range for five cents in a fairly strong market, as against 3-1/2 cents last year in a very weak market. Wool sold at shearing time at 11 cents, took a raise to 25 cents shortly after, and at the present time has settled to 15 cents, where it seems likely to rest for some time. Last year prices at shearing time were seven cents with no fluctuations later. "The hay crop is about 50 percent lighter than last year. Extremely cold weather last winter prior to snowfall killed about 75 percent of the alfalfa and the permittees are all plowing and reseeding. Pastures in the eastern part of the Forest are in excellent condition, but in all other parts of the Forest they are in poor condition and will not furnish more than about 50 percent of the normal feed. Hay prices are high. The stock owners have a surplus of stock on hand for wintering and no funds for purchasing hay. "An exceedingly heavy snowfall covered all ranges last winter; spring came on late, and it would appear that conditions were excellent for vegetative growth. However, very cold freezing weather preceded the snowfall and a very large percentage of the range plants were damaged. Water was plentiful everywhere." Excerpts from Annual Grazing Report FOREST MANAGEMENT "The 1930 Forest Resource Survey, which included approximately 50 percent of the Rogue River National Forest, has made a perceptible change in the total type acreages and the volumes of most species for the entire Forest. "The ponderosa pine volume remains practically the same because most of it occurs within the intensively cruised portions and western hemlock has been decreased about 60 percent. Douglas-fir, white fir, Shasta fir, sugar and western white pine, and incense cedar have all been increased more than 50 percent. "The total volume for the Forest is now about 15 billion board feet, which is about six billion feet higher than is recorded in the 1922 revision. The area of the Douglas-fir type is some 80,000 acres larger than previously recorded. "The fir-mountain hemlock type on this Forest might better be known as Shasta fir. Pure stands of the latter species, often measuring more than 50,000 board feet per acre, occupy acreage second only to Douglas-fir, and the area on which mountain hemlock predominates is comparatively small, and, as a matter of fact, it, too, may be found in pure stands. W. J. Sproat" Six Twenty-Six, January 1933 Timber sold during the year amounted to 370,310 board feet valued at $1,093.18 or an average of $2.95 per thousand board feet. Timber cut during the year totaled 380,110 board feet valued at $1,205.35. Christmas tree sales amounted to 20,805 linear feet valued at $728.18. "The Owen-Oregon Lumber Company in southern Oregon, according to recent reports, has started logging operations on a unique basis. Former employees of the company have been given permission to log with company equipment and are paid a specified amount per thousand feet loaded on the car. The company contracts to keep the equipment in good condition and guarantees 60% of the wages - win, lose, or draw. If the loggers prove especially zealous and log for less than the contract price, the company will split 50-50 on the surplus. A logging foreman has been selected by the loggers and one unit is in operation at present. Another unit will be organized soon." Six Twenty-Six, January 1933 Owen-Oregon Lumber Company exchange was approved gy the Secretary of Agriculture on August 19, 1933. By means of this exchange, Owen-Oregon Lumber Company transferred ownership of 5,360 acres to the Forest Service for the right to cut timber valued at $5,812 from Forest Service lands. Offered lands were in T35S, R3E, WM (5,040 acres) and T35S, R4E, WM (320 acres). Blister Rust Control Work. In 1933 under the National Industrial Relief Act (NIRA) an intensive control program was initiated with a 30-man ribes eradication checking and reconnaissance camp at Jim Creek. Conrad P. Wessela of Spokane, Washington, was in charge. The CCC program enabled many efforts to be made in forest pest control. There were numerous projects undertaken for control of a massive bark beetle epidemic in southern Oregon and northern California caused by a prolonged drought. IMPROVEMENTS The Ashland Road (Siskiyou Summit Road) was worked on under National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) funds during the winter. Fred Warner, superintendent of Elk Creek Camp, was shifted to this road on October 1 and worked emergency relief crews two five-hour shifts on road construction up to Baker Camp, near the summit. On October 11, Fred Warner transferred to the Umpqua Divide Road to start a similar work and Fern Lewis took over the Ashland crew. Von der Hellen, contractor, was working on the Diamond Lake highway during the summer. This road in its present location was open in the fall of 1933.
PUBLIC RELATIONS "Starting early in June two trucks will start out, one in Oregon and one in Washington, with the avowed purpose of visiting every one of the ECW Camps that is accessible by road and presenting a program of forestry motion pictures and lantern slides. Each truck will be completely equipped with electric light plant, motion picture machines, reels and slides, screen and all accessories for presenting a show except 'the hall and the audience.' "The project will be in charge of George E. Griffith, of the office of Public Relations, who has had many years of experience in this work as well as in forestry.... "The Oregon truck will be manned by W. V. Fuller, director of publicity for the Oregon State Board of Forestry, and A. G. Jackson, technical assistant on the Siskiyou National Forest. The Washington crew will consist of Albert Wiesendanger, forest ranger, formerly of the Mt. Hood and Mt. Baker National Forest and Norman J. Penick, formerly of the Columbia and Mt. Hood National Forests. "All of these men have years of experience, a good background of forestry and woods knowledge, and they will present a vivid, instructive and worthwhile program.... "This educational program is sponsored jointly by the federal, state, and private forest protective agencies."* Six Twenty-Six, June 1933 *This program became well known throughout the Region and was referred to as "Showboat." WILDLIFE The estimated number of game animals on the Forest were: elk, 52; blacktail deer, 4,600; mule deer, 10; black bear, 275. A noticeable increase in the number of coyotes, especially on the Applegate District, was noted, their estimated number being 1,975. LAND EXCHANGE A land exchange with Fruit Growers Supply Company, Hilt, California, was consummated on December 6, 1933. The offered lands were in Townships 40 and 41 South, Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian. These lands comprised 9,260.97 acres lying entirely within the Klamath River Drainage, south of Mt. Ashland. Federal Pay Reduction President Roosevelt ordered a cut of 15% in Federal pay for all Government employees. This cut was effective April 1 and was based on the index of living cost in the current period as compared to the index for the last six months in 1932. Following are excerpts from President Roosevelt's message to Congress on unemployment relief: "It is essential to our recovery program that measures immediately be enacted aimed at unemployment relief.... "The first of these measures which I have enumerated can and should be immediately enacted. I propose to create a Civilian Conservation Corps to be used in simple work, not interfering with normal employment, and confining itself to forestry, the prevention of soil erosion, flood control and similar projects. I estimate that 250,000 men can be given temporary employment by early summer if you give me authority to proceed within the next two weeks. I ask no new funds at this time. "This enterprise is an established part of our national policy. It will pay dividends to the present and future generations. It will make improvements in National and State domains which have been largely forgotten in the past few years of industrial development. More important, however, than the material gains will be the moral and spiritual value of such work. The overwhelming majority of unemployed Americans, who are now walking the streets, and receiving private or public relief, would infinitely prefer to work. It is not a panacea for all the unemployment but it is an essential step in this emergency. I ask its adoption. Franklin D. Roosevelt" Six Twenty-Six, April 1933 For information on Federal Relief Programs (ECW, CCC, ERA, and NIRA) see the end of this year's section. SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CCC The Unemployment Relief or Reforestation Bill was passed by Congress and signed by the President March 31, 1933. It covers National Forests, National Parks, Indian Reservations and other Government reservations, the public domain, as well as state forests and parks. The First Camp in Region 6 "In accordance with the Emergency Conservation Works camp priority list, Captain McMahon, his staff, and 25 enrolled men arrived in Medford on May 13 to establish the first camp listed for Region 6. Typical of regular Army pep, this crew lost no time in getting started for the camp site. A Greyhound bus was used by the railroad company for transportation to the camp site. After a few hours and with the assistance of the passengers, the Greyhound negotiated the 33 miles and deposited the load on Seattle Bar of the Applegate River. Only a little time was needed to 'hash up' and erect the few tents brought along. While waiting for material needed to build camp the men started the first building construction undertaken by ECW in Region 6. This job consisted of constructing buildings at the Star Ranger Station approved under the 1932 Emergency Act." Headquarters "Medford has been designated as district headquarters for about 25 camps to be situated in Southern Oregon. Some 10 officers under the command of Major Clare H. Armstrong and a number of enlisted men comprise the personnel at this headquarters. Major Armstrong and staff arrived in Medford May 15, 1933, and solicited the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce in establishing headquarters. The Rogue River Forest was asked assistance and by that night free office space was secured. Typical of the good will of the City of Medford, the County Fairgrounds with buildings were thrown in for good measure for use as storage of supplies and to serve as the headquarters camp, and on top of that the Chamber of Commerce treated the Major and immediate staff to a banquet.... This headquarters is throwing an extra load on the Rogue River staff because of requested cooperation in getting the 25 camps established. Supervisor Rankin is acting as a liaison officer besides carrying his regular load.... Karl L. Janouch, Assistant Supervisor" Six Twenty-Six, June 1933 Five ECW camps were established on the Rogue River Forest in June. They were:
Some Camp Superintendents were shifted during the summer as follows:
In October several changes were made in Camp locations to prepare for winter work. As near as can be determined, the following changes were made:
A new camp was established at Sturgis Guard Station on Carberry Creek. These changes resulted in the following camps during the winter of 1933-34 (Second Period).
The following facilitating personnel were assigned to the various camps as indicated: (Lists may be incomplete)
Crews worked on construction of buildings at Star Ranger Station, construction of Carberry Road, Elliott Creek Road, and Middle Fork Road.
EXCERPTS FROM MEDFORD CCC DISTRICT NEWS 1934-1941 Medford CCC District came into being as a unit May 15, 1933, when Major Clare H. Armstrong, 6th C. S., transferred from his post at Fort Winfield Scott, San Francisco, and set up headquarters in a section of the old Medford City Hall building. Headquarters, however, was soon moved to the Jackson County Fairgrounds where warehouses and shops were located. Major Armstrong's original two-man staff, Major James R. Bibighaus, Medical Corps, and 2nd Lieut. Fred W. Green, Inf. Res., of Medford, was soon augmented by other officers. Locally enrolled CCC members began to report and were put to work. The early company commanders and staff officers were, for the most part, drawn from the regular Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, but they were gradually replaced by reserve officers and returned to their former posts. Among the first officers to arrive in the district were Capt. Edmund N. Hebert, assigned as quartermaster; Capt. Harold R. Priest, Inf., assistant quartermaster; 1st Lieut. Lewis T. Ross, C. E., executive officer; and 1st Lieut. George A. A. Jones, F. A., assistant executive. The first camp to be established in the district was Camp Applegate, F-41, at Seattle Bar, near Ruch. Clearing for the campsite began May 16, 1933. Capt. B. B. McMahon, Inf., who arrived with Company 926 to occupy Camp Applegate, was the first company commander in the district. He later served for an extended period as District Executive Officer. During succeeding days in the first period of its existence, the Medford District added 14 additional CCC companies. In May 1934, the Eugene District was disbanded and the Medford District spread out to the north. In April 1936, the Eureka District was discontinued and much of the northern California coast country was added to the Medford District. When the Redding District was disbanded in November 1937, the Medford District reached further south. In June 1935, a War Department order sent Major Armstrong to Washington, D. C., and Major George R. Owens took his place as District Commander. It was during the tenure of Major Owens that the district reached a strength of 32 camps. Major Owens was succeeded by Lieut.-Col. Harvey H. Fletcher, Inf., on September 18, 1938. Col. Fletcher was succeeded in the command August 23, 1940, by Major Paul Weiland, F. A., who had been acting as executive officer since the fall of 1937. Major Irvin Robinson, Inf., was in command of the district from April 16, 1941, to the time of its disbandment August 31, 1941. Dr. Hjalmer T. Gentle, Medford District Surgeon, received orders placing him on active duty at Fort Lewis, Washington, August 11, 1941. He had been on CCC duty in the Medford District since May 18, 1933, and became District Surgeon November 24, 1934. He was succeeded by Dr. Lawrence W. Buonocore, Assistant District Surgeon.\, since May 13, 1938. Dr. Buonocore had first reported for duty in the Medford District November 16, 1936; was assigned to Camp South Fork and then to Co. 966, Bly, before becoming District Assistant Surgeon. During the first period (summer, 1933), five camps established in the Medford District were cooperatively administered by the Rogue River N. F. These were Camp Elk Creek, F-37; Camp Applegate, F-41; Camp Upper Rogue, F-38; Camp Lake of the Woods, F-104; and Camp Moon Prairie, F-94. (The "F" number indicates the Forest Service Camp number). Two of the five original camps remained in operation during the second period (winter, 1933), Elk Creek and Applegate, with three new ones added to the Forest Service camp list: Carberry, F-73; South Fork, F-104, absorbing the Lake of the Woods camp for the winter; and Evans Creek, G(F)7, absorbing Camp Moon Prairie, F-94, for the season. (Evans Creek camp was located northeast of Wimer, outside the N. F. boundary, under a free rental agreement with the Oregon State Board of Forestry.) Camp South Fork and Camp Applegate were the only two Forest Service CCC camps in the Medford District which thrived, as such, beyond the second year after inauguration of the CCC program in 1933. The others continued as side or spike camps, or were returned to the military. The receipt form for Camp Evans Creek was dated July 24, 1935; Upper Rogue River, October 31, 1935; Carberry, January 2, 1936; and Elk Creek, July 20, 1936. Records for the 19 periods the Medford District was in existence indicate many side camps including Lookout, at Pothole Guard Station; Star, at Star Ranger Station; Little Applegate on the Little Applegate River; Pelican on Varney Creek; South Fork at the Imnaha Guard Station; Soda Springs at Dead Indian Soda Springs; Silver Fork on Silver Fork Creek; Medford located at Medford District Headquarters; and Ashland Peak, Prospect, Butte Falls, Anderson Creek, Wagner, Rush Creek, and Union Creek were all side camps of either South Fork or Applegate camps during the years. On June 21, 1941, Camp Applegate was discontinued with camp personnel going to Camp Klamath. It then became a side camp of Camp South Fork and its custody returned to the Army by the Forest Service August 21, 1942. When the Medford CCC District was disbanded August 31, 1941, Camp South Fork, the sole Rogue River N. F. camp remaining in the district, was one of seven camps transferred to the Vancouver District. The other nine camps in the district were transferred to the Sacramento District. The disposition report of South Fork Camp by the Forest Service to the 13th Naval District in Seattle was dated October 22, 1942. Over the years, CCC enrollees accomplished a great deal of improvement work on National Forest lands including the building and maintenance of roads, trails, and campgrounds. They planted trees, and piled and burned brush. The South Fork Camp maintained a sign shop for the Rogue River, Umpqua, and Siskiyou National Forests. Enrollees made furniture for Forest Service offices and landscaped Ranger District Office sites. But one of the chief jobs they had, especially during the summer, was forest fire fighting. The most spectacular fire they were called to fight was on September 26, 1936, when Bandon, Oregon, was destroyed and thousands of acres were burned. Twelve companies of enrollees from the Medford District were called in for suppression, and a total of 3,000 men from CCC camps were involved in the fire fighting. The Medford District, it is believed, was the first in the United States with a separate schoolhouse in every camp. The District also pioneered the use of movies for camp educational purposes. The Medford District News, published first on November 1, 1934, was named as the nation's best CCC district newspaper in the only contest of its kind ever conducted. The first edition was edited by Lieut. Roy D. Craft. George C. Schmidt, a former educational adviser, published the last three issues, the final issue being dated September 1, 1941. The July 1938 issue was the only scheduled publication to be cancelled during the nearly seven years of the newspaper's printing. In an article from the final issue, six "Firsts" in the Medford District are listed under date of April 1935: "1. First to use educational films in all camps. In February 1938, a news item claimed Camp Applegate had the tallest flag pole in the Medford District, 103 feet high. Roster records are incomplete; however, the following listings were found in the files for January 25, 1940:
When Camp South Fork was transferred to the Vancouver District, the following men were listed on the camp roster: Max L. Piper, Company Commander; Donald F. Jenkins, Subaltern; Lawrence W. Buonocore, Physician; Nelson F. Smith, Educational Adviser. Brief explanation of the Reforestation Bill, the ECW, the CCC, the ERA, and NIRA. 1. On 3-31-33 the 73rd Congress created "An Act for the relief of unemployment through the performance of useful work and for other purposes," popularly known as the "Reforestation Bill." It stated that ". . . .the President is authorized to provide for employing citizens of the U. S. who are unemployed, in the construction, maintenance, and carrying on of works of a public nature in connection with the forestation of lands belonging to the U. S. or to the several states which are suitable for timber production, the prevention of forest fires, floods, and soil erosion, plant pest and disease control, the construction, maintenance or repair of paths, trails, and fire-lanes in the national parks and national forests and such other work on the public domain, national and state, . . . (as determined to be desirable)." 2. The Emergency Conservation Work (ECW) was created by Executive Order 6101 of 4-5-33 under authority of the Reforestation Bill above. It provided for the carrying out of the provisions of the Reforestation Bill, under the name of "Emergency Conservation Work." With reference to these bills President Roosevelt said, "I propose to create a Civilian Conservation Corps to be used in simple work, not interfering with normal employment and confining itself to forestry, the prevention of soil erosion, flood control, and similar projects." 3. On 5-12-33 the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (ERA) was created "to provide for cooperation by the Federal Government with the several states and Territories and the District of Columbia in relieving the hardship and suffering caused by unemployment, and for other purposes." The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was directed to make available $500,000,000 to the ERA "to make grants to the several states to aid in meeting the costs of furnishing relief and work relief and in relieving the hardship and suffering caused by unemployment in the form of money, service, materials, and/or commodities to provide the necessities of life to persons in need as a result of the present emergency . . . ." 4. On 6-16-33 the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was passed. This was "An Act to encourage national industrial recovery, to foster fair competition, and to provide for the construction of certain useful public works, and for other purposes." Section 205 of this bill provided "....not less than $50,000,000 of the amount made available by this Act shall be allotted for (A) national forest highways, (B) national forest roads, trails, bridges, and related projects, (C) national park roads and trails in national parks owned or authorized, (D) roads on Indian Reservations and (E) roads thru public lands . . . ." TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROJECT (Region 6) (As reported by Albert Arnst, Staff Assistant, NFS, USFS, Washington, D. C.) (Covering Period June 1931 late 1935) The idea for the study came from the Washington Office and was generated by either Mr. Loveridge or Mr. Norcross. The study was being carried on nationally, but perhaps Region 6 did more intensive work on it than any other Region. The purpose of the Transportation Planning Study was to design a system of roads adequate to reach all portions of a National Forest by automobile and on foot within a given total travel time from recognized fire dispatching stations or headquarters. The travel time allowed was determined by fuel types and other conditions that would influence rate of spread. Certain fuel types that were considered "safer" gave the patrolman or other first line action personnel more time to reach the fire than other fuel types, such as snag area, for instance. The study required the preparation of fuel type base maps showing in color the recognized fire hazard conditions and the rate of spread indices. This would be compared with another map showing the existing road and trail system with each road indicated in color legend, as to design standard and average MPH travel speed; and an additional map showing the location of existing lookout stations. The "coverage" obtained by first-line fire personnel was indicated by showing on vellum overlays how much country could be reached by traveling over a given road system within a given travel time. By making another map showing redesigned road systems of higher speed standards or new roads, another vellum could be prepared showing additional travel coverage that could be obtained to meet the travel standards. Although my participation in this project began in June 1931 (upon graduation from Oregon State College School of Forestry, Corvallis, Oregon), the project had actually been initiated some months prior to that, under the direction of R. F. Grefe, office of Fire Control in the Regional Office in Portland, Oregon, working under Fire Chief Fred Brundage. Mr. Grefe was assisted by the late Mr. R. A. Bottcher, who was working on that part of the study relating to road construction and design and standards. Mr. Grefe came from the Cascade National Forest (now Willamette) at Eugene, Oregon. He later was Regional Engineer, succeeding the late Mr. Jim Franklin. During a part of the summer of 1931 we worked with Richard McArdle, who was then attached to the Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station. Mr. McArdle was determining visibility of "smoke" on land areas covered by lookout stations, under varying smoke and atmospheric conditions. Our procedure was to establish radio or telephone contact with a lookout station and then work out progressively by road or trail in an increasing radius to determine how far the observer could spot a small smoke. Smoke was simulated by smoke bombs that could be "fired" progressively at various field locations. The Byram haze meter was also used. Upon the basis of these smoke bomb tests, it was determined that under the most favorable visibility conditions a lookout observer could spot a fire 15 miles away, under average summer conditions 8 miles, and under emergency smoked-in conditions only 5 miles. It then became a project to prepare "seen-area" maps showing detection coverage provided by the existing lookout system. For this purpose the seen-areas were sketched in special transparent colors on plasticele discs that were centered on the individual lookout locations. A mounted base map of each national forest with small metal pegs placed for each lookout location, was used to indicate the composite seen-area from all the lookout stations or any combination of stations, for the three radii previously described. By comparing this coverage with a fuel type map it was easy to determine which fuel types were adequately covered by the lookout system, and conversely, where the blind spots existed that required supplemental lookout coverage. The big problem in preparing the seen-area maps was to arrive at an accurate system of seen-area mapping. Our consultant on this was Mr. Lage Wernsted, a skilled photogrammetist in Engineering who was adept at preparing contour maps from oblique aerial photos or from "flat" photos he had secured as panoramas from triangulated lookout stations. Where contour maps were available it was possible to use those photos as guides and project line of sight delineations that showed visible areas. Mr. Wernsted developed a special plotting instrument, which we called a "harp", that was useful in determining where lines of sight from an established elevation would intersect contour lines on distant ridges. If no contour maps were available, the mapper had to identify drainages on an ordinary base map and then do the best job he could by comparing photos against map legends. We found that the standard oriented panoramic photos, obtained with the Bush Osborne special camera for fire-dispatching purposes, were extremely useful in seen-area mapping. The presence of a "level line," the plus and minus angles of elevation and depression, and the recorded azimuth circle readings were great aids in mapping work, especially where contour maps were available. The problem was that there weren't enough panoramic photos available from a sufficient number of lookouts to be meaningful for any large scale mapping project. Nor were there sufficient cameras to carry on a large-scale photography project. In cooperation with Mr. Osborne, it was decided to order about six more "photo-recording transits" so that an expanded photographing project could be launched. These custom built "transits" (or cameras) were delivered at various times during 1932. Considerable time was spent with Mr. Osborne in testing each transit carefully for scale calibrations on the azimuth circle and the plus and minus angles. This meant occupying a test station on the rooftop of the Federal Building in Portland and securing panoramic photos of the several horizons. On these pictures we carefully checked all photographed calibrations for accuracy. The Presidential campaign of 1932 elected Franklin D. Roosevelt as President. Shortly after he assumed office in January 1933 it became apparent that extensive conservation and natural resource programs would be launched early that year, including the now well-known Civilian Conservation Corps. Since our cameras had been pretty well tested by this time we made plans to ask for funds with which we could employ a six-man camera crew to secure photos from lookout stations. We secured approval in early 1933 and at the close of the school year in June put our crew of cameramen in the field, with myself being in charge of the highly mobile crew. During most of 1933 we worked under many adverse conditions because the camera crew had to be technically attached to CCC Camps and could not travel on standard per diem allowances. The camera crew consisted of Lester Moe, R. L. Cooper, J. D. Rittenhouse, Robert M. Snyder, William Burchall, and Reino Sarlin. With the exception of Mr. Burchall they were all college students, mostly in forestry, who elected to stay out of college for the duration of the project. Their time was required during the winter months to prepare seen-area maps from all the panoramic photos secured during the field season, a full-time job in itself. The field work was unusual in that we had to work straight through, including Saturdays and Sundays, whenever visibility conditions were favorable, so that we could obtain the best photos possible. If we were working in a west-of-the Cascades area and ran into a local forest fire situation that smudged the air, we would transfer operations literally overnight to some other location where the air was clear. Sometimes this meant a long trip. We worked in all of Oregon and Washington and occupied every lookout station that provided detection coverage on a National Forest area. This included State lookouts, protective association stations, etc. Along the Snake River in northeastern Oregon, on the Wallowa National Forest, we secured photos from the Seven Devils Range (R-1) in Idaho, looking back into Oregon. We also cooperated with Eastman Kodak Co. in developing special film that would be effective in penetrating haze and smoke. We finally-adopted a special emulsion infra-red sensitive film that when used with red filters cut through haze and smoke miraculously. Many other interesting experiences could be described because of the wide variety of stations occupied, ranging from tree towers to 120' steel towers. It required considerable ingenuity in some locations to find and occupy a suitable camera station. Rooftops and catwalks around observation cabins were commonly used. After the field season terminated most of the crew stayed on during the winter to prepare seen-area maps from the panoramic photos, using USGS contour maps where available and base maps otherwise. One winter we were domiciled at the newly constructed Summit Guard Station near Government Camp, Oregon. This provided both favorable working conditions and an outdoor environment in which to let off steam after hours of tedious mapping. I remained with the detection planning project until late 1935, when we completed the occupation of every usable lookout station in Oregon and Washington. In 1936, Mr. Bob Reinhardt, now in Timber Management in the Washington Office, was put in charge of follow-up work on the detection planning project. He carried on by occupying newly developed lookout stations and filling in the gaps as they occurred. I understand that he also cooperated with other agencies in making the Forest Service cameras available for their use. I am not familiar with these details and would suggest that Mr. Reinhardt be contacted to give you a more authentic report. Upon completion of the project I prepared a final report, describing in more detail some of the technical aspects mentioned. Copies of this should be available in Fire Control files of approximately 1935. /s/ Al Arnst
District Rangers
PERSONNEL CHANGES "Kenneth P. McReynolds transferred from the Umpqua National Forest to Fire Assistant on the Rogue River National Forest in April. "John D. Holst transferred from the Butte Falls District Rangership in October to the Hines Timber Sale on the Malheur National Forest. Maurice L. Tedrow, assistant ranger on the Dead Indian District, was reassigned to the Butte Falls District Ranger position. "Senior Ranger John E. Gribble retired after a career covering 27 years with the Forest Service. His last work in the Service was to be in charge of a Port Orford cedar timber sale on the East Fork of the Coquille River just a few miles from where he started work cruising under the first Supervisor on the Siskiyou Forest in 1907." Six Twenty-Six Ira J. Mason transferred to the Regional Office April 26. MISCELLANEOUS The Diamond Jubilee, Commemorating Oregon's admittance to the Union 75 years before, was held in Medford from June 3 to 9. Supervisor Janouch served on the reception committee for Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace on June 3. Recreational headquarters were set up in a leased room in the business district on Main Street by the Forest Service and the Park Service Representatives from both agencies were on duty from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. to meet the public and distribute pamphlets on fire control, forest manners, Diamond Lake, Lake of the Woods, and other related subjects. Mr. Andrews represented the Park Service and either John Gribble, Robert Mansfield, or Kenneth McReynolds, represented the Forest Service. An estimated 2,000 contacts with the public were made during the four days from June 6 to 9, inclusive. Supervisor Janouch represented the Forest at the first Recreation School for the Umpqua, Siskiyou, and Rogue River Forests held in November at the CCC Camp at Oregon Caves. Attending from the Umpqua was Harold Thomas, recreation foreman. The three-day discussion, headed by Fred Cleater and Emmett Blanchfield of the Regional Office, was set up to aid in the recreation work to be developed during the winter. Similar training schools were held in nearly all Region 6 Forests for the first time. On July 23 a special-use permit for a resort at Dead Indian Soda Springs was issued to J. R. Tyrrell. In 1940 this permit was incorporated with permits for a swimming pool (issued July 29, 1932), residences (issued in 1937 and 1939), and for a telephone connection (issued June 17, 1936) under a special-use permit for a resort. The resort permit was in effect until it was transferred April 21, 1954, to the Methodist Church, Oregon Conference, for a church camp site. During the summer of 1949, the Tyrrells also operated and maintained a campground under special-use permit at the Soda Spring location. A District Ranger-Staff meeting was conducted January 2 and 3 by Karl Janouch who had just recently been assigned Forest Supervisor. Many items were discussed. Based on January 1 statistics, 540.9 miles of satisfactory roads and 223 miles of unsatisfactory roads existed on the Forest, their total value being $935,436. At that time it was estimated that an additional 761.1 miles of roads were needed. Value of trails existing in 1934 was $152,891 (satisfactory, 1,542 miles; unsatisfactory, 62 miles). It was planned to drop 439 miles of the trail system. By way of comparison over the next 30-year period, the following figures are given:
"Rogue River Timber Co. Exchange "The Rogue River Timber Co., which owns standing timber along the highway leading into the Crater Lake National Park between Prospect and the Rogue River Forest boundary, decided to begin logging. Public sentiment was aroused by public spirited groups against despoiling the landscape and a demand on the Forest Service for an exchange with the Company so as to protect the highway timber, was made. The Company, taking advantage of public pressure brought to bear on the Forest Service, attempted to secure an exchange on terms which the Forest Service could not meet. This put the Forest Service on the spot. The situation was reversed when the Forest Service told the Company that if a strip of timber were left along the highway, the Forest Service would allow foot for foot in exchange, providing the Company would agree to exchange an additional 5,000 acres on an equitable basis to be determined later. This offer is still being considered." From a Regional Office report of January 12, 1934. FIRE ACTIVITIES First fire in 1934 broke out on the afternoon of February 13 on French Gulch in the area near Little Greyback Mountain in the Applegate section. It burned over about three acres in an open stand of pine. Records for 1934 show causes of fires as follows:
FOREST MANAGEMENT Total annual cut on the Forest was 1,888,000 board feet valued at $3,035.12; total timber sold, 414,000 board feet valued at $509.06, while 14,381 lineal feet of Christmas trees, valued at $515.48, were sold. In 1934, blister rust control work was transferred to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine with three camps totaling about 100 men. The reconnaissance survey extended over most of the better five-needled pine areas in the upper Rogue.
GRAZING "The livestock industry in the locality was practically the same as in 1933 with a slight trend toward better values received and a stronger market for cattle. However, as the annual grazing report for the Forest pointed out, sheep and wool markets were about the same as in the previous year. "The prices for stock varied considerably. Prime steers from Klamath pastures brought, in one instance, 4-1/2 to 5 cents per pound although an average of 3-1/2 to 4 cents was secured by Forest permittees for good beef steers. Some bunches sold for 2 and 2-1/2 cents while two-year-old heifers brought 3 and 3-1/2 cents. The lamb market ranged from three to six cents. Wool sold for 15 to 30 cents, although the average was about 21-1/2 cents. "In reality the financial status of the stockmen was not good. Most of the ranchers had mortgaged their ranches and stock. Little assistance was received from the bankers and, with low prices, the stockmen did well to break even. "The hay crop was from 20 to 50 percent of normal years, although prices were up. The first cutting of alfalfa in the field sold for $6 to $8, while the last crop brought as high as $10. Due to water shortage only a few ranchers got more than one cutting of alfalfa. Most of the hay in the Applegate country was sold to feeders for $9. In that locality many ranchers were forced to purchase hay at high prices as the pasture situation was very grave." The report continued: "For those who have any kind of pasture, feeding will not start until after the first of the year, due to the very favorable late rains and mild weather; no snow at all in the valleys. Several permittees have stated that in order to purchase feed, it will be necessary for them to sell part of their stock. "The operating costs this year are from 20% to 30% higher than in 1933. Sheepherders received from $30 to $40 per month and board. Riders, where hired, received $80 to $100, hay hands $1.50 a day and board. "Last winter was exceptionally open and mild, with rainfall far below normal, snowfall about 75% below normal, and practically no freezing weather. "Precipitation measurements taken from Rustler Peak in 1933 and 1934 show quite a difference for the period from June 11 to September 30.
