This volume of history is dedicated to Miss Janie V. Smith, who began her Forest Service career in 1920 on the Crater National Forest, and ended it thirty-nine years later on the same Forest after its name was changed to Rogue River. Miss Smith was born November 2, 1899, in Sandusky, Ohio. She was appointed to the Crater National Forest as a stenographer on February 4, 1920. Prior to this, she attended Oregon Agricultural College, now known as Oregon State University. From the first, it was apparent that Janie (as she was affectionately called by everyone who knew her) possessed the attributes for outstanding achievement. Within ten years she was appointed Chief Clerk. In 1939 she received a promotion to Administrative Assistant, and in 1957 became the only woman in the U. S. Forest Service to hold the title of Administrative Officer. Without exception, the five Forest Supervisors under whom Janie served had high praise for her ability and sincere devotion to duty. It was she who helped each new Supervisor become oriented quickly, and kept him advised on business management phases of Forest Service Work. Janie's retirement on May 31, 1959, was that in name only. Not one to idle, she contributed many hours of volunteer work at the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital; and always was helping someone - a fact she disparaged. On September 29, 1965, Janie died - and the loss was keenly felt. For years, to mention the Rogue River National Forest was to think of Janie. For many of us, this is still so. We are proud to have known her, and respectfully dedicate this book to her memory.