History of The Willamette National Forest

PHOTOS (continued)
Hills Creek Dam, 1964.

Old growth Douglas-fir with hemlock understory along South Santiam Highway near Sheep Creek. Elevation about 3,300 feet. 1944.

Snag falling with a gasoline driven power saw on the Tumble Creek Fire near Detroit, 1941.

Bill Fletcher of Dexter cuts on old-growth western red cedar on a small timber sale on the Lowell Ranger Distict, 1962.

Freshly fallen tree to be cut into logs and skidded to railroad bed, c. 1903.

Logging scene at Westfir, Oregon, 1925. Southern Pacific Co. Photo.

Loading Douglas-fir logs onto logging truck in Box Canyon, 1957.

Filling a logging balloon at a landing, c. 1977.

Cat yarding logs top a landing above Cougar Reservoir, 1957.

Aerial photo of a Goodyear Aerospace Vee-Balloon, over Deception Creek, Lowell Ranger District, 1966.

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Last Updated: 08-Dec-2008