"Precipitation registered on Rustler Peak is comparable to all Forest ranges on the east side of the Rogue River Valley. All vegetation started from a month to six weeks earlier than usual but was beginning to dry up by the first of June when there was a good rain. This was followed by a period of three and one-half months without any rainfall. During this period the weather was extremely hot, and all forms of vegetation dried up a month earlier than during normal years." Annual Grazing Report
WILDLIFE Estimated numbers of game animals in 1934 were 65 elk, 4975 blacktail deer, 12 mule deer, 380 black bear. Coyotes continued to be a problem, their estimated number increasing to 2150. A recommendation was made that a game refuge, to be known as the Upper Rogue Game Refuge, be set aside in order to secure better game protection and to insure the perpetuation of wildlife. The proposed area would include a strip approximately six miles wide on the west and south of Crater Lake National Park, where hunting for deer and trapping for fur animals are prohibited, the area to include approximately 150,243 acres. Further recommendations called for: 1) a fish and game survey of the entire Forest; 2) State patrol of the Ashland Creek Game Refuge; 3) the State Game Commission to investigate and place screen on irrigation canals; 4) investigation of the elk situation to insure increase of herd and provide summer and winter feed areas; 5) the Biological Survey to carry on a predator control program to exterminate coyote, wildcats, cougars, and porcupines; and 6) an allotment to the Rogue River N. F. for 869,000 fish fingerlings - 100,000 Silver Salmon; 190,000 Cutthroat; 241,000 Eastern Brook Trout; and 338,000 Rainbow Trout. ECW ACTIVITIES Supervisor Janouch called a meeting with ECW camp superintendents February 2 to discuss Army relations, camp maintenance, side camps, foreman conferences, training and education, and responsibility for effective use of the overhead personnel. This meeting was called because of the continual friction between the camp superintendent and camp commander at South Fork Camp. Grievances were aired and apparently the rough spots were smoothed out in the administration of the camps. Those attending the meeting in addition to the Forest Supervisor were Camp Superintendents Ralph Jennings, M. A. Murdock, Fred Warner, Chester Hoover and Louis McGuire; Assistant Supervisors Norman White and Ira Mason; Superintendent of Construction William Jones; District Rangers Lee Port, Hugh Ritter, Jesse DeWitt, and John Holst. Captain Barnwell and Lieutenant Soule attended from Medford District Headquarters. Robert H. Fechner, director of the Civilian Conservation Corps, paid a visit to the Medford District. He made an inspection tour of CCC district headquarters and warehouses, the camp on the upper Rogue River on National Forest land, and camps at Annie Springs and Wineglass within Crater Lake National Park. Six Twenty-Six: "Believed to be the first traveling minstrel to be organized in the annals of the CCC, is a group being gathered in the Medford district under the direction of Lt. G. H. Edwards.... The show will provide both entertainment for the 2000 men in the district and their friends as well as allow those with ability to perform." During the month of December, a number of temporary ECW employees were hired as "Assistant Warehouseman" to assist in overhaul of trucks and machinery. Employment records list them as: Charles Dooms, Ray E. Doty, R. N. Finney, Jack Fortin, Harry Powell, Harry Reed, R. J. Rinabarger, C. L. Smith and Ed Stilwell.
"$243,500 TO BE SPENT IN FOREST NEXT SIX MONTHS Four Hundred Men Will Be Given Work, Outside of Regular Personnel - Hired Through Relief Office "Expenditures of the Rogue River National Forest for the six-months period from April 1 to September 30, will reach an approximate total of $243,500, according to figures released by Karl L. Janouch, forestry supervisor, on the present allotment. "Construction and maintenance of truck trails is expected to total $29,700, while construction and maintenance of horse trails will be $4,700 and construction and maintenance of buildings, $22,100. Four hundred dollars will be expended for the eradication of poisonous plants, and $4,850 will go to recreation development. Surveys will cost $2,000, telephone maintenance $1,600 and fire detection planning $1,000. "Rust Control Expensive Salaries and expenses of the summer fire protection personnel has been listed at $24,000, while rust control (under the bureau of plant industry) will be $56,000. Seven thousand dollars has been allotted to pine beetle control work. "Forest service expenditures for the operation of three civilian conservation corps camps for the six months period according to Mr. Janouch, has been listed at $90,000. This does not include the ECW foreman, although it does take in the 63 experienced woodsmen being hired this week. "'Four hundred men, outside the regular personnel, will be furnished employment in the Rogue River National Forest,' Mr. Janouch said, adding that 'most of them will be placed by our office, with the exception of one hundred men who will be hired by the bureau of plant industry for work in the forest.' "Additional improvement money is expected which will extend the period of employment for part of the crew, it was pointed out. "Aid County Relief - 'I am co-operating with the county relief organization in the selection of employees' Mr. Janouch declared, 'and all employees will be hired through the office of the federal employment agent, with the exception of foremen, cat drivers, powder men, compressor men and truck drivers, who must be selected from the civil service rolls.' "An extensive program has been worked out by the forest service, and includes the construction of the Ashland Peak truck trail, the Umpqua-Rogue River divide truck trail, roads for addition to Lake o' the Woods summer homesite, and the Medford forest service warehouse. "Pine beetle control, near Fort Klamath, for the protection of the Crater Lake National park timber will be included in the summer work, as will blister rust control for the protection of the sugar pine in the Upper Rogue region, said to be the largest and best stand remaining in the state of Oregon. "To Complete Phone Line - Completion of the telephone system in the Forest will be carried out and the development of the Upper Rogue river recreational area, which for recreational purposes is classed as 'unsurpassed in the state.' "Also in the proposed program is construction of a first class horse trail from the boundary of the Crater Lake National park to Lake o' the Woods. This, Mr. Janouch explained, is a section of the noted Sky Line Trail from Mt. Hood to Mt. Shasta in California. "In this forest, it will provide easy horse travel through a section of beautiful country, where numerous lakes are found, and fishing is excellent. "In addition, a great amount of similar work will be accomplished by the civilian conservation corps boys, to be located at Camp South Fork of the Rogue River, Union Creek and Applegate." Medford Mail Tribune During April, several changes were made in the CCC Camps for the third period. Elk Creek Camp F-37 moved April 28 to Union Creek for the summer, and was known then as Upper Rogue F-38. Harold V. Warden was hired as caretaker at Elk Creek and was replaced June 1 by T. L. Snook. Carberry Camp was closed for lack of winter work. William H. Dalrymple was caretaker for the camp. Evans Creek Camp was also closed, as they completed their program. Remaining work was completed by Wimer State Camp P-211. I. D. Bostwick was hired as caretaker. No records were available as to disposition of the camp personnel. The inspection report of April 18, 1934, by M. J. Bowen is the source of these excerpts: (refers to Elk Creek Camp) ".... Will soon vacate this camp for summer months and expect to return here in the fall.... Work projectSuperintendent accompanied me on the work projects and following has been completed to April 1: 24 miles telephone line constructed, 66 miles telephone line betterment, 28 miles truck trails with considerable heavy construction, 40 acres reduction fire hazards, 35 miles roadside clearing, 7-1/2 miles horse trail constructed, 54 miles horse trail betterment, and four bridges. Forestry personnel and enrollees are reported as excellent. Good meals served, also hot lunches at noon.... Cooperation with Forestry and Officers excellent. Meetings are held each week and foremen and Officers discuss all matters pertaining to camp, etc." Following are excerpts from the inspection report of April 10, 1934, by M. J. Bowen of Applegate Camp F-41, CCC No. 926: "WORK PROJECT Superintendent accompanied on the work and following has been completed: 21.2 miles telephone lines, 12 acres reduction fire hazard, 36 miles roadside clearing, 34.2 miles truck trails, 10 acres public campgrounds cleared, 76.5 miles telephone lines maintained, 96.3 miles truck trails maintained, 106 miles horse trails maintained, and 811 man-days in fighting fires. The truck trail work was very heavy construction. Superintendent reports the men are very satisfactory, also the Chevrolet truck. Meals served are good. Many of enrollees have learned how to operate road machinery and compressors.... Cooperation between Forestry and Army excellent." COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Reference: Applegate Camp Co. 926th F-41, Ruch, Oregon. April 10, 1934 Mr. Robert Fechner, Director Dear Mr. Fechner: When inspecting this camp (first in Oregon) notice one thing that seems to be much of an improvement over the camps visited; namely, instead of having wash house and showers in a separate building, there is no separate shower, wash house and dry house building but are attached to two barracks as per plan attached. Neglected also to mention in letter attached that other supplies are adequate and of good quality except leather boots, that are unsatisfactory. Camp Supt. and Commander are very capable men, and the morale of camp bears out this statement when a quarantine has been in force about two weeks and still the men are cheerful about it. Trusting yours is satisfactory. I am Sincerely yours, COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Reference: Camp South Fork Rogue River, F-104. Butte Falls, Ore. April 20, 1934. Mr. Robert Fechner, Director Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find Camp Report, Army and Forestry Personnel and Menus for above camp. The Camp buildings are much different than our standard buildings as we occupy the property of the Owens-Oregon Lumber Co., for barracks we have some thirty five cabins each occupied by six men. The Mess hall, recreation hall and other buildings are all part of Lumber Company. It is planned, however to erect a new mess hall, recreation hall and officers quarters. Considering that the buildings (some of them) are inadequate, too much credit could not be given the Commander and his Officers for the excellent condition of everything. At present 55 men have remained here and about 150 are expected daily. Health: None in hospital, none in quarters. Excellent health. Very good dispensary - infirmary. Religion: Services held at camp weekly and transportation always furnished those who wish to attend services in the city on Sunday. Education: Full issue received for 2nd enrollment for library. Magazines and newspapers are read by all. Attached is letter from Educational Advisor on his program. Forestry also have educational movies and lectures on their work. Work project: Was accompanied over work completed by Camp Superintendent, a very capable man. The following has been completed to April 1st: 14 miles telephone line; 9-1/2 miles truck trail const; 125 acres reduction fire hazard; 15 miles roadside clearing; 3 acres general cleanup; 3 acres public camp grounds clearing; 6 vehicle bridges; 12 miles telephone line maintenance and 24 miles truck trail maintenance. Men who left April 5th and remaining 55 were very satisfactory. Chev. trucks very satisfactory. Co-operation between Army and Forestry excellent. Athletics: Many games were enjoyed up to the recent discharges, as officers are particularly interested in the welfare of men. At present, base-ball is principal game. Are building tennis grounds and have good play grounds. Have radio, camp orchestra and entertainments at camp semi-monthly and transportation to city weekends. Camp overhead: Twenty three. Operating economically and purchases compare with meals served. Mess account in excellent financial condition. Other supplies are adequate and of good quality. Morale of enrollees and officers, excellent. Very good location for camp, plenty of water and unexcelled climate. Considering that buildings are not our standard type, as above stated, camp in general is in superior condition. Trusting above is satisfactory, I am Sincerely yours, COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Co. 1642 CAMP REPORT Inspected April 20, 1934 Camp No. F-104 Camp Name So. Fk. Rogue River State Oregon Camp Location Jackson Co., Medford Butte Falls Size of Work Project 50 miles truck trails, 54 miles telephone line const. 74 miles telephone line maintenance, 4200 acres of clearing logged off area. This is new program as of April 1, 1934. Colored or White Camp White Name of Camp Commander Harry E. Cooper, Capt., Cav-Res. Name of Work Project Supervisor Ralph G. Jennings Number of Commissioned Officers at Camp Four Number of Regular Army men assigned to Camp None Number of men actually on forest work Twenty two Number of men permanently detailed to camp work Twenty three Number of men enrolled locally in vicinity of Camp Sixteen Number employed in Forestry Supervision (not enrolled men) Ten
Nature of work being done Truck trails & telephone line const., reduction of fire hazards. Number of men in camp when first established Two Hundred Two Number of men in camp week ending April 14, 1934 - Fifty Six Number of elopements One - 2nd enrollment Number dishonorably discharged 24 (2nd Enr.) Three dishonorable discharges since present commander took charge Feb. 1, 1934. Number honorably discharged 130. Includes men discharged April 5, 1934. State enrolled from Oregon 16. 40 Illinois. Date this camp was occupied October 6, 1933. COPY Form No. 3 EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK (Note. This report to be filled on first visit Camp No. F-41 State of Oregon FORESTRY PERSONNEL Fill in on this sheet, name of forest supervisors, not enrolled men, and amount of salary they receive.
Form No. 2 EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS (Note. This report to be filled on first visit Camp No. 926 State of Oregon ARMY PERSONNEL Commissioned officers:
The following records were obtained from the Archives of the General Services Administration in Washington, D. C. and the source was not identified. "...For the second time in as many issues, the much-reorganized BULLDOZER of Co. 1642, Rogue River, Ore., has experienced an editorial shake-up. It seems that the editors have the 'homing' instinct. This time, however, not only the chief, Casey Walton, but Camp Editor Jesse Banks, evaporated. Taking their places are George Fowlkes, as Editor-in-Chief, and D. Cawthorn, Camp Editor." "CAMP BAND SOON TO BE ORGANIZED "Co. 1642, Butte Falls, Ore., will shortly be tapping its feet in time to its own camp-produced music. Mr. Moon, of the Forest Service, has taken charge of all the company talent, and from it he will create the brass band." June 23, 1934 "Capt. Harry E. Cooper was relieved as C. O. of Co. 1642, Butte Falls, Ore., by Capt. Glen P. Wallace, recently of Camp Applegate, Calif. Capt. Cooper is transferred to the China Flats camp." June 16, 1934 "OREGON CAMP NOW HAS A FINE BAND "With all the varied activities going on in Co. 1642, Rogue River, Ore., it was only natural that a band should have been formed comprising the musical minded men of the camp. Mr. Moon, of the Forest Service, was the guiding light, and the orchestra is now preparing to give a concert. This outfit is prophesied some day to be able to blow the lid off old Mt. Pitt nearby." July 14, 1934 "CAMP ORCHESTRA KEEPS UP STEADY PRACTICE "Graduation of John Roby, skilled tenor guitarist, couldn't stop the orchestra at Co. 1642, Butte Falls, Ore., from 'keeping on rolling along.' "With a pianist, an E-flat saxaphonist and trap drummer as a nucleus, syncopated melodies still emanate from the recreation hall on practice night. A camp-wide call has been issued for musical talent to join the parade." August 4, 1934 "SEVERAL NEW CLASSES FIND FAVOR AT CAMP "Adviser V. E. Sparks of Co. 1642, Butte Falls, Ore., has recently organized a class in hygiene which is being held twice weekly, with strong attendance. He has also started a Leaders' Forum, where subjects of vital interest are discussed. Forester O. H. Bailey has organized a group in elementary surveying, and reports that the Spanish class is progressing rapidly...." August 4, 1934 The following records were obtained from the Archives of the General Services Administration in Washington, D. C. and the source was not identified. "BATTLES FIRE SINGLEHANDED Foresters and C.C.C. Arriving on Scene of Blaze Find Frantic Miner Battling It; Threatens to Shoot Self for Carelessness By Leroy Lundquist, Co. 926, Ruch, Ore. "When the Forest Guards reached the fire on Elliott Creek south of Medford, Ore., about 3 p.m., Saturday afternoon, they found a lone young man battling furiously the rapidly growing blaze in a futile attempt to head it off. "The Foresters learned that the man, who was a miner and lived in a nearby log cabin, had been burning brush and had let the fire get away from him. He seemed to feel the responsibility so greatly that he became frantic at times during the night and would fight the blaze with his hands, and at one time threatened to shoot himself. "The Foresters succeeded in dissuading him, and he worked side by side with the C.C.C. men all night fighting the stubborn blaze which covered 1,000 acres of hilly pine and fir timber before a trail could be gotten around it. "The next day the man volunteered the use of his cabin as a field kitchen, and from then on his one room was just a jumble of cooks and KPs and pots and pans as the 250 men on the fire were served breakfast, dinner and supper, and lunches were made up for the men on the fire line. "The sentiment felt toward the 35-year-old miner was more of pity and sympathy than of anger, for no one seeing his bewildered and untiring efforts could feel anything else for the fellow thru whose carelessness the fire was started." October 13, 1934 "OFFICERS AND MEMBERS AID FIRE VICTIMS "Since their home was destroyed by fire last month, a family of seven had been living in a tent at Co. 926, Ruch, Ore. "A free-will offering was taken among the camp members and army and forestry personnel to buy lumber. The carpenter crew and a group of neighbors began building a house for the unfortunate family. "At noon the ladies of the community cooked a dinner which the workmen ate heartily. By evening the little two-room house was nearly completed. It will furnish the family a cozy home this winter. Earl Handsaker reporting. November 10, 1934
District Rangers
PERSONNEL CHANGES Herschel C. Obye transferred from the Regional Office to the Rogue River December 1, as Assistant Supervisor. John D. Holst, who transferred from the Rogue to the Malheur National Forest in 1933, retired December 31. This ended a 28-year career for he had served with the Forest since 1907. Norman C. White transferred to Wildcat Ranger District, Ochoco National Forest on December 1. Albert Arnst transferred to the Rogue River in late 1935, after completing the Panoramic Photos from all Lookout stations. He was assigned to the Pelican Bay Lumber Company Sale near Chemult, Oregon as a scaler during the winter. MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES In early March an administrative audit was conducted by A. H. Cousins and Mr. Carroll of the Regional Office in response to a directive from the Treasury Department, I.R.S., which called for a report of individual statements of employees whose salaries for calendar year 1934 exceeded $1000 for single persons and $2500 for married persons. An official uniform, Forest Service field clothes to be worn by permanent Forest Service officials, was adopted. Puttees and leggings were eliminated. Kenneth P. McReynolds was one of the seven camp instructors at a special five-week ranger training camp beginning October 1 at Hemlock Ranger Station, Columbia National Forest. Eighteen National Forests were represented. The trainees numbered 37 men. Among them were Norman J. Penick and Maurice L. Tedrow from the Rogue River N. F. The road leading up Beaver Creek to Jackson Gap, Dutchman Peak, Mt. Ashland, and down to the City of Ashland was a popular trip for summer visitors to the Forest. Round trip to Medford was 77 miles and accessible from all Rogue River Valley points. In the July issue of Six Twenty-Six, Jesse Dewitt was quoted: "A small crew from the Elk Creek ECW camp have just completed opening the Diamond Lake Highway from Union Creek to Diamond Lake. This highway crosses a divide which is approximately 5500 feet elevation. Snow depths range from 12" to 84". A 50-cat bulldozer was used for this work. A one-way roadway was opened through the heavy snowdrifts, and turnouts at approximately 20-foot intervals were made. "The bulldozer hadn't any more than got through to the lake than the fishermen began coming in. During the first two days the local game warden arrested six violators of the fish and game laws and brought them before the JOP. It appears that the small creeks flowing into the lake are swarming with spawning fish and these men were caught in the act of dipping them out with hand nets." NOTE: According to Karl L. Janouch, in those days Forest Service was responsible for snow removal. This, in later years, was a state highway task. FIRE ACTIVITIES In 1935 a total of 176 fires burned over 506 acres on National Forest lands. Records show causes of fires as follows:
FOREST MANAGEMENT Value of Christmas trees sold on the Forest in 1935 was greater than the value of either timber cut or timber sold. Two hundred and thirty-seven thousand board feet of timber, valued at $207.52 was cut; 276,000 board feet of timber, valued at $253.02 was sold. Value of the 9,925 lineal feet of Christmas trees sold was $347.38. With the advent of the Works Progress Administration program in 1935, blister rust control work was increased materially with six camps in operation (totaling about 300 men) as it was found that large numbers of relief workers could be used advantageously on this type of work. This large program was continued through 1939, by which time approximately 125,000 acres of all ownerships had been given one working, and much of it two workings. This was done at a relatively low cost per acre. A large portion of the virgin timber stands were then on a maintenance basis and only periodic inspection would be necessary. C. P. Wessela of the regional blister rust control office of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Oakland, California, remained in charge of the work. GRAZING Quoted directly from the annual grazing report for the Forest: "There has been a noted improvement in the livestock industry this year with a greater demand for all classes of stock at prices substantially better than in recent years. Prime steers sold generally for 6 cents and some sales were reported at 8 cents. Cows have brought from 3-1/2 to 4 cents with a fairly steady market. The outlook for cattlemen is somewhat brighter, but a continuation of these or comparable prices for several years will be necessary before any material change in their financial condition can be expected. "The sheepmen fared but little better than last year. The market for lambs was stronger with a general price of around 8 cents and a few sales at 10 cents were reported. Old sheep were selling at 4 and 5 cents. The price received for wool averaged 18 cents." Operating costs ran about the same as during the previous year, riders receiving from $65 to $100 per month, herders from $30 to $40 and farm labor $1.00 to $1.50 per day. Irrigation water was sufficient for all uses during the year, a result of heavy snows in the mountains. In fact, owing to the severe storms on the high range during late October, cattle came out of the hills with very little riding on the part of the permittees. IMPROVEMENTS A portable rock crusher was received from the Regional Office in the fall for use in road building. Star Ranger Station was landscaped with trees, shrubs, flowers and lawn by a group of CCC boys under the direction of Ranger Lee Port. A 36-foot, five stringer bridge was constructed over Fourbit Creek on the Lodgepole road by the South Fork Camp. The bridge replaced the old "Fourbit Ford" originally developed with the construction of the old Military Road from the Rogue River Valley to Fort Klamath.
WILDLIFE Recommendations made in 1934 in the areas of fish and wildlife were again emphasized, with special emphasis on the establishment of the game preserve near Crater Lake National Park. Fourmile Lake outlet was screened. The Bureau of Fisheries investigated the feasibility of a fish hatchery at Union Creek but nothing was done toward its establishment. The fish and game situation was similar to the previous year. Little change was noted in the numbers and distribution of game animals. It was estimated that the blacktail deer population suffered a slight decrease, due primarily to increased inroads by predatory animals. Game count estimated the number to be 70 elk, 4,775 deer, and 400 bear. A decided increase in predatory animals, particularly the coyote, was cause for some alarm, according to the annual wildlife report of 1935, and it was strongly recommended that control measures be undertaken by the Biological Survey. The greatest need for control was in the Applegate and Dead Indian-Klamath Districts where grazing permittees had lost stock to the coyotes. Very good cooperation with hatcheries was secured during the year with the result of stocking the more important streams and lakes. RECREATION ACTIVITIES The first Recreation Report of the Sky Lakes Area was prepared by L. H. Smith, Recreation Technician, on October 18, 1934. The general requirements included: "While it is not desired to designate this unit as a primitive area, it should be left in its natural state as nearly as possible. No landscaping or efforts to improve on nature should be attempted. The area being one for hikers and horse travel only. It should be provided with good trails that traverse the most scenic portions. Trees should not be cut to provide better views but rather trails should be constructed to include these views. "It is proposed to construct a road across the unit from Bessie Rock on the west, to the Dry Creek road on the east. This road would give entrance to the area north of Devils Peak for better fire protection and at the same time provide for a short route to the east side from Medford. As the area traversed is the dry lodgepole section previously mentioned as the 'Oregon Desert' no territory of high recreational value is involved." More study was made of the area and Cordy E. Sunderman, Recreation Forester, prepared a "Report on Sky Lakes Recreation Unit." This was completed in November, 1935. The general requirements were similar to those proposed in Smith's report. Sunderman's report was the basis for this area being designated as a main recreation unit of the Forest. OTHER Following are correspondence and name lists for CCC personnel and camps in the Medford area: The following people were appointed, reassigned or transferred as indicated and worked in the Emergency Conservation Works program:
ECW EMPLOYEES Personnel lists in 1935 of all Emergency Conservation Works employees on duty as of July 27 show the following by position and camp location:
ECW WORK During the 4th period, Oct. 1, 1934 to Mar. 31, 1935, of the ECW program the Forest had three camps, namely:
During the 5th period, Apr. 1 to Sept. 30, there were four camps, as follows:
The Upper Rogue Camp was a summer camp only. It moved off the Forest in the fall of 1935, leaving the three remaining camps for the 6th period. Following are copies of reports taken from Washington records: COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Reference: Camp Applegate, F-41, Co. 926, Ruch, Oregon, March 25, 1935. Mr. Robert Fechner, Director, Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find camp report, Army and Forestry Personnel, Educational Adviser's letter, and menus for the above camp. All buildings were constructed in 1933, are wired for lighting, adequately heated, and a 5 K.W. lighting system installed. Wood is used exclusively for fuel. . . . Work Projects: The following work has been completed since April 1st, 1934: 32 M. Tel. Line, 27 M. R'dside Clear, 22 M. Tr. Trails, 3 M. Horse Trails, 75 Ac. Red. Fire Haz., 2 L.O. Houses, 1 L.O. Tower, 1 M. Fence, Numerous buildings at Ranger Stations, and following maint. 47 M. Tel. Line, 3 L.O. Houses, 173 M. Truck Trails, and 12 M. Horse Trails. In addition to the above work 1736 man days were required for fighting forest fires. 23 men were discharged today, some who have positions, and others whose services were undesirable for re-enrollment. The men remaining are very good. Co-operation between Army and Forestry good. Capable Forestry Personnel. Camp Overhead 24, and includes assistant to Advisor. Operating economical and mess account in very satisfactory financial condition. Pasteurized milk is used, and served 3 times a week. Other supplies adequate and of good quality. There are no bed bugs or other vermin in camp. There are no communistic activities in camp at present time as undesirable enrollees were not permitted to re-enroll. Most of the boys launder their own clothes but can send their issue clothes to laundry for 50¢ per month. Morale of camp has been low, but two weeks ago a complete set of new officers were installed, and morale is improving steadily. Meals are satisfactory. Trusting the above is satisfactory, I am, Sincerely yours, COPY Form No. 3 EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS (Note. This report to be filled on first visit Camp No. F-41 FORESTRY PERSONNEL Fill in on this sheet, name of forest supervisors, not enrolled men, and amount of salary they receive.
Less 5% salary deduction. ARMY PERSONNEL Commissioned officers:
COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Reference: Camp South Fork Rogue River, F-104, Oregon Co. 1642 Butte Falls, Oregon 3/29/35 Mr. Robert Fechner, Director, Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find camp report, Army and Forestry personnel, Educational Advisers letter, and menus for above camp. Mess hall, administration building, wash and shower house, latrines were constructed last summer, balance of camp are cabins which were a part of Owen Oregon Lumber Company. For sleeping quarters the men use the cabins in which we have an average of six enrollees. All buildings are wired for lighting, adequately heated, and a 5KW lighting system installed. Work Projects: During the past five months the following work has been completed, 8 miles telephone line, 3 miles truck trails, ten miles road side clearing and 1000 acres reduction fire hazard. Supt. reports the men as very satisfactory. Chev. trucks preferred to other makes of trucks. Cooperation between Forestry and officers good. Camp overhead 24, and includes assistant to adviser. Operating economically, and mess account in satisfactory financial condition. Pasteurized milk is used exclusively, and served daily. Other supplies adequate, and of good quality. There are no bed bugs or other vermin in this camp. The camp is also free of communistic activities. Each enrollee launders his own clothes or can send them to the laundry for fifty cents per month. Each enrollee has pillow, about half have pillow cases, but none have sheets. Morale of enrollees and officers good. Have very good bakery, excellent baker, and the camp in general is in very good condition. Trusting the above is satisfactory, I am, Sincerely yours, COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Camp No. F-104
COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Reference: Camp Elk Creek, F-37, Co. 1747, Medford, Oregon, April 3, 1935. Mr. Robert Fechner, Director, Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find camp report, Army and Forestry personnel, Educational Adviser's letter, and menus for the above camp. All buildings were constructed in 1933, are in fairly good condition, wired for lighting, adequately heated, and a 5 K.W. lighting system installed. Wood is used for fuel exclusively. Work project: The following work has been completed since 11-1-34. 6 miles telephone lines, 25 M roadside clearing, 2 miles truck trails, 3 M foot trails, and following maint. 38 M telephone line and 40 M truck trails. Supt. reports men as very satisfactory. Meals end lunches are very satisfactory. Chev. trucks preferred to other makes of trucks. Cooperation between forestry and officers good. Camp overhead 24, and includes asst. to adviser. Operating economically and mess account in very satisfactory condition. Pasteurized milk is used exclusively and served daily. Other supplies adequate, and of good quality. There are no communistic activities in camp. The camp is also free from bedbugs and other vermin. Each enrollee has a locker, pillow, pillow cases, but no sheets. Most of the men launder their own clothes or bring them to their homes nearby. (L.E.M. Co.) Company has a good bakery, also baker who provides all of the needed pastry and etc. The infirmary is hardly large enough and if camp were to remain here would suggest a separate building with more room. The one in use, at present, while very clean and etc. will house four cots. The general condition of the camp is very good. Trusting the above is satisfactory, I am Sincerely yours, COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 3 Camp No. F-37
COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Reference: Camp Upper Rogue, F-38, Co. 1993, Union Creek, Oregon, 10/8/35 * * * * * Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find Camp Report, Army and Forestry personnel, educational adviser's letter, and menus for the above camp. This is a summer camp and no doubt will vacate this camp site very shortly as the altitude is over 3000 feet. Mess hall, latrines, wash and shower house, are of frame construction, balance of camp tents. All are wired for lighting, adequately heated, and a 5 K.W. lighting system installed. An ideal location for a summer camp site. Work Projects: The following work has been completed during the fifth Period. Nine miles tel. line, three miles roadside clearing, One hundred twenty miles tel. line maintenance, eighty miles road maintenance, and eighteen acres public camp ground improvement and development. Excellent public camp ground work. Co-operation between Forestry and officers good. The remaining enrollees are reported as very good, but it was necessary to discharge seventy-two (administrative) most of whom were discharged for refusal to work. This company received ninety-eight enrollees July 3, 1935 from a transient camp in Los Angeles. It seems that after they were fitted out with clothing, shoes, etc. that they were not very much interested in work. The work accomplishment has not been so large owing to the reduced strength of the company, although 1723 man days were spent on fires. Camp overhead 24, and includes assistant to educational adviser. Operating economically, and net worth of all funds $720.13. Cooks are only fair, therefore the meals are fair. The present commander has been here for several months and meals and other conditions have improved. All enrollees have received their issue of winter clothing. Each enrollee has a steel cot, cotton mattress, sheets, pillow, and pillow cases. Each launder their own clothes, except pillow cases and sheets that are laundered through the Quartermaster. So far as known there are (no) subversive activities in camp at the present time. The camp is also free from bed bugs and all other vermin. Each enrollee receives one-half pint of pasteurized milk daily. Camp has a good baker, bake shop, barber shop (15 cents for haircuts) and pit type latrines. Powder is stored in a log type magazine with bullet proof door. Caps are also stored in a container underground. Magazine is isolated. Experienced men handle all explosives, and are assisted by enrollees. Eighty-three enrollees have indicated their desire to re-enroll. The camp, for a short season summer camp, is . . . . COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Camp No. 1993 F-38
COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director File Reference: Camp Applegate, F-41, Co. 290, Ruch, Oregon, October 21, 1935 Mr. Robert Fechner, Director, Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find camp report, Army and Forestry personnel, and Menus for the above camp. This is the first camp built in the state of Oregon. All buildings are of frame construction, wired for lighting, adequately heated, and a 5 K.W. lighting system installed. All buildings are in need of roof repairs, and many other minor repairs are needed. The roof on all buildings are going to be repaired temporary. This company will remain here during the sixth period. Work Projects: This company arrived here from Tenn. on July 31, 1935 and the following work has been completed since that time. 2 miles truck trail, 32 miles telephone maint., 11 miles telephone construction, 60 miles stream improvement, 75 miles trail maint., 6000 acres rodent control, 3 acres public camp ground improvement and 1825 man days on forest fires. Supt. reports the enrollees as very satisfactory. Very capable supt. and forestry personnel. Cooperation between forestry and officers good. Powder is stored in a standard Forest Service bullet-proof magazine. Caps are store in a Forest Service Standard Cap house. Each are isolated. Experienced men supervise powder work, and are assisted by enrollees. Camp overhead 24, and includes ass't educational advisor. Operating economically, and net worth of all funds, $1240.38. Winter clothing has been issued to all enrollees. 10 gals. of pasteurized milk is served daily. Have had one case, or rather 1 bunk that has bed bugs. Immediate steps have been taken to exterminate this vermin. Each enrollee has a cotton mattress, sheets, pillow, and pillow cases. Standee type bunks are used. Each enrollee launders his own clothes, except sheets and pillow cases and they are laundered weekly, through the Quartermaster. Pit type latrines are used for enrollees, and flush toilets for officers and forestry personnel. Meals are good - much better, so the boys say, since coming to Oregon. Considering the camp is one of the old type, it is in good condition. Trusting the above is satisfactory, I am, Sincerely yours, . . . . COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 3 Camp No. F-41
COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK Office of the Director Reference: Camp Elk Creek F-37, Co. 224, Trail, Oregon, October 23, 1935. * * * * * Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find camp reports, Army and Forestry Personnel, Educational Advisers letter and Menus for the above Camp. All buildings are of frame construction, erected in 1933, are wired for lighting, adequately heated, and a 5 K.W. lighting system installed. Considering that the buildings were constructed in 1933, they are in very good condition. Work Projects: The following work has been completed since August 1, 1935. 11 mi. of telephone line, 2 mi. truck trail, 3 mi. foot trail, and 1,822 man days on Forest Fires. The Superintendent who has been with the CCC's since the beginning, reports the Enrollees are very satisfactory. Co-operation between Forestry and Officers, good. Meals are good, greatly improved over the Tennessee rations. Company will remain here during the Sixth Period. Explosives are stored in a standard Forest magazine (Log type) bullet proof, and isolated. The caps are also stored in a standard Forest magazine, such as is used for caps. Experienced men supervise all powder works, assisted by enrollees. Camp Overhead 24, and includes assistant to Educational Adviser. Operating economically, and net worth of all funds, $902.11. All Enrollees have received their issue of winter clothing. The Camp is free from bed bugs and all other vermins. The Camp is also free from all subversive activities. Each Enrollee has a cotton mattress, sheets, pillow, pillow cases, and locker. Each Enrollee launders his own clothes except sheets and pillow cases that are laundered each week thru the Quartermaster. Pit type latrine are used except in Officer's and Foresters quarters, where they have flushed toilets. Nine gallons of pasteurized milk is served daily. The Camp in general is in excellent condition. Trusting that the above is satisfactory, I am, Sincerely yours, COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Camp No. F-37
COPY Form No. 2
COPY Form No. 2 Camp South Fork Rogue River, Butte Falls, Oregon Camp No. F-104
Following are excerpts from the Ranger's accomplishment report for 1935 to the Forest Supervisor: COPY O Medford, Oregon, Memorandum for Forest Supervisor: The following report is according to your request of January 25th. The amount of work accomplished under each activity is given for the district, the proper agency being credited for the work. GENERAL OVERHEAD: At the close of the 1934 field season the headquarters for the Butte Falls District was moved to the Supervisors headquarters at Medford as a permanent set-up for district. Such a change places the District Ranger at the most advantageous location for the non-field work because of the close contact with the other rangers and the Supervisors staff. This advantage was very apparent in working up the five-year improvement plan and revising it to include the Nira program which was expected. During the 1935 field season the location of ranger headquarters at Medford was a disadvantage to the ranger. The distance from Medford to the district requires approximately one hour travel time and reduces the time on the job by that amount. In order that the ranger be immediately available during the emergency periods during the fire season, it is necessary for him to remain on the district over weekends and if possible while he is doing the various office work connected with the job. At present the Protective Assistant also acts as the assistant to the ranger in performing the routine office work, such as filing correspondence, posting handbooks, etc. Unless the rangers headquarters is at the same location as that of the protective assistant, the use of the P. A. as a general assistant is lost. During the past season the Forest Supervisor approved keeping the office files at the P.A. Headquarters. To all practical purposes this placed everything of the rangers work on the district except his residence. It is the recommendation of the ranger that the district headquarters be moved to Butte Falls, where the Protective Assistant is located together with other administrative work connected with the district. One horse with riding equipment is furnished by the ranger. In October 1934 when Ranger Tedrow took over the district, the Dodge delivery furnished to Ranger Holst was condemned. From that time until November 1935 the ranger furnished his personal car under mileage contract. At that time a government owned pickup was furnished. A horse is necessary to the proper administration of the district especially in grazing, trail and telephone improvements and recreational improvements. The slower travel of a horse enables the ranger to observe conditions of the range or trail while traveling. It also enables trips into the back country beyond the roads. Physical inventory of all property was taken by Protective Assistant John Henshaw, acting as Assistant Ranger in the absence of the ranger. The assignment of this job to an assistant was for the purpose of training him in handling rangers work. Mr. Henshaw is rated very high as a Protective Assistant and with proper education and training he would be excellent material for permanent appointment. The actual inventory of all equipment gives a check on any property lost or found. By comparing such an inventory with the Supervisors record, many tools lost from the Supervisors files are found. Any tools or equipment not needed or damaged beyond repair, were sent to Butte Falls for transfer to the Medford warehouse or to be condemned. The inventory also brings the rangers records up to date and prevents any errors in accounting. The ranger training school at Hemlock R.S. was attended by Ranger Tedrow. The training received from attendance will improve his administration of the district as a result of a better knowledge of the standards for administration and from ideas as to how best to do the work as obtained from association and discussing the problems that are experienced by other trainees on other forests. A better understanding was obtained as to the standard of accomplishment that is expected by the service. What such standards are for the various activities and how to apply them is a knowledge that is absolutely necessary to a ranger and is one that is hard to obtain from individual study. The base map was corrected at the beginning of the season. Such corrections are absolutely necessary to the proper use of the map in locating, dispatching and finding a fire. In general the map is accurate to a usable degree. The addition of new improvements and elimination of nonexisting features are the most important. The Rangers status book was brought up to date at the beginning of the fire season. The Educational Advisor at the South Fork Camp was taken on a 'Show me' trip covering range administration and hazard reduction activities as practiced by the Forest Service. The contact which the Advisor has with the enrollees is mostly as a school teacher and he should know more of what the Forest Service is doing so that he may better fulfill responsibility in relation to the forestry subjects which he covers in the vocational courses. A five-year development plan was developed for the district in conjunction with a master plan for the forest. Previous to that time no such plan existed in any comprehensive form. In order to provide sufficient work for an expected greatly expanded relief program many improvements were planned which would not be justified in the light of past appropriations. The development of any plans is basic to any project or undertaking that sets a goal of attainment. The five-year improvement plan for the forest, as developed from the plans for each district set forth the amount of improvements needed within the next period in order that the forest may fulfill its standard of service to the people of the community. A complete field inspection was made of the Butte Falls district by Norman C. White, Assistant Forest Supervisor. The District Ranger accompanied Mr. White in making the inspection. The personal contact between the Supervisors staff and the Ranger is invaluable in both parties obtaining a clear view of the conditions as they exist. As the inspection progressed it was possible to thoroughly discuss all problems concerning the administration of the district and come to an understanding of the situation. Such a discussion gives the Ranger a chance to develop his conception of his duties; know what is expected of him; see his mistakes and adjust or correct his attitude or actions accordingly. Minor inspection of several projects was made by the Supervisor and members of his staff. Such inspections are necessary that the Supervisors office have a clear conception and understanding of what is going on in the field. It gives the ranger a chance to check up on his administration before serious problems can develop. Inspections of this nature and purpose are always welcomed by the district Ranger. The Supervisor should give every encouragement to himself and members of his staff to contact the Ranger while in the field at least once each month and devote the entire day to such activities as the Ranger is engaged in. 2. TIMBER SALES: Only two commercial sales and no S-22 sales were made on this district during the period. Both commercial sales were to people living adjacent to the forest and working out the material for sale in order to assist in making a livelihood during the slack work periods of the winter months. One thousand cedar posts and 8,000 sugar pine shakes was the material sold. All demands for small amounts of saw timber were met by private owned stumpage. All material sold was dead, thereby relieving the forest of a fire hazard and permitting the space occupied by the snag or tree to be utilized by growing material. 3. FOREST PRODUCT SALES: 4,850 linear feet of Shasta Fir Christmas trees were sold from the Cat Hill area in two sales going to the California markets. In order for the Forest Service to fully capitalize this business it should open sled roads back into the dense brush stands and high areas where suitable material is to be found. The Service should caution every prospective permittee to get his trees out early. Although it is the policy of the Service to make Christmas tree sales only from areas in need of thinning, or for stand improvement, it must be remembered that a tree acceptable on the market, must be open grown. Trees coming out of a thicket, except from a broken crown story are unfitted for sale. It is recommended that areas similar to upper side of the old Cat Hill burn, be definitely set aside and managed to produce Christmas trees exclusively. In some areas it may be necessary to plant, but this would be justified in the light of quick returns on the planting investment. If the Forest Service would go into this as a business and develop an area, it would be justified in charging from 5 to 8 cents per foot rather than the present 3-1/2¢ price. * * * * * The Forest Service should not neglect to advertise the products and uses of the National Forest. 4. TIMBER NONREVENUE: Fourteen free use permits were issued - a total value of $88.76. One permit to cut wood was issued to a resident of Medford; two wood permits and one shake permit were issued to residents in, and adjacent to, Eagle Point and the remainder of the permits were issued to persons living in or adjacent to the district. All permits were for dead material and for the purpose of developing farm property. * * * * * The demand for free use material is greatest during the early spring and fall months when outside work is slack. When the Medford Corporation began operation, two permits were dropped as a result of the permittees obtaining work on the woods crew. * * * * * Approximately 500 cords of wood were cut by the South Fork Camp for use in connection with ECW projects - this material was taken from the old burn on the lower Fourbit Hazard Reduction area, from along the Butte Falls-Fish Lake roadside clean-up, and from material cut from road right-of-way. The use of this material salvaged a value which would have otherwise been wasted or lost by burning or rotting on the ground. 5. GRAZING - CATTLE AND HORSE REVENUE: Reference is made to the annual report on the grazing situation on the Butte Falls district. In general the grazing situation has decided improvements over what it was for several years past; this improvement has resulted mainly from better feed conditions resulting from a more favorable weather. Most of the cattle that come off the range are in the feeder or stock class; this class of stock is then placed in pastures or feed lots and fattened for market. Practically all of the 28 permittees grazing a total of 2,262 head of cattle, are diversified farmers, but the greater number of cattle are under ownership of permittees who are primarily stock raisers. Altho much of the Rogue River valley adjacent thereto is highly productive under irrigation; the dryness of its climate is not conducive to good summer range. For that reason the summer range on the National Forest is of utmost importance to the social and economic welfare of the community, inasmuch as the community is dependent on the stock raising industry. * * * * * The regular meeting of the Big Butte Stock Association, made up of the permittees of the Rancheria Allotment was held during the first part of May and was attended by the District Ranger. . . . * * * * * Altho water development and trail conditions were planned under ECW labor, none of it was accomplished, due to an overload of fire suppression work. * * * * * Approximately 5,000 acres of unutilized range up Bessie Creek was opened during the past season and 60 head of cattle were grazed on it. This area had not previously been used in order to protect a small amount of horse feed at the old Bessie Rock Guard Station. Since this area is not needed for that purpose it was thrown open to grazing. Previous to the cattle entering the area, the Rangers and the permittees rode over the area. On this trip salt logs and water holes were located. Proper management and utilization of the area is expected. The utilization of the Bessie Creek area has relieved the congestion on the Imnaha area, obtaining better distribution and utilization of the Imnaha Allotment. 6. GRAZING SHEEP AND GOATS: REVENUE. The Halifax sheep allotment is intradistrict, the sheep coming in from the Klamath district with the permit being issued thru Ranger Ritter. At the beginning of the season a unit plan was prepared by Ranger Ritter and Tedrow to cover the use of the allotment. This plan was the first step in developing a systematic management plan. Its accomplishment was handicapped by a late spring which gave a shortage of feed, especially in the first camps, and broke up the camp sequence. Its continuance another year is recommended. * * * * * 7. GRAZING: NONREVENUE. Owing to the situation that exists on the range the cattle owned by ranchers residing with(in) the National Forest in the Fourbit area were allowed to turn out 15 days earlier than the regular season. This was done to give the local ranchers the benefit of 15 days good feed for their milk stock before the range cattle came in. It is recommended that the range be opened one month earlier for this class of stock. Altho the grass range is sufficiently developed at that time to permit grazing there is not enough of it to support all the range stuff that is turned on later. The local ranchers are handicapped to furnish pasture for their stock until the hay is cut and the meadows available. The preseason use by these ranchers for their dairy cows would more than compensate for the loss of feed to the range cattle. Seven free grazing permits were issued covering 29 milch cows and 7 horses; all permittees reside within the Butte Falls District. The value of this use to the community is in helping to furnish subsistence to ranchers who are trying to develop the area. 9. FISH AND GAME: NONREVENUE. Reference is made to the annual game census submitted December 5, 1925 - this report covered the situation as exists on the Butte Falls District. The fish ladder at the Imnaha dam on the South Fork of Rogue River was examined twice during the season for compliance with the State law for water depth and fish screen at the canal entrance. Satisfactory compliance was noted at both inspections. Fish were noted in the pools of the ladder, but none were jumping the falls. The ladder is used by trout during their movement up the stream. * * * * * 8,000 trout were planted in virgin lakes in cooperation with the State Fish Hatchery at Butte Falls. The State Hatchery planted over 100,000 trout in streams on the district. Approximately one-half of the recreation users of the district come to the mountains to fish. Estimating 500 fishermen and an average of 10 fish catch per person, it would seem at a yearly planting of the above amount should be sufficient to keep the stream well stocked. * * * * * 12. RECREATION: NONREVENUE. The recreation use of the Butte Falls District is not high in every sense of the word, but many fishermen, hunters and berry pickers are to be found on the district; twelve small campgrounds are located on the district. . . . The recreational use of the district is from 1,000 to 1,500 persons per year; these people are mainly from the Rogue River Valley. Very little out of the state tourists visit the area since it is off the main highway and not well know except to local people. Altho the fishing is done mainly for sport, the hunting and berry picking is done mainly by persons wishing to secure a food supply as well as receiving the recreational benefit. It is estimated that 30 deer and 4 bear were killed by 600 hunters. Approximately the same number of people visited the Blue Rock Huckleberry pack and took out at least 1,500 gallons of berries. * * * * * 15. MAINTENANCE ROADS: FOREST DEVELOPMENT. Approximately 24 miles of roads were maintained under the Nira program and 64 miles by ECW. These roads were constructed for the primary use and purpose of protection, administration and utilization of the National Forests. They are also used by recreationists to reach the fishing, hunting or other uses in what they are interested. * * * * * A sign shop was conducted by the South Fork Camp where 509 road signs were painted for use over the Forest. It is self evident that a road system is dependent on adequate signing. Every effort should be made to complete the signing of the Forest as soon as possible. 16. TRAIL MAINTENANCE: Approximately 100 miles of ways and 93 miles of trails were maintained on the district. 32 miles of ways were not maintained; practically 25% of the work was done by the ECW and the remainder by Nira. * * * * * 19.1 MAINTENANCE OF OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: Temporary Stations: The Imnaha, Lodgepole, Mosquito, and Butte Falls Guard Stations were maintained at the beginning of the fire season when the stations were manned under protection funds. These stations are for the use of Forest Guards, acting as firemen, primarily, for protection of the National Forest from fire and for the rendering of service to the public while they are using the forest. Lookout Stations: Bessie Rock, Devils Peak, Rustler Peak and Blue Rock are the existing regular detection system; each station is manned by a lookout fireman during the fire season. Maintenance of the stations was completed as soon after the stations were manned as it was possible to do so. . . . Telephone Lines: Approximately 90 miles of grounded line and 20 miles of metallic line was maintained at the beginning of the season. The maintenance of the Devils Peak line was handicapped by deep snows which layed on until late in the season. At present the protection of the forest is dependent upon the telephone system for communication; the use of radios on the Butte Falls District has not been practiced, except experimentally previous to this time. * * * * * Scalers Cabins: The three scalers cabins at Camp 2 were maintained by ECW; the South Fork Camp has borrowed one of these cabins and is using it as a project superintendents headquarters. * * * * * 20. ROADS AND TRAILS: FOREST DEVELOPMENT. No trail construction was accomplished on the district. Approximately three miles of road construction was completed and three more miles partially completed on the Willow Creek road project by the South Fork camp. This project when completed to Buck Point will open an area of approximately 12 square miles, which has previously been available to travel only over 5 to 10 miles of trail. The road is being primarily constructed for protection purposes for travel into the area, and in order to develop Buck Point as a Lookout fireman station. The road will be advantageously used by the cattle permittees of the area and by timber owners. The timber will be made accessible and approximately 1,700 acres of National Forest lands, 800 acres of Jackson County land, 1,000 acres in small ownership besides considerable timber owned by the Rogue River Timber Co., and the Medford Corporation. No people are residing in the area. The homesteads were for the purpose of gaining title to the timber and not for cultivation purposes. The area is entirely unsuited to development for farm or ranch purposes. A 36-foot, 5-stringer bridge was constructed over Fourbit Creek on the Lodgepole road by the South Fork Camp. The bridge takes the place of the well known "Fourbit Ford" which was originally developed with the construction of the old Military road from the Rogue River Valley to Fort Klamath. The Ford was impassable to automobiles during the spring runoff, which varied from one to two months in duration. * * * * * 23.1 CONSTRUCTION: OTHER IMPROVEMENTS, STRUCTURAL: TEMPORARY STATIONS Butte Falls: The Butte Falls fireman cabin and the fire warehouse were completed by the South Fork camp, after being approximately 80% completed under the Nira program. A P.A. residence, office and 4-car garage are now under construction by the camp. The Butte Falls unit is being developed as the most logical distribution center to the Butte Falls District. Butte Falls is a community of approximately 1,000 people, immediately adjacent to the forest; their interest is primarily in logging and stock raising industries which are practically dependent upon the National Forest for their existence. . . . The construction of the improvements is for the protection rather than the administration, but the location is pecularily adapted to an administration use. Altho the rangers residence and headquarters is not approved for that location, it is to all practical purposes the administrative headquarters to the district during the fire season. Since the P.A. office and headquarters is at this location much of the administrative work must also be done here in order to have the use of the P.A., as an office assistant to the ranger. Fredenburg Butte: A forty foot round-pole construction tower with a 14x14' fireman lookout cabin on top was constructed on Fredenburg Butte. The station was developed in connection with the Jackson County Fire Patrol Association, who is to man and maintain the station during the fire season. Trees were felled and the debris from the clearing was burned. * * * * * Camp 2 Emergency Station L.O.: A 40-foot, round-pole tower with 10x10' house was constructed on the emergency lookout point near Camp 2. This point has been previously used with the firefinder set on a pipe planted in the ground. It will cover the logged-off area along Fourbit and Willow Creeks. . . . Telephone Line Construction: Ten miles of the metallic portion of the Butte Falls-Union Creek line was completed to the end of the gravel on the Butte Falls-Prospect road. From that point the line was continued four miles as a grounded line. Construction was halted because of the impassable condition of the road. * * * * * 23.3 CONSTRUCTION: OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: NONSTRUCTURAL: * * * * * Five and one-half miles of abandoned railroad grades have been opened in the Fourbit area in conjunction with the hazard reduction plan. These roads are opened to facilitate travel over the area in case of fire; they also serve to break the area up into compartments which could be more easily handled in case of fire. Thirteen miles of roadside cleanup work was completed by the South Butte Camp. This mileage included portions of the Willow Creek road, Butte Falls-Fish Lake road, and the Lodgepole road. This work is for the purpose of removing most of the fire hazard immediately adjacent to the road where the public travels. . . . 24. LAND EXCHANGE: An examination and report was made on 160 acres of timber land offered for exchange by the Galeton Banking Co. In general the examination showed the area to be only slightly desirable under the existing exchange policy. * * * * * 26.1 FIELD PLANTINGS: Cat Hill project: Six and eight-tenths acres were prepared for planting and one-half the trees planted on the project. The work was of an experimental nature to determine the best method of restocking this old Cat Hill burn. From work on other forests it was found most practical to open lanes through the brush and plant in these lanes. Actual usage shows the rock blade on a cat with bulldozer attachment to be the most practical equipment with which to open the lanes. Whether or not this method is entirely practical can only be determined through later experiments. The planting was done down the center of the lanes in 12 ft. spacing; next spring the spacing will be filled in to 6 feet; the lanes are 20 feet apart, center to center. The spring and fall planting on the area is for the purpose of determining the best season to plant under the existing conditions of that locality. Since the work has been entirely experimental and the final result not obtained until several years have passed, it is impossible now to say what effect it will have on the future planting policy. Fourbit Project: The Fourbit project was inaugurated with the purpose of developing a screen of green timber along the major roads leading through this logged-off area. It will be expanded later to include the larger blanks left in the natural reproduction now coming on. * * * * * 28. TIMBER SURVEYS AND PLANS: The statistical sheets of the management plans for the Klamath working circle were brought up to date as a special assignment from the Surveyors office. Previous sale records were inspected and the amount and acreage of the cut obtained. The plan was then corrected to that amount. * * * * * 38. FIRE PREVENTION: Three man-caused fires were investigated (two of them were non-reportable). In two of the cases no clues were found as to the guilty party. The third fire originated immediately adjacent to a logging camp. Altho the person responsible for the fire could not actually be determined there was no doubt to the case but what some one in the camp accidentally caused the fire. One camper was arrested for leaving his fire burning unattended. Conviction was secured in the Justice Court at Medford. * * * * * 39. PRESUPPRESSION: Before the beginning of the fire season the short term force were given three days intensive training at a guard training school. Later in the season all guards were given one complete instruction inspection with follow-up training by the District Ranger, and a second one by the Protective Assistant. All fire caches were brought up to standard and maintained throughout the season. A training school of one days duration was held to train the enrollees of the South Fork Camp in fire suppression procedure. * * * * * 40. FIRE SUPPRESSION: A total of 31 reported fires with numerous false alarms were acted upon during the 1935 season. All fires were class "A" and all but one was lightning caused. Two non-reportable fires were acted upon; both being man-caused. No damage was done by these fires. Two fires were extra period fires (See memorandum to Supervisor concerning cause). * * * * * 51.1 ECW GENERAL OVERHEAD: The South Fork Camp operated on the Butte Falls district throughout the period. The District Ranger acted as an advisory inspector in connection with the work that was being carried out on the district. Every assistance possible was given the camp in carrying out the work program. Respectfully submitted,
*Truck driver for supplies to ranger stations and camps District Rangers
*(Known also as Dead Indian-Klamath District) PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATION CHANGES "Transfers: "Ranger Maurice L. Tedrow from Butte Falls District to Tonasket District, Colville National Forest, April 1. "Assistant Ranger Norman J. Penick from Dead Indian District to District Ranger of Pisgah District, Ochoco National Forest, April 16. "Assistant Forester Albert Arnst from Division of Operation, Regional Office, to Assistant Rangership, Dead Indian Ranger District, April 16 (vice Penick). "Assistant Ranger Simeri D. Jarvi from Mapleton Ranger District, Siuslaw National Forest to Butte Falls Ranger District, April 1 (vice Tedrow). "Clerk Enid F. Funk from Rogue River National Forest to Regional Office, Division of Operation, Stenographic Section, April 1, vice Wilma I. Rubenstein, an emergency appointee transferred to Rogue River National Forest." Six Twenty-Six The June issue of Six Twenty-Six quoted Janie Smith as saying, "We claim the distinction of having the youngest clerical force in the Region. It includes Miss Lela Young, Miss Clara Younger, and Miss Marjorie Youngs." Effective January 1, Forest Service paychecks were not signed by the Regional Fiscal Agent as they had been since December 12, 1908. All disbursing functions of the Government were placed under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department, Army and Navy excepted. MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES Public speaking classes were conducted during the winter on the Forest with all permanent employees, including the Supervisor, required to attend the weekly sessions. Work, headed by Hugh Ritter and Norman Penick, was completed on the examination and appraisal of 5000 acres of Weyerhaeuser Timber Company land lying inside the Forest and which had been offered for exchange by the timber company. It was felt to be a desirable tract of land, snag-free, cut-over ponderosa pine, on which nothing under 16 inches DBH was cut. Note: 1966 According to Karl L. Janouch, this exchange was not made because the area was outside Forest land. Hugh A. Ritter toured with "Showboat" in February. Lake of the Woods water level was at a record high in July. The road at the north end of the lake was covered by three feet of water whereas it was ordinarily "tourable at this season." Normal water levels were not expected to be reached for some time unless "artificial drainage methods" were applied. (The quotes are from a report by Assistant Ranger Albert Arnst in the August issue of Six Twenty-Six.) FIRE ACTIVITIES A Fire Control Meeting, attended by representatives from all regions, several experiment stations and the Washington Office, was held in Spokane, Washington, February 10 21. K. P. McReynolds attended from the Rogue River. Most important new developments perfected for fire fighting (first week's discussion): power driven chain cross-cut saw, a ringing device for "T" radio sets, and the "A" type airplane radio set. It was agreed by all in attendance that a greater effort should be made to investigate the possibility of using chemicals, especially frothy mixtures in fire suppression. Keen interest was exhibited in the discussions on the development of aerial fire control equipment for use in suppressing fires."
May 4 9 was designated as "Stop Forest Fire Week" in Klamath County by Klamath Falls Post No. 8 of the American Legion. (This became an annual event.) Legionnaire Hal Ogle, Fire Warden for Weyerhaeuser Timber Company was in charge of the program assisted by Forest Service personnel who furnished material for twelve window exhibits throughout Klamath Falls. The Oregon Showboat, represented by L. G. Jolley, Forest Service, and H. A. (Red) Thomas of the State Board of Forestry, presented programs during the week. Fire damage was comparatively light in 1936. A total of 39 fires were noted in the annual report. Causes of the fires were:
FOREST MANAGEMENT Timber cut and sold values improved greatly compared with the values of 1935. 5,090,000 board feet of timber cut was valued at $17,384.53. Timber sold amounted to 5,162,500 board feet valued at $17,513.13. Christmas trees sold measured 17,310 lineal feet for a value of $590.37. GRAZING The year was a more favorable one than 1935 for the stockmen with a further trend toward the stabilization of the stock raising industry. Financial institutions were hesitant about making additional loans, but few, if any, foreclosures of stock outfits were made during the year. Although it was believed that the majority of stockmen were still in debt, the condition was believed to be improving, as it was known that several debts were cleared during the year. Markets for beef and mutton were slightly better than in 1935 with a steady demand at all times. A good lamb crop was reported and sales averaged 8 cents. Wool brought growers from 30 to 35 cents per pound. An abundance of irrigation water through the season was responsible for a very good hay crop. Irrigated alfalfa fields produced three good crops of hay. A July inspection of range conditions on the Dead Indian and Keene Creek areas showed water supply and range forage to be unusually good for the season of the year. Creeks and springs normally dry were running strong. Many of the higher ranges were too wet for regulated grazing use by cattle and grass and vegetation growth was reported to be luxuriant. LANDS On March 9, the Fish Lake Resort special-use permit issued to Mrs. Vida Rankin, was relinquished to Hugh B. Rankin, her father-in-law. Rankin held the permit until March 27, 1939, when he relinquished it to Sid and Lydia Blood. Also this year there was a move to transfer Diamond Lake and Union Creek to the Crater Lake National Park. In the spring of 1936, a survey party from the Regional Office made a timber cruise of the proposed exchange area of the Rogue River Timber Company. This included the highway strip just north of Prospect northerly about 4-1/2 miles to the township line. Fred Matz was in charge of the cruise. William Wakefield was Chief-of-Party. Albert Arnst was assigned to this cruising party. ECW WORK Applegate F-41 and South Fork F-104 were the only camps operating on the Rogue River National Forest this year. The following lists of Facilitating Personnel and Army Officers were obtained from the records in the Archives. Camp F-37, Trail, was declared surplus to the needs of the Government and was torn down. The approved Camp Work Plans for the 7th Period (April 1 to September 30, 1936) and the 8th Period (October 1, 1936 to March 31, 1937) are also included. COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Camp No. F-41 FORESTRY PERSONNEL
COPY HEADQUARTERS TWENTY SEVEN HUNDRED SECOND COMPANY ICA/hld Ruch, Oregon SUBJECT: Education in above Company. TO: Mr. M. J. BOWEN, Special Investigator. 1. The following daily newspapers are received by this company: a. Kansas City Star 2. We take the full quota of magazines (48) and receive them at the designated issue times. 3. The library is well lighted and has recently undergone many changes. Writing tables and a large reading desk has been recently installed with proper lighting facilities. We have three (3) traveling libraries at our camp at all times and have accumulated over two hundred (200) discarded books from nearby public libraries. These books have been rebound by the enrollees. At the present time we have thirty-eight books in circulation that are loaned from the Oregon State Library. The majority of these books are related to the type of work which the boys are doing at the present time. Each member of the Technical Staff is constantly supplied with books related to their particular type of instruction which they give in evening classes as well as on the job. 4. The following vocational courses are given: a. Stenography, given by the Educational Adviser. 5. Yes, they receive job instruction both on the job and during evening classes. We offer a very thorough course on each particular type of work being done in the field. Our policy is to develop individual initiative on the part of the enrollee. Furthermore, in conjunction with the foreman concerned we go into a detailed study concerning just why a certain individual is either making good or not, depending upon the individual case. This calls for an analysis of each enrollee from a social psychological and mental hygiene point of view. We are making case records of each enrollee at the present time. We give responsibility to the enrollees and in many cases these enrollees are solely responsible to the Project Superintendent himself. Our prospective mechanical operators are given a two week training course at the Forestry Headquarters in Medford, Oregon in order to make them more proficient. It is a further policy of our staff to require all operators of any type of machine or dangerous tools to be holders of First Aid cards and these are checked at frequent intervals to see whether they know first aid and how to apply it. We have a class of forty-four in First Aid at the present time and the reduction of accidents in our camp tends to prove that the instruction is getting results. 6. We offer course in arithmetic, grammar, composition, current events, history, and citizenship. These courses are given by the various members of the Supervisory personnel and a few of the enrollees. In the field of arts and crafts we offer woodworking and carving. In addition, classes are held in boxing and in tap dancing. 7. The enrollees as a whole are interested in our present educational program. 8. About one-half the company strength or seventy-four men are taking extension courses at the present time. /s/ L. C. Algyer COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 3 Camp No. F-104
COPY CCC Camp F-37, Trail, Jackson County, OREGON United States Department of Agriculture Washington ECW October 1, 1936. Mr. Robert Fechner, Director, Dear Mr. Fechner: Reference is made to your circular communication dated May 11, 1936. As the result of a field survey it has been determined that the buildings on public land at CCC Camp F-37, Trail, in Jackson County, Oregon will not be reoccupied or used intact for Emergency Conservation Work purposes as the work projects from this camp have been completed. We, therefore, accordingly request permission to raze these structures which are urgently needed by the CCC District Headquarters at Medford, Oregon for CCC use elsewhere. Clearance for the buildings described in the attached list has been issued from the main office for the Ninth Corps Area as of June 15, 1936, as well as the offices of the Technical Office, in Washington, D. C. If this camp is approved for salvage its operating accounts, if any, will be returned to your custody. Very truly yours, /s/ FRED MORRELL FRED MORRELL, Approved: /s/ R. F. October 7, 1936. COPY EXCESS PROPERTY AT CAMP F-37, TRAIL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON
Also included here are excerpts from a memorandum to staff and rangers from Supervisor Janouch on February 12, 1936: General Overhead: The reorganization of the Forest Service, with the assuming of many more activities than were had under the old scheme of administration and responsibilities, has resulted in volumes of instructions, changing regulations, and publications which serve as "texts," outlining the purpose of objectives under the various activities and systematic use of natural resources and land use in general. This necessitates a great amount of reading on the part of the Supervisor in order that he may keep informed and may be able to instruct and advise the personnel of the Forest. It has practically resulted in the decision on the part of the Supervisor that he cannot undertake any "project" work, but must devote his time wholly to reading, meeting the public, and general administration of the Forest, and at the same time be able to devote sufficient time to work with outside agencies in the management of natural resources not included in the National Forest. Lands: One tract of land was secured from the County by donation for recreational development. There are several tracts of county land adjoining the Forest which are of value for National Forest purposes and of no value to the County and, in reality, are a financial burden to the County. Rangers should make examinations of these lands and report on them. The Supervisor's office will try to convince the County Court that it is practical and financially feasible for the County to denote (donate) these lands to the Forest Service. Not much activity was exhibited in the Rogue River Timber Company exchange. This consists of the acquisition of a strip of land along the Crater Lake Highway for the preservation of the scenic values. A survey of a 1,000 foot strip was made by Lee P. Brown of Rogue River Timber Company lands only. Public Relations: Relations with the public are very satisfactory. Considerable interest in the Forest Service and its objectives has been firmly established in the minds of leading citizens of the various communities dependent upon the Forest. It is possible to present objectives to leading citizens and through them secure cooperation to reach the particular objective presented. Citizens of the community have shown interest in the development and administration of the Forest through the securing of the introduction of legislation in Congress for the addition of a large area to the Applegate Ranger District in the vicinity of Ashland Watershed. Also direct legislation has been introduced for the addition to the Forest of the McCallister and Dead Indian Soda Springs areas. A number of resolutions from all the communities was sent to congressmen, objecting to the proposal to add Diamond Lake to the Crater Lake National Park. Recreation: A winter sports areas was established at Union Creek and is as popular as it was expected it would be. In fact, it is being used more heavily than anticipated and additional facilities are needed to take care of the recreationists. Considerable work was done on recreational trails, and the principal one was constructed between Union Creek and the Natural Bridge Camp Ground. This trail follows the river and makes it possible for hikers to make an easy trip of two hours and enjoy the most beautiful scenic features imaginable. Considerable wild life can be observed by hikers along this trail. Fish and Game: This activity is not well understood by the personnel on this Forest. Outside of stocking of lakes with fish, the rangers' efforts were limited. However, there were many more kinds of fish secured for stocking this year than have been secured for many years in the past. Over one million fish were stocked in lakes on the Forest. The greater amount of stocking was done in the skyline lakes along the Cascade Divide. C.C.C. labor, with government pack strings, did most of the stocking. Ranger Ritter supervised practically all the stocking that was done on the Forest. It was through his efforts that the number of fish received were secured. The ranger on the Upper Rogue District did make a decided effort towards securing fish for stocking of streams in that area. In all probability, there is no area on the Forest that is more heavily fished than the Upper Rogue Ranger District, and definite plans must be made towards the stocking of these streams. Fire Prevention: During the period 1931-1934 inclusive, 63 per cent of the fires were man caused. In 1935, 20 per cent of the fires were man caused. In numbers of fires, the average dropped from 56 for the above-mentioned period to 36 in 1935. This is indicative of the success of the fire prevention program. From April 1 to October 31 weekly bulletins were broadcast by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and it is estimated that 31,000 people were reached through these broadcasts. Five radio talks were given by the Supervisor's staff, reaching 15,000 people. Daily contacts were made with the local press and excellent cooperation was received. Eighteen talks were given by the Supervisor's staff to 500 people of grange and service club organizations. Considerably more effort was exerted by the guards as a result of special training in fire prevention. Some improvement in law enforcement was secured. However, the number of law enforcement cases with which we are credited is not satisfactory and a more definite and greater effort on the part of the rangers will be required in the future.
District Rangers
*(Known also as Dead Indian-Klamath District) PERSONNEL CHANGES From Six Twenty-Six: "Senior Lumberman Stephen A. Moore transferred from Deschutes N. F. to the Pelican Bay Lumber Company Sale, Rogue River N. F. "January 4 Junior Forester Louis F. Javete reported for duty on the Butte Falls District. "Assistant Forester Kenneth P. McReynolds from staff Rogue River N. F. to staff, Umpqua N. F., March 1. "Paul A. Brinson transferred from assistant rangership Bull Run District, Mt. Hood N. F. to staff, Rogue River N. F., March 1. "Junior Forester Rex Harold Wilson transferred from Mt. Adams R. D., Columbia N. F. to Rogue River R. D., RRNF. (Sept. issue). Junior Forester Rex Harold Wilson from Rogue River R. D., RRNF, to Wind River R. D., Columbia N. F. (No date given.) "Assistant Forester Albert Arnst from Rogue River N. F. to Fremont N. F. as District Ranger, Warner District (January). "Junior Forester Marion N. Nance from Pacific Northwest Experiment Station to Rogue River N. F." (October issue). MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES For the first time in 12 years, a Superintendent of Construction meeting was held April 5 10, at Wind River Nursery near Stevens, Washington. W. L. Jones, Rogue River N. F., attended. Ranger Training Camp, the fourth, was held from October 11 to November 13. Attending from Rogue River N. F. were Karl L. Janouch, as instructor, and Rex H. Wilson and Owen L. Aydelott. A white or albino deer was observed about four miles from Star Ranger Station in Star Gulch by two ranchmen, Floyd McKee and Maurice Byrne, on March 11. May 22 a fire occurred on the Regnier Special Use Area at Union Creek which resulted in the loss of a store, post office, restaurant, residence, rooming apartment, lodge, power plant and heating plant. Loss to the permittee, according to District Ranger DeWitt's estimate, was approximately $12,000. The trees and shrubbery surrounding the buildings were burned for a distance of about 100 feet. Cause of the fire was thought to have been a spark igniting a roof, burning into an attic. It was completely out of control when discovered. RECREATION Following a 6 a.m. breakfast, a party of ten skiers made up of summer home permittees and friends with Herschel C. Obye, left Medford in a snowstorm for Lake of the Woods on Friday, January 22. They drove to within one-half mile of Pelican Guard Station where the road was blocked with 30 inches of snow. They broke trail and skied in to the summer home belonging to one of the members of the party, arriving about 7 p.m. The weekend was spent "sliding down a ski run and making some short side trips." They left the lake at 9 a.m. Monday after having to resort to a team of mules to get their cars out of the snow, arriving in Medford at 7 p.m. The outing prompted Obye to write, "This is another indication of the interest and enthusiasm that is being shown in winter sports. With 120 summer homes at Lake of the Woods, it is safe to assume that there will be in the near future an urgent demand for the road to be kept open throughout the winter, thereby making this recreation area a yearlong playground instead of its present limitation as a summer resort." A Winter Sports Use Report, the first such report, was made for 1937 - 1938, showing the season's use as follows: Annie Creek, 2440; Trail Camp (Ashland), 500; Union Creek, 370. LANDS The land exchange with the Rogue River Timber Company was consummated on October 28, 1937. This involved about 8,256 acres of land in Township 32 South, Ranges 2 and 3 East of the Willamette Meridian. Under this exchange the highway strip along the Crater Lake Highway from near Prospect northerly about 4-1/2 miles to the Township line was added to the Rogue River National Forest. FIRE ACTIVITIES Lightning caused 53 of the 67 fires reported in 1937, burning 66 of the 118 total acres destroyed by fire. Classification of fires: Class A 59, Class B 6, Class C 2. FOREST MANAGEMENT Stephen A. Moore gave the following account in the March issue of Six Twenty-Six: "The Pelican Bay Lumber Company of Klamath Falls has converted one gas shovel and one diesel shovel into logging rigs. The Bucyrus gas shovel has a 32-foot boom and the diesel has a 30-foot boom. . . . It makes the fastest and most economic machine for handling logs for truck hauling where the expense of road building is not too high. . . . These rigs do the least damage to reproduction of any tried out so far in Government timber. The gas rig will use about 25 gallons of gas per day and the diesel uses around 15 gallons of diesel oil." Timber cut and sold values continued to climb in 1937. 71,151,000 board feet of timber sold was valued at $323,296.43; 5,127,500 board feet of timber cut, at $21,675.31. Christmas tree sales were up also; 46,994 lineal feet sold for $1,260.34. GRAZING An optimistic note was sounded in the Supervisor's annual grazing report to the Regional Forester: "The past year has been a favorable one for the stockmen of this vicinity. Forage growth was retarded early in the season because of cold weather, but late spring rains created very good range conditions, later in the season, and cattle were removed from the range this fall in good shape. . . . This is the second consecutive year of favorable prices, and the financial status of the stockmen has improved considerably over what it was two years ago. . . . The outlook on winter feed conditions is good. A normal crop of hay was produced and heavy fall rains caused a good growth of forage on the winter ranges. . . . "We feel that we have two problems of major importance here as follows: (1) Need for reliable range resource data secured by intensive survey. (2) A workable plan putting revested O&C lands under management. "As regards the first problem, we do not feel that we have sufficient information pertaining to our range resource to permit the formulation of and application of a sound management program. It has been recommended before and the recommendation is repeated here that as funds will permit a qualified range examiner be assigned to this Forest for a period of at least two years and provision made to equip him with a survey crew with the chief objective of securing the basic range resource data that is so badly needed. Our range management problem from this angle would be comparatively simple if this data were available. At present we have no reliable data indicating carrying capacity of our allotments. "The second problem is one that cannot be solved on the ground, but will depend on policies laid down by the department heads." A CCC crew did considerable work in the construction of check dams in the gullies in Silver Fork Basin in 1937. GAME CENSUS Seventy-five elk, 4800 deer and 400 bear were counted in the annual game census, with porcupine estimated to number 4500. Lakes and streams were planted with 1,025,000 fish including Fish Lake, planted with 525,000 eastern brook trout; Fourmile Lake with 7,000 eastern brook trout, 94,000 rainbow, 29,000 silver sides; and many lakes in the Sky Lakes, Seven Lakes, Blue Canyon and Heavenly Twins area were stocked. Poaching of deer continued to be a problem, especially while the deer were on their winter ranges. Biological Survey began predator control with fair success in trapping coyotes. The annual wildlife report noted that, although conditions for deer hunting were almost ideal throughout the open season, comparatively few deer were taken. OTHER Below are excerpts from the Ranger Meeting held February 10-11, 1937: Personnel: Mr. Obye stressed the fact that you should express your own opinions. If you are told to do something you know is wrong, discuss it and express your reasons why you think it is wrong thing to do before going ahead. Don't be a "yes" man. . . . Mr. Obye said the worst policy is the open and shut order that kills the initiative of the men. Mr. Janouch said any policy established on this forest should not be used on any other Forest should anyone be transferred. Learn the new set-up and try to follow their ideas. . . . Range: The policy for range inspection is two inspections a year; the first one in the spring is primarily to determine vegetative readiness and the inspection in the fall about the time the permittee is ready to move the stock from the range is most important. It should be determined whether or not the range is overgrazed and whether there is a proper amount of forage left on the ground. The range inspection report should be filed in the ranger's office files and used to make up the annual grazing report. Every man has a right to apply for as many cattle as he wants to graze even though you know they will be turned down. Mr. Janouch stressed the fact that they should not be denied making request for the full amount of their requirements. Mr. Obye: It is difficult to handle the large amount of public lands inside the National Forest. We have not had any grazing surveys made to give us any information to work on, but our best judgment should be used. One of the best ways to get good range management is through stock associations. It has been particularly satisfactory and I think if we could have 100% organization on all ranges things would work out more smoothly. Mr. Janouch said hereafter the staff man in charge of grazing will attend grazing association meetings in addition to the district ranger. In fairness to all concerned arrangements should be made to hold meetings some other time than Saturday afternoons. Mr. Janouch: The policy of granting permits on the National Forest is primarily for the purpose of the stock industry. In establishing priority, therefore, in consideration of applicants we should look at them from the standpoint of whether or not they are primarily stockmen. . . . Lands Acquisitions and Exchanges: The general policy is to seek land valuable chiefly for the production of timber that includes cut-over land right along with other land which has particular value to the Forest Service. The thought occurs that we have quite a few offers for exchange. We should give each applicant a chance to fill out the blank in making an offer for exchange whether or not we feel the price is too high whether or not we particularly want the land. We should determine what tracts exist on each ranger district that are of particular value probably concentrating on cut-over lands. I have a list of offers at the present time. . . . ECW Training: Mr. Janouch announced Mr. McReynolds' transfer to the Umpqua Forest saying: "I think this Forest has a good reputation on fire activities. This reputation has not been secured through lack of training. It is the result of training. Mac has done wonderful work on this Forest, and practically full credit is due him for the fire prevention and presuppression work since he has been here. Many new ideas resulted in success in fire control were initiated by Mac, one of the fire prevention activities'Radio' was his thought, as well as contacting oil companies informing them of fire weather and various other things brought out very successful fire prevention results. "I feel that on presuppression work he has given it considerable thought and without proper presuppression we would not have had the successful season we had. I do not say it is the best, but I do say it is worth a lot. It approaches a very high quality job. Fire suppression, resulting in the number of Class C fires being reduced principally as a result of proper presuppression, is also the result of action on the fire itself and that was caused by proper preparation and full cooperation of all Forest Officers concerned. "In the one lick method, Mac has not only received local recognition, but he has received recognition for his work along that line from the Chief Forester. . ." General Office Administration: Analysis of rangers's diaries, made last summer, showed wide variation of time spent in office by different rangers. The greatest amount by any ranger was 41% of total available working time. He did not actually spend 41% of his time in the office because he used a large amount of overtime, but that should not be necessary. It is evident that some means should be used to lessen the time necessary for office work; not much can be done to decrease the work so we must find means for doing it more quickly. The suggestions I offer are based upon our experience in the Supervisor's office. 1. Provide separate room for your own use, if possible. Mr. Janouch suggested that the two rangers who do not have this (DeWitt and Ritter) try to make arrangements at the resorts near their stations for rates for cabins which would be low enough to be paid under the per diem rate for staff officers, so that the rooms in the office buildings now set aside for this purpose can be used by the rangers. It was agreed that if this cannot be done, tents will be erected for visiting Forest Officers' use. The rangers will then use the extra rooms in the offices for their own work. Mr. Janouch stated that they should have extension phones installed and make it a practice to keep the door closed between these rooms and the general office rooms in order to have privacy and quiet. 2. Discourage visiting among employees in the office. 3. Avoid frequent interruptions through the use of notes which will make it possible to cover several points in one discussion. Use same method to decrease number of telephone calls. 4. Plan office work ahead by frequent reference to calendar of reports. 5. Handle work systematically. Run through mail first and dispose of the things that do not require much time; lay aside in attention basket others that require more time. If date for action is some considerable time ahead, make note on calendar and file the letter it will be more easily found than if kept on your desk until the time for action comes. 6. Avoid unnecessary work. Memoranda to Supervisor's office, if legible, need not be typed; use pencil carbon so that you have a file copy. Don't print if you can write more quickly. Send big typing jobs to Supervisor's office. Requisitions for office supplies can be by pencil note. Have the protective force prepare their own reimbursement accounts. Some discussion of these reimbursement accounts led to the following conclusions: Because some employees are required to make daily trips for water with their cars and reimbursement cannot be made for these trips on account of the four miles from headquarters rule, adjustment in salary should be made. Definite information must be given the employee concerning the reason for the increase. Each ranger is to submit list and recommendations for these positions. In order to assist the members of the protective force to prepare reimbursement accounts correctly, a supply of sample forms properly prepared will be furnished for distribution to them. Time for teaching preparation of diary and reimbursement account will be made available at the guard training school. 7. Make the best possible use of help available at the rangers' offices. A training program for protective assistants was discussed. Mr. Janouch said that possibly some change of policy might be made which would result in using the protective assistants as field men in inspecting and training guards, and using guards in their places in the offices. Some of our present P.A.'s would be very valuable in the field and other employeesprobably in most cases college studentscan be found who are better adapted to office work. We would want to get students who have had one year's experience in Forest work and try to keep them two more years in the office job. He said that if a P.A. vacancy occurs he feels that we should consider the possibility of employing a qualified student in it in order to provide the experience which would result in benefit to the Service when the student secures regular appointment. . . .
COPY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Post Office Building E Forest Supervisor, Dear Sir: Ninth Period ECW Camp Work Plans for the Applegate Camp, F-41, and the South Fork Camp, F-104, both dated April 23, are approved and enclosed herewith with the following comments: Road Maintenance and Equipment Repair: (1) The Regional Policy continues in effect that maintenance of existing roads, trails, telephone lines and other improvements takes precedence over all construction until maintenance is completed. (2) Your attention is called to Paragraph 11, Page II-30, Engineering Handbook. No further supplemental funds are available for equipment overhaul. Operation, maintenance and repair of all equipment used on ECW must henceforth be financed from current operating allotments. If the allotments are insufficient to finance the equipment in use for the approved work plan, a request should be made to this office for authority to eliminate such projects as require equipment in excess of your ability to operate and properly maintain it. Projects that are not within the work area of the camp should not be attempted previous to further approval of this office. Very truly yours, C. J. BUCK, Regional Forester, By /s/ O. F. Ericson Enclosures. On June 28, 1937, the Civilian Conservation Corps was officially created by an Act which amended the ECW Bill of April 5, 1933, and "transferred to the Corps all enrolled personnel, records, papers, property, funds and obligations of the Emergency Conservation Work Act." One amendment provided "that at least ten hours each week may be devoted to general educational and vocational training." The general aims of the Reforestation Bill of March 31, 1933, were still being carried out by this Act. Under provisions of the above cited Act of Congress the "Emergency Conservation Work" was dropped and hereafter became known as "Civilian Conservation Corps." Two camps remained on the Forest, Applegate F-41 and South Fork F-104. Following are copies of inspection reports of these camps by M. J. Bowen, Inspector. Also, Upper Rogue Camp at Union Creek was declared surplus to the Civilian Conservation Corps needs and was turned over to the Forest Service. Also enclosed are the approved work plans for the two camps for the 9th (April 1 to September 30, 1937) and the 10th (October 1, 1937 to March 31, 1938) periods. COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Office of the Director File Reference: Camp Applegate, Company 5463, F-41, Ruch, Ore., Oct. 18th, 1937. Mr. Robert Fechner, Director, Dear Mr. Fechner: Attached please find camp report, Army-Technical Personnel, Educational Adviser's report, and menus for above camp. Buildings erected in 1933, wired for lighting, adequately heated, and a 5 K.W. lighting system installed. None of the buildings are sealed on the interior. Inadequate supply of hot water in kitchen, and wash room. Many broken windows, pool flooring, and floor covering, in most of buildings, especially kitchen, and many new doors needed. Lighting system unreliable. This is a 4th Corps Area Co., and arrived from Pennsylvania, Oct. 14th. Health: Excellent. None in quarters, or hospital. Religion: Services will be held weekly. Work Projects: Sup't. has not had the boys on the projects, keeping them in camp today, to teach them on safety, truck driving on dangerous mountain roads, cleaning up around camp, etc. Will work tomorrow. From little Sup't. has seen of them, will be very much disappointed if they are not first class. This camp site vacated by previous Company Oct. 15th. Powder is stored in a Standard Forest Magazine, isolated, and bullet proof. All powder work will be supervised by experienced powderman. Have an excellent supply of wood for winter, about 600 cords. Tires: 4 Seiberling, 32 x 6, 10 ply. Camp overhead, twenty. Financial condition, excellent. Net worth all funds Sept. 30th., $1,723.51. Fresh milk will be served daily. All enrollees are well supplied with clothing, and foot-wear, except winter underclothing, and that will be requisitioned immediately. Each enrollee has a steel cot, cotton mattress, sheets, pillow, pillow-case and china dishes. Clean sheets and pillow cases are issued weekly, while Officers and other personnel furnish their own linen. There are no subversive activities in camp. The camp is also free from bed-bugs and all other vermin. Refrigeration, poor, should be rebuilt, or have a new one. Flush toilets are used in the infirmary, Officers, and Technical quarters and automatic flush toilets elsewhere. New Company has good cooks, splendid financial condition, good morale, and feel sure that they will have a good camp, when organized. Sincerely yours, COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS * * * * * File Reference: Camp Applegate, Company 5463, F-41, Ruch, Ore., Oct. 18th, 1937. * * * * * Dear Mr. Fechner: Special matters, Letter Sep't. 22nd. (1) This Company arrived from Pennsylvania, Oct. 14th, and appear to have good morale, and like the camp. (2) Thirty-eight were discharged recently, (E.T.S.) and all, or nearly all, were boys, who were in CCC for one period. (3) Mess in this Company is good. Are doing very well, considering, that company here only three days. (4) Camp Commander new with this company, but in the CCC, eighteen months. The Junior Officer has been in since last January. (5) This is a 4th Corps Area Co., but has been stationed in the 3rd Corps Area. C.O. informs me, that so far as he knows, 50% are retained, regardless of time served. (6) Policy of 9th Corps Area, is to retain 50% of Officers, regardless of length of previous service. (7) Company here but three days, but appear satisfied. (8) To-morrow will be their first day on the work projects. Sincerely yours, /s/ M. J. Bowen
COPY Form No. 3 EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Date October 12, 1937 Technical Personnel * * * * *
COPY Form No. 2 EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Date Oct. 12, 1937 Army Personnel * * * * * Marcus H. Muller, 1st Lt. INF-Res. COPY HQ. CO. 5463, CAMP F-41 Oct. 18, 1937 SUBJECT: EDUCATION, RECREATION, AND RELATED INFORMATION TO: MR. M. J. BOWEN 1. The above Company arrived in Camp Applegate on the evening of the 14th. The present camp site was being occupied by Company 2702, and which was being disbanded. 2. This company, while in Pennsylvania, took newspapers from the leading centers of the states whence the enrollees lived prior to their service in the above company. At the present time two local papers are available to the enrollees. These are the Portland Oregonian, and the Medford Mail Tribune. The full quota of newspapers and magazines as authorized have been available during the past quarter periods. 3. Vocational instruction in Camp Applegate during the past few months has been given in cooking and baking, auto mechanics, carpentry, cooking and mess management, blue print reading, bookkeeping, shorthand, and commercial arithmetic. The class attendance was fairly good considering the fact of disbandment and discharging during the past month. 4. Job training is of a high caliber. Each and every foreman has worked hard and have devoted much time to the making of job analysis and of lesson plans. Their program has been to teach the boys but the work has to be done by the boys themselves. Thus the following equipment has been operated, and maintained by the enrollees and not by any of the technical service. The camp has the following Caterpillar equipment: Caterpillar 35, 40, 50, 55, 60 and 65. These machines are equipped with bull-dozer blades and which instructions of their use and operation from a practical standpoint has been also, given. In addition, to the operating of six one and one-half ton Chevrolet and two GMC trucks of like tonnage the boys have had experience in repairing and maintaining them. The Technical Service has a M66, M86, Austin, and one Motor Patrol graders and maintainers. In the field of carpentry much work has been done in the building of camp sites and recreational centers and in building concrete piers for bridges. The Applegate Camp has supplied the Rogue River National Forest with tables constructed by power equipment. Rock masonry has been given as rock stoves and a rock Community Kitchen have been and are being constructed. As has been stated previously, the plan of the Technical Service is to have the boys do the work and to relate the work by given job instruction at the time and place where it is needed. In addition, leisure time instruction is planned. 5. Other classes have been given in the academic and high school levels as arithmetic, algebra (practical), reading and writing, spelling, letter writing and grammar, and journalism. The camp paper has been given many ratings by the Happy Days publication. Leather work, photography, and soap stone carving has been given as informal activities. The Camp Surgeon has given classes in First Aid and which the leaders, and any machine operators have been required to attend. 6. Recreational facilities have been available during the past as baseball, indoor ball, volley ball, croquet, and horseshoes. The indoor pastimes are by radio, checkers, pool, ping pong, and dominoes. 7. The boys are taken to Medford for their recreation in town and are offered the opportunities of going each week. 8. There is a need for a vocational shop in the camp and for meeting places for classes. The reading room has been used during the past as has been the quarters of the Army and the Forest Service. /s/ L. C. Algyer COPY Form No. 3 EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Date October 18, 1937 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Fill in on this sheet, name of technical supervisors, not enrolled men, and amount of salary they receive.
COPY EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 2 ARMY PERSONNEL Date October 18, 1937 Commissioned officers:
COPY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Address reply to Post Office Building E Forest Supervisor, Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith are approved Tenth Period Work Plans for camps Applegate, F-41, and South Fork, F-104, dated August 17, 1937. Comments by the several Divisions of the Regional Office for your consideration are as follows: Comments by the Division of Lands: Some work on the many partially developed forest camps on the Rogue River National Forest should be planned for the 10th Period, particularly from the South Fork F-104 Camp. Comments by the Division of Wild Life and Range Management: It is noted that no provision is made in these plans for wildlife management work. It is therefore recommended that they be revised to provide for the use of CCC personnel in making winter deer surveys in the Applegate district and in the winter deer ranges bordering the upper Rogue River valley. Comments by the Division of Engineering: If you cannot handle the work listed in the plan with the motor equipment on hand or if the work requires use of equipment in excess of your ability to set aside repair rentals according to the standard schedule, a request for further plan revision should be submitted. Very truly yours, /s/ C. J. Buck Enclosures Copied 12/27/37 CS INVENTORY OF SERVICEABLE EXCESS PROPERTY AT CAMP F-38,
Total Value of Excess Property. $5,786.00 COPY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington CCC December 29, 1937. Mr. Robert Fechner, Director, Dear Mr. Fechner: Reference is made to your circular communication of May 11, 1936 and policy amendment thereto dated May 20, 1937. Following a field survey it has been determined the unoccupied structures located on public land at CCC camp F-38, Union Creek, in Jackson County, Oregon will not be needed for future Civilian Conservation Corps occupancy. It is suggested the buildings, as described in the attached list, be reported as surplus to the Procurement Division in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 29, 1935 (49 Stat. 311). If this property is reported as surplus and available for transfer to other Government bureaus without reimbursement it is the recommendation of this Technical Service that it be reassigned to the Forest Service for administrative use. Clearance has been issued by the Liaison Officer of the Ninth Corps Area as of November 23, 1937. It is understood that if transfer is authorized the camp's operating accessories will be returned to Army custody. Very truly yours, /s/ L. C. Stockdale L. C. STOCKDALE,
District Rangers
* Superintendent of Construction title became Forest Engineer on June 1. ** The Rogue River Ranger District became the Union Creek District on June 1. # Known also as Dead Indian-Klamath District. PERSONNEL CHANGES From Six Twenty-Six: "Transfer of District Ranger Hugh A. Ritter from Dead-Indian Ranger District to Suiattle-Finney Creek R. D., Mt. Baker N. F. Rangership. "Transfer of Ranger John W. Sarginson from Sisters R. D., Deschutes N. F., to Dead Indian Ranger District (vice Ritter). "District Ranger Jesse P. DeWitt retired July 31. Homer J. Hixon, Mt. Adams District, Columbia N. F., replacing him on the Union Creek District (formerly Rogue River Ranger District). "District Ranger Simeri E. Jarvi from Butte Falls to Assistant Forester, Supervisor's Staff, and Junior Forester Paul A. Brinson from staff to Butte Falls Ranger District, vice Jarvi. (No definite dates given.) "Junior Forester Owen L. Aydelott from Lake O'Woods Ranger District to Monte Cristo R. D., Mt. Baker N.F., November 1. "New Applegate personnel included Robert L. (Slim) Dowell, Dutchman Peak Lookout; Russ Mitchell, Whiskey Peak Lookout; and Harold Reed, storekeeper at McKee, part-time recreational guard at McKee campground." Janie Smith was the first and only woman Administrative Assistant on a National Forest staff in the United States. Supervisor Janouch insisted that her title be changed to conform with that given to every man holding the same position on National Forests. SHORT TERM PERSONNEL ("The Rogues")
The above lists may not be complete. MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES January 17 the Supervisor's Office moved from the Post Office Building, where it had been located for 21 years, to new quarters on the second floor of the Liberty Building, corner of Grape and Main Streets in Medford. Assistant Supervisor Herschel Obye made a broadcast over N.B.C. the afternoon of July 23. The broadcast was made from a San Francisco-bound airplane, 12,000 feet in the air. On November 25 the last of four freight carloads of living trees and shrubs was shipped from Medford to the Golden Gate International Exposition to be exhibited on the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland building grounds in 1939. A total of seventeen trees including madronas, big leaf maples, Oregon ash, mountain hemlocks and yew woods, and one hundred forty-four manzanita and Oregon boxwood shrubs were secured. In July or early August, Mr. Obye, accompanied the COPCO public relations man, H. D. Kem, to Seven Lakes Basin and Devils Peak. Their primary objective was to take movies on the Skyline Trail to be shown at the International Exposition the following year. John Henshaw and Les Bradshaw "starred" with Mr. Obye as typical recreationists in the movie, which was sponsored by Jackson County. Supervisor Janouch started a three-month detail to the Regional Office beginning August 29. Mr. Jaenicke, the Regional entomologist, spent several days on the Union Creek District observing damage caused by the western pine beetle. Arthur K. Crews, Junior District Agent of the U. S. Biological Survey from Roseburg headquarters, was trapping live beaver on the District to send to the Eldorado N. F. in California where "it is hoped they will increase and build dams to help in soil erosion control." (Beaver transplanting received state-wide publicity through Associated Press stories.) In June, the first edition of "The Rogues" was printed for Forest personnel. This newsy little publication was distributed quite regularly from June 1938 until the beginning of World War II. Contributors to the first edition were: Karl L. Janouch, H. C. Obye, Sim Jarvi, Janie Smith, Bob Webb, Enid Funk, Harold Johnson, Lee Port, Maude Port, Al Young, Gene Tower, Ora Phillips, James Arnold, John Harr, Winston Hotell, Hugh Shurtleff, Larry Kaiser, Robert Ottoman, M. K. Fox, Bill McDaniel, W. M. Aitken, Charlie Knutzen, Jack Crump, Slim Pennings, John Byrne, Paul Brinson, John Sarginson, Owen Aydelott, Russell Winn, Sandy Congdon, Vern S. Smith, Graydon Adcock, Don Maus, George Mueller, Dave Kerr, Elmer Rowden, Jim Radcliffe, D. Royce Lang, H. J. Hixon, Gladys Hixon, Carl Ehelebe and Kay Burns. Glide Foundation Company of California purchased 1440 acres on Poorman's Creek in the Applegate area and invested $75,000 in new equipment. The plan was to remove the top soil with dozers and pile it upon the side ahead of the dredger, the dirt to be spread and leveled over the rock piles for farming. A good huckleberry crop was reported that year with pickers selling the berries for $1.00 per gallon. McKee Bridge campground had 75 cars in the campground at one time on August 7, the week following there were 50, and 35 on August 21. Beaver-Sulphur campground had an average of six to eight cars each weekend. FIRE ACTIVITIES Lightning storms were frequent during the fire season in 1938 and caused 94 of the 131 fires reported on the Forest that year. Acreage burned by lightning-caused fires, numerous as they were, was just 79 acres; small in comparison to the 1318 acres destroyed by 24 smoker-caused and 6 incendiary fires. The Trail Fire on the Union Creek District in September destroyed an estimated 600 to 900 acres. Various CCC camps sent men to fight it: Lake of the Woods sent 20; Applegate, 150; South Fork, 32 men. National Park Service camps Wineglass and Annie Springs sent 50 each. Sixty local men from the Trail area and 50 men pulled off blister rust control work helped to get the fire under control. A former employee of the Chiloquin Lumber Company set four of the five fires which started in slashing on the sale area on July 17. After a wild chase, the man was caught and held in Klamath Falls for trial. From Tallowbox Lookout, Fred J. (Ali) Sandoz reported 256 flashes (cloud to cloud and cloud to ground), seven forest fires, and 1.7 inches of rain in 3-1/2 hours "and considerable beaten down and bedraggled vegetation" from a lightning and hail storm on the afternoon of July 14. Avent Sawmill on Elk Creek was completely destroyed by fire in July, cause unknown. The Forest Service assisted in mopping up the fire to prevent its spread into the Forest Service Protective Area. In addition to fighting its own fires, the Rogue River provided assistance to fires on other Forests. Janie V. Smith had an account of it in the July issue of "The Rogues": "The extremely large fires on the Siskiyou and Klamath Forests, and the State fire which is threatening the Umpqua, have been the source of many calls for men and equipment. The first to go were trained enrollee radio operators to the Siskiyou from the South Fork Camp; next went other enrollees from both camps, accompanied by their CCC foremen and transported in our CCC trucks. . . . To the two forests we have sent about 800 men, for all of whom we prepared contracts and rented busses or trucks. . . . Several special calls have come for cooks, timekeepers and fallers, all of which have been filled. The National Reemployment Service furnishes men as rapidly as orderedwhere they all come from is a mystery to us. . . . The Klamath, to add variety, borrowed all our parachutes and excelsior for airplane deliveries. . . ." Wagner Butte Lookout Herbert J. (Slim) Pennings, had an idea on which he commented, "Oh well, skip it. It was just a bad dream anyway." His "bad dream". "When a fire starts in a remote section where several hours are required to get to it afoot, it seems that it would be a good idea to send in an airplane with a couple of good men and true, and have them jump from the airplane with parachutes and put it out while it is small. We might have difficulty finding men who would be willing to take the chance. . . ."
TIMBER MANAGEMENT Records compiled in 1938 showed that among the six million-dollar customers of the Forest Service was the Pelican Bay Lumber Company. On May 24, 1911, a sale agreement with the company was approved for 103,512,000 board feet of yellow pine, sugar pine, Douglas-fir and other species on the Crater Forest. From that date, the lumber company had a series of five Regional Forester sales including one on the Fremont National Forest. When the last sale was closed in 1938, the company had paid Uncle Sam a cash total of $1,685,050. This figure was exclusive of Supervisor's Office sales. Stephen Moore, finishing the Pelican Bay sale, went to the Chiloquin Lumber Company Sale. This was a 50-man layout, employing two scalers, Harlan Clark and Byron Stoddard, Fire Guard Royce Lang and eight sets of fallers, falling and bucking about 135,000 feet of timber per day. All logs were cut in 32-foot lengths when possible and hauled from the sale area to Lenz on the Southern Pacific Railroad, from six to nine miles, where they were cured and shipped to Chiloquin. Six trucks were used, the average loads around 4,000 feet. The sale was operated on a 50 per cent cutting basis, leaving 50 per cent of the stand in board contents on the area. This was the sale area that was beset by five fires, four of them incendiary, one day in July, as discussed in Fire Activities section. The Forest sold 7,729,000 board feet of timber valued at $43,075.13 and cut 7,113,000 board feet valued at $40,739.08 in 1938. There were 9,700 lineal feet of Christmas trees sold for $293. IMPROVEMENTS Bowen Creek Burn cleanup project, started in 1936, was completed. The burn, located along the Fish Lake road on the Butte Falls District, covered 1,200 acres. All snags were felled and approximately 1,000 cords of wood cut from the area. Average diameter of the snags was 20 inches, the largest were 60 to 70 inches in diameter. Imnaha Guard Station residence reconstruction started with "Pop" Martin, CCC foreman in charge of the remodeling. A new ranger two-bedroom residence at Butte Falls was nearing completion. The living room featured a view of Mt. McLoughlin through four long windows across the room. Lake of the Woods Ranger Station had electric lights installed. GRAZING No reduction for protection or distribution was made in 1938. A reduction of 170 head of cattle was effected on the Dead Indian cattle range through the dropping out of a 200-head permittee, only a part of his preference being waived. It was proposed to disapprove all stock being carried on a temporary basis on this allotment the following year, and by better distribution of the stock over the range, relieve the western portion which had been badly over-grazed in the past. By agreement with permittees on the Lower Applegate range, 100 head were kept off the Silver Fork Basin near Dutchman Peak. It was believed they could be transferred to other ranges and kept off the area permanently. A plan to have representatives of both the Rogue River and Umpqua Forests ride adjoining ranges the following year grew out of a meeting of the Supervisors, Janouch and Harpham, with the advisory board of the Upper Rogue Association, and Rangers Bowerman and Hixon. This was to further investigation of the continuing trespass of cattle from the Upper Rogue onto the Umpqua Forest. WILDLIFE Elmer Rowden, at the Pelican Guard Station, planted 25,000 rainbow in Heavenly Twins; 30,000 rainbow in Island Lake; 1,000 eastern brook in Dee Lake; and 1,000 eastern brook in Burk Lake. Sandy Congdon, Lake of the Woods, put 12,500 eastern brook in Fourmile Lake. Jackson County changed from the bounty system to the Government hunter system of exterminating varmints. Government trappers were working on coyote control for the second year. Annual game census showed 40 elk, 4500 deer, and 250 bear, with porcupine numbered at 3900. RECREATION Recreation use in the Sky Lakes Unit increased each year. This unit was one of many throughout the region which was included in the Regional Forester's order of January 24, 1938, (U Classification, Roadless Zones) which follows: COPY U January 24, 1938 Forest Supervisor, Dear Sir: On the enclosed map of your Forest is outlined in green an area or areas within which road construction must have the prior approval of the Regional Forester personally. This delineation is of temporary administrative value to enable the Regional Forester to sanction each proposed road within this specific area and pass upon its merits. It should not be confused with the designation "Roadless Area." Very truly yours, C. J. BUCK, Regional Forester, By /s/ F. H. Brundage, Acting. Enclosure COPY Camp F-38, Union Creek, Jackson County, Oregon CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Office of the Director File Reference: January 3, 1938 The Director Attention: Mr. W. N. Rehlaender Dear Sir: Reference is made to attached letter of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, dated December 29, 1937, concerning buildings located on public land at CCC Camp F-38, Union Creek, in Jackson County, Oregon. I hereby declare these buildings surplus to the requirements of the Civilian Conservation Corps, pursuant to Supplement No. 5 of Procurement Division Bulletin No. 7, and available for disposition in accordance with the Act of May 29, 1935, (Public No. 82 74th Congress). In view of the request of the Technical Service that this property be reassigned to the Forest Service, which is concurred in by this office, it is assumed that the Procurement Division will find it unnecessary to circularize other Government agencies. Sincerely yours, ROBERT FECHNER cc Mr. James A. Troy CAPTAIN SCHUMANN COPY TREASURY DEPARTMENT Procurement Division Washington In reply address T-CP-995 Report Requisition The Director, Sir: The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, is hereby authorized to assume custody for official use, without exchange of funds, and furnish necessary instructions relative to taking control of the following property, now in the custody of your activity, with the understanding that the receiving agency will become accountable for the property and title thereto will remain in the United States:
There are not included in this transfer any operating accessories or equipment now on the premises which may be required for further CCC use at other locations. Copy to: Agri. Dept. F. S. Very truly yours, /s/ W. N. Rehlaender
CCC WORK The two CCC Camps Applegate F-41 and South Fork F-104 continued to operate during the 11th (April 1 to September 30, 1938) and the 12th (October 1, 1938 to March 31, 1939) periods. There follows copies of some CCC inspection reports and the approved work plans for these periods. COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Reference: Camp Applegate, Company 5463, F-41, Ruch, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1938. * * * * * Dear Mr. Fechner: Enclosures: Immediate action report, camp report, menus, Technical personnel, Ed. Adviser's report, Safety questionnaire, and list of Automotive equipment. Buildings erected in 1933, wired for lighting, adequately heated, and three 5 K.W. lighting systems installed. Flush toilets are used in the Infirmary, Officers, and Technical quarters and pit type latrines elsewhere. Camp Administration: Camp operating very efficiently, and have a capable personnel throughout camp. Present C.O. in command about three months, and on arrival, the rations savings account showed a deficit of $80.16. During the month of October, rations savings account showed a profit of $281.72, and strange as it may seem, enrollees were satisfied. Technical personnel were very well satisfied with the mess. Company has an exceedingly well furnished Ed. Building, lumber for education building was salvaged from other camp buildings. Work projects: Enrollees are reported as very satisfactory. In fact, all Technical agencies rate the enrollees from the 4th Corps Area very high. Cooperation, very good. Net worth all funds, Oct. 31st, $1,260.23. Fresh pasteurized milk is served daily. All enrollees are well supplied with clothing and footwear, and includes all winter clothing. Each enrollee has a steel cot, cotton mattress, sheets, pillow, pillow-case, china dishes, and an issue of clean linen each week. There are no subversive activities in camp. Camp is free from bedbugs, and all vermin. This is one of our old camps, but in very good condition. Sincerely yours, M. J. Bowen /s/ M. J. Bowen Special Investigator. COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Date: Nov. 21, 1938. M E M O R A N D U M Recommended for immediate action. TO: The Director, Civilian Conservation Corps, Washington, D. C. SUBJECT: Camp Applegate, Company 5463, F-41, Ruch, Oregon. (1) Camp Surgeon who serves this company, serves camp So. Fork Rogue River, Company 1510, and four side camps. Driving time between Camp Applegate and So. Fork Rogue, about three hours, and in addition has four widely scattered side camps. Recommend that two camp Surgeons be used for the above assignment. (2) Ration savings account at the end of Sep't. showed a net worth of $384.01 and on October 31st, a net worth of $665.73, or a gain of $281.72 for the month of October. The present C.O. assumed command of this company on Aug. 18th, and at time, the ration savings account, (July 31st) was deficit $80.16. A survey amongst the enrollees did not disclose any dissatisfaction with the mess. All were satisfied. Also have very good cooks. M. J. Bowen. /s/ M. J. Bowen Carbon copies to: CCC District Headquarters, Medford, Oregon. COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 3 Date November 21, 1938 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL * * * * *
COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Date: November 30, 1938. M E M O R A N D U M Recommended for immediate action. TO: The Director, Civilian Conservation Corps, Washington, D. C. SUBJECT: Camp So. Fork Rogue River, Co. 1510, F-104, Butte Falls, Ore. (1) The camp Surgeon assigned to this camp has another camp, Applegate, F-41 and four widely scattered side-camps. The driving time from F-41 to F-104 is three hours, each way. It is my opinion that it is more territory than one camp Surgeon can cover, and spend the proper amount of time in each place. M. J. Bowen. /s/ M. J. Bowen Carbon copies to: CCC district Headquarters, Medford, Ore. COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 3 Date November 30, 1938 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL * * * * *
District Rangers
PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATION CHANGES From Six Twenty-Six: "Transfer of Junior Forester Marion N. Nance from Rogue River National Forest to Division of Operation. (March issue) "Transfer of Junior Forester James W. Thompson from Malheur National Forest to Chiloquin Lumber Company Sale (Headquarters Camp), Rogue River National Forest, and from Rogue River National Forest to Deschutes National Forest. "Junior Forester Waldo I. Petterson to assistant rangership, Lake of the Woods District, vice O. L. Aydelott. "Senior Lumberman Stephen A. Moore retirement approved effective September 1. (8-31) "C. J. Buck, Regional Forester since February 1930, promoted to Washington Office as general inspector and special assistant to the Chief. (March 31) Lyle F. Watts from the Washington Office was assigned as Regional Forester to replace C. J. Buck." From "The Rogues": "Jack Gill accepted a position with CCC headquarters in Medford, indefinite furlough became effective September 1. Had been in charge of the warehouse since beginning of CCC in 1933. Supervised first occupancy of 'new' warehouse buildings. (9-39) "Divide Guard Station was transferred to the Umpqua Forest from the Union Creek District. Panhandle country was added to Union Creek Ranger District." (7.39) Under the title, "Civil Service for Guards,t' Janie Smith wrote the following for the June issue of "The Rogues." STEPHEN ANDREW MOORE Stephen A. Moore was born December 30, 1880, at San Bernardino, California, to Edward A. and Rebecca Ann Moore. Stephen's father was a twenty mule-team driver. The family moved to the Rogue River Valley about 1886, taking up a homestead on Antelope Creek near Climax. Stephen was educated in the Climax elementary school and attended Southern Oregon Normal School, now Southern Oregon College, in Ashland. Stephen A. Moore started to work May 15, 1907, on the Cascade (South) National Forest. He reported for work at the Little Elk Ranger Station as Forest Guard working on trail maintenance with Silas McKee. He took the Forest Ranger examination July 23, 24, and 25 at Roseburg. Later that year he patrolled the area around Blue Lake, Rustler Peak, Tamarack, and Bunker Hill. He was married December 15, 1907, to Mary Mellisa Stinson in Medford. In 1908 he was appointed Assistant Forest Ranger, Crater National Forest (formerly Cascade South), Ft. Klamath, Oregon, at a salary of $900 a year. He served as Ranger in charge of the Fort Klamath District from 1908 through 1911, then moved to Ashland where he was Ranger in charge from March 25, 1912, through March 18, 1914, when he moved to Star Ranger Station, Applegate District. He was Forest Ranger in charge of the Applegate District until April 20, 1916. Moore, his wife, and small son lived in a tent at Star Ranger Station until a new house was built early in 1915. He served as scaler on the Utter and Burns Sale at Fort Klamath, and the Pelican Bay Lumber Company sale at Pelican Bay. In January 1918 Moore went to Portland because of his wife's health. While there he worked in the District office and in February scaled logs for the Wind River Lumber Company Sale near Carson, Washington, on the Columbia National Forest. Later in the spring he transferred to the Siskiyou National Forest at Powers Oregon. He returned to the Crater National Forest July 31, 1923. He and George H. West were assigned to scale logs on the Owen-Oregon Lumber Company sale in the Fourbit area. The sale was late getting underway, so in December Moore was loaned to the Cascade Forest at Westfir, Oregon. He returned in early 1924 and scaled at Camp 2 until 1928 when he was transferred to the Pelican Bay sale. In 1930 he helped in the extensive forest inventory work under the direction of the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. Following this assignment he was transferred to the Deschutes National Forest. In 1937 he was again assigned to the Rogue River Forest on the Chiloquin Timber Sale. He remained on this job until his retirement in 1939. "An Executive Order of the President, dated January 31, 1939, requires that fire guard positions be placed under Civil Service. Considerable difficulty has been encountered by the Forest Service in working out the procedure to be followed in making Civil Service appointments in these positions, and we still have not had the 'last word' regarding it. The main points seem to be fairly well established, now, and are of considerable interest. "All guards who have had six months actual service, with three of these months in 1938, who are under fifty-three years of age, citizens of the United States, whose services have been satisfactory, and who have the personal qualities and ability necessary for the position, may be blanketed into the Civil Service without examination. Those who cannot qualify under this heading may still be employed, if local residents, under exception granted by the Commission, but will receive none of the benefits of Civil Service until after establishing eligibility under competetive examination. Those who are not local residents, (students), and who are employed for the first time this year, will also be given the opportunity to establish eligibility through examinations, which may be given before the end of this season. "In other words, guards who have had the necessary experience will receive Civil Service appointments simply by filling out the necessary records; others who are local residents may continue to be employed without appointments but may be appointed through examination, non-local residents will probably not be eligible for employment after this year except through the examination. "The main benefit of Civil Service appointments for guards will be the retirement provisions. No information has been given us as to how this will be worked out, but it appears that retirement will be at the age of sixty-two and that the payments will be based upon rate of pay and length of service. For the forestry students who are planning to enter the Service through the Junior Forester examination, these guard appointments mean starting earlier to build up retirement credits." MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES During the Spring, a rustic sign disappeared from the McKee Campground. This was reported in the newspapers with the information that "stealing of Government property is subject to five thousand dollars fine or ten years in the penitentiary or both" and that an effort was being made to find the thieves. Four days later Ranger Lee Port reported that the sign had reappeared, in good condition, posted in its original location. The Region's largest tripartite exchange was completed in 1939. Final payment to the Rogue River Timber Company was made in December for the exchange on the Crater Lake Highway at a consideration of approximately $345,000 worth of National Forest timber. This exchange was negotiated in the fall of 1936 with the understanding that it would take approximately three years to complete the cutting of the selected timber. A special sale was made on the eastern portion of the Forest to take care of this selection cutting, which was completed according to schedule. In April, a letter addressed to all Forest Supervisors in Region 6 requested that plans be made to compile a National Forest history covering the time prior to establishment of a Forest Reserve or National Forest to the end of calendar year 1938. The plan was to compile subsequent additions to each Forest history annually in the form of summaries of "outstanding highlights" to keep the history up to date. Now, 26 years later (1965), the words of Regional Forester Lyle F. Watts become doubly prophetic: "These annual additions will become increasingly valuable with the passing of years. It will be recognized how valuable such summaries would be now, if they had been prepared during the past twenty or twenty-five years." FIRE ACTIVITIES A complete Forest Fire Plan was not furnished to the Guards in 1939. Instead, a list of all Forest personnel was published in "The Rogues" and distributed, June issue. Two new ultra high frequency radios were installed at Mt. Scott Lookout and the Panhandle Station for the use of the Sand Creek Fireman. They were good only for intervisible work. "With portable batteries, a set weighs only eighteen pounds and may be easily transported across country." Lowell W. Ash, at Trail Guard Station wrote in the August edition of "The Rogues": "Sim Jarvi and Ranger Hixon were here last week and gave my fire warehouse the once over, and incidentally I now have fire equipment for 50 or 60 men. I was kind of surprised when I got an O.K., I don't remember whether it was because Sim forgot his glasses or I was just lucky." Lightning caused 118 of the total 153 fires on the Forest in 1939, acreage destroyed by lightning being held to a total of five. This prompted the following comment by Sim Jarvi in "The Rogues": "With the spirit shown on the Districts, I'll bet that some of you guards went stumbling through the brush with your heads up and your hats upside down in your hands trying to catch those lightning bolts." Rogue River Cooperation for August was listed as: First, 48 CCC Applegate men and 2 foremen sent Indian Service. Next, 76 CCC men and 3 foremen sent Siskiyou. Then, 25 locals sent Siskiyou. Again, 1 Assistant Supervisor and 1 Assistant Ranger sent Siskiyou. Again, 6 horses and 1 packer sent Siskiyou. Then, 65 locals hired and sent Siskiyou. Again, 2 foremen and 1 timekeeper sent Siskiyou. And, 1 foreman sent Fremont. Then 50 South Fork CCC and 2 foremen sent Siskiyou. And, 1 Albert Young and 1 Howard Ash sent Siskiyou. Now, Park Service calling for power pumps. Meantime, Trained 100 South Fork CCC just in time to send next day to fire on Siskiyou. Yet, more cooperation gladly given.
FOREST MANAGEMENT Beetle control work in yellow pine along the Crater Lake Highway roadside on the Union Creek District was carried out; 83 trees occurring largely in four groups in three sections were treated by felling, peeling, and bark burning with ERA crews. In the spring, 6,500,000 board feet of sugar pine was advertised and sold at $5.75 per M and in the fall, high bid on a 1,100,000 board foot sale was $7.25 per M, appraised at $6.15. Herschel Obye's comments on timber prices were: "Until two years ago, $3.75 was the top price that had been received for sugar pine stumpage on this Forest. Then an appraisal was made on a 1,250,000 board foot sale. . . the timber was advertised and sold at $4.60. Sugar pine stumpage is being cut on three different sales on the Forest. Prices received are $4.50, $4.75, and $7.25 per M, the variation in price being due chiefly to accessibility and quality. White pine stumpage is selling at $6.85." Records for 1939 show total timber cut, 7,969,000 board feet, valued at $42,957.26; timber sold, 15,231,000 board feet, valued at $81,785.58; and 7,253 lineal feet of Christmas trees, valued at $2,442.33 sold. In March, planting of 50,000 ponderosa pine trees in the Bowen Creek burn was started. The planting was done by CCC enrollees from Camp South Fork and covered an area of about fifty acres. IMPROVEMENTS The Tiller-Trail Highway from four miles above Trail to the Rogue-Umpqua Summit was nearing completion in August. Little Applegate Road was being built. Foreman was Harry R. Swanson, Jr., from the Bridge and Structures Section of the Engineering Division of the Regional Office. He worked out of Little Applegate Side Camp with George L. Ice and Robert (Bob) Herring. Butte Falls received a Forest Service shortwave standby set, receiving weather reports from Portland, passing them on to Lake of the Woods and Union Creek, 8 a.m., to 8:30 p.m. GRAZING By verbal agreement with local officers of the O&C Administration, the Forest continued grazing supervision of the O&C lands inside the Forest boundary, continuing to collect grazing fees for the O&C Administration from their lands inside the boundary. All grazing inquiries received by the O&C people concerning these lands were referred to the Forest Supervisor's Office. No reductions in numbers were made in 1939 but permittees on three allotments were notified that temporary permits would be cancelled in 1940. Progress was made toward rehabilitation of the Dead Indian Allotment with three and one-half miles of boundary fence being constructed to prevent early season trespass and on and off drift throughout the season. Fence materials were furnished by the Forest Service and the permittees provided the labor. Jackson County provided labor for the construction of a cattle guard. The allotment was enlarged by the inclusion of a portion of the Clover Creek Sheep and Goat allotment and 50 head of cattle owned by one permittee were moved from the west to the east end of the allotment. WILDLIFE Fish Lake was planted with seven truck loads, 500,000 eastern brook trout, by the State in the spring. Fishermen's limit was ten fish. Extreme porcupine destruction to yellow pine reproduction stands on the Butte Falls District was noted. In some areas, it was claimed, as high as 50 percent of the young trees had been girdled. WAGE RATES - REGION 6 FIRE FIGHTING RATES (See instructions following schedule)
District Rangers
JUNE 1940 DIRECTORY (from "The Rogues")
PERSONNEL CHANGES From Six Twenty-Six: "Transfer: Butte Falls District Ranger Paul A. Brinson to Skykomish Ranger District, Snoqualmie N. F. January 1. (February issue) "Transfer: Junior Forester Waldo I. Petterson, Lake of the Woods District to the district rangership, Butte Falls Ranger District, January 1. "Transfer: Union Creek District Ranger Homer J. Hixon to staff of Colville, January 1. "Transfer: Ranger Richard H. Tubman from Spirit Lake R. D., Columbia N. F. to Union Creek R. D., February 1. "Transfer: Fire Assistant Simeri E. Jarvi from Rogue River to Fremont N. F., January. "Transfer: Ranger Maurice L. Tedrow from Tonasket R. D., Colville N. F. to staff of Rogue River N. F. (Vice Jarvi in February) "Junior Forester Vernon E. Hicks from Olympic N. F. to Rogue River N. F. (September issue) "William L. Jones, Superintendent of Construction (later Forest Engineer), since 1921, retired February 29. From 1932-1936 he had acted as chief of the 'flying squadron,' fire fighting specialists. Entered Forest Service June 1, 1914, as assistant ranger, was placed in charge of the Butte Falls Ranger District the following year." Robert H. Mercer was assigned to the Rogue River as Forest Engineer in April. MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES Joe Bar, one of the historic ghost towns in the Applegate area, was destroyed by fire in the spring. A defective stove pipe caused a fire in a miner's shack, the fire spread and caused the loss of all buildings except three on the bar. A memorial grove of 1200 ponderosa pine was planted by CCC labor in the Ashland Canyon Watershed through informal agreement with the Mt. Ashland Chapter of the D.A.R. The dedication program was held June 14. Supervised show-me trips were initiated to acquaint Supervisor's Office clerical personnel with "places about which we daily receive and answer inquiries." Rustler Peak Lookout, Carol Robe, reported that on the afternoon of June 22, a meteor, about the size of a football and "making very good time," went over his location and landed in the canyon between Rustler and Parker Meadows. In the December "Special Holiday" issue of "The Rogues," Janie Smith wrote: "Yes, we movedwe are back home in the Post Office buildingthird floor rear. All nice new rooms, and a clock in every one. We have echo troubles, and the elevator isn't running yet, and most of our new furniture hasn't arrived, but still we're fixed up pretty nice. The rooms are quite conveniently arranged for us who work in them, but are rather scattered around the hallways for visitors to reach." RECREATION By the end of August, organizations had put in 5,380 camper-days at Lake of the Woods. Boy Scouts' Camp McLoughlin accounted for 2,920 camper-days and Camp Esther Applegate, maintained jointly by Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls, 1,344. Klamath County 4-H Clubs maintained a tent camp at Willow Spring Forest Camp. FIRE ACTIVITIES A total of 80 fires on the Forest in 1940 burned only eight acres with dollar-damage reported as zero. Class "A" fires numbered 77, the remaining three were Class "B." Causes were: lightning, 65; campers, 1; smokers, 11; debris burning, 1; miscellaneous, 2. FOREST MANAGEMENT The Forest undertook extensive planting early in the spring and dedicated the plantation to Robert Fechner, the late director of the Civilian Conservation Corps. CCC labor, in fourteen planting days, set out 312,000 2-1 ponderosa pine transplants. (No location given here... Clue: ". . . noted in the Cathill plantings, a few miles distant. . . .") A policy of contracting brush disposal work from timber sale operators was adopted to provide additional work for short-term employees. The second step in a reforestation project on the Butte Falls District occurred 29 years after the first step was undertaken. It was at the location of the Snowshoe plantation of 1910-11. (Vol. I, Page 110) The plantation was originally broadcast sown and had been given up at that time as a failure. However, when the plantation was rediscovered many years later, the trees were found to be thrifty and putting on good growth, but were quite limby. And so, the second step, pruning the plantation, was started in the spring as a CCC project, 29 years after the original planting project began. Timber cut and sold records on the Forest in 1940 indicate 26,187,000 board feet cut; 55,603,000 board feet sold, values were $88,446.13 and $273,023.69 respectively. In addition, 3,009 lineal feet of Christmas trees sold for $1,736.77. The Forest surpassed all others in the amount of revenue received from the sale of Christmas trees. The Rogue River did not sell the most trees, but the most valuable ones. They were all Shasta, or silver firs. There was no blister rust control work carried on during 1940 and 1941. Development of sanitationsalvage logging for control of Western pine beetle began in the 1920's and had gained general acceptance by 1940. This system, based on the ecology of the beetle and the ability to recognize the ponderosa and Jeffrey pines in the stand most susceptible to beetle attack, proved practical and has been successfully used for about two decades. It is the accepted control measure at present. IMPROVEMENTS Union Creek office was built during the winter preceding publication of the June issue of "The Rogues" by "Pop Rawlings and his CCC boys" and to which Howard Ash added the finishing touches. "Interior is beautifully finished in knotty pine. . . . The outside is covered with rough twelve-inch brown lapsiding which blends into the shrubbery surrounding the station site, making it attractive to both visitors and personnel." It housed the Ranger's office, Protective Assistant's office, and visiting officers' quarters. The old office was remodeled inside and out and became the Fireman's cabin. A new warehouse "is being constructed to serve as storage for fire tools and equipment. The upstairs will be made into a bunk house to be used as crew quarters." New Tiller-Trail Highway was scheduled for completion in July. WILDLIFE The Mountain Lakes Wilderness Area lakes were stocked with 20,000 two-inch eastern brook trout by the Forest Service with a packstring of seven mules. The fish were hauled from the Ft. Klamath hatchery to a live box in Varney Creek where they were held for packing into the Mountain Lakes area. Each mule carried two 10-gallon milk cans about three-quarters full of water with about 400 fish to a can on a six-mile haul. Packing started about 6 a.m. to avoid the heat of the day. Before planting, water in the cans was raised to lake temperature by adding lake water to them to temper the water gradually, thus avoiding shock and resultant mortality to the fish. Following are excerpts from the Report of Rangers' and Staff Conference, March 4 8, 1940: A new officer should not consider that all the work of his predecessor was wrong, but should take advantage of the work that has been done and concentrate on the problems that are still unsolved. Hours of Work Promptness in reporting on job and full compliance with required hours of work must be insisted on. Every man must begin work promptly at eight a.m. unless engaged on fire suppression during the night; no other reason for tardiness is recognized. Better to be five minutes early than one minute late. Any other policy will bring criticism of public and lessen respect of subordinates. During work hours, office work must be done in office and not at home, unless specific authority is secured. Excessive overtime should be avoided; it lowers efficiency and with proper management should not be necessary. It is often caused by doing work in more detail than is needed. Allotments Rangers should not make expenditures unless they have allotments to cover, or without securing prior approval of Supervisor's office. Drastic action will be taken if rangers exceed allotments. Water Management The State has recently adopted procedure of requiring approval of Forest Service before issuing water rights to applicants for water from National Forest land. These will be referred to rangers for recommendation, and rangers should also handle special use permits for improvements to be constructed in connection with the water rights. This procedure does not relieve us from requirement of securing water rights for our own stations and camps. Safety The Region 6 CCC safety record is one of the best; in other activities it is very low. Safety should be at the top of the list in all inspections. It will be included in the guard training school this year. Investigation of accidents is a high priority job and must be accomplished immediately on occurrence of accident by ranger or his qualified assistant. CCC regulations require that every man who is in charge of enrollees must have a first-aid certificate, and arrangements should be made for the guards to secure these. Political Activity Each officer should carefully study Hatch Act instructions. In matters of a political nature, including reorganization, Park extensions, etc., Forest officers may not express opinions but may present facts if they are requested. U.S.D.A. Club Organization of a Club in Medford has been requested by the Secretary's office. All officers who are in Medford at time of first meeting should attend if possible, as it is important that the Forest Service assume a strong position in the organization. CCC The rangers will be responsible for training and inspection at CCC side camps. At main camp the Supervisor's staff will be responsible. Fire caches at both main and side camps will be ranger's responsibility. Rangers will prepare CCC work plans for the work on their districts. Side camp inspections should be made with the foreman in charge and unsatisfactory conditions reported to Supervisor. CCC fire crews must be cleared through Supervisor's office from both main and side camps. No CCC's are to be used at ranger's headquarters without prior approval of this office. On fires, avoid excessive relief of enrollees. Crews should go immediately to fires when requested, not delay for meals, but they should be followed up with lunches. Fires Spreading from Private Lands On an operating area, owner is responsible for a fire in spite of the fact that he pays patrol tax. However, under the State law, if the operator makes reasonable effort to control the fire, collection for costs or damages caused by fire spreading cannot be made. The handbook instructions that the State Forester's office should be notified of fires started by operator which spread to other lands, is not applicable to the National Forest protective area. However, very thorough investigation of cause of the fire having spread to other lands should be made. If the requirements have not been met regarding falling of snags, providing tools, etc., and the escape of fire has been due to this, the operator can be considered as not having made reasonable effort to control and would be liable under the law. Mr. Janouch stressed the fact that the investigation is for official information only and no facts or opinions arrived at through the investigation should be revealed to any persons. Truck Equipment About the only way to prevent fires from truck exhaust is to require the exhaust pipe to be extended up into the air, and that is against the traffic law if the truck is operated on the highways. It is a good idea to require a shovel with each truck. COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS January 18, 1940 CCC CAMP EDUCATIONAL REPORT Camp No. F-41 Company No. 5463 Post Office Medford State Oregon (Subjects of Instruction:)
RELATED EDUCATIONAL WORK Lectures, Visual Education, Job Training, First Aid, Safety Education, Etc. Safety and citizenship lectures given each week. Continuous class in First Aid by Camp Physician. One Educational film shown each week. . . . camp shows each week. Four day orientation period for all new men. . . . point program being followed. Job Training by each member of Technical Service, evening leisure time classes. Adequate number of typewriters provided for instruction by company. OTHER FACILITIES Libraries, Size, Active, or Inactive, Newspapers. Etc. Library contains about 800 books. Most active are Western novels. Library 15x10. Ten newspapers subscribed to, five from mens home state, rest national or local. Standard list of magazines. Least read, Hyge . . . School Life and Safety Engineering. Camp paper published monthly. Wood shop 20x22, camp furniture made in this shop. SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION Company on elementary grade level. One W.P.A. teacher handling all elementary subjects. Emphasis placed on raising enrollees academic standing and preparing him for some vocational field. Supervisory personnel cooperation in educational program excellent. Side camp program in charge of a foreman and selected enrollees. Adviser makes weekly visits to side camp. Is Educational Adviser assigned to Camp? yes Do Camp Officers conduct courses? yes Do members of Technical Personnel conduct courses? yes Specify number of nights each week devoted to education? 5 Present company strength ( 239 ) Average attendance daily ( 75 ) (not general assembly) RESULTS OF EDUCATIONAL WORK Unit and Proficiency Certificates issued to men on completion of . . . 29 First Aid Certificates issued for quarter ending December 1939. . . . leave camp with background in some vocational field. Illiteracy rapidly being removed. Providing instruction in various vocational fields and removing academic deficiencies has been a major camp accomplishment . . . education. Educational building 20 x 80 1600 Sq.Ft.
Above by Ed. Adv. OK (Except compulsory item) COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 3 Date January 18, 1940 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL * * * * *
COPY SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT Camp F-41, Oregon. Deficiencies All property is not marked "CCC" by either the Army or technical agency; Army does not have a truck storage shed. Note: District Commander, who was in camp, and Project Superintendent, ordered all CCC markings to be completed. Project Superintendent said there was room in the technical agency garage for storage of the Army truck. Please see Forms 11, 11-A and 23365 for other conditions and remarks. District Commander made memorandum of all conditions while he was in camp. Major Repairs to Equipment There is no Central Repair Shop in Oregon and, therefore, new form for reporting equipment in need of 3rd and 4th division repairs is not being submitted. Lost Man-days Percentage of lost man-days, after deduction of detached service and conditioning, is below 24 percent. Detached service of 1039 man-days is accounted for almost entirely by fact that detachments from this company were used to help construct buildings in two new camps, and for reconditioning four other camps, before arrival of foreign corps area companies. Side Camps Little Applegate 26 miles distant 47 men. Union Creek 76 miles distant 30 men. Note: Enrollees at Union Creek Side Camp are rationed from Camp F-104, Butte Falls, Oregon. /s/ A. W. Stockman COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Date: January 19, 1940 M E M O R A N D U M Recommended for immediate action. TO: The Director, Civilian Conservation Corps, Washington, D. C. SUBJECT: Lost Man-days Company No. 1510, Camp F-104, Butte Falls, Oregon. Reference: Standing instructions from the Director, C.C.C., to report as herewith when lost man-days for the three preceding months, inclusive of Army overhead, but exclusive of normal detached service and conditioning, exceeds 24 percent. Such percentage at this camp as 29.35.
Camp details, 863: This camp has been established since 10-1-34. Much general rehabilitation work was done in the period covered by this report, including covering old sumps, digging new sumps, constructing a wood storage house, repairing latrine and constructing walks. /s/ A. W. Stockman Carbon copies to: COPY SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT Camp F-104, Oregon Deficiencies: The District Commander was with me in camp, and a conference was held January 20, 1940, with the Supervisor of the Rogue River National Forest. Conditions set forth in Forms 11, 11-A and 23365 were assured of correction by both, if within the province of their authority, together with minor conditions not listed, but concerning which memorandum was furnished. Also, both executives assured that all CCC property would be properly identified with necessary markings, which was not the fact when the camp was inspected. The assurance of the Forest Supervisor extends to Camp F-41, Medford, Oregon, report on which is dated January 19, 1940. Army does not have a garage, but there is available space in the technical agency truck storage shed. Overhead: The three excess on Army overhead are an authorized pump man, a truck driver for transporting the company doctor to other camps he serves, and a general utility man. A fourth excess man is authorized for night guard work, but the position is not filled. Side Camps:
Note: The enrollees at Union Creek Side Camp are from Camp F-41, Medford, Oregon. This camp (F-104) merely rations and clothes the enrollees. Wood Detail: Army on January 18, 1940, started a detail of 75 enrollees to procure, cut and transport wood for fuel. Authorization has been given for 900 cords, which will supply fuel for this winter and next winter. The Forest Service is not making this a project or part project as all suitable timber for fuel has been depleted within working distance of the camp. The Army detail will be needed in numbers similar to the present one until about March 31, 1940. Attached hereto is a statement, prepared at District Headquarters, which shows comparative costs of obtaining fuel wood by Army detail, wood bought commercially, and coal as a fuel. Commercial purchase of fuel or coal is governed by the Ninth Corps Area Headquarters. District no longer has funds for this purpose. Corps has not authorized purchase of fuel in the instance of this camp. Karl L. Janouch, Supervisor of Rogue River National Forest, at a conference with me on January 20, 1940, stated the large number of man-days lost to the work project because of the Army's wood detail would not seriously affect the work program, inasmuch as it was being done in winter months. Furthermore, he said he believed the Army's project would have merit, in consideration of the safety training and experience new enrollees could be given in handling various types of tools. Also, he said it would afford opportunity for members of the technical personnel to observe which enrollees were best fitted for the jobs of truck driving and other key, or more or less key, positions. /s/ A. W. Stockman COPY CIVILIAN CONSERVATION WORK CAMPS Form No. 3 Date: January 19, 1940 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL * * * * *
COPY Form 11-a CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Co. 1510 SAFETY QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Is a safety committee organized? Yes 2. Are semi-monthly safety meetings held with all enrollees, including Army and technical personnel? Yes 3. Has a safety assistant to the superintendent been appointed? Yes Have you checked his periodical reports? None made - Only verbal reports (see over). 4. Are any safety posters displayed? Yes Charts? Yes Signs? Yes 5. Are goggles required? Yes Do they meet CCC specifications? Yes 6. Are explosives properly handled and stored? Yes 7. Are trucks provided with guard-rails? Yes Seats? Yes Governors? Yes 8. How often are fire drills held and do they include technical buildings and equipment? Monthly Yes. 9. Are flammable materials properly stored and properly protected with adequate fire fighting equipment? Yes except as noted on reverse side of this form. 10. How many accidents has the Camp had in last year? 11 and in the last 60 days? 1 (Neither) (Army 6, Tech 4, Neither 1) For remarks use other side of sheets. /s/ A.W.S. (Reverse side) 3. Lack of reporting by the Safety Assistant on prescribed forms (also at Camp F-41, Medford, Oregon) was discussed with Supervisor of Rogue River National Forest on January 20, 1940. Forms have been provided for this purpose and the omissions would be corrected immediately, he said. 9. Barracks have only one fire extinguisher each, whereas two are needed, per regulations; Barracks have only two fire buckets each, whereas four are needed, per regulations; No safety valve on kitchen boiler; Technical agency truck storage does not have any fire extinguishers, whereas two CTC extinguishers are needed, per regulations; an additional S&A fire extinguisher is needed in mess hall; gasoline and partly filled cans of paint in technical agency repair shop. Safety - Misc: Blocks or trigs are not carried on trucks as per Section 3, para. 22 of CCC Safety Regulations; gasoline and paint kept in repair shop; combination seats and tool boxes on trucks observed did not have covers secured to "boxes" with snap locks forming a part of the installation; side boards on stake trucks are not fastened to truck beds; guards needed around drive belts attached to Army laundry and engine equipment. NOTE: Army: Colonel Fletcher, District Commander, accompanied me to camp. It develops that barracks in all camps throughout the Medford District are equipped with only one extinguisher. Colonel Fletcher said steps would be taken immediately to comply with regulations in this respect. Other conditions reported herein also will be corrected, he said, as well as minor deficiencies not listed herein, but concerning which he was given memorandum. Technical agency: Conference was had January 20, 1940, with Karl L. Janouch Supervisor of Rogue River National Forest. Mr. Janouch said he had never received any instructions with regard to fastening side racks on stake trucks to the bed of the truck, but would take up the matter with his Regional Office, he said. Such instructions do not appear in Safety Regulations, but the practice of such "anchoring" has been general in the districts I covered prior to my new and present assignment. Several superintendents and others have told me that this safety precaution has prevented fatalities and serious injuries when trucks have overturned. Mr. Janouch said other conditions set forth herein, as well as minor deficiencies found at both this camp and Camp F-41, Medford, Oregon, and concerning which he was given memorandum, would be corrected immediately.
District Rangers
JULY 1941 DIRECTORY (from "The Rogues")
MISCELLANEOUS U. S. Post Office and Courthouse Building in Medford was dedicated the afternoon of February 7. About 350 people visited the Forest Service offices "open house" in the new addition. "The Forest Service has secured eight rooms in the new addition to the old post office building, and these are located on the third floor on the north side of the building. The rooms are very attractively and efficiently arranged and fully answer present needs" wrote Karl Janouch in the March issue of Six Twenty-Six. The Supervisor's desk and cabinet were made by "CCC's and many of the open house visitors expressed surprise and pleasure that CCC's should perform such perfect work," he continued. George Griffith, Regional Office Division of Information and Education, spent a week in August on the Forest obtaining pictures. With the Supervisor he made a photography tour of the Applegate country, the Union Creek District, Lake of the Woods and Fourmile Lake. GRAZING During the first inspection of sheep allotments on the Panhandle east of Crater Lake National Park, the outstanding range condition noted was the Tent Caterpillar infestation of bitterbrush. In some areas the infestation was so severe that individual plants were completely defoliated. Areas of heavy infestation, where plants were from 70 to 100 percent defoliated, approximated 3000 acres on one allotment. RECREATION June hit a new low in recreational use at Lake of the Woods because of the cold and wet weather. Moise Penning was issued a term special use permit for Rocky Point Resort on March 20. It was canceled October 15 the following year, however, on account of the war and a permit for "storage" was issued in place of it. Following World War II, the resort permit was again issued, on April 8, 1946, to Lloyd S. and Florence L. Timmons. It was still in effect at the time of its transfer from the Rogue River National Forest to the newly-formed Winema National Forest in 1961.
FOREST MANAGEMENT Timber cut (18,142,000 board feet) on the Forest in Fiscal Year 1941 was valued at $73,701.96; timber sold (5,602,500 board feet) was valued at $8,016.28; 9,509 lineal feet of Christmas trees sold for $2,959.16. This was the last commercial sale of Christmas trees until 1946. None were sold during the war years. FIRE CONTROL A new record low for man-caused fires was established on the Forest, with just seven out of a total of 86 fires being man-caused. (Fire records date back to 1909.) CCC WORK Camp Applegate F-41 was closed down on June 30. This left only Camp South Fork F-104. Following are inspection reports including copy of approved work plans for the camps. COPY CCC Form INV-608 FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY Date February 21, 1941 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL * * * * *
Work completed - continued trails, 70 miles forest telephone lines, 10 public recreation camps with utilities and facilities, 25 bridges (estimated), and forest fire fighting. Future work Maintenance of 150 miles of forest telephone fire lines, 150 miles of truck trails and . . . public camp grounds. Continuing construction of 14 miles of truck trails, just begun. Forest fire fighting. Spike camp: Wagner 45 miles distant 40 men. Lost Man-Days Sick: During December and January there was a continuous run of cold and flu cases, from December 1 to 10 there was a specific flu epidemic involving 278 men in quarters. Wood detail: The company commander gave the following verbatim statement with regard to the wood details of 2324 for the preceding three months, as well as for the large number of enrollees continuing into February (56 today): February 21, 1941 I hereby certify that the wood detail of 56 enrollees shown on work report of February 21, 1941 is the number of men used that particular date on wood project. The number varies (direct)ly to the needs of the project. Wood is not procured incidental to the work job, but is supervised by Technical Agency foreman. All work and costs from falling to camp stacking is charged to the Army, except equipment rental. Caterpillars are out on the job. On October 14, 1940 request was made to District Headquarters for 2700 man days and . . . gallons of gasoline to procure 900 cords of wood which was estimated to be needs until next fall. This was approved by District Headquarters on October 21, 1940 and procurement started that date. The camp laundry does the laundry for Camp Williams Creek, thus this wood procured is used for Camp Williams Creek's benefit also. It has been found that 450 more man days will be needed to complete procuring of 900 cords of wood as requested on October 14, 1940. /s/ Oliver W. Leonard, Jr. The camp superintendent verified the explanation of the company commander, and in response to direct inquiry said the loss of the services of so many enrollees was not a particular handicap to the work program in winter months, and it left the men free from wood procurement duty in summer months when working conditions were better, and their services were needed more extensively, especially for fire fighting. It is being submitted to both the District Commander and the Regional Forester that investigation and verification disclosed that enrollees charged to wood details have at time been used for camp work which should have been charged to "Camp details."
WORK COMPLETED Construction of 9 Ranger station dwelling houses, three offices, three warehouses, three gas houses and garages. Construction of truck trails and minor roads. Fire hazard reduction. Public camp ground development. Tree planting. Construction of vehicle bridges. Fighting forest fires and fire suppression. FUTURE WORK Ranger station improvement, range improvement, timber stand improvement, construction and maintenance of truck trails, proposed telephone line construction, bridge construction, camp ground development, fighting forest fires and fire presuppression. LOST MAN-DAYS Since about January 24, 1941, and until March 1st, about 2302 man-days were used for wood procurement. Large details have continued so far through March, and will be continued for about a week longer. There were 65 on the detail today. Wood procurement, while charged to the Army, is done under supervision of the technical agency from falling to delivery in camp. The camp superintendent said this work was concentrated in the winter months when it was difficult to perform various regular forestry projects. No illegitimate use of members of wood detail was ascertained. Sick cases, although numerous, are below the average of 4th Corps companies doing duty in this section of the west. They were mostly of the mild flu and cold type.
WORK COMPLETED (CONT'D): development. Tree planting, Fire suppression and presuppression. FUTURE WORK: Ranger Station improvement, road construction, telephone maintenance, Range improvement, tree planting and bridge construction. DETACHED SERVICE The Company Commander gave the following statement and data with regards to a breakdown of 974 man-days for detached service: "Detached Service - Assistant to District Dentist - 62; DS Medford QM as warehousemen and truck drivers (to assist in movement and storage of property and Subsistence) 912." These figures may be considered inaccurate as "camp details" have been charged to "detached service." Records are such however that the number of days could not be ascertained except for the month of December 1941, when there were camp details each work day. SIDE CAMPS
Medford side camp crew is working drainage system of Central Repair Shop, Medford, Oregon, under construction. The 30 enrollees there include 9 men of the technical service overhead. Army has men at the same site but they are working directly in closing the former Medford district QM headquarters. No Army overhead members (cooks, etc.) are a part of the 30 men employed by the technical service. As of this date 14 men are being used exclusively by the army at this Medford site. Including the overhead members the technical service as of this date had 14 enrollees turned over to it at the base camp. COPY 1st Ind. HQ CO 6410 CCC, Camp South Fork R R F-104, Butte Falls, Ore., Dec. 23, 1941 To: District Commander, Van Bks CCC Dist., Van Bks., Wash. 1. The water supply of this camp is furnished by means of a Columbia Ram taking the water from a small creek and piping it for a distance of nearly one mile to the camp water tank. Water is gotten to the ram by means of an earthen ditch approximately 400 feet long and then through a wooden flume of approximately 800 feet in length. During the periods of heavy rains the earthen ditch becomes flooded and overflows thus cutting a hole in the ditch and after the water recedes below flood stage the water instead of flowing down the ditch to the ram continues down the ditch to the point where the banks have washed out and fails to reach the ram. The wooden flume consists of a wooden trough supported on poles at times as high as 20 feet above the ground. This trough catches all leaves, branches, etc., that falls and this debris in turn stops the ram when it is reached. The supports for the flume are in a bad condition and many of them are broken causing the flume to sag to one or the other sides and a large amount of the water to flow out over the side. 2. The Ram itself has been in use for a number of years and is beginning to cause some trouble such as the air bowl becoming full of water every day or two. When this happens the Ram of course stops and the dome must be removed and the water drained out. 3. According to information obtainable by this officer there was at one time a gravity flow pipe line from a point up the creek to the watertank and it is understood that during this time there was no trouble with the water supply. The grade for this line is still intact according to the Technical Service and would be very little trouble to replace. This system would require approximately three miles of two inch pipe but there would be no need for a ram, pump or any other mechanical device and it is thought that this system would be the most satisfactory and would furnish a continuous and adequate supply of water. If this system is used there is about one mile of fairly new pipe running from the ram to the tank that could be salvaged after the other line was completed. 4. To obtain a supply of water from the present source that would be continuous and cause no trouble would require a concrete basin at the source of supply, a pipe line of six inch pipe approximately 1200 feet in length, and an overhaul job on the Ram which is now in use or a new Ram. 5. It is not known at this station which would be the cheapest or the most feasible system to put in operation as it is realized that the procuring of pipe at the present time would probably be considerable of a problem. However, due to the bad weather and the distance from camp to the Ram over bad roads makes it appear that something should be done to the present system. 6. No trouble will be encountered in the installation of any system that is approved as the Forest Service has stated that they will put in the line for any system that is finally decided on. MAX L. PIPER, COPY 2nd Ind. HQ VANCOUVER BKS., CCC DISTRICT, Vancouver Bks., Wash., Dec. 30, 1941. To: Co. Comdr. Co. 6410 CCC, Camp South Fork Rogue River F-104, Butte Falls, Ore. 1. Funds are not available for installation of a gravity pipe line at your camp; neither is it possible to procure pipe for replacement of the present flume and ditch. 2. It is desired the present supply system be reconditioned to eliminate some of the current difficulties. The ditch should be kept in repair; flume supports replaced where necessary; a screen installed in the flume to prevent leaves and twigs reaching the ram, and faulty gaskets replaced in the ram to eliminate the condition cited in paragraph 2, first indorsement. 3. You are authorized to make a camp project for rehabilitation of the water supply system. It is recommended the Technical Service be contacted and request made that personnel from the agency supervise the project. Local materials should be utilized for flume supports if available; material not on hand or obtainable locally without cost should be requisitioned. The flume should be straightened or sag removed to prevent condition noted in paragraph 1, first indorsement. Gasket material for the ram will be furnished upon receipt of requisition indicated quantity and size required, if not on hand. 4. Report is desired upon completion of the project with comment as to manner in which the water supply system is functioning after completion of repairs. By order of Lieutenant Colonel POMERENE: L. C. GASKILL
District Rangers
TIMBER MANAGEMENT During 1942, due to the demand for lumber for war uses, the first heavy cutting of Douglas-fir on the west side of the Forest was started. Thirty-three commercial sales were made for a volume of 77,271,000 board feet and a value of $268,932. On commercial sales, 25,180,000 board feet were cut, representing a value of $89,271. In addition, 2,302,000 board feet were cut on exchanges, making a total of 27,482,000 board feet cut at a value of $104,083 during 1942. Prior to the heavy demand and increased price on fir lumber this year, Douglas-fir stumpage had been selling for an average price of $.75 to $1.00 per thousand, plus deposits. One of the first appraisals prepared in 1942 set the advertised price at $1.85. Competition on the sale raised the bid price to $2.85 plus deposits. On the basis of the bid price on this sale, the stumpage price on most of the fir sales was increased to $2.30 per thousand for the early part of the year. Toward the end of the year, fir was being advertised at $2.65 per thousand plus $.85 deposits. In the late fall of 1942, considerable demand was expressed on the part of most of the operators in Jackson County for timber on areas that could be winter logged. In response to this demand, sales were made on the pumice flat between Prospect and Union Creek, with the period of operation limited to the season November 1 to May 31. As many as eight to ten sales were being operated on the Union Creek District during the winter. The rush of work was greater than was expected, and by spring approximately 500,000 feet per day were being scaled, and woods supervision of the sales was sacrificed in order to keep ahead with marking and scaling. In the fall of 1942, two fir sales were made on the east side, one near Rocky Point and the other on the slope south of Fourmile Creek. These were the first sales made on the east side for several years. Bid price of $5.23 per thousand for Douglas-fir on one of them was the highest price received for that species. A 20-man blister rust crew was operated at Union Creek. All work done was re-eradication on lands previously treated in the Upper Rogue unit. During the season 1,510 acres were worked, 960 man-days labor used, and 149,000 ribes eradicated. The crew was for the most part pickups, transients, and a few students. In the spring, 40 acres of new planting and 50 acres of replanting were accomplished on the Bowen Creek area, using CCC enrollees to do the work. Much of the planting was lost due to poor technique, and nearly all the balance of the planted stock was severely gnawed by rodents. Later in the spring as the area became accessible, five acres of Shasta fir, averaging 1,210 trees per acre, were planted near Gypsy Spring on the Blue Rock Road. (Examination of the area in 1944 showed a total survival of 18 percent including a percent of unthrifty trees. Loss was due mainly to rodent cropping.) Because of the shortage of manpower, timber stand improvement work was limited during the war years to the planting of 3,400 white pine in openings on a sale on Castle Creek during the spring of 1942. The planting, scattered over an area of 30 acres, showed very good results. The Forest Service took over the ribes eradication on a project basis, and control work was confined primarily to federal ownership lands. The Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine retained the functions for providing leadership, technical direction, disease surveys and checking. Extensive partial cutting and tree selection logging during the war years created a tremendous amount of ground disturbance and necessitated an increased eradication program for several years to combat the sudden upsurge of new ribes. High school student labor was all that was available at that time. It was of low caliber, expensive, and ineffective. As an expedient, the one-man system of ribes eradication, and contracting were established. These methods are now the recommended practices and used throughout the nation on blister rust control work.
CCC WORK Camp South Fork F-104 was shut down on July 24. The entire program was discontinued due to World War II. Following are inspection reports made in March 1942, and approved work plans for the 19th period, April 1 to September 30, 1942. COPY CCC Form INV-608 FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY Date March 25, 1942 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL * * * * *
Cont'd on Reverse - Work Completed: Open storage sheds, light plant houses, telephone maintenance, tree pruning, and camp wood. MEDFORD SPIKE CAMP: Present work: Installing drainage system, hauling gravel and surfacing yard, building cyclone fence at the Medford Central Repair Shop. Future Work: Hauling gravel and surfacing yard, completing fence and building loading and unloading platform for heavy equipment at Medford Central Repair Shop. Work Completed: 1200 feet of drainage system, 3000 yards of surfacing material at the Medford Central Repair Shop. Side Camp Medford Side Camp 43 miles distant 26 enrollees Note: The 26 represent the field crew. There are others there on D.S. as trainees at Medford Central Repair Shop.
AIR WARNING SERVICE The Air Warning Service, a part of the Army Defenses, was developed in lieu of an adequate radar screen along the coastline. In the spring of 1942 all Forest Service lookouts were pressed into service as aircraft observers. They were to report all aircraft within hearing distance, whether sighted or not. If sighted, they gave the aircraft type, number of engines, the direction of travel, and some indication of speed. Their report was sent to the Ranger Stations and relayed to Air Warning Command in Roseburg. (The next year the reports went to Portland.) The sightings and reporting were done 24 hours a day; 7 days a week. Because the job called for 24-hour communication, telephone operators had to be employed. Ladies who worked in this position were: Maude Port, Hazel Pennings, Fern Crump, Pearl Byrne, Maude Zeigler, and Teen Henshaw. Money was given to the Forest Service during the summer of 1942 to convert all garages on the lookouts into living quarters for winter use. Getting these stations ready for winter living was a chore. All buildings had to be remodeled, supplies brought in, and cord after cord of wood cut and hauled during good weather. Lee Port and Slim Pennings "packed" a building into Whiskey Peak with the assistance of pack mules. The stations were manned and airplanes reported throughout the winter of 1942, in most cases, by man and wife teams. Some of these teams were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winningham at Tallowbox, Mr. and Mrs. Slim Dowell at Dutchman Peak, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCoy at Cinnabar, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Onn at Hershberger, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wright at Blue Rock. The two-man team of Paul Stibran and Bill Zeigler manned Whiskey Peak. Lowell Ash and his wife Zella manned Mt. Stella Lookout on the Union Creek District when the lookout was under nine feet of snow. This number of people and stations required a great many service trips. In the winter travel was primarily on snowshoes. It was a two-day trip, in most cases, to each lookout. Under adverse weather conditions, it was a four-day trip. Houses were constructed at half-way points to provide overnight shelter for the "Service" personnel. Some of the men who did this work were: Jack Crump, Dick Tubman, Morris Byrne, John Henshaw, Ansil Pierce, and Daid Thompson. Bill Zeigler's dog Two-Bits fell off Whiskey Peak two or three times during the winter, but survived to die of old age. Lookouts were buzzed by P-39 aircraft at various times, but "cabin fever" and monotony took their toll of observers frequently. One woman had to be brought down from a lookout by dog sled. Apparently the radar screen was developed to the point that it was not necessary to man the stations during the winters of 1943 and 1944, but the summer lookouts continued reporting until the fall of 1953 when this portion of the Warning Service was discontinued. It was an eventful time, and the people who were connected with the assignment will never forget the Air Warning Service.
District Rangers
TIMBER MANAGEMENT During the year 1943, 35 commercial sales were processed; stumpage included in these sales amounted to 160,240,000 board feet at a value of $584,851. The cut for year 1943 reached a total of 96,557,000 board feet and a value of $356,183. The only Forest in Oregon which showed a greater value for stumpage cut during the year was the Fremont National Forest. During the summer of 1943, timber sales were made and operations were in progress in the Dead Indian area, on Beaver Creek and at Wagner Gap on the Applegate District, and on the Union Creek District. As fall approached, some advance marking was accomplished on the Union Creek District in preparation for the winter sales. Logging during the winter followed the pattern of the previous year with 10 to 14 active sales and a movement of 10,000,000 board feet of timber per month during the winter months. The scaling force was increased to four and sometimes five scalers to take care of rush periods and long hours. Provision was also made for more markers, and less of this work was done by the yearlong force. Woods supervision was some better than in 1942. During 1943, semiannual meetings of the Forest Service, Indian Service, War Production Board and other interested agencies were inaugurated to analyze the timber supply available for mills in the Klamath Basin, and to decide who would provide the stumpage to keep as many mills as possible in operation. As a result of the analysis, it was decided, and approved by the Chief, that the sustained yield cut on the Fremont Forest be held intact, and that the Rogue River Forest would provide up to 100,000,000 per year during the war emergency to keep the Klamath mills in operation. The method of appraising Douglas-fir stumpage was changed from a lumber to a log grade basis to correspond to other areas in the fir region where an open log market existed and timber was being sold on log grade. By the end of the year, Douglas-fir was being sold at an average rate of $3.55 advertised stumpage price, plus $.75 deposits. Three 33-man blister rust camps were operated; the main camp at Union Creek, and side camps at Sunshine and Foster Creeks. During the season, 3,300 acres were worked; 3,280 man-days labor expended. GRAZING The Clover Creek Sheep and Goat Allotment, ordinarily grazed under private land permit, was not used during 1943, but the use was permitted the following year. This represented 700 head of sheep. 3,968 head of cattle grazed a total of 17,326 animal-months; 2,409 head of sheep a total of 6,591 animal-months. WILDLIFE The game situation was generally good and condition of the game ranges was not materially changed from the previous year, according to the annual wildlife report. The number of big game hunters and the kill of game animals were both greater than a year before. Estimated game population: deer, 6700; elk, 50. Estimated use: by big game hunters, 1300; small game hunters, 510; trappers, 155; and fishermen, 2650. Following are quotes and comments on the Klamath Falls Emergency Rubber Project. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
In a very real sense our highly mechanized civilization rests upon a cushion of rubber. When the war dramatically cut-off our imports of that vital substance from the Far East, science and industry instantly began an intensive investigation of every lead that might possibly provide a substitute for the product of the rubber tree. Synthetic rubbers of several different types and made from both mineral and vegetable substances have been developed in recent years, and some of them produced in small quantities in this country. Fortunately the processes of manufacture had been so well worked out that it was possible to start at once upon the construction of huge production facilities designed to be in operation when the original stock pile of natural rubber begins to run out. While the synthetic rubbers serve many purposes as well as does the natural productare even better for someit is considered necessary to have on hand a certain amount of natural rubber for some very essential uses. This caused the Government to intensify investigations into rubber bearing plants adapted to culture in this country, and to start production of the most promising of them. A good deal of study had been given such plants in the past; even the great inventor Thomas A. Edison spent part of the last years of his life testing hundreds of plants for their rubber content. He accurately forecast that we would some day be cut off by war from our supply across the Pacific, and said that the automotive machinery upon which we depend for existence would "rack itself to pieces" without rubber. Several substitutes were being tested all over the country. The Klamath Falls area seemed ideal for Kok-saghyz, a Russian dandelion. This was due to the soil in the area being rich in organic materialswhich seemed to be a definite need of the plant. It was hoped to be able to produce up to 40 lbs. of rubber per acre, but actual production was around 25 lbs. of rubber per acre. Following are quotes from a letter by Mr. Larry K. Mays to Carroll Brown on this subject which covers the local history of this war project. (L. K. Mays started this project in April 1943, and served as Area Superintendent until September.) "It was organized as the Klamath Falls Emergency Rubber Project, controlled out of the Division of Timber Management in the Regional Office with Alex Jaenecke in charge. I was assigned to the project in April 1943, and went to Klamath Falls then. The Rogue River was to provide administrative assistance and other help as possible. I got only the very finest cooperation, service and help from Supervisor Janouch, Administrative Assistant Janie Smith, the Equipment Maintenance force and from Klamath Falls District Ranger, Johnny Sarginson and his organization. It would be difficult to over-emphasize the many things they did to help even to the extent of shorting themselves in personnel, supplies, rationed gas, etc. to help us. "We got wonderful cooperation too from Gene Gross of the Klamath Experimental Farm; from Charles Henderson, County Agent; and from all local peopleranchers, Chamber of Commerce, Press, etc. I remember how helpful Ed Geary, seed grower, was with methods, equipment, and just everything he could do. "Here, I should mention a little background. After the U. S. entered World War II and our supplies of natural rubber were cut off, everything was being done to find ways of producing rubber. In 1942, some Taraxacum Kok-saghyz seed from Russian sources was supplied all State Experimental Farms. One of the best results from these tests was reported from the Klamath Falls Experimental Farm (Gene Gross). The Government decided to put this area into a production operation. I was told about an interesting sidelight of the Kok-saghyz seed request to Russia. The U. S. was ordering 30 pounds. Now thirty pounds of Kok-saghyz seed is a lot of seed as they are very, very small. The request went through the State Department at the time the U.S.-Soviet lend-lease arrangement was being debated in the U. S. Senate. Some enterprising person in the State Department saw the 30 pound request and thought there must be some mistake so he just added a zero and made it 300 lbs. When the Russian got this request they must have been 'flabbergasted.' They didn't dare offend the Americans at this time, particularly since the lend-lease agreement was hanging in the balance, so they proceeded to round-up 300 lbs. of Kok-saghyz seed. They swept warehouse floors and corners, took poor seed stocks with a lot of 'rogue' seeds present, etc. Anyway they shipped the 300 lbs. of seed. This story helps explain the trouble we had with 'rogues' in our field plantings in 1943. "We leased 30 acres of 'mineral' soil adjacent to the Klamath Falls Experimental Farm and 60 acres of 'peat' soil near Warden, south of Klamath Falls about 6 miles. We had to clear the mineral soil tract, level it, bring in irrigation water, and plant the seed by May 10. This was done in about 40 16-hour days. The seed was planted on both tracts by the May 10 date as I remember. I was real estate agent, engineer, tractor operator, purchasing agent, general contractor, time keeper, administrative assistant, press agent, etc. My day began before 6 a.m. and ended after 11 p.m. The family didn't move down from Bend until after school was out so I spent full time on that project. "One morning when I was covered up with paper work and was sitting at my desk next to Sarginson's office, I heard someone and looked up and there stood Louise Green (Langdon). She said 'I'm the new clerk, where can I put my hat?' She went right to work and really cleaned up that mess. "Zeno Dent was one of the foremen and Ansil Pearce, from the Rogue River, was the other. They were good men and self-starters. "We had boys (mostly 16-year-olds), women, old men, and Spanish-Americans for labor. I believe our payroll ran between 80 and 100. The big job was weeding, cultivating and irrigating. At the end we picked seed and dug roots. "The Bureau of Plant Industry sent a man down (Dr. Ray Pendleton) from Corvallis. We assigned him some experimental plots and provided him with labor and equipment use. "It was found that the mineral soil tract produced the best rubber plantsroots and seed. The 'peat' soil tract did fairly well where the soil was not too alkaline. We selected it purposely from a little above 7.5 to about 9 ph. just to find out what would happen. The high 'base' soil didn't produce well. "There were some pictures, articles and data in the Klamath Falls paper. They should be available. "The Bureau of Agriculture Engineering sent an engineer out from Washington to assemble and show us how to operate the 'seed pickers.' They were cumbersome and were equipped with steel wheels. The machines wouldn't move thru peat soils. We replaced the steel tires with old rubber tires and got rolling. "I left the project in September and Zeno Dent took over. . . . "Basil Wales from Region 9 was giving general supervision to all Kok-saghyz projects in the U. S. Also I believe he handled golden rod too but didn't get into guayule. Jack Bowen was a staff officer on all Emergency Rubber Projects in Washington. "I believe the reason they didn't continue another year with these natural rubber projects was the perfection of synthetic rubber processes."
District Rangers
TIMBER MANAGEMENT During the winter of 1943-44, an analysis of the timber situation within the Forest's zone of influence was made to determine (1) the amount of timber available to each mill; (2) the estimated life of the mill, considering private timber and possible Government timber; (3) the ownership and condition of timber-producing lands; (4) the number of people employed by the industry and the effect of the lumber payroll on the various communities; (5) a program of timber disposal for National Forest stumpage; and (6) in general, a complete though extensive picture of the timber situation in the locality. Plans were also formulated at this time to start concentrating on the timber management job with the ultimate aim of getting one year ahead of the sales job so far as cruising, marking, road locations, boundary running and similar items were concerned. Also during this year Federal money was expended for the construction of timber access roads to facilitate the movement of logs to aid the war effort. Two projects were started on the Forest; the Butte Falls Prospect road and the Jim Creek road. Cutting on the Union Creek flat continued through the winter of 1943-44 on about the same scale as during the previous winter. More stress was placed on woods supervision of the sales. However, because of changes in timber sale officers and other factors, cutting practices were not materially improved. On the east side, the Lamm Lumber Company continued operations through the winter, scaling was done on the mill deck, two scalers were employed, one for each shift. In March a sale was processed for the Big Lakes Box Company, and all rangers except Union Creek and three men from the Medford office put in ten days during the last of March and the first of April on the initial marking. Cutting on the sale started soon after April 1, the date the sale was awarded. Operations on the Lamm sale continued until September, when the sale was cut out. The Lamm mill shut down because of breakage of hard-to-get parts and the last 2,000,000 board feet of logs were turned to DeGeorgio by Lamm. Big Lakes continued to log until December, when the woods were shut down and cold decked logs, previously scaled, were used to keep the mill in operation. Farther south in the Lake of the Woods District, a sale previously made to Oregon Grain Bin Company (G. C. Lorenz) was turned to Ed Hamacher who had moved his mill to Klamath Falls. This sale was cut out. The State Highway Department stopped the skidding of logs across the West Side Klamath Lake Highway and trucks were used to haul the last of the logs the one-quarter or one-half mile to the lake. On the Butte Falls District, Medco cut almost exclusively on land in other ownership. A late fall sale was made to Joe Hearin in the Deadwood area, but bad weather forced a shut-down before much of the area was operated. Pernell and Gertson did not log a sale made to them below Hyatt Reservoir because of labor troubles. Timber Products continued to log in Beaver Creek on the Applegate District, moving mostly pine. No cutting was done on their May 26, 1942, sale at Wagner Gap, and the sale was extended for a year with the understanding that the operator would construct a road down the Little Applegate to the Cass Ranch to connect with the existing road system there. Medford Corporation continued operations on the Union Creek District for most of the summer season with two loggers operating on separate sales. Southern Oregon Sugar Pine also remained in production during the summer. During the fall period, numerous applications were received from operators wishing timber on the remaining uncut winter logging area at Union Creek. An attempt was made to determine the applicants' actual needs for the winter period, and advertise timber sufficient to get them through the winter. In this manner, as many operators as possible were provided with winter logging. Late in the fall, construction of a timber access road was started north from Deadwood Junction for a distance of three miles. At the end of 1944, Douglas-fir on the Union Creek District was selling at a total price of from $5.30 to $5.45 including $.75 cooperative deposits. During the year, 36 commercial sales had been made, and a total of 163,000,000 board feet had been cut on going sales. Receipts from stumpage alone amounted to $731,000 during the year. A cruising crew was hired and started work during July on the Daley Creek area adjacent to the Dead Indian access road. From here the crew moved to Union Creek and worked in the Flat Creek-Abbott Creek area. A second crew was started and worked intermittently for a month or so after they had been released from slash disposal and other work. At the end of the year, some 8,400 acres had been cruised and log-graded. A 100-man camp for blister rust work was maintained at Union Creek. The crew consisted of 16- and 17-year-old students. Most of the season was spent on re-eradication work and the balance on initial work. The Medford Working Circle management plan was prepared and submitted during the winter of 1943-44, but because of changes made in ranger district boundaries making it advisable to change working circle boundaries, the plan was recalled and revision was started late in 1944. Field work to determine the upper limits of merchantable types was completed during the summer. GRAZING This year 4,409 head of cattle were permitted to graze on National Forest land. This was 441 head more than in the previous year and were mostly temporary stock on the Rancheria range. An inspection of the range by C. M. Rector, Otis (Pete) Foiles, and F. G. Whitney indicated overgrazing was taking place and it was decided to disapprove all straight temporary applications for 1945. Three thousand four hundred and twenty head of sheep grazed a total of 8,624 animal-months. Three grazing observation plots were constructed, one in the Panhandle and two on the Union Creek District. Following is the history of grazing in the Alex Canyon-Studhorse Canyon as related in a Memorandum to Supervisor Janouch dated August 14, 1944: "In the late 50's or early 60's, Alex Conover ran a good many hogs in what is now Alex Canyon (exact number unknown, but evidently several hundred head, as the hogs were trailed to Klamath River and sold to the Chinese mining there, and were also butchered and packed out). The only knowledge Port has of the use is what the old timers have told him, so the actual the numbers of stock and number of years of use are not known. "During the summer of 1918, 12,000 head of sheep were permitted in the area south of Elliott Creek from Studhorse to Donomore. At the end of the season the whole area was a dust bed. "12 or 14 years ago, 2,000 head of sheep were grazed in Alex and Studhorse Canyons for 3 weeks or so, in trespass. "Cattle use (permitted) was heavier in the past, especially during the 1st World War. "Cattle drifted into this area from Dutch Creek, and also the usual Klamath drift occurred, still further aggravating the overgrazing. "During World War I a total of some 8,000 head of cattle were permitted on the Applegate District. This number has been gradually reduced to approximately 1,800 head at present. F.G.W." Following are excerpts from the very interesting Notes on the Ranger Meeting held on February 3, 4, 5, and 7, 1944: The following attended the meeting: Howard Phelps, Regional Office; Rangers Port, Tubman, Sarginson, and Foiles; Assistant Supervisor F. G. Whitney; H. J. Andrews, Regional Forester; John C. Kuhns, Assistant Regional Forester, Division of Education and Information; and the following attended sessions of the meeting when functions pertaining to their work were discussed: M. L. Tedrow, R. H. Mercer; and J. V. Smith. Supervisor Janouch conducted the meeting. Supervisor Janouch outlined the work to be done, stressing the importance of Resource and Land Use Management. (Memo covering this furnished Rangers.) Mr. Phelps stated that the Work Plan was merely a tool for getting jobs done, and discussed with the group techniques for making up the Work Plan. In the job description we should state our frequency standards in brief terms. Information & Education activities were discussed by the group. Phelps stated that it was hoped that more specific I&E activities could be incorporated in the Plan. Appropriate material to be presented to school children was one of the problems brought up and after Rogue River practices and procedures were explained, Mr. Kuhns stated that the local Green Guard organization was desirable because it is a community enterprise rather than an agency set-up. Phases of I&E work, such as appropriate material for public talks, use of the library and bulletins, forestry in the school curricula, and individual and group contacts with labor unions were discussed. An index of the Supervisor's library will be sent rangers. Mr. Kuhns urged contacting unions and discussing wage rates and general forestry, fire prevention, etc. From the above subject, the discussion went into I&E educational work in timber management, and Mr. Kuhns said he believed the time is coming when we are going to have to have some public support when we turn down a man who is applying for timber. From a Public Relations standpoint, it is better to give the answer "no" and elaborate a bit, with the idea of putting across the philosophy of the greatest good for the greatest number in the long run. He asked the question: "How much could you do with educational work to help out on logging problems?," and stated that the time is here for bringing community into our thinking and our planning. Ranger Port stated he believed we should visit every permittee at grazing application time. Mr. Kuhns suggested that range management starts with the owner rather than the herder, and asked if it was possible to educate local people in order to obtain our objectivesWhat education work can we do with the stockmen and the public so that they will be aware of what we are trying to do in our range management activities? He said that whatever we do will have an effect. The question of how much county agent leadership is furnished to permittees was asked, and it was brought out that practically none, because of our particular type of permittees. Demonstration areas and sample allotments were suggested by Mr. Kuhns. He also stated that since it appeared we weren't too sure about range management (browse) practices, we should not use force, but by means of education and information attempt to improve the ranges, and remarked that he didn't think this is an opportune time to do anything else but education and information. From an I&E standpoint it would be better, although it might be a slow process; he concurred with Ranger Port's suggestionthat of visiting each permittee at application time, because it was good psychology. He didn't think bearing down on the stockmen would help matters, and there would still be the problem of conflict between recreationists, hunters, and fishermen and stockmen. There was a discussion regarding more specific I&E jobs. Mr. Andrews stated that probably people in the zone of influence do not understand enough of just what the Rogue River Forest means to themthe part that it plays in local economy, expressing the hope that in the course of two or three years there could be for each forest pictures something like Ed Cliff used in the range management field, giving the facts, which could tie in with a talk delivered on how the Forest affects the individual, which is far more significant than some generalize statement. Just how much the Forest wants to break it down to the ranger level depends. It doesn't have to be limited to one activitywater, range management, timber, alienated land, etc. The Forest Program doesn't mean much when it is in generalized terms, but if it is brought down to the farmer, timberman, recreationist, etc., it would be more clear. By way of clarifying the problem, Mr. Andrews stated the following: "What are the three or four principal problems on this Forest for example? On the Fremont there are two problemscattle and sheep versus an overpopulation of deer. The Forest Service is whipsawn between the two forcesstockmen and the sportsmen. "And then there is the selective exchange problem, court trouble and tax base. If you have some prominent stockman and sportsman together on show-me trips one could have a very concrete story to tie to and explain. . . In every case you have the objective in the back of your mind. However, there are specific factors affecting the individuals or community, such as the City of Medford being dependent upon sawmills, number of hours of employment in the cutting of Christmas trees, etc. These factors are the important thing. Anything of course that we say here now does not apply during the war; it is out for the time being. We are talking about something that is going to be continued. I would say the thing to do is have an over-all objective. That same thing applies to grade school needs. Instead of saying you should prevent forest fires because that is the thing to do, you should show how the person is affected locally." Mr. Kuhns brought up the subject of Albert Weisendanger's approach to grade school childrenfireman's kit, Pulaski tool, etc. These can be shown at the time of the talk to the children, and through visual education, they will become more interested and impressions will be made much more easily. The Supervisor stated that our problem in Jackson County is acquisitionto get public opinion strong enough to force the Court to withdraw its objections. For example, the Jackson County Court has gone out over the State and criticized the Forest Service. Tentative arrangements have been made to take the whole Court out. The next step would be California-Oregon Power Company and the bankers to answer the question "Why can't we turn more timber on the market?" Ranger Sarginson explained the Klamath Falls situation. Something can be done about maintaining a certain amount of timber. There is the approach, for example, of how to meet the problem of Klamath Falls people insisting that we clean out all the timber to support their mills. We should strive to retain some of our mills and keep them going gradually. Mr. Kuhns stated then that the objective is to make the people look to the Forest Service as their only available solution. It was explained that the Forest Service is attempting to get forestry as a part of the existing school curricula, that it isn't a case of the Forest officers teaching forestry to the children, but of selling it to the teachers and principals so that they will teach it as part of the regular course. Following are E&I subjects discussed briefly, listed here as a matter of information:
State & Private Forestry. Mr. Andrews outlined the study being conducted now. He stated that the time has come when the Forest Service should know the conditions outside the Forest boundaries since pressure will soon be put on the mills now cutting out private land. It was finally agreed that the first job in the work plan (SP-1, Inventory of Mills) should be included, with possible revisions at a later date. Mr. Andrews said: "What we are interested in at the moment is thisAll the second growth in the world isn't going to cut any ice in the timber economy of the region in the next quarter century. What is going to check the volume of the sawmills and cut is the virgin timber. That is going to affect the economy 20-60 years from now. We are concerned about the next 25 years. Which mills are going to stay and which are going to go out? And are they going to come in on us for timber? At what rate, and how fast? What are they going to want and how are they going to want it? What we are looking for is an immediate picture because of pending legislation and other aspects. There's a transition on this Forestpeople are coming in here in the middle of winter and wanting timber. They are ahead of detailed planning. That is what we want to give to them. Now, the timber sale is made and they haven't seen a sample of the marking; it's a rush job and planning is impossible. It's wise to line up the timber business for the next year. So that we can say when they want timber'here's the timber, here's the area, the boundary, marking, etc.' How many times have you made timber sales where you can tell them what's what? We must handle our own job better. The job is getting ahead, but we must know how things are going on outside. The only indication of what we think, is what is happening to us. That's timber management." "We are running a business; we are getting to the point where the outside timber is cut out or in strong hands. All kinds of mills in the past were set up in the region; people had their own stake, and we didn't have any pressure on us, but we now see where Puget Sound is cut out. The private timber left there is in the hands of a few strong owners waiting for their own timber. Those mills in the Puget Sound area are going to cut until the war is over and because of lack of timber, are going to move into southern Oregon. If there is an installed production here at the present time, the present mills on the ground may have enough. We want to know the relationship between the mills and the time element. There are going to be lots of problems," stated Mr. Andrews. Supervisor Janouch stated that therein was the problemwe do not have any timber owners, but we do have strong mills. Timber Management. In order to explain Timber Management Planning, Mr. Andrews said that a Forest Service philosophy, which is strictly long-time, is to gradually de-emphasize the Regional and Forest Supervisor's offices and to emphasize the rangers. This doesn't mean that the staff men would be inexperienced but they will more likely act as technical advisors. This objective should mean that the rangers should begin thinking and doing things in a different manner than in the pastwhich is an evolutionary approach. The Olympic was cited as an example. The ranger is a manager, making the ranger job a career. This is of course something that can't happen in a day or a year, and it is not going to simplify work planning for the next five years, but is going to make it more difficult. The Rogue River is attempting to follow that scheme of putting Resource Management in the hands of the rangers, with the staff serving as technical assistants. Conclusion. Mr. Janouch concluded the meeting with the following: "This Plan of Work is going to get very close supervision by the general inspector this year, and the inspection is going to be based on this Plan. Therefore, special consideration must be given to it and the monthly job schedules. See that it is properly delegated, and check if it has been done; and if not, why not. Monthly job schedules should be prepared in pencil and carbon copies made. These should be filled and the jobs checked off in accordance with the Manual. Care should be taken in keeping the record and we must make the Plan operate, or know why it can't be done. The job plan should not be forwarded as it is stated in the manual, but will be checked in the field." Below are excerpts from a memorandum to District Rangers and Staff by Karl Janouch, dated December 8, 1944: This memorandum is written for the purpose of outlining responsibilities that we have and work to be done. It is largely based on the results of the General Inspection of the Forest. * * * * * Coming back to the Rangers, all of you will recall that the General Inspection Report states there is a need on the part of the Supervisor to train the Rangers to better serve as "On the ground resource and unit managers." The following will constitute a preliminary attempt towards this goal and is more in the form of Step I in the 4-step method of training. Operation This Forest has the reputation of being as smooth, if not the smoothest, running organization in R-6. We have made long strides in efficient performance of our responsibilities and elimination of unnecessary work. However, our job is not static. New conditions arise daily and must be handled in a new way. Therefore, we cannot come to "rest" and "live" on our reputation. Every job which promotes the development of the Forest is worth while and should receive consideration if the cost in dollars and cents is reasonable and we have the money to pay for it. The Unit Manager's job is to "Organize, Delegate and Supervise." This is not an overall job in managing a unit, but is a required procedure for every specific undertaking which is a component part of the Ranger District Work Load. * * * * * Greater efficiency in routine work appears to be needed. The recent training on "How to Improve Work Methods" you received should be very helpful in increasing your efficiency. Every job should be broken down and analyzed as outlined on Form PDT-1. All your overhead employees should be given a course of training along these lines and you should insist that the procedure be used constantly. I feel that to "Organize, Delegate, Supervise" is essentially a great big job and should take a large amount of your time, especially during the field season and a considerable amount of time in planning in the non-field season. Personnel Management Personnel Training is far below standard. Work is being delegated without proper thought of training the individual to perform it properly. The general inspection brought out that Rangers and District Guards assume too much in measuring the ability of employees. As stated under Operation, there is a strong need for systematic training. Our Safety Record is far from satisfactory. More attention must be placed on plans for an Action Program. We must be prepared to detect dangerous practices immediately and be ready to jump into a Prevention of Injury educational program. For example, when you see a man improperly walking among obstacles which may cause him to fall, you should bring him to a "stand still" and outline, by demonstration, the dangerous steps he is making and instruct him how to walk in such a field without subjecting himself to injury. Fire Control At least one initial inspection of lookouts and firemen should be jointly performed by Ranger and District Guards for proper procedure purposes. Inspections should be thorough to determine Guard qualifications to function and determine training needs. More attention should be given to the use of fire finder (vertical angles, panoramic photos, etc.) as training tools. All packers should carry an ax, shovel, and canvas water bucket on trips. Car seals should be on all tool caches and fire tool boxes, etc. Hanging of clothes on windows of lookouts is objectionable since they obstruct the view of the country. * * * * * Timber Management Considerable time studying conditions on the ground and recording data is needed. Increment borers should be used generously. Utilization road needs and locations should be determined. Reproduction habits of all species and determination of controlling factors should be secured. Factors influencing feasibility of planting, determination of areas to be planted, species, rodent control, and much other data for formulation of plans for each specific area are needed. * * * * * Each Ranger should devote considerable time to each timber sale and secure proper practices in all phases of operation. We are overlooking too many items which are violations or non-compliance with terms of sale agreements. Rangers should devote very serious efforts towards securing salvage operations of all usable wood even to the extent of soliciting small mills to operate on cut-over areas where feasible. Burning of any usable wood that can otherwise be disposed of is poor business. We must insist on utilization of merchantable dead timber (either down or standing). * * * * * Timber Management is always a number one priority job for you Rangers. All other resource management jobs are secondary although they must be given unlimited consideration and protection in any timber disposal plan. Grazing * * * * * A greater effort must be made to talk to permittees personally. It is preferable to ride with them, but it may be necessary to visit them at the ranches. This winter may be a good time to pay visits, secure applications, count stock and talk "turkey." We have about reached the stage where we must "lay the law down" in front of each permittee to secure better Range Management. However, we should first efficiently try E&I procedures. * * * * * Land Exchange and Acquisition * * * * * Land exchange and acquisition is not a dead issue during the war period. We are authorized to make small land exchanges and there are lots and lots to negotiate on this Forest. All Rangers should start negotiating and keep on negotiating. Consolidation of our ownership is a highly important job for Unit Managers and as Resource Managers, your work will be greatly facilitated through having solid tracts of land to deal with. State and Private Forestry The General Inspection brought out clearly that the Rangers lack understanding of their responsibilities in State and Private Forestry, or are purely neglecting them. Forest Officers should be the leaders in timber management work in their zones of influence. Generally speaking, they are the only professionally trained men along these lines in their area. I like to put it this wayA forest ranger should be looked to along forestry lines in the same light a doctor is sought by a sick person. This indicates the job you have to do and your responsibilities are not fulfilled until the implied respect is gained. Closer contacts with State District Inspectors and Fire Wardens are needed. An intimate personal acquaintance with every operator and resident timber owner should be the goal. Timber conditions on every wooded drainage in your zone of influence should be very well known. Satisfactory practices through diplomatic and educational discussions should be secured. * * * * * Education and Information I am discussing the E&I responsibilities at the end of this memorandum, not because it is considered of lesser importance as one of your responsibilities, but because it is an activity that is directly related to all others with which you are charged. The general inspection criticized this Forest because it was apparent that Staff Officers and Rangers were not "hitting the ball" in this particular game. Our Fire Guards and other employees are ignorant of Service aims and purposes. Rangers do not know the people in their zones of influence and do not know the attitude of the individuals they are acquainted with. There was no evidence of following the E&I plans. Loggers, gypos, and mill operators have not been properly contacted. In fact, the E&I activities so far as the Staff Officers and Forest Rangers are concerned, are at low tide. There is an opportunity for E&I work on every job and at every human contact. We must be overwhelmingly conscious of the Forest Service objectives and detect and follow through at every opportunity which presents itself to educate and inform the fellow worker, permittee, the visitor, the residents and business people and the public as a whole of the particular aim or objectives, also in utilization of the resource at hand and in the protection of that resource from depletion and further present proper management of that and other resources of the Forest as contributing factors for the dependent individual and community welfare. Conclusion I want to repeat that all of you did a swell job this year and that our accomplishments were highly satisfactory. However, we are all human and therefore not perfect and are subject to improvement to a closer degree of perfection. We must constantly be alert to opportunities to improve our work and it is the purpose of this memorandum to point out more or less glaring instances where improvements are needed. I have not discussed all activities and only intended to cover sufficient grounds to give you examples of how our jobs can be improved. There are good chances to improve our work in all lines and I depend on your resourcefulness, ingenuity, and interest to again hangup the banner: "Another Year of a Job Well Done." Finally, I will take this opportunity to wish you, your families, and your personnel a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year. /s/ Karl L. Janouch
COPY NR Supervision Box 528 Memorandum Covering Work on Project This project was turned over to the Rogue River National Forest on December 3, 1943 with Mr. Dent acting area superintendent in charge. The project was assigned to the Lake of the Woods Ranger District with Ranger Sarginson responsible for general administration. All detail work continued to be handled by Mr. Dent. Mr. Dent handled the closing out of Kok-saghyz headquarters and shipping equipment back to its source. Preliminary work plans were prepared and were held pending final status of the project. Mr. Dent remained on the project until about January 20 when he was drafted. Ranger Sarginson handled the project from that date to present time. Mr. Herman Dill reported to the project on May 1, 1944. It is expected that Mr. Jaenecke will be in Klamath Falls May 9 to outline future plans for the project prior to liquidating it by June 30. Worden Tract The flooding of the Worden tract and subsequent action has been covered in detail by memorandums by Ranger Sarginson 1-11-44 and Zeno Dent dated 1-13-44. Flooding of the area continued until about February 20. Preliminary observations were made of the area by Ranger Sarginson which indicated practically total loss. Subsequent observation indicated a total loss from smothering, washing and in some instances freezing as an indirect factor. After these investigations Ranger Sarginson recommended cancellation of the Worden lease. Mr. Henzel was contacted as to whether he would liquidate the improvements on the tract but was not interested in doing the work so the area was liquidated by the Forest Service. Final liquidation was checked May 1 and nothing more remains to be done on the tract except receiving Mr. Henzel's approval of conditions. This has been requested in writing. The fall seeded area was a total loss and the roots were in such a condition that it was inadvisable to send any to the laboratory. Spring Lake Tract Instructions relative to the work to be carried out until the project is liquidated have been very vague and rather confusing at times probably resulting from the fact that we haven't always received copies of the correspondence. Mr. Wales' memorandum of March 14 therefore has been used as a guide in carrying the work forward to liquidation. Experiments on eradication have been carried out as suggested with some variation as follows. The BPI area because of the presence of heavy sod was plowed and then disc. Plot F was squared up eliminating areas of low plant density. The area eliminated was double disc. Plot A was squared up on the same basis as Plot F and the area eliminated was disc once and then run the sod weeder over it. Sampling Root sampling was done on three plots, A, E, F on April 22. Laboratory instructions were followed as near as possible and one 10# sample was sent from each plot. They were fresh samples of the entire plant. The samples were taken so that data could be obtained for determining weight per acre. However, more recent instructions have been received that indicate that another sample should be taken to determine weight per acre. This will have to be done late in June about the 20th to give time to eradicate the plants. The sampling method used in collecting the laboratory samples should be satisfactory for this purpose. Two foot segments were used on a 5% basis. Seeding Plot D and part of E was late fall seeded and to date there is no indication of any germination. A small plot of the area has been retained for future check and the rest has been eradicated and sowed to rye. The plants in plot E were eradicated by double discing and sod weeder then floated. It stood for about a week and was sod weeded and floated again. A small plot was then sowed May 3. The seeds were vernalized by the Lysenko soak method. A small plot has been layed off in Plot E for late spring seeding about June 1. Since the project must be liquidated by June 30 about the only information that can be secured pertains to germination growth. Some sample checks are recommended for this purpose as well as some information relative to emergence period and germination dates. Because of the short period of time involved no information can be obtained relative to weeding, cultivation, cost, etc. Irrigation will be necessary for a time following each seeding. Second Year Crop The second year crop will have to be weeded and cultivated twice because of the presence of large grass clumps. This work is under way and about ready for the second weeding and cultivation. Irrigation water is being arranged for and two irrigations may be necessary prior to eradicating. Considerable additional work will be necessary to prepare for irrigation. I believe it would be inadvisable to attempt to experiment with additional tools and methods since cost figures would not be indicative and purchasing of additional tools at this time is not justified. Would recommend continuing 1943 practices in this respect. Rogues Some re-roguing can be done before seed harvest and some sample checks run to determine effectiveness of last years roguing. This information appears to be of questionable value since some plants may have taken on rogue characteristics. Cross-pollination Insects for cross pollination are adequate in this area and the only possible check would be to screen off part of one of the plots. Plot A could be used for this purpose. Seed Picking Experiments of seed picking once daily vs. twice daily could be worked out by dividing Plot F into two parts. Seed Cleaning It is very doubtful if any value could be gained in trying to improve seed cleaning methods and thrashing because of the small amount of seed involved and the short period of time. I would recommend using last year's set-up. Property The Kok-saghyz property has all been inventoried and a condition survey made. The motor equipment used on the project has been reduced to the minimum of one panel. Some property on loan has been returned and it is recommended the remaining property on the project be reduced to the essential needs as soon as possible so that the actual liquidation can be done in the matter of three or four days. At the present time most of the property is chargeable to Ranger Sarginson and it would be advisable that it remain in this status until liquidation. General Administration Whether or not a full time technical man should be assigned to this project to June 30 depends entirely on the program established. However, it appears a competent farm hand receiving instructions and technical advice from Mr. Gross and Ranger Sarginson might serve the purpose. The matter of Mr. Dill's leave should be checked into as to how it will be handled. Submitted by Ranger Sarginson Field work in connection with securing type and volume data for that portion of the Applegate Working Circle in California was undertaken in the fall, and some of the initial acreage and volume figures were compiled. Because of the war demands, the Klamath Working Circle was considerably overcut during 1943 and 1944. Six-months' plans were made for the disposal of timber to operators in the Klamath area who would otherwise be forced to shut down their mills due to the lack of a supply of logs. Following is a letter to Judge Reeder concerning Forest Receipts: COPY I August 23, 1944 U. E. Reeder, County Judge Dear Judge Reeder: I am glad to submit information just received from the Regional Forester that your county's share of the receipts from National Forests will amount to approximately $111,334.50. This compares with $41,694.00 that your county received during Fiscal Year 1943. Whether or not future receipts will amount to this high figure is questionable and it must be remembered that the returns from timber sales for the past fiscal year were abnormally high due to accelerated cutting and high stumpage prices because of the war, and there is no prospect for maintaining receipts at such a high level during the post war period. This information is being submitted to you because it may have some effect on your budget for the present fiscal year. Very truly yours, /s/ Karl L. Janouch KARL L. JANOUCH cc: Rgr. Sarginson
District Rangers
TIMBER MANAGEMENT Operators continued cutting on Prospect Flat during the winter of 1944-45, largely on sales carried over from the previous snow season. Because of an open winter, it was possible to continue logging on sales above Union Creek, which ordinarily would not have been favorable. The first of the season logging south of Union Creek was sold, and the only timber on good winter logging chances left for 1945-46 was a small volume on three sales not completely cut. During the summer season, Medco continued logging a 1944 sale on Rock Creek, and the sale was cut out by early fall. Southern Oregon Sugar Pine Company was the successful bidder on a pine sale located between Bybee and Copeland creeks. They operated there during the summer. On the east side, Big Lakes completed cutting a sale on the Panhandle. A total of about 7,500,000 board feet of Shasta and white fir were moved on the sale. Several sales were in operation on the Butte Falls District. Medco operated on a 1940 and 1942 sale intermittently during the fall. In the Dead Indian area, Joe Hearin continued cutting on the sale made to him in 1944. A sale was made to the Jansen-Edmonds Lumber Company of Ashland in the late fall; however, because of bad weather and because the new Deadwood access road would not hold up under traffic in wet weather, only a very small volume was moved. Alpine Lumber Company completed their sale on the Applegate District. There was no other timber sale activity on the District during the year. Meetings with the Indian Service, War Production Board, and Fremont National Forest were continued during the early part of the year to coordinate the supplying of timber to Klamath Falls mills. A timber access road was constructed by the Public Roads Administration, under contract to a private construction company, from Crater Lake Highway south to Sevenmile Guard Station. In early August the CIO lumber workers struck for higher wages, and several operations were shut down until September when the strike was settled. In late September, the AFL struck, and the strike was not settled at the end of the year. Between the two, nearly all of the larger operations were affected, either in the mill or the woods. The cut of timber during the fall period was considerably less because of shutdowns. Soon after V-J Day, instructions were received to drop back to the sustained yield cut on those working circles which were being overcut. This order resulted in a refusal to make additional sales to Medco, Joe Hearin, and others, on the Rogue River Working Circle, and the refusal to place additional timber on the market in the Klamath Basin unit. During the year, 16 commercial sales were processed covering 102,515,000 board feet of stumpage at a value of $597,800. The cut for the year was 130,000,000 board feet of timber at a value of $648,000. One blister rust camp was maintained at Union Creek during the season. Work started about June 11 with some 130 high school boys 16 and 17 years old. Natural dropping out of the boys, plus the discharging of those not suitable for the work, gradually reduced the camp strength to approximately 40 in the middle of August at which time those remaining on the job were terminated to make room for Mexican Nationals who were to take over the work. Due to a change in orders, the Mexicans did not arrive, and no work was done for the rest of the season. A total of 4,477 acres were worked using 2,447 man-days during the season. The Medford Working Circle plan was revised to conform to the new working circle boundaries. Preparation of the Applegate Working Circle plan was being undertaken at the end of the year. Hiatt, Karl Janouch, Richard Tubman and F. G. Whitney covered the major portion of the Rogue River Working Circle and as a result of their findings, a cutting plan for the working circle was prepared. No planting was done during the year. GRAZING AND WILDLIFE As suggested in the 1944 record, temporary permits on the Rancheria range were discontinued this season. This largely accounted for the decrease in numbers of stock grazed on the Forest in 1945. A total of 3,677 head of cattle and 3,156 sheep were permitted to graze. Eight sales with waivers were made during the year, the maximum permissible reduction was made on six of the transactions. The Rancheria Cattle Company leased 2,345 acres of Medford Corporation land in the Rancheria range and was given a private land permit for 50 head of cattle. The Big Meadows allotment was used by cattle for the first time this season; 60 head were permitted there for a two-month period. Except for incidental field observations and the preparation of the annual report, no wildlife work was undertaken. No appreciable changes in numbers of any species of animal was reported deer, 7,270; elk, 50. Late trapping on the Upper Klamath Lake reduced the number of muskrat in that area as many females were taken resulting in a decrease in the population Buck Lake, in the south end of the Lake of the Woods District, was drained in the fall of 1944. Muskrat were forced to abandon their habitat there, and many were lost. FIRE CONTROL The greatest workload during the 1945 fire season occurred on August 8 with 60 lightning fires reported. Cooperators, ranchers and loggers, helped suppress fires and were credited with keeping several of them from escaping and turning into large ones. Personnel turnover was very great and inexperienced people were put to work during the fire season. LANDS The Union Creek Resort changed hands in 1945 when the special-use permit was transferred from Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Regnier to C. P. and Dottie V. Yundt on April 30.
District Rangers
PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATION Lee C. Port, long-time ranger of the Applegate District, retired from the Forest Service in 1946. His successor was Loran J. Cooper, former District Ranger, Galice Ranger District, Siskiyou National Forest. The Assistant Supervisor position was eliminated January 1. FIRE CONTROL General fire danger was slightly higher than average with less than normal rainfall. One unusual incident occurred when the sun rays, focusing through a gallon jar of water, started a fire. The fire was only one foot in diameter, burning in rotten wood in slash area, when discovered by a Forest Officer approximately 10 to 15 minutes after it started. It was extinguished with the water from the jar. The fire season began April 26 when a 5-acre fire escaped from legal debris burning. Two new pumper units were provided in 1946. WILDLIFE Most species showed a slight decrease in number. Deer numbered 6,400. A general increase in all hunting and trapping, both legal and illegal, was noted in the annual report. Two joint field trips were made by the District Rangers and State Police. A fenced cattle grazing observation plot on the Butte Falls District was made deer proof for future study. TIMBER MANAGEMENT For the first time since 1941, commercial Christmas tree sales were made on the Forest. The first of the two 1946 sales went to Henry H. Blake of Union, Washington, who purchased 5,000 lineal feet, and the other to Half Moon Fruit and Produce of San Francisco, for 4,500 lineal feet. Both sales were for Shasta fir and were understood to be headed for California markets. Purchasers paid 10 cents per lineal foot, four cents more per foot than the trees brought in 1941. The two sales brought $950. Other timber figures for 1946 showed 86,477,000 board feet cut, valued at $356,958; 178,475,000 board feet sold was valued at $368,516. Lumbering in Jackson County, following the general trend, boomed tremendously beginning with the war years. Thirty-nine new mills started operation in the county in 1946 alone, compared with a total of 26 plants running in 1941. Strikes had been a hindrance during parts of 1945 and 1946, and railroad car shortages were a continuing problem for the industry, but the outlook for the future was generally optimistic. Accelerated cutting and high stumpage prices, because of the war, sent the counties' share of National Forest receipts to new highs during those years. Some doubt was expressed, in correspondence, that receipts would remain at such a high level during the post war period. To illustrate the fiscal results of emphasis on timber sales during the war, the following figures for Klamath and Jackson Counties' share of receipts from National Forest lands within their boundaries are given:
Klamath County was third highest in its apportionment of funds in Region 6 in 1943, topped only by two counties in the State of Washington with funds from the Olympic National Forest. In 1944, Klamath County's share of funds was second in the nation, topped again by one of the two counties in Washington which had exceeded it in 1943. In 1945, however, Klamath County's share of funds, $96,040.50, was the highest in both Oregon and Washington and, probably in the country, since its two competitors for honors in the State of Washington were below it. Total Rogue River Forest fund collections in fiscal year 1942 were nearly $20,000 less than Klamath County's 25 percent of funds alone in 1945. Total collections dropped from $606,457.79 in fiscal year 1945 to $388,806.11 in 1946. Blister rust control work was first contracted on a small scale in 1946. LEE CHAPIN PORT Lee C. Port was born July 19, 1889, at Tempe, Arizona, son of Andrew J. Port and Frances M. Port. The family moved to Seattle, Washington, shortly thereafter. When Lee was about three years old, they moved to Northwest Oklahoma where his father took up a homestead. They soon opened a country store. Lee's father died about 1893 and his mother continued to run the store. Lee's early schooling was in Port, Oklahoma, under Albert H. Peachey, school teacher. The Peachey family moved to Southern Oregon about 1901, and to Ashland in 1908. Lee and his mother moved to Jacksonville in 1905 where Lee's sister, Mrs. Minnie Davis, lived. Lee Port was married on December 24, 1912, in Ashland, to Maude A. Peachey, daughter of Albert H. Peachey mentioned above. In the summer of 1912 Lee worked for the Forest Service with two other men on telephone and trail construction and maintenance in the vicinity of Fourmile Lake. That fall and early winter he was blacksmith for a Forest Service construction crew on the Ashland Canyon Road. Port received a temporary appointment as Forest Guard, Crater National Forest, on June 1, 1913. His pay was $900 per year as Forest Guard at Sterling Ranger Station south of Jacksonville. During the summer of 1914 he served as Forest Guard at Lodgepole Ranger Station working for James J. Simmerville, Forest Ranger, Mosquito District. He served as Forest Guard at Hutton Ranger Station, Applegate District, during 1915, 1916, and 1917 working for Forest Rangers Steve Moore and Joseph Mackechnie the last two years. He was reassigned as Forest Ranger on January 19, 1917, at a salary of $1,100 per year. During the fall and winter months, the Forest Rangers and some Forest Guards worked on road construction and other improvement work when funds were available. Port worked on the Trail Ranger Station road and the Dead Indian Soda Springs road. Ranger Joseph Mackechnie was transferred to the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, on April 9, 1918. Lee Port was assigned as District Ranger, Applegate District, replacing Mackechnie. Due to World War I, qualified men were scarce. The eight ranger districts on the Crater National Forest were reduced to four. Port took over the Ashland District as well as the Applegate District and managed them as one district. Incendiary fires were common on the Applegate, some being set by stockmen to encourage growth of grass, and some by people who wanted work. Lee Port had a natural talent to work with these people. He was conscientious, sincere, and dedicated to his work. He was also firm and this trait won for him the respect of the people. Very few roads were available. Trails were numerous. Horseback was the mode of transportation. Telephone lines were built to lookout points, way trails were built to facilitate access to remote areas. When the Civilian Conservation Corps was started in March, 1933, the first camp in Region 6 (Oregon and Washington) was set up at Seattle Bar on the Upper Applegate River. Later another camp was located on Carberry Creek. During the CCC days much progress was made in road, trail, telephone line, and building construction. World War II started December 8, 1941. Soon after the first of the next year, orders were received to operate several lookout stations as aircraft warning stations. Wood had to be hauled and the buildings winterized for continuous occupancy. Roads were blocked by snow, but these stations, so important to the war effort, were occupied on schedule. Mrs. Lee (Maude) Port, Mrs. "Slim" (Hazel) Pennings, and Mrs. Jack (Fern) Crump served as telephone operators at Star Ranger Station. They, as well as the aircraft observers, maintained a 24-hour vigil, observing and reporting all aircraft seen or heard. Lee Port was one of those stalwart individuals who, through dedication to the job and to the Forest Service, operated his district with distinction. The local people, his crew, his co-workers, and his superiors all respected him. He worked long hours. His day's work was usually from 10 to sometimes 16 hours a day. He saw the transformation of the Applegate District from an inaccessible area grow into a fairly accessible area, with telephones replacing signals on the lookouts, and finally radios augmenting the telephones. He seldom lost his temper, but was prone to do so if horses or mules were mistreated. Mrs. Port, Maude, was his support, his counselor, and his steadfast companion. She served not only as family nurse and the district nurse, but also as nurse for the Upper Applegate Valley. Many times she ministered to the sick and ailing in the Valley; at times walking to their homes, night or day. She baked cakes and cookies and made up Christmas baskets for Lee to take to the miners and other people living within the district. At one time she hiked to a fire to tell the fire boss about another fire in the vicinity. There was no one available to act as messenger or to go to the other fire. She has the distinction of having a mountain named after her - Maude Mountain, north of Seven Lakes Basin. Lee Port suffered a heart attack in the fall of 1945 while working on a fire in Dutch Creek. He worked long and hard to hold the fire under control until the crew arrived. In February 1946 he had a coronary attack and retired from the Forest Service August 20. He passed away August 15, 1956. He is survived by his son, Lee C. Port, Jr., Assistant State Forester, Salem, Oregon; his daughter, Mrs. Harland (Frances) Clark, wife of a Forester; and his wife, Maude, now Mrs. Joe Thornton of Medford, Oregon.
District Rangers
MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES The first post-war issue of "The Rogues" was published in July with a second publication following in August. Each of the six districts submitted items of interest, including the following: Chick Sullaway, Klamath District: "After spending the war years cooped up in a single room of the Post Office Building, we have finally been juggled around so that we have two rooms. The Internal Revenue Agent was very disconsolate over the change but owing to his intermittent occupancy the Post Office officials believed that we had more use for the larger, better lighted room than he did. We believe this will put us partially out of the Union Creek-Prospect class from the standpoint of cramped quarters." Doug Finch, Union Creek: "Things are running as smoothly as can be expected at Union Creek. Especially with two District Headquarters in one office." District Ranger Foiles, Butte Falls District: "The 'trail beetle' is working out very satisfactorily." The Applegate trail crew acquired a "beetle." NOTE: Beetle a small gauge caterpillar type tractor. Ashland Ranger District received FM radio equipment in July. This was the first FM equipment on the Forest. "The present equipment consists of a headquarters set in Ashland office with remote control set in the Thomas residence, Wagner Butte Lookout, Robinson Butte Lookout, brush crew pumper truck and the Ranger's pickup. All of the radios are 30 watts operating on 164 negacycles." - Harold A. Thomas TIMBER MANAGEMENT A. E. Smith reported in July: "Log production has been slightly below our previous average for the Union Creek District this spring, but we are making progress with road construction. A logging access road which will make available 15 million board feet in the Mill Creek Area and additional timber on Huckleberry Mountain will soon be ready for travel. The construction is being done by contractors. If it shapes up as the contractor claims, we will need quite an adequate sign system to keep the tourists from mistaking it for another Crater Lake Highway." Forest timber cut, 60,742,000 board feet, valued at $358,593; timber sold measured 63,375,000 board feet valued at $370,046. Christmas tree sales amounted to $5,333. Jackson County's first tree farm was dedicated January 14. It was Elk Lumber Company's Rogue Elk Forest Tree Farm and was the only tree farm in the United States to be certified by both the Western Pine Association and the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. The Southern Oregon Conservation and Tree Farm Association was organized in March. The Board of Directors consisted of A. W. Lingaas, Jackson Creek Lumber Company, Central Point; Chauncey Florey, Southern Oregon Sugar Pine Company, Central Point; E. W. Pease, Trail Creek Lumber Company, Medford; H. E. Brown, Brown Brothers Lumber Company, Grants Pass; T. G. Ross, Ross-DeArmond Lumber Company, Cascade Gorge; R. Reynen, Fir Milling and Planing Company, Ashland; and W. V. Johnston, Johnston-McGrew Loggers, Medford. FIRE CONTROL Twenty-five Class A, five Class B, and one Class C fire accounted for the total 31 fires on the Forest in 1947. The number of lightning fires, seven, was the lowest on record, compared with an average of 70. Man-caused fires were nearly double the average with 22 compared with an average of 13. Weather conditions were generally favorable and no control problems developed. Two fires, both man-caused, were reported in March, the earliest in the season for a number of years. Both were on the Applegate District. The first and largest was discovered in the Quartz Gulch area and burned over approximately 25 acres of brush and small trees on March 15. The next day a fire along the highway between Jacksonville and Ruch was discovered and controlled before it spread into the trees. WILDLIFE State Game Commission representatives poisoned five million trash fish in Fish Lake and Lake of the Woods preparatory to restocking. A study of the feasibility of beaver planting was made in cooperation with the State Game Commission on the Applegate District. Three beaver were planted in Silver Fork Basin along with other beaver plantings made by the Commission. A decrease in the number of predators and fur-bearing animals was noted in the report of estimated population. Estimated numbers of big game were 7,000 deer and 45 elk. LANDS "Three new natural areas have just been established in the National Forests of Oregon and Washington, under approval of the Chief of the U. S. Forest Service, according to announcement from the Regional Office in Portland. "One of these natural areas is a tract of approximately 2,000 acres, running strongly to virgin sugar pine, located on Abbott Creek within the Rogue River National Forest in southern Oregon. The other two are each a section in extent and are on the South Stillaguamish river, Mt. Baker National Forest in northern Washington. Predominant timber type in these two areas is cedar-hemlock." Medford Mail Tribune OPERATION A conference to plan development of multiple use activities of national forests in southern Oregon was held in Medford in February with Regional Office personnel and Forest Supervisors from southern Oregon in attendance. Horace J. Andrews, Regional Forester, and L. H. Douglas and John C. Kuhns, Regional Office assistants, conducted the conference. Supervisors attending were H. C. Obye, Siskiyou National Forest; M. M. Nelson, Umpqua National Forest; M. L. Lowden, Fremont National Forest; and Karl L. Janouch, Rogue River National Forest Within a few days a ranger meeting was held to develop definite work plans for watershed protection and coordination of forest activities. The meeting was conducted by Howard Phelps, James Frankland and Walter Lund from the Regional Office with Rangers Appleby, Beeman, Cooper, Foiles, Sarginson and Thomas attending. RECREATION Thirty-one members of the Mazama Club climbed Mt. McLoughlin early in June and placed a registry book on top of the peak. The group made headquarters at Lake of the Woods. They reported that the only thing "miserable about the trip was the ride over Dead Indian road which is in bad shape."
District Rangers
Albert Hansen was detailed to Chelan from September to December to help on emergency flood control work (supervisor of the Forest warehouse at Twisp). Duane Bergstrom pinch hit for him during his absence from the Rogue River. Mrs. Mildred Hart, "formerly worked here and more recently has been at the Chamber of Commerce office, was welcomed back to handle timber sale records, among other things." Janie V. Smith, The Rogues, September issue. Grace Andrews, Wildred Rose, Bea Williams, Mildred Hart, and Marlene Worden were named to participate in a clerical force show-me trip. Hugh B. Rankin, Crater National Forest Supervisor from June 1, 1918, to July 8, 1932, and Rogue River National Forest until November 30, 1933, died September 15 at Santa Clara, California. In tribute, Janie V. Smith wrote of him in the October issue of The Rogues: "Mr. Rankin came to Medford as Supervisor in 1918, having previously been assigned to the Willamette (then Cascade) and Whitman forests. He piloted this forest through the development era, which began with the acquisition of its first motor vehicle and ended with the establishment of five CCC camps. His early administration was recognized as outstandingly successful in the control of a man-caused fire situation which had previously occasioned enormous annual losses and which has been considered all but impossible to remedy. He was one of the first proponents of forest transportation and communication facilities, and we still enjoy many forest improvements which remain as a memorial to his vision and foresight. For those of us who were privileged to work with him, even more lasting is our memory of him as a considerate superior and loyal friend." MISCELLANEOUS In January 1948, the entire Rogue Basin was flooded. Ashland Creek flooded stores and Ashland was without drinking water for thirty days. All of the Ashland Creek bridges above the dam were washed out. No severe wind throw of timber was noted. Heavy rains on the Ashland District in the late summer caused relocation of the creek and flood damage at Dead Indian Soda Springs Forest Camp. First printed reference to the present Forest Service safety motto, "No job is so important and no service so urgent that we cannot take time to perform our work safely," appeared as a quote of the Regional Forester, H. J. Andrews. Safety records seem to have become emphasized about this time more than they had been previously. TIMBER MANAGEMENT An experimental project was in progress on the Applegate District in control of Douglas-fir mistletoe on a Yale Creek sale area. Infected young growth was marked and removed. Some small areas were to be clearcut and planted to ponderosa pine. Timber cut and sold figures for the year were: cut, 62,093,000 board feet, $568,016 value; sold, 195,588,000 board feet, $2,247,631 value; Christmas tree value, $2,063. FIRE CONTROL Thirty-one Class A fires and one Class D fire burned a total of 270 acres inside the Forest boundary; lightning-caused, 22; smokers, 5; campers, 1; the remaining four were from miscellaneous causes. WILDLIFE Estimated big game population: 6,400 deer, 40 elk. Estimated use: 2,800 big game hunters; 8,020 small game hunters; 30 trappers; 5,500 fishermen. COPY ROGUE RIVER ORGANIZATION CHART 1948 Effective February 16, 1948
Supervisor will delegate jobs falling under his responsibilities, when possible, to appropriate Staff Officers and project assistant. Project Assistant - Forester Wallace Robinson mainly cruising under William E. Bates and other work as assigned by Bates. *Except those jobs assigned to Forester Don J. Stoner OTHER Given below are the reasons for dropping the Prospect District: COPY Regional Forester April 7, 1948 A recent conference with Assistant Regional Forester Mays brought about a drastic change in the boundaries of the protective unit of the Rogue River National Forest. This change in boundaries results in a considerable reduction in the work load on the Prospect Ranger District. While the work load still justifies a Ranger District there are several complications which should effect consideration of combining the Prospect Ranger District with the Union Creek Ranger District and eliminating the Prospect Ranger District.
COPY Regional Forester, April 7, 1948, Page 2 I am not going into the personnel organization at this time that I would recommend for the combination ranger district, but I am quite sure we would not have use for one of the two rangers. We have plenty of work but the ranger is too high a grade for the type of work that we have to perform. Secondly, much of the work would have to be performed under the remaining ranger and that would not be advisable. I shall be very glad to discuss this proposition at the coming Supervisor's meeting. /s/ Karl L. Janouch Attachment
District Rangers
MISCELLANEOUS Requirement for campfire permits on the Forest was cancelled. A basement was constructed under Star Ranger Station to provide a furnace room and storage space for the office. Four ranches changed ownership on the Applegate District during a 30-day period. Three of the four had grazing preferences. In August, each ranger district was requested to contribute seed bearing cones for the tree planting program. Sugar pine, ponderosa pine, white pine and a small amount of Shasta red fir seeds were needed to fill the Forest's quota. There was a bumper crop of cones in 1949. An unprecedented freeze on June 28 destroyed considerable of the spring growth of Douglas-fir, white fir, and Saddler oak on the Applegate District. Exposed southeast slopes were mainly affected. The temperature at Dutchman Peak Lookout was down to 22 degrees. Abbott Butte Lookout on the Union Creek District reported half an inch of snowfall that day. The Butte Falls District was experimenting with eight or ten different species of grass and clover to determine suitability on various sites. Several acres of mountain meadow, 400 acres of freshly logged land, and 150 acres of accidental burn were included in the experimental planting. FOREST MANAGEMENT Tree planting on the Ashland District included 13 acres of ponderosa pine near the Dead Indian Road at a cost of $13 per acre. Seven hundred and eighteen trees were planted per man-day with 890 trees planted per acre. Areas clearcut and burned the previous year were being planted to ponderosa pine on the Union Creek District. Contractors on the project were planting an average of one acre per man-day, or about 560 trees per day. Total acreage to be planted was 140 acres. Timber cut and sold figures for the year follow: 42,250,000 board feet cut, 9,573,000 sold; values, cut timber $414,490; sold timber $37,858. Christmas trees brought $2,982 for 6,226 lineal feet. FIRE CONTROL A total of 80 fires were classified as follows: Class A, 58; Class B, 13; Class C, 4; Class D, 5. Forty-nine of the fires were caused by lightning. A total of 1,010 acres was destroyed. WILDLIFE Estimated big game population: black bear, 580; blacktail deer, 7,200; mule deer, 50; elk, 60. Estimated use: 2,050 big game hunters; 480 small game hunters; 14,100 fishermen. OTHER Following are excerpts from a letter to the Regional Forester by Karl Janouch: Attached you will find a chart outlining a proposed reorganization of the Supervisor's Staff. This proposed reorganization is being submitted for your approval for the following reasons:
I have long recognized that the Supervisor Staff is over-organized and because of over-organization, there is a great loss of time not only in the Supervisors's office, but in the field. The present organization consumes considerably more time of the Supervisor for supervision of a surplus number of employees and particularly for the coordination of each Staff Officer's efforts to carry out his particular responsibilities. In the field, each Staff Officer attempts to consume as much of the Ranger's time on the particular activity for which he is responsible without proper concern for the Ranger's overall responsibilities. By this I mean that in putting pressure on TM activities, the Ranger's time is consumed at the expense of Range Management, for example. The Ranger, through the necessity of contacting a large number of Staff Officers loses considerable ground. In the Supervisor's office, much time would be saved by the clerks in having less Staff members to "wait" on. There would be a decided and appreciable financial savings. My most conservative estimate indicates that at least $5,500 a year will be saved. There would be a considerable savings in man-hours that are now devoted by Staff men in studying, reading and discussing things of general staff interest. It is well recognized by authorities on Organization that few Line Staff men of higher qualification is the most proper arrangement. I also recognize the dangers in the proposed organization and the most outstanding one would be that there would be a tendency of Project men to expand and grow into "line" activities. I think that this can be and should be easily avoided if the Line Staff Men function as they should in the supervision of Project men assigned to them. For the past two or three years I have been devoting my efforts towards the development of Rangers to fully act as "Unit Managers On-The-Ground." In my opinion, the Rangers on this Forest are fully qualified to act as such and therefore need less supervision by staff than has been given during these past two or three years. Of course, I recognize that some Rangers are more developed as Unit Managers than others, but those that are not fully developed at present can be easily qualified without interference with the overall administration of the Forest. I so strongly feel that there is every advantage to the Service, and particularly to this Forest in reorganizing the Rogue River National Forest Staff, that I recommend its most early approval and I do this with a full consideration of disadvantages which I consider are of a minor nature and which can be circumvented without sufferance. See the following page for the chart which was attached to this letter.
Below are excerpts from a list of - IMPROVED FOREST CAMPS OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS 1949 * * * * * GENERAL INFORMATION * * * * * Charges for Camping and Picnicking Ordinarily the Forest Service makes no charge for the use of facilities at its campgrounds and picnic areas. However, during recent years, the funds made available to the Forest Service have not been sufficient to maintain essential sanitation and fire protection on all areas, and to keep them usable. As a result of repeated suggestions from Congress that recreational use should bring in some revenue to offset in part the cost of constructing, maintaining, and administering national forest camp and picnic areas, the Forest Service will charge for the use of certain areas this year on an experimental basis. During the 1949 season, charges will be made at the following campgrounds: * * * * *
* * * * * Charges for the use of the above campgrounds during 1949 will be:
Additional charges will be made for such services as split fire wood, lockers or checking arrangements at bath houses. * * * * * ROGUE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST
* * * * *